6:39pm Apr 24 2011
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((Lols, that was so deep. XD I dont think we should post anymore with out the others. It feels so wrong.))
6:40pm Apr 24 2011
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((I think it's fine just as long as nothing major or happens or nothing happens to their charachters))
6:46pm Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 7:03pm Apr 24 2011)
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OOC: I am a very spiritual person. -3- I like to branch off into a kind of "find your inner self" sort of mode every now and then... And yes, it does feel a little bad. xD But I guess, when one of us have to go (it's getting pretty late where I am, in the UK) we could put up a biiiig message a little bit like this big, fancy red text explaining everything that's happened to far - they couldn't miss it when they scroll about, and it would save them having to read over every one of our posts. :) So, for example... Kachina and Jade have made a hasty getaway to the wild, while Tarlar remains with the herd in an attempt to quicken their pace and keep them together. Galilahi struggled with one wrangler before joining Tarlar in her efforts, but the regrouping of the horsemen has resulted in Galilahi attempting to lead two away while the rest pursue the herd, of whom are now in an eager canter after Kachina....
6:47pm Apr 24 2011
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((That look like it would work))
9:07pm Apr 24 2011
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((Sorry I poofed. Easter day with the familiy.)) Kachina reared and twisted around, landing in the mass of horses only to spark confusion as she raced back to help Gahiliahi in his efforts. The herd slowed for several seconds, allowing the wranglers to gain ground. Kachina threw intense glances behind her and guestured for the herd to keep running. A few turned instantly but others stayed, unsure whether or not to run or stay to help protect their leader. Kachina ignored them for the moment and battled against two of the horse-pets and their wranglers. She noticed one of the wranglers she faced was the lead. Both men rode liver chesnut stags and dresses in a strange, similar removable pelt.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:43am Apr 25 2011
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OOC: Tha's ok. :) Galilahi spotted the brown-and-white form of Kachina racing back to the herd. A mixture of contempt and relief seeped through him, but he didn't dare slow down - the distance between him and the two wrangler-horses was closing gradually. The chestnut overtook the roan - who had suffered a fall from Galilahi and was struggling to keep a swift pace - and was almost running alongside Galilahi. The wrangler swung a rope, and it slipped neatly around the stallion's head. A single tug and a sudden braking swept the mustang nearly off his feet. He struggled to gain his footings as the previous rope was gripped, and suddenly, he was being held by two wranglers. By now, he was panting hard, frothing heavily at the mouth, and his legs were shaking. Never before in his life had he had to do so much running, and at such speeds! The success of the warriors and the sentries of the herd resulted in close to absolutely no wolves, no cougars, no lynxes coming after Galilahi as a colt. He'd never been put in a situation where he had to run for his very life, and marveled at the irony of it all - his childhood security, and lack of experience in the face of danger, had left him soft and unprepared for the real hazards of life... Up ahead, he spotted Kachina battling a pair of liver-chestnut stallions, their riders whooping and swinging ropes. The filly dodged all attempts but it would only be a matter of time before- "Harry," the wrangler riding the chestnut mustang suddenly said. "We should go help the Thelward brothers, that mare they're tryin' t' tackle looks pretty wild. We should leave this bay one for a while, he's spent." "I'm not leavin' him anywhere, Chuck," Harry growled, his voice adamant. "Pfft, look at him!" Chuck exclaimed, prodding a finger in Galilahi's direction. "He's outta breath! His heart's 'bout to burst! If we leave him now, he ain't goin' anywhere, the fat creature. Say, for a wild mustang, he's pretty chunky. Young colt never been hunted in his life, I'm guessin'..." His unelaborate speech ended with a light-hearted chuckle. Despite his words, his eyes were soft as they fell upon Galilahi's gasping form, yet he still marvelled at the mustang's complete lack of fitness. Harry reluctantly nodded. "Ah-right," he growned eventually, then clutched at his leg with a grimace of pain. "Stupid animal ran into my Lia, felled her right over onto me. Leg ain't broken but it sure hurts. C'mon, let's just get the damn mare." The two humans gently but firmly slipped both ropes off Galilahi's neck - after Harry notably stated, "He can hardly breathe with these things on!" - and the bay horse staggered as he backed away from the pair. The chestnut stallion glared at Galilahi with triumphant scorn in his eyes, and the roan mare, well, she snorted furiously in the bay's direction, angry with the way he'd toppled her over. They took off after Kachina, who by now, was a surprising distance from Galilahi... and the herd. He could do nothing but hang his head and pant. OOC: I hope to make this his getaway, so don't worry about saving him or whatever.
6:56pm Apr 25 2011
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((Sounds good. I think the group should break away now. If thats ok.)) Kachina almost gave up hope as two more wranglers approached. she paused for merely a second, only to be met with a single rope around her neck. She hated the feeling. The rough string scratched and rubbed her neck raw. She stopped dead, waiting for the wrangler, the one on the roan mare, to loosen his grip. When he finally relaxed, she pulled back sharply and he flew foward, landing in the mud at Kachina's feet. Snorting, she backed away quickly.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:44pm Apr 25 2011
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((Back)) Tarlar kept trying to encourage the herd but by this time they were losing hope agin and tireing quickly. Tarlar was exasted as well but drew in a breath of fresh air and galloped on her legs had gone numb a while before and by now it was as if she were just watching her legs move instead of her actually moving them herself. She was looking down at her quickly moving hooves and legs when she triped up from the numbness rolling to the ground like a wheel. She tried to get up but a rope was allready around her neck. She snorted at the horse who's rider held the rough nawrled rope. She got up. The wrangler jerked at the rope, "You ain't goin' no wheres" she stomped her hoove to the dusty ground, "No duh smart one" she spat at the wrangler knowing he didn't understand her. She thought for a moment as she turned her head back to the tireing herd. She turned back to the horse and rider witha kind of smirk. She diped her head as if to surrender the rope around her slakening so her head could bow. She then qickly took her right hoove and stomped on the rope riping it out of wranglers hands. She jolted twords him then ran in the other direction back twords the herd her energy renewed and wanting to free surged through her veins.
5:22am Apr 26 2011 (last edited on 10:41am Apr 26 2011)
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OOC: Yeh, I agrees. "Damn," was all Galilahi could think of to say. His breathing was still too heavy to say anything lengthier or with more expressive terms, yet it didn't stop his heart sinking with despair. Up ahead, the herd was being rounded up again. They were like scattered cattle - dumb and senseless, not the proud mustangs they were supposed to be. Their nobility had been stamped into the hard earth, completely forgotten about, as they raised their heads and screamed with their eyes almost out on stalks. Galilahi tried to make out the form of his mother amongst the crowd, but she was nowhere in sight. He also saw that Kachina had overwhelmed one of the wranglers, and the man riding the chestnut stallion had retreated back to try and suppress the herd's wild terror. Shaking his head at what he himself was about to do, he turned and fled. His heart was hammering but he ignored it, and kept running, all the way until he had cleared the space between the long, flat landscape and a series of small ridges that gradually ascended into towering peaks. Galilahi kicked up dust that became small pebbles as he fought the rise and began to climb the small hills. Loose rocks began to tumble and clatter from where his powerful hooves finally unearthed them, and coarse grasses scratched in vain at his black legs, trying to push him back down towards the wranglers. He was disgusted by his own cowardice but he could think of nothing else to do. He turned, mane and tail flying like twin flags in the wind, as he gazed as the chaotic spectacle out on the plain. Kachina and Tarlar were still out there, somewhere..
4:45pm Apr 26 2011
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((Eh, I dont know what to post... School is giving me major writer's block and it sucks.))
4:52pm Apr 26 2011
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OOC: Lol, don't worry. Wanna make your charrie follow after Galilahi, maybe give him a bit of a mouthful for running off? You never know, anything you write could help move the plot along. :)
6:10pm Apr 26 2011
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Tarlar had tryed once more to encourage what was now left of the herd but her eforts failed and she soon tired too. She had narrowly escaped other wranglers trying to get the rope around her neck or possible get anouth around her but with the energy she had left she ran away from them and the herd knowing now that no matter what sh did there was no way on earth no matter how much she thought she could help the herd anymore. She snorted to herself at her lack of courage and hope but deep down she knew there was no hope of a foal even helping round up an entire herd and lead them to safty. She was now a little bit away from the chaotic mass of wranglers, horse-pets, and wrangled mustanges. She couldn't look but she had a hard time pulling her gaze away from what used to be a her home land. She turned in the other diriction and walked slowly away her head and tail hanging low. Her mane and tail wipe softly in the breeze as Tarlar walks against the wind.
6:42pm Apr 26 2011
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Galilahi's ears stiffened as he spotted a familiar shape trudging its way towards him - head hung low, a perfect portrayal of shame and defeat. It was Tarlar, the beige mare! She, too, had fled from the conflict, and at once, a mixture of satisfaction and recognition seeped into the stallion's heart. He wasn't alone in this retreat, he wasn't the only horse with cold feet... Or wisdom? He shook his head, almost joyously, at seeing that a member of his herd had finally gotten away. He hopelessly bellowed: "TARLAR!" and began to fly down the mountainside, kicking up angry rocks that clattered their disdain at being so rudely overthrown. Upon reaching the foot of his stronghold, he reared impressively, kicking out with his forelegs and shouting for her attention. They would have to get away... soon... He turned his head and noticed a gap in the ridge, leading to the unknown. They could escape there. They just needed to remain unnoticed... just for a little longer...
6:59pm Apr 26 2011
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Tarlar had heard Galilahi call her name the first time causing her head to jerk up to see who it was that was bekoning her. When she saw a bay stallion galloping twords her her first reaction was to flee or fight but she noticed it was a member of her herd...or at least a member of what used to be a herd. She cantered up to meet him at the foot of the hill, "It's nice to see some one wasn't captured." she said her voice quiet like ussual with a bit of sadness that they might be the only one's of their herd to still be free. Tarlar looked back at the mass as there now seemed to be small individual groups of wrangled mustangs each of them being held close to one or two wranglers seized by ropes around their necks. She hated seeing them so helpless. She hated being helpless. But what could she do a simle foal.
7:16pm Apr 26 2011
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Kachina thought endlessly while trying to encourage the herd onward. She hated what she was about to do but tried to look at the up side. As a mare with great bloodlines, she could start a new herd, a stronger herd. She would have many foals by a strong stag and grow to a ripe old age before seeing one of her children step up and take control of the herd. Sighing grimly, she turned and ran for a distant hill, atop which she saw the shapes of two other of her herd. She trotted with all the pride and grace of the lead mare of her herd...well...former lead mare. When she was within mere feet of the two horses, Tarlar and Galilahi, she stopped, shamed that she had abonded the herd that had trusted her in a time of crisis. She slicked her auds back against her head, lowered her head until her muzzle brushed the muddy earth, and let the sheeting rain slick her pelt down until she looked like a lost leader, a truly sad sight.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:30pm Apr 26 2011
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Tarlar looked at her leader, she would refuse to say she was otherwise. She walked up close to her and udged Kachina's head up, "Now thats no way for a leader to look. Head up I can't let you loom like this.." she said her voice calm and reassuring. She nuzzled her leaders neck trying to comfort her. "You've done nothing wrong you did all you could just like the rest of us. There was nothing else for us to do." She tryed to keep her voice steady as images flashed through her mind of the herd getting captured one by one. It wasn't Kachina's fault and what she said was true and she meant evrey word she said. The rain fell down on her causing her coat to look a darker shade of beige and her mane a clear white becoming brighter as the dust of the earth washes off her. She pulls her ears back to stop water from dripping into them. She blinks some water off her heavying lashes and brings her head up to look at the sulking form of a leader.
5:26am Apr 27 2011
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OOC: It seems like Desini has left - won't that leave one spot left? So, so far, the active horses we have are Galilahi, Jade, Tarlar and Kachina. That's only four, meaning there can be two slots left. Would it be a bad idea to throw in an extra character, like a horse they pick up on the way (considering the herd's sort of, doomed...?)? Or d'you guys prefer there being only 4 horses? :) Galilahi stood facing Tarlar and Kachina, his head also hung a little lower than usual. He was tempted to pick a fight with his leader and accuse her of her past weakness, but found himself too tired, and was all too aware of the hypocrisy in his previous thoughts. He'd fled, too, along with Tarlar. The rain poured over his tired body, and small wisps of steam began to curl upwards from his bay coat, which was now darkening to an deep, glossy chocolate. His coarse mane and tail was also being cleared of the dust it had gathered. Galilahi looked upwards as best as he could whilst trying to avoid getting stabbed in the eye by a droplet of water, noticing that a grey shroud had almost concealed the gap in the ridge. "Let's get over there," he said, voice hard and emotionless. "There's a space we can escape through. Once we've gotten out of their sight, they may forget about us. After all, they have the whole herd to worry about now..." Without waiting for their replies, he began his walk across the damp earth, no longer kicking up impressive showers of dust. Rather, the skies above were hurling down a piercing, raw shower of rain. Now cooled, he quickened his defeated pace into a bouncy trot, his simple, plain markings and colouring camouflaging him against the dullness of the mountain.
6:49pm Apr 27 2011
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Tarlar didn't look up to Galilahi when he spoke this time but headed after his pounding hooves with Kachina. Her hooves were sinking into the now muddy ground making loud pops as air swooped into place where her hooves were. The mud made it so the sound of her hooves hitting the ground were no longer it was no more the sound of the rain with the slight pop of the release of sucktion between the wet earth and Tarkars hooves. She lifted her head a bit to see where she was going now keeping pace with Kachina while trying not to let Galilahi out of sight.
7:19pm Apr 27 2011
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Kachina trudged along beside Tarlar, headed for escape. She could almost hear her fathers voice in the driving rain, disapproving of abondoning her herd. She pushed all those thoughts away with a new-found energy. She would start a new, better herd. She would protect them. ((Yea. Erm..I'll make a new chara. And you two can deside which of you wants to make a new chara, if either of you. If not then maybe a rebellous horse-pet could throw it's rider and join the group.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:30pm Apr 27 2011
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((I could make a chara if wolf doesn't want to))