5:43pm Mar 16 2010
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((Reno didn't attack. He's prepared for Poker in case he attacks Mira. owo)) Dawne fell to the earth, where she was caught by her father as he jumped out of the bushes with a loud roar, his saber fangs bared menacingly. He was many times the size of the Chatot, big enough that he would be able to eat the bird if he wanted to. Which he didn't. Yet. "Daddy! I want to fight on my own!" Dawne whined as she hopped onto the ground. She used Fly, then Darkball again, growling at the Chatot. ((Dawne's gonna evolve and get bigger soon~))
7:46pm Mar 16 2010
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"HELP!!" Rose cried. Poker dodged Dawne's attacks. He was unhurt and his attackes were stronger then ever. He flew toward Mira and used Steal Wing on her. He hit barely. He could see the furry in Reno's eyes. He loved it. He ued head but on Dawne's father. He did not faint. He saw furry in his eyes too. Poker was ready to kill. He had not yet released his true power. As attacks got thrown at him he decided to kill everyone. He bioled up all his power into one attack, shadow ball. With poker's power he could kill within 2 mile range. He shot it but it only hit Dawne. The others were hit but not harmed tremendously. "What!?" Poker cried. "MY SHADOW BALL!" He aimed in at Mira, she was already harmed a bit from shadow ball and steel wing. He put a all power steal wing at her. He might have killed her but his attack did not hit totally.
10:49pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 867
((excuse me for a moment,but Kaname was guarding the poke egg in the den and he's a jolteon,so he has the advantage there)) Yuki heard Rose's call for help and ran over as fast as she could,then stopped abruptly, seeing the sloping cliff."Hold on!"she yelled and used ice beam,freezing the branch and blew upwards to a tree,where she made an ice ladder.She jumped down and reached for Rose, when she heard a crack and looked behind her,where the ice was slowly breaking.I've got to hurry up! she thought,sensing danger from some distance.She caught Rose by the scruff and pulled her up,getting a grip on the ice,then she released her strength and finally pulled Rose to safety."Are you alright?"she asked.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
3:08pm Mar 17 2010
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ooc- poker fought him off "I THINK!" Rose called. "I JUST HAVE A BIG GASH!" Poker flew down to attack Yuki when Rose did razor leaf unexpecdidly. He was not hurt but needed a new approach.
4:12pm Mar 17 2010
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((Excuse me, but Shadow Ball doesn't kill anyone. owo It hurts, but it isn't deadly. And I hope you know, an angry Reno is a Reno you don't want to screw with. >3)) Mira cried out when the attacks hit, her Lucario responding first by catching her as she fell back, gently laying her on the ground before looking up towards the Chatot, scarlet eyes burning with fury. He used ExtremeSpeed and ran after the bird Pokemon, charging up an Aura Sphere in one paw, while the other was charging up his own Shadow Ball. Reno let out an enraged snarl, which was quickly quieted from the furious roar from Dawne's father, Night. The Tsukaiga finally launched himself into the air, his large wingspan carrying him effortlessly as he parted his jaws again, the dark-type attack of the Chatot doing little damage to he and his daughter, since they were Dark/Flying types, but the vicious attack of his daughter had set the father over the edge. His sharp saber fangs glinted in the sunlight, a dark sphere steadily growing in front of his mouth to be launched at the Chatot, the Tsukaiga using Night Slash right afterwards with a snarl. Dawne, who was actually hurt, still launched herself into the air, reaching her father just as he attacked the bird Pokemon. She charged up her own Dark Ball to launched after her father's, the little tiger Pokemon's ears pinned back. She glanced to the side as a Lucario, who was using ExtremeSpeed in order to jump higher, moved past her, the Aura Pokemon launching an Aura Sphere and a Shadow Ball. He looked furious!

5:39pm Mar 17 2010
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Poker saw everyone lunging. At first he was scared then he saw a way out, a silly was out. He flew up out of reach but the flying type followed him and hit him. His wing hurt a lot. But, Poker wanted to be strong so he faught the pain. Reno, not being able to fly, landed with a thud. He had barely hit Poker who was not fighting at his best anymore. When attacks were hit hit on him they hit more times then Poker could dodge them. Now he was almost too weak to fly so he did his grand finally attack... a combination. Of course with Poker so weak right now his attack was not so so so harmful. His combination was steal wing with with shadow ball. He missed completely crashing to the ground. That was the end of Poker, or should i say how it all started.
6:16pm Mar 17 2010
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((Dawne and Night are Dark/Flying types. C: Diga, Tirak, and Tsukaiga are same-type evolutions. All three are Dark/Flying. :D -bounce-)) Reno landed skillfully on his back paws, the ones that acted as feet, and straightened up, still growling. "You should learn not to attack a Pokemon's Trainer," he snarled, lips curling back before he turned to return to Mira's side, waiting for her to come to. ____ Night growled in satisfaction as the bird fell to the earth, ears flattened as he maneuvered himself to fly to his daughter's side, eyes widening as his daughter was enveloped in a bright white light. ((Dawne is evolving. :D I have to design the Shiny Tirak, though. >w>))
7:01pm Mar 17 2010
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Rose dangled helplessly, Yuki stood above her. "THE ICE I'M SLIPPING!" Rose cried. She screemed hoping the near by pokemon would hear. "HELLLLPPPPPPP"She cried. Yuki stood above. Rose looked at her. "HELP!" she cried. All of a sudden Rose slipped. "HHHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP"She cried. This time it was a matter of lief and death. Poker, got up snarled at Reno and did a final steel wing on him. It was harmless. "I DOO know not to attack a trainer" he yelled. then he flew away toward Rose. "LUNCH!" he yelled flying after Rose. Rose saw the furry in his eyes as he came. "YUKI!" she screamed as high and loud as she could.
7:11pm Mar 17 2010
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A black and purple light appeared in front of Rose. Out came, Ally the Mew, and Alex the MewTwo. " Hault, or you shall have a painful dillemma" Alex boomed at Poker. Ally lifted rose onto the ground and gave her an oran Berry. " Are you all right?" she asked sweetly.
8:14pm Mar 17 2010
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((-bounces- P: -still thinking about what colors to make the Shiny Tirak- >W<))
9:53pm Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 867
ooc;then Twolf would have to be here to battle Poker with Kaname Yuki watched as the mewtwo and mew flew out and stopped Poker.She wanted to do something,but she knew she couldn't fly,so she just stood there,waiting for something to happen. Yoru heard a commotion in the distance and flew upwards,leaving the umbreon behind."I'll be back,"he called and flew towards the trees at a high speed.He saw some leafeon somehow being carried by a chatot,and a mewtwo along with a mew,so he decided to land somewhere close by,when he caught sight of a glaceon and landed by her."What's happening?"he asked,watching intently. "Can't you see Rose is gonna' get eaten if someone doesn't do something quick!"she shouted and ran around in a wild frenzy.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
5:43am Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
"I'm okay" rose said. "Now get this chatot off meeeee!!!" Poker circled Rose. "I'm NOT SCARED OF ANY OF yOU" Poker shouted. Turning around he saw his last glimps of daylight before fainting of exaustion.
1:45pm Mar 18 2010
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Alex growled and put an indestructible pink bubble around Poker. " We don't need Pokemon like you around here" he said, holding the bubble. Ally used Barrier on Rose and protected her. " Dont worry" She whispered. Ally put her in a purple bubble and floated her to safety.She poked the bubble and it popped in a field of flowers.
2:22pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 2:28pm Mar 18 2010)
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Name:Dawn/Raven Age:Young adult/Yound adult Gender:Female/Female Species:Ponyta/Mightyena Your looks: http://www.pokemoncharacters.com/images/pokemon/262mightyena.gif http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:077Ponyta.png Your Past:Normal past, a pretty much perfect life, two parents./Rough childhood, parents were killed, and she was captured and trained to fight. She escaped later on and attacked her capturer. even though Mightyenas usualy obey their masters, she was beat all the time, and didn't want to endure it anymore. Any Other Info?:Dawn, and Raven are some how very close friends, even though they are complete opposites.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:39pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Poker faught Alex's bubble. It faought him more. "You are very strong MewTwo Now let me eat my lunch, I feel like mew and leafeon on the side" "Take them leave me!" Rose cried. "THEM ME THEM NOT ME" Rose faought the bubble ally put on her. "YUKI" She cried. "HELP!!!"
4:43pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Ally popped the bubble and caught Rose. " Hurry, my brother is going to take care of this." she whispered. Alex growled and used Confusion on Poker, making him do as he says. " You will not harm any pokemon ever again!" Alkex snapped, putting a bracelet around his neck.
4:53pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Poker fell to the groundand them got up again "Shadow Ball!!!" he criedd but nothing happened. "Steel Wing" he aimed at Alex and started moving but he steered out inot the wrong direction missing completely. Everyone knew if Poker was himself both those attackes would have hit. Finally Poker was good.
4:56pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Alex smirked, " If I ever run into you again, I will have NO mercy" he said, smiling. He grabbed the Chatot's leg and pulled him down. " You hear me? NO MERCY" he growled. Ally sighed in releif. " That Chatot won't hurt you anymore." she saod, handing Rose a small bell. " Protect this, if you are in Danger, just ring it" she said smiling.
4:57pm Mar 18 2010
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((I am going to add in another Pokemon. :D This one is NOT made up, by the way. P:))
5:16pm Mar 18 2010
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Name: Darke Age: Unknown. owo Gender: Male Species: Zorua Your looks: Your Past: Unknown. He just kind of...appeared here recently. owo Any Other Info?: He's not a made-up Pokemon. :D He is Zorua, the Pre-evolution of Zoroark, who is the star in the THIRTEENTH MOVIE, Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark. Beyond that, and the fact that he and his evolution are dark-types and that Zoroark is apparently capable of transformation, not much is known about this new species. OH. AND THERE'S GONNA BE A GENERATION 5, GAIS. oUo