6:46pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I'm online, but I dunno what to post. :/
7:19pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((EDIT: Image. I had a Typo.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:25pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Det: You've already posted your intro, so you're fine for now. We're waiting on Paige and Grave to post their intros. Nom: Oh! I thought that it stood for something. Haha.))
Love is all we need~
8:22pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Sorry for the wait. D:)) "Alyssa, Alyssa, you've gotta see this!" Aaron shook his twin sister lightly, waking her up. She gazed at her brother with sleepy lilac-colored eyes, confused. "Wazzagoin'on?" She yawned, sitting up. Aaron grabbed her hand and got her out of her bed. "Come on. The sky looks so pretty tonight. Let's go look." Alyssa stumbled sleepily a bit before getting settled on her toes and walking hand-in-hand with Aaron. Outside their small cottage they shared with their mother was a large, open meadow with little white flowers dotted in the grass. The flowers were shining in the moonlight, which made it a very beautiful scene. Up above, Alyssa noticed the clear night sky and the full moon, a yellow color. Together the siblings lay down, ignoring the soft sounds of the forest of Mech that was literally fifty feet from their house. Aaron and Alyssa did this often. Sat or lay down in the grassy field, and looked up at the sky. It really was amazing. Sometimes they would talk, or point out a funny cloud or constellation. On a couple of occasions, they'd even seen a shooting star. Tonight was no different. They chatted softly and sparingly, about school or neighbors or even new crushes. The twins were close, and although they were very different, they shared a bond nobody could break. It was nice, just to have a calming and peaceful night...nobody to interrupt them or break the soothingness of it all. ((Kind of a fail intro. Sorry. D: I was unsure of what to post. Let me know if anything needs changing.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:16am Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((I also apologize for the wait... again. o_o Res escaped my mind for the night.)) Nero sat quietly at the edge of his bed, staring out at the moon through the window to his left, right beside his bed. His legs were crossed and his hands rested peacefully in his lap. The moon reflected crimson in his eyes as he stared at it, only occasionally blinking as a sign of great focus. The only sound in his room was the gentle snoring of white kitten, resting peacefully on his shoulder. Finally, his eyes broke contact with the moon as he turned to look around his room. It was simple. A bed, several bookshelves packed with books, several windows on two walls, a desk in front of one, his sword and staff resting against the wall of a corner peacefully, a wardrobe, and a door leading out into the hallway. How was even allowed in this place? He'd wondered that ever since he'd found out about his demon blood. Sure, he'd always been a little off. Considered a cursed child with unnatural eyes, but that had never made him think himself unholy. Still, he was half demon. He was unholy. So why was he allowed into a place of God? He wished just for once, things could be simple and explained to him simply. After a while, he felt his legs becoming stiff and he stood up, stretching without disturbing the kitten on his shoulder. He needed to get some fresh air and think... to think about his next move in slaying the other demon child. He didn't believe a word his father had said about the Emperor. Demons lied. However, he couldn't risk the chance of tainted blood in the human race, and he knew he could be the only half-demon child. He scratched the kitten's head to wake it up, then placed it on his own head as he attached his sword to his belt then strapped his staff to his back. The kitten held on, used to riding on Nero's head and shoulders. It'd learned how to cling to him without actually clawing at him. Nero didn't plan on being out long. He'd be back by morning at the latest, so he didn't bother with any sort of supplies. He simply poked his head out into the hallway to make sure he was alone before leaving the building. The warm air made him feel calmer, as he set out to wander the streets, letting his feet and subconcious lead the way.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:36am Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 496
((Here's Eric. When it's morning or at least close to four am, I'll have Maya wake.)) Eric, poised as the hunter, lowered his knife. "Sorry. I guess it's just these woods. They give me the creeps. It's like they're alive or something." he said, extending his arm to help the girl up. He lets hi pheasant drop to the ground in doing so, but he kept a wary eye on it, so as no one could steal it. He was not about to loose his meal just because he was helping someone up. "The name's Eric, by the way. Eric Mackerman. What's yours?" he asked, feeling the urge to at least give the girl who five seconds ago he'd been trying to kill his name, something for her to remember him by perhaps, although it was highly unlikely that anyone could ever forget the boy who was going to eat quail and kill anyone willingly on sight.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:01pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Layla grabbed the boy's hand and pulled herself up. She kept a keen eye on the boy. He seemed to be nice enough now. "The woods aren't welcoming. We're the ones on the wolves' territory, you know?" She then replied to his question. "My name is Layla." She wasn't going to tell him her last name. He could identify her in seconds by that. "Listen, Eric. I'm looking for people who have... unusual things about their appearances." She sighed. "Do you know anyone who looks unusual, has strange marks on their skin, strange eye colors, or strange hair colors?" She doubted the boy knew anyone that had any unusual things about their appearances. After all, he looked like he lived in the forest.
Love is all we need~
1:28pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
After helping the girl who formally became known as Layla up, Eric bent down to pick up his half plucked quail. Feeeling the soft body once again in his hands, he stood back up. Perplexed that Layla, the girl who he had just met and almost tried to kill, was asking him if he knew anyone unusual. 'Um, yeah! He's standing rihgt before you with the dead bird in his hand.' he thought to himself, but he knew that this wasn't the answer. While he thought about it, he zoned out on what was going on around him. Layla sighed, and yet, Eric didn't seem to notice. It took him a bit, but he came up with his answer, or at least, the smartest one that he could think of. "Maybe I do... What price are you willing to offer for the information? I have the info. you might have something that I want." he said, his voice hinting cocky and arrogant, although not real flirty.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:35pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Layla thought. "What do you want?" She clenched her fists, and put her hand in her messenger bag, finding her pocket knife just in cast this boy decided to rob her. However, she kept her pocket knife hidden. She also had her other hand ready to send a shard of ice into Eric's arm. She had just left her house, and she was already being asked for things. ((FFFAIL.))
Love is all we need~