The birds may sing for you but they are only under my control .(All welcome.)

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2:54am Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 2,052
"I'm sorry to hear about her leaving." Rebecca said, quietly. She shapeshifted into a dragonfly.

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2:58am Dec 7 2011

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personality-shy and very obedient 
and always tries not to get in trouble, but somehow does....


Taylor walked up to Rebecca, "Hello, I am a servant that has no home. I was wondering if I could serve you, and inn return, you grant me a home?"

7:41am Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 2,836
(( Is Confused where do i start))


9:11pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 36,303
(Well if your person goes to the normal high school then you are currently at school and if your person either doesn't go to high school or is going to the special high school then you are currently where ever you want to be.)

(Pancakez sorry but your bio and intro are not accepted please fill out the bio on the first page and make an entrance that could actually happen because right now Rebecca is inside of a house with Lilly ,Robin ,Rex ,Gwen and Hua and I don't think that Lilly would have a random servant in her house nor do I think that a shy person would walk up to somebody and say that. Sorry if I sound mean and I know you're new to this but can you please try and be a little realistic with your intro?)


9:14pm Dec 7 2011

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Lilly looked at her "Oh it's fine." she said "it doesn't bother me that she's gone ." she said "She used to yell at me a whole lot.".


2:49am Dec 8 2011

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Posts: 2,052
"Really?" Rebecca said. She buzzed a little in midair, still shapeshifted as a dragonfly. "I miss my parents...the vampires got, I hate those things." Then she looked upwards, sharply.

"Sorry about that." she said, somewhat sheepishly. Then she began to buzz a bizarre tune with her wings. "That tune's called Oracion. It means Prayer."

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3:00am Dec 8 2011

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Posts: 36,303
"Yeah really." Lilly said pulling out five cups " And don't worry about the tune it's kind of nice." she said staring to fill the cups with lemonade.

Rex slowly walked down stairs dressed in a pair of light denim jeans and a black t-shirt.


3:17am Dec 8 2011

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Posts: 2,052
Rebecca shifted to her human form again; for one thing, she couldn't drink properly as a dragonfly. For another thing, she thought it more polite.

"Hello." she said to Rex.

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3:25am Dec 8 2011

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"Hello." Rex said with a slight smile before walking over to his sister "You're a shifter?" he asked looking at Rebecca,


6:24am Dec 8 2011

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"Yes, I'm a shifter." Rebecca replied, demonstrating by shapeshifting into a dragonfly and then back again to human form.

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7:12am Dec 8 2011

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Posts: 2,836
(( Are you guys at the Normal or Special? I mean Your Charries))


9:46pm Dec 8 2011

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(Special )
"I saw you outside." Rex said "But I wanted to check if you were actually a shifter and not a Zorua.".


2:45am Dec 9 2011

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Posts: 2,052
Rebecca couldn't help bursting out laughing.

"Good one!" she laughed. "That one is always funny every time I hear it!" She managed to stop laughing after a moment.

"Seriously, you have no idea how many kids have asked me that." she said, and then giggled again. "I think they watch far too much Pokemon."

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7:17pm Dec 9 2011

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Rex smiled "My neighbors accuse me of being a witch. " He said with a slight laugh "Better then being called a zorua sure but aren't wizards the male equivalent of witches?" he said. 


3:57am Dec 10 2011

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"I certainly thought that wizards were the witches' male equivilent." Rebecca said, nodding. "And that IS better than being called Zorua...or Zoroark."

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3:00pm Dec 12 2011

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"Yeah I guess you're right." Rex said with a slight laugh "Come to think of it I've been called a ditto before." he said.


2:55am Dec 13 2011

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Posts: 2,052
"Really?" Rebecca asked, with a slight laugh. "I suppose that might be funny. After all, Ditto is basically a blob of jelly." Then she giggled.

"Come to think of it, I heard that there was a shapeshifter who DID transform into jelly once." she said, shivering a little. "Not that I'D ever try that."

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2:59am Dec 13 2011

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"I wonder if anyone tried to eat them." Rex said looking into his lemonade "It really makes you wonder doesn't it.".


11:26am Dec 13 2011

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Posts: 2,052
"I suppose so." rebecca said. "I'm glad I've never shapeshifted into food. An old friend once dared me to shapeshift into a cupcake, but I didn't want to."

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12:29am Dec 15 2011

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Posts: 36,303
"And you should never shift into a mirror or glass ob
ject." Rex said looking out the window.

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