7:11pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 7:11pm Jul 21 2011)
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((LOL sugar xD don't worry about it)) "Yes, I do imagine it hurts quite a bit," Xylon said, more to himself than the stranger. He shifted uncomfortably, and winced as though recalling a painful memory. Shaking his head, he continued quietly. "Anyway, ice is good for sprains." Tilting his head, he said "Unfortunately, I think it's all melted by now. Oh well, cold water's just as good. Come on," he said and turned towards the stream. Then, looking the stranger in the eyes for the first time, he said "My name's Xylon, by the way." and gave another crooked little smile before trotting quickly towards the stream, having completely forgotten about the she wolf.
7:31pm Jul 21 2011
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((Mrrawr. I feel so stupid. >_<" I need to check now. This is terrible. It's not the first time, either! You'd think I'd have learned by now, but no, I still forget to check and make sure it's my account and my sister didn't log me out.)) "Gavaar," Gavaar replied, smiling hesitantly at Xylon. "You seem pretty decent. Better than some of the wolves in my pack! A lot of them think that Ailyn murdered a pup. She didn't, obviously. Someone's just framing her." Sighing, Gavaar put his sprained foot in the cold water, feeling it numb up a little.
8:59pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 9:00pm Jul 21 2011)
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"You seem pretty decent yourself," Xylon grinned. When he saw the ex pression of relief on Gavaar's face, he said "Water helps, doesn't it?" His smile faded when Gavaar mentioned that Ailyn- was that the wolf who had been hiding behind the bushes?- had been framed. And it wasn't for a minor offence, either. She was framed for the murder of a pup. That's why she was so scared, he realized. It's because she was hiding, she probably thought I heard about the murder and was coming after her. "Shouldn't we try to help her? You know, like prove her innocence or something? I have a feeling your pack's Alphas won't take kindly to having a 'murderer' in their midst. I suppose that's why she ran, though." he paused to take a breath. "All the same, she could probably use the help." Remembering Gavaar's condition he said, "Think you can walk on your paw okay? And what rank are you in your pack? I'm just thinking they probably won't listen to a loner, but if you're high ranking..." he trailed off.
10:55pm Jul 21 2011
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"I'm just a member of the pack. Nothing special," Gavaar replied. "And I'm trying to help her. I came after her to make sure that no one from the pack was sent to track her down and kill her. I haven't come across anyone yet, but they might've sent someone out right now, or maybe later. I'm honestly not sure." Gavaar stared at Ailyn for a few brief seconds. He looked back at Xylon. "They're going to kill her as punishment if she tries to go back!"
4:35pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 4:35pm Jul 22 2011)
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"Oh," he said, since he wasn't sure what else he could possibly say. After a moment, he realized something. "Why would they kill her? If she's been framed like you say, then they can't possibly have any proof she's guilty because, well, she isn't." Xylon said, hoping he was making sense. "And if it's just a matter of convincing the others of Ailyn's innocence, it might not be as hard as it seems. Even if you are only a member of the pack, you're not an exile or anything, right? Would they listen to you? I guess what i mean to say is, would the other wolves consider you trustworthy? If they do, you could easily just tell them who really did it and they'll believe you." Xylon said quickly. Then, seeing the uncomfortable ex pression on Gavaar's face, he said "You do know who did it right?"
9:22pm Jul 22 2011
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12:18pm Jul 23 2011
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1:45pm Jul 23 2011
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(Recap please?)
Looking for eblias!
Goal: 2/10 mil.
1:50pm Jul 23 2011
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Angel was padding around, waiting for something to do. ((FAIL)) Taro was lurking around the pack.
1:54pm Jul 23 2011
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((A lot has happened. At the wolf den, there is some confusion as they are all trying to figure out whether Ailyn killed the pup or not. Ailyn ran into some forest, where a pack member who believes she is innocent met up with a loner. They are currently trying to figure out how to help Ailyn. The real killer, meanwhile, has just killed an innocent wolf at the stream that runs near the den. No one has discovered the body yet. The killer is still on the loose. I think that's everything. You could have Riko cover for Ailyn at the den or something, have him tell the others she is innocent. Or whatever else you want to do with him. Doesn't matter))
6:46pm Jul 23 2011
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"I supposed I'm trustworthy," Gavaar said, uncomfortably padding his paws. "I supposed I don't believe in myself all that much..." His eyes blinked innocently. "I know it wasn't Ailyn. But I don't think I can do anything right! I mean, I even tripped over a stupid tree root while trying to find Ailyn! And I can't run as fast as a lot of other wolves! Plus, I'm pretty lazy." Looking at his paws, Gavaar seemed a little unsure. "I think I have no self-confidence. I just know that Ailyn didn't kill the pup. I don't know who did. I think the pack knows I'm missing. I can't go back. They'll suspect me. They might kill me too! They might think I'm an accomplice! The pack will do anything for justice, even if it's the innocent that's being hurt. Ailyn is innocent."
3:37pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 101
(Wait, so who's at the den? And who's with Ailyn?)
Looking for eblias!
Goal: 2/10 mil.
5:50pm Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 5:52pm Jul 24 2011)
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((At the den: Riko, Cin, Angel, Korven, Aerya, Roelm, Vasark, Vermillion.Somewhere deep in the forest: Ailyn, Gavaar, XylonDead: GlymThe killer: Skotadi (RPed by Sugar)Other (somewhere else): Emma, Tarro, Marra, Lilan)) ((I have a feeling Tld quit because she thought Skotadi attacked Ailyn o.o)) ((Sugar: I don't know what to do o.o We could have Xylon and Gavaar find the body I guess?))
6:01pm Jul 24 2011
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((Yeah, why did she think that Skotadi attacked Ailyn? I wasn't being specific about who he attacked because Skotadi didn't know the wolf. O_e" Sorry about that queen... I feel responsible for that. >_< Well, maybe Millie could find it, if that's alright. She's had nothing to do. xD Except wait for Cin, who she wants to talk to.))
6:20pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 101
(Can Lilan meet Xylon and Gaavar on the way, and I guess Riko's gonna go into the den.)
Looking for eblias!
Goal: 2/10 mil.
8:23pm Jul 24 2011 (last edited on 8:36pm Jul 24 2011)
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Posts: 783
((Elenna, sounds good)) ((Sugar, I think it's probably because you referred to Glym as 'she wolf' which is also what Ailyn was called in the introduction because she didn't have a name yet. But i certainly don't blame you. if anything, I blame myself because i didn't announce or even hint at the fact that Glym was going to die. If Tld doesn't post by tomorrow night, I will rmail her and explain what actually happened. If, by chance, she still wants to quit, I will have no choice but to open up the role of Ailyn (her name can be changed) to whoever wants to RP her. And of course Millie can find the body. :3 Do you mind if Aerya comes with her? She's done nothing but sit around and be miserable this whole time xD))
8:59pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 101
(So, I'll be waiting for you to start queen, gtg now)
Looking for eblias!
Goal: 2/10 mil.
12:31pm Jul 25 2011
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((Yeah, sure, Millie will definitely want company. xD She's like a chicken! If she sees a dead body, she might faint. ouo))
4:04pm Jul 25 2011
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((Uh. Don't know how I should do this)) Aerya approached the pack's omega wolf, Millie. She wanted to... she didn't know what she wanted, now that she thought about it. Maybe comfort. Yes, she needed to know that things really would be okay. She lowered her head as she approached to let Millie know she meant no harm. "Hi Millie," she said. "Do you... have a moment? I was wondering if I could talk to you, perhaps at the stream, where it's quiet?"
4:20pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 1,391
"Yeah, sure," Vermillion said, a little surprised. She blinked, and said, "Whatever you need, Aerya." Aerya was being strangely nice. Millie supposed she just needed someone to talk to. "Lead the way," Millie said, dipping her head respectfully.