((Thanks, sorry for delay, had a busy weekend at my dad's house. Couldn't get to the computer D;))
Sona's eyes scanned curiously over the museum exhibits. She'd seen all of them dozens of times, but she never got tired of looking at them, seeing how many new details she'd spot. She wandered slowly past the paintings, and then she looked over the sculptures. The art room of the museum was her favorite, and always had been.
With only small interest, she paced into the archeology section of the museum, walking through endless corridors lined with small fossils of ammonite and such. In the main room more exciting displays were shown, featuring things such as ancient fossilized plants and dinosaur skeletons. She especially liked the wooly mammoth display, and with great excitement she approached the mammoth, glancing over the large beast. The creature was portrayed perfectly in its sculpturized form, its head raised proudly.
It was when she finally tore her eyes from the exhibit that she noticed an unfamiliar sight. A piece of tattered and weathered paper hung from the wall by only a thumbtack, looking as if even the most gentle breeze and it would disintegrate into the wind. She approached it unsure, feeling an odd vibe radiating from it.
When she got into close view of the paper, she quickly realized that it was more than just paper.
"A map...?" She questioned to herself.
"Yes." A voice boomed with a strong tone out of nowhere. Moments later a figure appeared from around the corner. It was Heidi, a local archeologist. "This isn't your average pirate treasure map, though. I only wish I could read it...." She gave a troubled glare.
Sona took this in but didn't give a response, instead glaring closer into the map. "Swan Tiara...." She read, tracing a blurred line. "That's all I can read...." She tunred to Heidi, who looked baffled.
"Oh, my dear! You are a hero, or, you are going to be at least. If you can read any part of this map that means you are destined to wear an artifact and fight against evil. But don't fret, you will have others by your side to help you." The woman smiled.
Sona glared at her as if she were insane, having trouble believeing her words.
Hiedi started again. "You see, the artifacts were hidden in two locations, three artifacts in each. This map shows the trail to both locations." She paused, removing the map from the wall. "Now we only have to wait for the others, I hope they show soon..."
Sona still stood in disbelief. This couldn't be true. Thinking back, however, she did recall a story her father had told her long ago that was similar to this situation.
((Not the best intro, but I'm short on time, so it'll do~ Thanks for being patient, guys.))