6:04pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 6:53am Mar 13 2010)
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Rose hid behind a bush peering through the branches she saw a wild lucario prowling around near a cave. She saw him look longingly at the 2 pokemon in the cave and the egg. "oh no" she thought "he's trying to get the poke egg!" Rose sprung from where she was standing bolted toward the wild lucario and attacked directly. "ha!" cried Rose. With her incredible speed she dodged every attack the wild lucario made. "Take that" She used razor leaf foolishly. She thought she had won when the wild lucario knocked her out.
6:17pm Mar 12 2010
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((Rainbow, if the Lucario is Reno, he is with Mira, his Trainer. e.o)) "Dawne! Don't go too far ahead!" "I won't, Daddy!" A small, tiger-like Pokemon quickly scurried through the little forested area, giggling before throwing open her dark wings to take to the skies. "Daddy! I can see for miles!" she called down to her father, who was MUCH larger than she was. "Be careful!" called her father, who was also a tiger-like Pokemon. He flicked his silver tail, ears twitching in different directions. "I am being careful, Daddy!" Dawne, the much smaller Pokemon, a Diga, called back. Her father, Night, a Tsukaiga, followed her below. "I don't want you hurt...." he murmured, ears flattening. Dawne was all he had left, his beautiful little daughter who was growing up so fast...
6:30pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 867
ooc; rainbow,I don't like it when other people control my characters,so could you please edit
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
6:32pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 6:35pm Mar 12 2010)
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Yuki dismissed the thought of Kaname being a stealer and switched to another subject."Hey Kaname,did you ever have a mate?"she asked,not knowing if she could be friends with him.She suddenly heard a crash from outside and padded out,leaving the egg covered with straw to keep it warm.What's going on out here? she thought and saw a leafeon running around.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
6:51am Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 6:54am Mar 13 2010)
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ooc, it's a wild lucario not reno and i took out the Yuki part
9:13am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 867
ooc;ok that's better now
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
4:47pm Mar 13 2010
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Rose looked up and saw a glaceon. She Came to a stop. "i'm Rose!" she said. "Who is that?" she said pointing with her nose at Kaname. " And you?" Rose said sniffing Yuki, she looked in her eyes. "Where am I? I remember a lucario who wanted to take a egg then I remember a battle and now i wake up here!" She brused up against Yuki then Kaname, the Yuki then Kaname. "Let me tell you about my past, i was born a eevee with my trusty handler Marie. Then when i was experienced I evolved into leafeon. That is when Marie did not want me any more, she wanted me to be a umbreon and mate with Kiro, her umbreon. She let me go in the forest and i drank from the river! The wrong river, of course how could I know< Marie always told me where I can drink! A vaporeon jumped from the river and attacked me! that is how i got this" Rose showed Yuki and Kaname her scare. " it used to be a bloody gash, bow a scare. Another handler soon picked me to be their pokemon, a handler i HATED! I ran away. Several more handlers tried to keep me but I escaped their clutches. I got more powerful each day.Pokemon battled me daily. I ran way so scared of everything. I wound up here where i battled that llucario and i believe I lost. Did i mention i hate trainers? I also hate water and vaporeons, mostly i hate everything that prowls in the water" Rose sighed and closed her eyes falling asleep on Yuki's back, a very very deep sleep. For once Rose felt secure.
5:00pm Mar 13 2010
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Angel could hear babbling from far away. " Who dat?" she asked Star. Star and Angel ran all the way to where Rose and Yuki where. " Patchi?" Star asked, poking Rose.Angel hid behind Star, who was acting like the leader.
6:48am Mar 14 2010
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Rose opened her eyes once more. She saw Star but not Angel. She growled at Star, all her hair stood up. "Battle!" she cried. "I always battle when I get annoyed" Rose announced. She blasted Razor leaf on Star followed by a attack of double speed. "Give up?" Rose asked. She had been through too much to let a new born pokemon win. Rose was soon sure Star had gave up so she fell asleep in Kaname's arms. Rose fell back inot her secure sleep.
11:54am Mar 14 2010
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Star cried, shooting bolts of lightning from her fur. " PATCHI!!" she cried. Angel was mad, she used take down, baton p*censored*, then sweet kiss." Don't make me get someone!" she cried.
3:32pm Mar 14 2010
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Rose hissed at Angel, then noticed Star was crying. 'I'm sorry" she said. "I lived a hard life, not knowing weather to trust or to run!" She saw the pachirisu was in pain. "OHH poor thing!" she said. "Idid not relize you were a baby when i saw you! I never saw a pachirisu before!" Rose was limping a bit from Angel's pattern of attacks.
2:06pm Mar 15 2010
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Angel glared at Rose, and used Take down once more before letting Star on her back. " You big meanie!" she said, running towards Momo. Star blinked and used ThunderBolt on Rose. " Meaine!" she chirped
3:54pm Mar 15 2010
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Rose did not know what to say. "You should know my past! Then you would understand" She yelled in tears. "Noone understands" Rose yelled running away.
10:18pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 867
Momo stood up,holding Angel and Star in her arms and watched the leafeon run away from them."Both of you were really good!"she said praising the pokemon with a poffin each.She looked up where a glaceon was walking steadily towards them. "Who are you?"Yuki asked,looking at the baby pokemon and then at Momo.She walked around them a couple of times before sitting down a distance away from them.She looked to her left where Rose was running and looked back,feeling some sympathy for her.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
12:13pm Mar 16 2010
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Angel giggled and bounced. "Tank you!" she chimed. Star sat down in Momo's arms and ate the poffin. " Patchiii.." she said sleepily. Angel looked back at Rose. She bounced over to her. " Well, you just attacked a new born pokemon, so that's a new low..." she said, handing her the poffin.
2:21pm Mar 16 2010
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"Ask the glaceon my history maybe you'll understand" Rose said. She darted at full speed into the bushes and tripped barely falliing off a cliff. She was dangling by a tree branch that wa breaking. "HELP" she cried hoping someone would hear.
3:24pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Mar 16 2010)
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ooc, may i summit another character? name: Poker gender: male Age: adult likes: (added this one) eating poke eggs, cpaturing pokemon and killing wurple species: chatot history: born Other mean evil mean did i mention mean? looks:
3:37pm Mar 16 2010
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Poker scanned the area. His wings were spread out as wide as they would go. He looked down and saw Rose, then he saw Yuki, Kaname, angel, star, and momo. He decided to attack the gang. He raced down at top speed landing on the tallest tree closest to the gang. He squacked and flew down to them attacking furiously. He used Tail whip then Sweet sent, making Angel faint. His power was tremendous. He darted down chasing Yuki and Kaname. The poke egg caught his eye. He ran over to it and lifted it up into the air wih his claws. Then he dropped it breaking it open. "So much for the egg weaklings!" he shouted. Then Rose called "HELP!!!" everyone froze. "HELP" Rose called again. "SNUFFFSNUFFF" she weeped loudly. Poker flew in her direction. Everyone knew what he was doing.
4:03pm Mar 16 2010
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((Hurr. I had a long post, but the computer I was on shut off, and I'm too lazy to retype it. >W< Basically, Dawne the Shiny Diga attacked Poker with a Dark Ball, while her father followed her flight from the ground. Reno saw the Chatot and read its aura and, sensing his evil, growled, moving int a protective stance in front of Mira in case the Chatot tried to attack her.))
5:33pm Mar 16 2010
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Poker fought off all of the defending pokemon with ease he shot a arial ace at Dawne and counter attacked Reno. He made Dawne confused and then knocked her down. Reno got hit hard with wing attack. For a moment it seemed Poker was unbeatable!!