The Chase [Wolf RP]

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12:21pm Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 2:59pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 1,391

((Good point. I only just realized that. =P *headdesk* I haven't been thinking clearly lately. I'm sleep deprived. 8D I think I will change it.))


((Edited the post with Millie to have her incident do with a blind wolf. =P I think I'm gonna go explain the entire thing in my bio. *rushes off to edit* Okay, I edited Millie's bio, so if anyone wants to read her history, that's fine. If anyone has any problems with her history, just tell me and I'll change it again.))


2:18pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 783


((Um... if it's been days since the pup died, I think maybe we should get rid of the body? I've heard of mother wolves burying miscarried pups in the wild. Do you think they do the same with pups that died of other causes? Just saying xD))



 Korven stalked away from the alpha. It took everything he had not to scream. He was far too angry to notice Vasark watching him. Instead, he focused on the sheer injustice of Cin dismissing him so easily. Couldn't he see? There were bloody paw prints on the ground. If whoever had done this was here now, there would be another set of tracks leading back into the den. But there wasn't. Korven didn't see why this was so difficult to comprehend. He had been called stupid many times, and perhaps it was true. But even Korven could see what had happened here. Yes, it was unexpected that Ailyn would turn out to be a killer. Who else could it have been, though? All evidence pointed to her. Unless the killer went to the stream first to wash the blood off and then returned to the den, he thought, then quickly pushed the thought out of his head. He was sure Ailyn had done it and he was going to prove it.

 Needing to vent his anger a bit, he went to find a friend of his, Aerya. It took him a few moments to find her. She had apparently gotten over the shock of the pup's death and was now moving onto the grief stage. Great. Wonderful, Korven thought when he found the sobbing mess she had been reduced to.

At first he tried to be considerate, saying "Aerya, it's okay. It's just a pup. You don't have to cry," but he soon gave up when she continued to sob in a pitiful heap. Korven opted instead to cut straight to the chase. "I know who killed the pup," he said.


"What...?" Aerya said, weakly. "Who?"

She hoped Korven wouldn't detect the disbelief in her voice. How could he have possibly figured it out this quickly? When he actually replied, telling her who the 'killer' was, her mind reeled. No, was all she could think. She wouldn't.

"I know Ailyn did it," Korven said defensively. Then, seeing the shock and disbelief in Aerya's eyes as she slowly sat up, he added "I knew you wouldn't believe me. Cin didn't either."

"No, no, no." she said quickly. "It's not that, it's just... Are you sure it was her? I mean, she seems pretty nice. I don't know if she'd be capable of something like this." 

What Aerya longed to tell Korven that he was being ridiculous. Ailyn would never do something like this, would she? Then again, maybe she did and it was an accident? Yes, somehow she must have killed the pup, but not intentionally. Didn't the same happen to the pack's omega once? Aerya had asked her about it once, but Millie didn't seem to want to talk about it. Out of courtesy, Aerya left her alone. Ailyn must have known that she would be punished like Vermillion was and ran before anyone found out. That could make sense, at least Aerya thought so.

"All right, Korven. I believe you," she said, leaving out that she thought it had been an accident. 


Glym was... still sleeping? 

((Sorry. Epic fail, don't know what to do with her o.o))


Xylon picked the last bits of meat from the hare's bones and licked its blood from his maw. Being a loner, he was careful not to waste anything. He had no one to watch out for him, so he had become very independent over time. He was still somewhat hungry but he decided to wait for a bit before he hunted again. Instead, he wanted to explore the forest for a while. He had pretty much accepted the fact that today would be another uneventful day.

((Tld, would you mind if Xylon ran into Ailyn at some point? Doesn't have to be now, but I think if Ailyn tried to explain her story to another wolf, it could potentially help develop the plot. Xylon's not hostile, either so maybe Ailyn could get help from him? I don't know, just ideas. Your choice.))  


3:50pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ I don't mind, and I'm not sure if this will spoil your plot, but how did the pup die? And why is Ailyn involved? x.o I'm not very sure of those factors xD ]]

Ailyn's ears pricked. She heard the panting of a wolf, and the thud of its paws. She lifted her head, narrowing her eyes at the forest in front of her. She could smell the wolf now, it was from her pack.

"No... Not so soon." She murmured to herself, heaving to her paws and hiding behind the rock. She peeked over her hiding spot, her blue eyes shining.


Roelm twitched his ears. He had heard Aerya and Korven. Vasark gave Roelm an 'I-told-you-so' look. Roelm shook his head.

"No, Vasark, Korven must be wrong." He murmured. "We shared our den with Ailyn when we were pups! She can't be capable of that." Vasark narrowed his eyes.

"We were just pups, Roelm! I don't know how much she has changed." He barked harshly. "I believe Korven. Ailyn's scent is all over that pup. I don't know what would drive her to do that, but Ailyn did it. Why else would she run?"

"If she didn't run, we would kill her anyway!" Roelm retorted. 


4:41pm Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 2:59pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 1,391

((Gavaar is already going after Ailyn. What should I have him do...))


Gavaar let out a low, rough, snort. He bared his teeth, frustrated. He scented her. He knew it was her. Ailyn. He lowered his nose to the ground. His eyes flickered toward a large rock. It was her. She was there. And yet, he felt that she didn't want to be found. Gavaar stared at the rock, trying to decide whether or not he would go and flush her out. He stood there for a few minutes, pondering his decision. And then he thought, 'If she doesn't want to be found, then maybe I should leave her be for now. The truth will come out eventually. It doesn't have to be now. I will be patient. I will find out. The truth is everything in a pack. It binds us. It makes us one. Loyalty, truth, honor, and respect. But for now, the truth must wait. Wait just a little longer.'

He stared at the rock and caught a glimpse of her pretty blue eyes, and he stepped back, dipping his head ever so slightly. He turned around and trotted in the direction he had come from, going back to camp. He shook his fur and increased his pace, his muscles sore, but his mind clear. A burning cramp spread throughout his chest. He had never run so fast or for so long before. But now he would run like the wind back to camp before the other wolves noticed that another wolf was gone. He knew Vermillion would keep her mouth shut, wouldn't give him away. That he was sure of. Everything else that was going on? No. He had no clue.


Millie saw Korven. He looked aggravated. She knew that he suspected Ailyn. Buyt Millie herself just couldn't bring herself to suspect Ailyn. She lay down, shut her eyes, and pretended to go to sleep, pretending to be exhausted from all that occured. Exhausted from grief. She pricked her ears tried eavesdropping on Vasark and Roelm's conversation. Roelm didn't believe Korven. But Vasark did. She tried to remain as still and as inconspicuous as possible, and she hoped it was working. She hated eavesdropping. It made her feel like some sort of criminal!


5:08pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 783

((It's my fault that you're confused, tld, I didn't make it clear enough in the intro. I know I mentioned something about there being bloody paw prints that lead to the very spot where Ailyn was laying. I also intended for her snout the be bloody so that it appeared as if she had mauled the pup. I'm thinking she was probably framed by... I don't know who, someone who had it in for her xD Whoever framed Ailyn would have killed the pup themselves, and perhaps (temporarily) dyed Ailyn's snout with the juice from red berries to, as i said, make it appear as if she had mauled the pup. At least, that's what i intended. She's involved because someone in the pack didn't like her and wanted her to be exiled/ killed. OR it could have been a loner who sought to disturb the pack for their own entertainment and cause them to turn on each other? 

Sorry, that was probably even more confusing o.o let me try that agin xD

Q. How did the pup die?

A. it was killed by another wolf. No one knows who did it except for the actual culprit. They chose to frame Ailyn for personal reasons.

Q. Why is Ailyn involved?

A. because it looks like she did it and she ran.

^ There, that's better.

Hope that answers your questions? Sorry about the confusion, it was entirely my fault for not clarifying earlier.))


5:26pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ So who would RP the actual killer? xD'' Or will it be an NPC? ]]

"Gavaar?" Ailyn whispered, watching him run away. She stepped out from behind the rock, feeling her muscles relax. Gavaar was a nice wolf, he would believe her, he would also believe Riko. She was afraid that it would've been a scout, sent by Cin and Angel. Vasark, maybe. He was one of the best trackers in the pack, and he was known to lack emotion at times. Ailyn shivered, turning around and trudging on, heading out of the forest.


"You're too trusting." Vasark snapped. "Just like how you let the red-pelted loner [Marra] hunt in our pack grounds last time. She'll come back. They always do." Vasark whipped around and trotted off towards Korven. "Korven!" Vasark barked. 

Roelm shook his head. "Vasark, sometimes you're too harsh." He murmured. 


5:47pm Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 2:02pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 783

((Not sure o.o" How about this, ANYONE WHO WANTS TO RP THE PUP KILLER, RMAIL ME.   That way we can have an epic plot twist at the end xD of course, It probably won't work, but at least we can try. And I have a n00b question for you, what does NPC actually stand for? I assume it means that nobody rps it (or perhaps that it is rped by the whole group?) Gawd I'm ignorant when it comes to rping terms xD))

 ((Killer definitely won't be NPC. Someone volunteered to RP him and it's going to be epic >8D))

Korven had just begun to walk away from Aerya, relieved that at least someone believed him. He was interrupted by a the barking voice of Vasark. Wondering what he wanted, Korven turned and said "Yes, Vasark? What is it?"


Aerya saw Vasark approach. Figuring he wanted to talk to the Beta alone, she left the two and walked off by herself. Then, seeing the familiar form of Glym, she changed course to go talk to her. 


As he walked through the forest, Xylon caught the scent of another wolf. Another loner? he thought hopefully. Xylon enjoyed solitude, but he hadn't talked to one of his own kind for far too long. This will be a nice change, he thought cheerfully, and set out towards the origin of the scent.  



7:35pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ Mmkay x3 Epic plot twist: a storm xD

I've always believed that NPC stood for non-playable character. It's just a role that gets tossed around and taken not-so-seriously. ]]

Vasark breathed in. "I heard you talking to Aerya, Korven. About Ailyn." He nodded his head. "And I believe you. We should send out trackers to find her, she hasn't been in her den all day, and her scent is stale."


[[ I guess Xylon is going towards Ailyn? o-o ]]

As Ailyn trudged down the forest, the wind blew her way, bringing an unfamiliar scent, but it was unmistakably the scent of a wolf. 

"Not another wolf!" Ailyn growled. "But at least it's a loner." Ailyn froze. A loner... Could this wolf possibly be the pup murderer?


9:02pm Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 2:59pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 1,391

 ((This post was waaay longer than I meant for it to be. >_< Sorry. Gavaar is so loyal it's kinda sweet, but you know, it's a little... creepy. :3))


The moment he began running away from Ailyn to leave her alone, Gavaar immediately regretted it. He should've stayed with her! He should've! What if trackers were sent from the pack and they killed her? Shaking his head, Gavaar was torn. He didn't know what to do. He decided to go back. He couldn't have Ailyn killed. She was innocent. He knew it. An innocent shouldn't have to die. He needed to make sure that no harm would come to her. The pack would definitely kill her! He couldn't allow that to happen, even if it meant that he would die too. He would have to try. Gavaar was filled with a new purpose. To make sure that Ailyn didn't die. He paused for a moment, reconsidering. Would he actually die to try and protect Ailyn? Considering it for a moment, he thought about it, and twitched his nose. He would. He'd do anything for her! She was his pack member! And then, he flashed back to a day when he was talking to his friend, Vermillion.


"Millie, what do you think my greatest weakness is?"

"I'm not sure, Gavaar. What's my greatest weakness?"

"Hmm... I guess that you're too shy. You never speak. Just because you're the omega doesn't mean that it forbids you to talk. I can't believe they made you omega! It wasn't your fault!"

"It's an honor being omega. I probably should've been killed. It was my fault, Gavaar. I was the reason he died. It was my fault. I should've protected him. I was... being selfish. I hunted down a rabbit because I was hungry and I thought he might've been hungry too! I should've been killed because I caused the death of a fellow pack member."

"You didn't cause his death. You didn't kill him directly!"

"That may be, but I'm still the sole reason he's dead. I wasn't watching over him!"

"He was blind! It's not your fault he couldn't see where he was going and he slipped!"

"I should've been watching... I should've been watching..."

"It's okay, Vermillion! Stop moping. It's alright. I don't blame you. He's in a better place! Sure, it was horrible and I grieved a lot that day, but it wasn't all your fault. Calm down, Millie. I wouldn't have let them kill you! I would've stopped them! You're my friend. I would never let that happen!"

"I got it,"


"I got it. Your greatest weakness."

"What is it?"

"Your greatest weakness, Gavaar, is personal loyalty."

".... Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yes, but sometimes when your greatest flaw has good intentions, it can be all the harder to prevent and to withstand because you have a clear, good motives."


"It may also have worse consequences. You would go to the ends of the world to save your friends and family. But you never think about the risks. Imagine what could happen! If you failed, not only could you die, but your friend could die too. Better to have one dead wolf than two. You would allow the world do be destroyed, as long as your friends would be okay. You would die for your friends."


"That is your greatest weakness, your flaw. Remember that."


Gavaar considered her words. The memory hit him. "You would die for your friends. That is your greatest weakness, your flaw. Remember that." Personal loyalty. That was his biggest and most dangerous weakness. Maybe he should reconsider. Guilt swelled up in him. If Ailyn died, he would never forgive himself. He paused, and started going back to camp. Then, a steely, confident glint rose in his eyes. Determination swelled in his chest. He turned around and ran. He ran to go find Ailyn again. To make sure she wouldn't die.


Sighing, Vermillion padded quietly to her den, saying nothing. She stared at the ceiling of the den, curling up in her nest of itchy, scratchy bracken. As an omega, she had the smallest and worst nest. She wished for a fluffy nest of moss and feathers, but she couldn't have that. She didn't deserve it. She was an omega.


2:53pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Okay, thanks Tld. Makes sense. Someone volunteered to RP the killer though, so it definitely won't be NPC :3)) 

Korven looked at Vasark. He listened, taking in the other wolf's words. He believes me, Korven thought with a sense of accomplishment. I didn't even have to convince him. Better yet, he's willing to help me find her. 

He nodded to Vasark, grinning despite himself. "Only problem is, Cin doesn't believe it was her. Angel hasn't given her opinion yet, but I have a feeling she wouldn't approve of us chasing after Ailyn. After all, we don't actually have any proof... Guess we'll just have to send out our trackers in secret. Only a few at a time, or Cin may get suspicious."

Korven could feel excitement begin to course through his veins. The killer will be caught and justice will be served, he thought. 


((Don't worry about it Sugar xD I love how Gavaar is all noble and loyal to his pack and my Xylon is just bored. Same objective, very different reasons))

I'm getting closer, Xylon thought as the scent became stronger. But... I smell fear as well. The wolf is scared. Of what?

"Hello?" he called uncertainly. He couldn't see the wolf, but he could tell he (or she) was very near. What could this wolf be scared of? The cougars had been leaving wolves alone lately for the most part. Bears didn't have any interest in wolves either, unless one happened to threaten one of their young.  

"Where are you?" he said. Then, realizing that the wolf might be afraid of him, he added "I am a friend, I mean you no harm,"


Glym woke up and stretched. There is absolutely nothing to do here. she thought, somewhat annoyed. A quick glance around the den told her the others still weren't over the pup's death. Why is everyone obsessing over one pup? I mean, sure it's sad it had to die like that, but freaking out won't help catch whoever did it. It's best to just deal with it and move on.

She yawned and trotted towards the stream to get a drink and have some time to herself to think. And to wash up, she thought, looking in disgust at the dirt and small leaves that clung to her snow white fur. When she arrived at the stream, she couldn't help but notice something felt... wrong. The stream was considered a safe haven for wolves. It was peaceful and quiet. Somehow, the stream seemed too quiet today. Eerily so. It's nothing, she told herself. You're being paranoid. Just get a drink, wash up, and go back to the den. 

Pausing, she swivelled her ears around to listen to her surroundings. After a moment, she concluded there wasn't anything to listen to. It's completely silent. No birds chirping or... anything. No. This isn't normal. She felt her hackles raise slightly in alarm. She turned around to see if there was anyone there. Of course, there was no one. Paranoid! part of her said. Danger, run! argued her instinct. She didn't know what to do. Should she run? She would look ridiculous, running back to the den on a hunch like that. Or she could stay, like a normal wolf would, and get a drink. She wanted to scream. Indecision. Uncertainty. Fear. What if it's the killer! Instinct shouted in her mind. But Reason won out. Everything's fine, Reason said. Get a drink, then go back. Don't be paranoid. You'll be okay. 

Slowly, cautiously, she began to walk back towards the water. She hadn't noticed she had already unconsciously begun to walk back to the den before she decided she would stay. Her heart was beating louder than normal, but it looked safe enough. See? Reason said. Everything's okay. With one final glance around, she lowered her head and began to lap at the cool, pure stream water. It was so cold it actually made her teeth ache a little, but she didn't mind. She closed her eyes in contentment, finally beginning to calm down.     


3:18pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 5,998

"A friend?" Ailyn called back at the voice. She knew that this couldn't be a pack wolf, she couldn't recognize his scent or voice. She poked her head through a bush, seeing a wolf with a white pelt that almost resembled hers.

"Who are you?" She called suspiciously. Ailyn knew that she was practically an exile, but still didn't want any lone wolves lurking through her pack territory.


"Yes, but Ailyn may be gone by the time we prove that she's the murderer!" Vasark growled. "I know it's not right, but she's already acting like a guilty wolf, running away like that"


3:29pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 1,391

((I love Gavaar! 8D He's probably one of the best characters I've played so far. And better yet, his name kicks total butt. :3 I hope the evil wolf's post isn't too... evil. I'm trying to keep it at least PG. How do you guys think I'm doing?))

Panting heavily, Gavaar glanced around, baring his teeth. He was tiring, but he was still good to run. Newfound determination lent strength to his paws and he flew forward, his muscles bunching and gliding smoothly. His shiny fur glinted softly in the gentle light. His supple body was almost like a blur. He was pushing himself so hard that he didn't notice a large tree root jutting out of the ground. Squealing, Gavaar tripped on the tree root, roughly twisting his front left paw. Grimacing, he stood there on three paws, panting heavier than ever and trying to get used to the shock and the pain. 'Suck it up!' He thought to himself, and he limped, continuing to where he had last seen Ailyn. Wincing, pain lanced through his entire body and shivered up his leg when he accidently knocked his injured paw on a rock. Gritting his teeth, steely determination laced through his eyes and made his chest swell, and Gavaar managed an unsteady trot, making sure to keep all of his weight off his sprained foot.


Blinking, he padded forward, silent as nothing, more powerful than anything. His crimson eyes glittered with pure hatred. His mind was empty of thoughts except for the need to kill, to taste blood, to feel his teeth bite down, to smell the fear scent of his prey, to see the terror in their eyes. To feel his thirst for revenge quenched. His hunger for vengeance satisfied. His heart was nothing more but a shriveled, darkened husk of what it used to be. He scented something. His new target. He glided forward, making no noise, staying downwind of his prey. The she-wolf. He was already planning his revenge, already planning this next kill. Baring his teeth, he prepared to lunge.


Vermillion woke up, panting heavily. Her nightmares were worse than ever, especially with the mystery of the dead pup. She struggled to her paws, glancing around. She decided to make a stand. If Gavaar was brave enough to find and help Ailyn, then she should help too by convincing others that she was innocent. She decided the find Cin. She had a nagging feeling that Korven and Vasark were up to something. She just didn't know what yet, but she suspected it had something to do with finding and killing Ailyn. She pondered for a moment, paddling her feet and kneading the ground. Should she go and tell Cin her suspicions? Maybe he wouldn't believe her!


4:05pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 783

Xylon could tell by the pitch of the voice that it belonged to a she wolf. She sounded exhausted and frightened. "Like I said, I am a friend," he said to the voice. He still couldn't pinpoint her exact location.

"That is, if you will allow me to be. I could just as easily be your foe if I am forced to."

He paused, slightly irritated that he was having so much difficulty finding where she was. Her voice came from somewhere in the dense foliage in front of him.

"I suppose you want my name, though," he said after a moment of searching. "I'm Xylon."


((Don't worry about being too evil, Sugar. He sounds great, very mysterious. And as for keeping it PG, I'm not picky. Anything Res allows I allow. I like a little creepy horror-movieish stuff once in a while. Gavaar is sweet. He reminds me of a friend of mine.))

Glym continued to lap at the water. What had she been so afraid of? There was no danger at the stream. It was a safe place. So what if it was a little more quiet than usual? She was glad she hadn't run back to the den like a scared little pup. Scared little pup, her thoughts echoed sadly. Images of the dead pup flooded her mind, but she ignored them. Okay. Poor choice of words. Don't get all depressed now. 

She laughed humourlessly, then sat down. She had drank her fill, but she wanted to stay and admire the beauty of the stream for a moment before returning. What did I ever fear here? she thought, laughing at her own foolishness. She watched the rippling water running smoothly over rounded stones and felt the sun on her back. Her heart rate had completely returned to normal, as had her breathing. The fur lay smooth on her back, contrasting dramatically with how it had been just moments before. She now felt completely relaxed and she let out a contented sigh, happy just to be alive. 


"We won't need proof, that's my point," Korven said to Vasark, careful to keep his voice down. "We just need to do this in secret. We'll send out wolves to track her, and then we'll force her to admit to her crime when they bring her back. If she pleads guilty, we kill her."


Aerya had been laying a short distance away, listening in on the conversation. She padded over when she heard Korven mention killing. "And what if she's innocent? Or is she guilty until proved innocent?" she all but spat. 


 "I thought you were on my side," Korven said. "...But yeah. Something like that." he confirmed, grinning almost evilly.



4:50pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 1,391

((Awesome. :D I can make Skotadi as creepy as anyone wants! =P Poor Glym. Happy, and then attacked. O_O I would consider this god-modding, but Skotadi is evil and Glym is suppose to die.))

Blinking, he narrowed his eyes. Then he attacked. His fierce blows were almost explosive. He sank his yellowed teeth into the she-wolf's hind leg, one paw lashing out so furiously that the blow ripped open the she-wolf's stomach. He withdrew his hold on the she-wolf. Hunger crept into his eyes. His scarlet eyes locked with his prey's and he grinned, blood staining his muzzle. He crept closer and closer, staring deep into her eyes. His grin widened, and he reached out a paw and swiped her nose, tearing it open. Another simple flick of his paw ripped a gash open in her flank. He attacked with simple, deadly grace. The thirst of revenge screeched inside his mind. His eyes searched hers, and he saw fear there. The thrill of the attack rushed through him, adrenaline pumping through his veins. His shadowy pelt blended in with the cool darkness underneath the shade of a tree. His grin grew wider and wider, his bloodstained teeth making his smile all the more terrible. It was a paralyzing, "I'm going to kill you now," kind of stare. He lifted his paw, whispering in a hoarse, scary, creepy voice that sounded crazed and rabid, "I am Skotadi, and I seek revenge."


Gavaar panted heavily. He hadn't run too far away when he had decided to go back to camp, so he could still scent Ailyn. Now that his mind was made up, he wouldn't turn back again. His paws were set on this mission. He could scent Ailyn stronger than ever, and knew that he was nearing the place where she had hidden. But then, he scented something else. A different wolf's scent. Alarmed, he didn't even pause to consider and think who it was, and blasted forward, the pain in his paw forgotten momentarily until he started to run. He tripped and fell, feeling his pride and dignity sink away into the ground. Baring his teeth, he still continued forward, getting up hastily. Gavaar spotted Ailyn and the other wolf.
He howled a challenge and barked roughly, "Who are you? Get away from her!"
His voice was rough, wary, and tired, but he tried not to show the pain he felt or how tired he felt. New energy flooded through him when he saw Ailyn.
"Don't hurt her," He said, just a hint of desperation in his command, clouded by his determined voice. He calmed down a little when he noticed it wasn't a pack member, but was still wary. His eyes were tired, but fierce, and he struggled against the urge to sit down. He fought back the urge to drool from exhaustion and faced the strange loner. He knew that if it came to a fight, he wouldn't be able to do much. Not with his sprained paw. He would still put up a fight though. He prepared himself for the stranger to strike, his eyes full of suspicion.


Vermillion decided to seek out Cin. She padded to his den, awaiting an invitation to come in. She paused at the entrance, wondering if he was even there.


5:44pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Uh... It would be nice to give Ailyn ( or me ) time to react before you have Skotadi tear her up, Sugar -.-'' I believe it's called 'powerplaying'. ]]


5:46pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 5:47pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 1,391
((It's not Ailyn. It's Glym. =P I already worked something out with queen. It's part of the plot. You can ask queen for confirmation, if you want. Sorry for not being specific.))


5:48pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 5:51pm Jul 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Is it wrong that I love Skotadi? xD  And how is it god-modding? *confused*))

((EDIT: didn't see your posts. Yeah, I worked out something with Sugar. She asked to RP the killer, I agreed and suggested that she kill my character to introduce Skotadi as being the killer. Sorry for the confusion.))  

Glym was sitting enjoying the scenery when he struck. Teeth sharp as daggers ripped through her flesh. Agony overwhelmed her. She writhed, trying to stand, but it was useless. She was paralyzed by pain and fear, unable to do anything but watch and wait for death to take her. What had she done to deserve this? She locked eyes with the wolf that she was sure was about to take her life. This was confirmed when she saw the blood thirsty ex
pression he bore, and heard
it. The terrible voice that rasped from his throat. "I am Skotadi," the voice proclaimed. "and I seek revenge."

Glym wanted to protest, to stop this crazed wolf from taking her life. To plead with him to spare her. All she managed to say through the all the blood, however, was "Kill me... please..."

Blood poured from her numerous wounds and from her mouth. Her tongue lolled out. She fought to keep her head up, but at this point every breath was an effort. In her final moments, Glym looked directly into the crazed eyes of her killer. They seemed to glint with cold satisfaction, watching her die. She let her head rest on the ground, unable to keep it up any longer. I told you, Instinct seemed to hiss in her ear.  I told you this would happen. Her last breath rattled through her body, her eyes remaining open to stare eternally. Glym was gone, dead. Only minutes before, she had feared something like this happening, but had chalked it up to an overactive imagination. She was wrong, and she payed the price.


"Hurt her?" Xylon said, not even flinching at the stranger's approach. "No. That isn't why I'm here. Curiosity drove me here, not sadism."

He laughed drily, then turned his attention to the stranger's paw. "You're hurt." he said simply. "Let me help you." 

Without even waiting for the stranger's consent, he approached him. His stance was not aggressive in the slightest. He was calm as he approached the other wolf, not even bothering to consider the possibility that he could be hostile.



5:55pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

((I didn't give Glym a chance to fight back. =P Skotadi is an... interesting character. :3 He's pretty impressive, actually. You know, except for the fact that he's on a rampage killing everyone. >_<))

 Skotadi felt accomplished. His grin widened even more when she was dead. Laughing cruelly, Skotadi's hunger for vengeance lessened a little. His appetite for a fierce revenge would come back though. For now, he would rest. Rest for his next victim. The pack wouldn't even suspect. They would suspect that foolish she-wolf that had run. What was her name... Oh yes. Ailyn. They would suspect Ailyn. Chuckling darkly to himself, Skotadi left, making sure to clean the blood off of his body in the river. He left quickly then, making sure no trace of his existence was at the murder scene.


Gavaar hesitated, then dipped his head. He allowed the wolf to approach him, still a little cautious. His ears were pricked up and he tilted his golden head. "You practice medicine?" Gavaar asked, slight disbelief in his quiet voice. Just after he asked his first question, he asked another. "You're a loner, correct?" More and more questions bubbled up inside of him. He blinked cautiously. Why was this loner helping him?


6:07pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 6:08pm Jul 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Ah, I see. Are you ever going to reveal Skotadi's real name? (by that I mean the one his parents gave him) You don't have to, it just might be interesting to know. :P))

Xylon paused to consider the wolf's questions. "Do I practice medicine? Not exactly, no. I've picked up a few tricks here and there, though. You need to know how to adapt when you live as a loner... which I suppose answers your second question." he gave a strange, crooked little smile, before continuing. "What about yourself, are you a loner or a pack wolf? And do you know her?" he said, gesturing vaguely towards the bushes. "I don't think she quite trusts me. She won't come out."

Xylon never once made eye contact when he was speaking with the stranger wolf. Instead, he was focusing on his injured paw. Just a sprain, he decided after a moment.  



6:45pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 6:47pm Jul 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 219

((Yeah, I might just reveal his name. Mwahaha! You'll just have to wait and see! :D))

 Gavaar dipped his head, glancing at Xylon. "I know her. I'm part of the pack. She's my pack member. I don't think I should go any farther than that..." Gavaar said, looking at Ailyn. "It's just a sprain, isn't it? But it hurts a lot." He laughed humorlessly. "I suppose I look pretty weak to you right now. It's hard to run with a sprained paw."

((OH CRAP!!! Sorry! I share a computer with my sister and she has an account too. O_O I didn't realize this was her account! I thought I was still logged in. She must've logged me out without telling me and logged in herself. >_> I feel so stupid right now. Don't worry, I don't have multiple accounts. It's just my sister's account. I really need to check before doing stuff now... I'm going to have to talk to her about logging me out without telling me. O_O))

Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: albino Meragon\r\n
\r\nYou currently have 13 Pet Quest Points.
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