The Cimmeron Mustangs((Wild Horse))Have Returned

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10:30pm Apr 23 2011

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((Tld: I made the female first then had to stop. When I saw someone else wanted to join I said that was ok with me so I just kept the character I already had. It's not my fault. XD))

Jade slowly circled the outside of the heard, grazing as she went. She lifted her head to smell the air, her ears twitching as they filled with sounds from all over. Everything checked out so she moved on, chosing a new patch of gras.s to graze from. Her dark coat showed all the muscles it stretched over, glimmering in the hot sun. She was strong for a mare but that is what earned her this position. Other than being a warrior she preffered the task of Sentry. She oversaw everything, making sure that her heard stayed safe including the heard's leaders. A slight sound registered in her ears so Jade raised her neck to look around. She could see nothing and the sound was fairly faint, still she angled her ears back as a sign that there was no immediate danger but she felt uncomfortable.


11:38pm Apr 23 2011

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Posts: 2,422

Kachina flicked her auds as a few raindrops fell through the bough's of the tree. Shaking her pelt, she set off at a brisk trot to the highest point of the territory, a lone hill that rose over much of everything else. This was her faveorite place to be during storms. She was almost completely alone, the only other equine was a sentry that always came with her when she was away from the herd. A sound alerted her. She swung her head towards the sound of dozens of hoof beats and man-calls.

Kachina reared up on her hind legs and shot off as fast as she could towards the herd. The humans she had heard were horse wranglers. The young mare, on her haste to find her father, nearly collided with a sentry she knew as Jade. She came to a stop and thrust her head over Jade's back to alert the outskirts of the herd with warning winnies.


((epic fail))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:41pm Apr 23 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Lols, I dont know if I should post... No one else is here. XD))


11:44pm Apr 23 2011

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Posts: 2,422
((We can both post once more then we will stop.))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:53pm Apr 23 2011

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Posts: 4,258

((Haha, Ok works for me.))

Jade's ears lay flat, a demanding look in her eyes of why she was almost run down. The warning whinnies were enough explanation for the sentry. Turning her head in the direction of the noise, Jade reared up on her hind legs as she let out a loud warning cry. She looked at her leader's daughter, Kachina, and motioned for her to run ahead to find her father and to get the heard moving. She was going to buy them some time.

She cantered up the hill, almost immediately spotting the plumes of dust thrust into the air by the other horses. The man-calls echoed in her ears, her temper rising. With ears flattened against her skull, she reared with a warning call to the other horses to tell them to stop. Ofcourse they hesitated some but the men urged them on. She looked back once then charged down the hill. Jade was strong and she was fast. She would either fight them off or lead them away from the herd.

((Omg what is with the fails lately?))


12:06am Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 2,422

((The horses can talk to each other. Lol. I know it's not realistic but..makes it easier.))


Kachina leapt forwards into the herd. She found her father on the otherside, completely un-aware of the danger. "Father," she panted, "horse wranglers coming up quickly on the other side of the herd." He father snorted and charged forwards towards the wranglers, only to find several ropes caught around his legs and neck. Kicking out, he struck at the nearest horse-pet(horses used by humans) and pushed it over, killing the human riding it. This caused the other men, all except the lead wrangler, to drop their ropes. All but one of the binds fell slack. The one left was thick and tight around the stag's neck. He reared and bucked, scattering what was left of the herd around him. Kachina glanced away for a moment to find her mother when gun-shots rang out. A hush fell over everything and Kachina dared to look once again to her father, now laying lifeless at the hooves of the lead horse-pet. Kachina's mother rushed forward to meet a similar fate as she tried to avenge her mate. All eyes of the herd and even those of the horse-pets fell on Kachina, expecting. She just lowered her head until her muzzle was almost to the ground and allowed her herd to be rounded up and driven away from their home.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

5:46am Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Heh heh, I was worried you both would keep posting away. xD Thanks for waiting.
Furious clouds of dust gathered in clumps in the air, reflecting the chaos around him. The whole herd was in a state of confusion and panic - and for Galilahi, he felt something close to shame, of himself. He'd tried his best to oppose his wrangler, but the lone human had been joined by two others until the bay stallion had been immobilised; the struggle had lasted seconds. He'd put up quite a fight but his attempts had been overshadowed by the ferocity of the warriors, those horses bred for battle. Galilahi burned with resentment not towards the humans, but towards his own kind. For failing him... For letting him get caught like this...

Galilahi's nostrils were flaring and his ears had been laid flat, but his threats were unseen by his captors. They knew enough about horses to know of his displeasure but they did nothing to ease his discomfort. All around him was the rest of his herd, his own mother two horses ahead of him. Galilahi was tempted to cry out to her but restrained himself; he was not a colt anymore. Still, he began snorting and whinnying in an attempt to break free of the cluster that pressed into him, stressed, and nearby horses also kicked in response.
A few began to back away from him, however, when a nearby wrangler approached with his domesticated horse and swung a noose around his head with practiced ease, tightening and rising it until it reached his jowls. Galilahi screamed furiously and reared, but a single tug of the rope and he was down again, gasping and choking. They did this several times in a row until the herd had moved on a few meters, urged by the humans on their brainless steeds...
"Don't bother strugglin'," the human drawled, expertly handling the rope, turning his horse, adjusting his grip. His voice was the calm and controlled tone of a wrangler who had captured many furious mustangs. "It'll just get worse, 'till you can hardly breathe. You wanna die out here, mustang? Front o' you' mother?" Galilahi hung his head, exhausted, and glared at the wrangler with his intense brown eyes. "Didn't think so." The human tilted his head thoughtfully. "Say, you looks a lot like my own first horse. He was a crazy nut, too. But he got broked. Jus' like you're gonna get broked, and yer whole herd, too."
The wrangler began to move onwards, tugging at the rope gently but persistently. Galilahi was too tired to oppress, and followed - the one bad pony held behind at the back of the herd. "You'd better work with us, horse. You're good stock. We'd like you. But if you keep messin' up like that, we gonna have to deal with you in the way we knows best." He glanced downwards at his revolver, as if checking it were still there, but his attempt at appearing menacing had failed, for Galilahi had not seen the gesture. The ground, hard and dusty, was all he saw. 


9:34am Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 2,422
Kachina, confused and shamed, trudged at the front of the herd. She was the lead mare now and she had to take care of her herd. Turning her head in a wide arc on either side of her, she caught a glimps of about half of the men surrounding the herd, the other half in front, leading the way back to wherever they had come from. Kachina was dumfounded as to why they would come all this way just for a herd of wild mustangs. This just didnt make sense! She snorted and began to attempt to break free, drawing up beside the horse-pets and exchanging a few words with each. Finally she found a singly traitor in the group. She coaxed him back to the front of the herd and walked just a bit in front of him. He nodded slightly at her and Kachina took off, hoping more of her herd would follow. Looking back, the horse-pet traitor had stopped moving and the herd horses were flowing around him like a mass river of multi-color pelts. Little had Kachina known, the herd was still heading towards the homeland of the humans.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:39am Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Is there any chance we could slow it down a little, so that the roleplay's a bit more gradual? Things seem to be happening a little too suddenly for my tastes. :) 
Cries from up ahead snatched Galilahi's attention, and his ears perked up along with his whole head. In front of him was the talkative wrangler upon his roan mare, and his eyes widened with shock as a brown-and-white mustang streaked across the hard terrain, kicking up a storm of dust. The herd writhed and snorted in both surprise and support, with the rest of the ranchers shouting and pointing at one another in their confusion. 
"Whatcha standin' there for?!" the wrangler howled. "After that horse!" Two reluctant horsemen set off in pursuit after Kachina's fleeing form, driving their steeds onwards with high-pithced yells and kicking the belies of their horses with the backs of their feet. Metal glinted in the sunlight as the spurs came into contact with the soft, hot fur.
Galilahi had noticed that, throughout the commotion, his wrangler had been distracted. His clever eyes followed the rope that had bound him fast, to the human's strong hands. Without a moment's hesitation and without the giveaway whinny of revolution, Galilahi reared, and he swung his hard head back as aggressively as he could muster. The man's hands flew outwards and upwards, and with a cry, he scrambled for the rope. The roan horse also lost her footing for a moment, snorting in alarm.
"What do you think you're doing?!" she cried to Galilahi. "Calm down! We don't need this!"
The bay stallion ignored her, and continued to furiously buck, kicking out with his forelegs and swinging his head on his muscular neck. His black mane and tail flowed, mingling with the sand and dust he was throwing into the air. At last, the rope slipped from the wrangler's rough hands, and once he felt the pressure slacken, Galilahi took off and positively flew across the parched terrain. The wrangler snarled and pointed an angry finger at the other horsemen.
 "Make sure they don't escape! I'm after this one!" he bellowed, and he began to pursue Galilahi on the roan horse.


4:46pm Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 4:46pm Apr 24 2011)

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Posts: 5,578


Tarlar made her way around the herd trying to make them follow the new lead mare. She nudged the straglers to move fast and whinnied huriedly pushing them a bit before running up behind another horse who was falling behind.

"Come on run or they'll get you!" she nudged them and ran along side another horse streering them in the direction oposite the man's home. She pushed and nudged trying to get them to go the other way.

"Wrong way. This way over here!" she yelled at them but in thier panic they ignored her. She snorted in anger as rage flooded with in her, she tryed again but louder. "This way, over here follow the leader!" she couldn't get them to follow she needed help from some one who would listen.


5:03pm Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 4,258

Jade fought hard, managing to cut one of the horse-pets on the side. Her nostrils flaired with anger, her eyes flashing with hatred for the humans around her. The moment she saw the ropes she under stood. She once had witnessed a wrangling and remembered the cries of those she couldnt help for she had been too young. She turned and soared in the direction of the already infested herd. She heard the wailings of her heard leaders, fighting for the survival of the herd. Then it happened. Loud bangs rang out around her, the result of the horrible killing machine the humans always held with them. She screamed with fury as her leaders fell, her eyes alight with fury. She tried to rush to the side of Kachina but the ropes grabbed her neck, burning as they tugged. She pulled anyway, fighting to protect those she could but finally they had her tied down. "Kachina! Kachina!" She yelled as she was tugged up, frantically looking for her new leader.

They were quickly rounded up and prodded forward. She was towards the lead, the ropes tight around her neck. Jade walked calmly and proudly but her eyes were frantic, searching for an escape. The moment Kachina broke away, Jade reared up and began kicking at all near her. When the rope slackened, she didn't hesitate to run. Fast and wild she ran up beside Kachina, proud of her new leading confidence. "These humans will never tame us for we are strong. I swear to protect you and the herd until the moment I stop breathing. Let's get away from these monsters." She snorted with rage at the harm these men have caused them. Only then did she smell the blood on her, whose blood, she didnt know. It took her a few moments before she realized it was from a cut on her neck that was caused by the ropes that still hung from her neck.


5:14pm Apr 24 2011

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Tarlar kept urging on the herd as hard as she could trying to get them to go faster. "Hury up, Hurry. Come on go move faster!" she turned her head to see men racing after the herd. She ran twords them full speed calling to the horses looking them straight in the eye. "Stop for these horses so they can have the freedome the men took away from you. Rebell!" It was no use they didn't stop so she hade no choise. She ran up next to one of them and took him by the ear. She tuged hard and he stoped. She pulled up next to other one and pulled on the reings in the hands of frightened man and pulled hard turning the horse. The other horse raged forward twords her. She kicked behind her and connected to his nose. She rushed back twords the herd and continued to try and steer them in the other direction.


5:42pm Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314
The chase between Galilahi and the roan mare stretched out vividly across the dunes as a giant beige-brown cloud came alive in their wake. Galilahi was lean and swift, but his pursuer was experienced in chasing down wild mustangs, particularly those as tenderfoot as he. The noose was still tied tightly around his throat, so breathing became labouring, and the thick rope danced between his front legs at the worst of times, threatning to trip him up. He cast a fleeting glance in the direction of the herd, now a startling distance away. He could see Jade, that "honourable" warrior, and the oh-so-precious leader-to-be, Kachina, pelting away from the others. Galilahi instantly became frustrated at them, abandoning their herd like this. Abandoning him!
 The loud, sudden gasps coming from the roan mare suddenly seemed too close for comfort, and Galilahi realized with alarm that they were closing the gap between them. The wrangler was hunched forward, his eyes narrowed like an animal Galilahi could not relate to, and his hand slowly began to stretch to his revolver...
Panicky decisions raced through his mind like flashes of lightning, weaving with one another,  barely able to identify where one plan ended and another began. He went with the least subtle, the most brutish resort of all, and came to a sudden, skidding stop. He whipped around and collided into the mare as hard as he could, sending her screeching to the ground. She landed on her side, trapping the wrangler's leg, but the fall did not kill or hardly injure him. He was prepared for the attack and swiftly crawled out from beneath the perilous weight of his mount. By the time he had stood up, hand shielding his eyes from the fierce rays of the sun, Galilahi was continuing with his strenuous escape, by now panting hard and with the rope still clasped tightly around his windpipe. His breath became strained but he pushed onwards, adjusting his direction slightly so that he fled in the same direction as Kachina. He would challenge her for her cowardice.


5:53pm Apr 24 2011

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Tarlar watched Galilahi in between nudging some horses forward. As he came closer to th herd she galloped up next to him. "Do you need help with the rope?" she asked looking twords the herd often to make sure no one was sliping behind. She could see the anger in his eyes. "Calm down. and think before you act." she suggested to him her soft voice hoping not to  get yelled at. She looked at the herd again and every one seemed to be close together.


6:11pm Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314
Her sudden appearance had startled the young stallion. His furious pace slackened as his gaze passed over the heaving mass of horseflesh, eyes wide and ears flat. Finally, one horse who was at least trying to help. But he could see the ranchmen quickly gaining on them, as decisive as wolves - he spotted nooses circling in the air as menacing as vultures, and their own horses devoid of any emotion, simply focused with the utmost determination. Except maybe regret. Or just pure professionnalism. Despite the current circumstances, Galilahi admired their persistence and unfaltering attitude towards hunting their own kind. They seemed almost as predatory as their riders. Strangely, he found himself respecting them for that.
Galilahi slowed to a light canter. "You brainless goats!" he shouted at his herd, channelling his anger into confidence. "You want to become captive? You truly want to end your days hunting the rest of your kind like wolves? Traitors, you will all become! Fend for yourselves, for the sake of the herd, and our race. Turn your fright into energy. Failing to do so, you will be left behind, as our leader left you behind!"
Their faces notably perked up, catching sight of him.
"I say, run!" Galilahi caught Tarlar's eye, passing her a warmer look of thanks. Slowly, gradually, the herd began to disperse from a tight crowd to a considerably less-dense fog of horses. Their hooves quickened, morphing their staggering steps into fresh canters. The wranglers only pursued.
OOC: Aren't we gonna let the herd be captured? Say, reinforcements arrive and reclaim the herd, with only the seven escaping?


6:18pm Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((I don't know but I guess we should just keep the herd running untill the others come so that they don't really mis much))

Tarlar noded to Galilahi with a slight smile in thanks tohelping her with the task of encouraging the herd to quicken their pace before she ran up to a young horse and nudged it from hinde. It looked behind to her then raced ahead to catch up with must have been it's mother. She did this to some other younger foals so they wouldn't get left behind in the dust just to get captured and roped in like cattle at a rodeo.


6:24pm Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Eira: How do you come up with so much to post... I feel really lame because my posts are so small! XD *Has no idea of what to post*))


6:31pm Apr 24 2011

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Galilahi was now at the lead of the herd, his legs working rhythmically in an elegant race to freedom. He tossed his head back every now and then to check on the progress of the others, and was pleased with what he saw. He spotted the bay form of his mother, Rekicha, also working with the others, reassuring the others with her kind words. Her own mane and tail, the same glossy black as her son, flowed like obsidian against the blue sky.
But in the corner, behind them, coming up into a "V" shape with the rest of the ranchers, was the roan mare and the wrangler who'd tried to capture Galilahi. Alarm fired through his heart, his chest, like a metal arrow, causing him physical pain. With one last glance at the others, at Tarlar - Keep them going - he began to turn away from the others, even though his legs were beginning to ache, and the rope was gripping his throat. Foam began to cluster near his mouth, dribbling down his black lips, as he broke away from the herd, throwing a murderous glare at the roan horse. As expected, she, and another horseman - this one riding a chestnut stallion with white stockings - began to fall in behind him as a distance began to seep in between Galilahi and his mother.


6:35pm Apr 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xD Don't worry, it's just practice. Try to come up with little details, things the horse/character would notice before you would. Really put yourself in their situations until you feel like you're trying to recollect an actual memory that you have experienced yourself. You're not making this up, you're retelling a tale of your life and showing it to us. :)  


6:36pm Apr 24 2011

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Tarlar encouraged the straglers and gave them confidence that the herd would get through this. She did believe that the herd would get through this or at least she let her self believe it remembering what had happened to her father made rage come back to her eyes. Her teeth clenched together and she shook her head trying to get the image out of her mind. She ran up along side anoth horse and nudged it along giving it encouraging words to keep going that everything was going to be allright.

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