The Cimmeron Mustangs((Wild Horse))Have Returned

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7:45pm Apr 27 2011

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Posts: 1,314

OOC: I'm not bothered, you guys go ahead if you want. :) I'd better go now, it's pretty late where I am. Just pretend Gali's still cantering along, you guys can post again if you like.


8:00pm Apr 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Name: Fell

Gender: Male



Personality: Fell is funny and like to try and make others laugh. He can't stand silence most of the time and wont be quick to judge others. He is easy to get along with.




8:27pm Apr 27 2011

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Posts: 2,422

Kaz watched from a distance and the disbanded herd was driven far from their homeland. He shook his head and began to gallop towards the three horses upon the hill. As he neared, he slowed into a quick walk and pricked his auds, studying the three and snorting to alert them of his presence.

Kachina's head shot up as she heard a snort and spun around to find herself almost nose to nose with a stallion. "Uh..." She mumbled before straightening up. "Who are you and what are you doing on my territory?" She snorted at him.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:35pm Apr 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Tarlar turned around with Kachina. She was looking at a light brown Stallion with draker speckales dashed accross his body. His mane diffrent shades of brown as well.She stayed next to kachina but didn't say anything, that was Kachina's job. If she needed to she would but for now nothing seemed dangerous, just a bit unexpected. She studyed the stallions posture and the way he held himself to determin if her was fearfull, angrey, scared, or just plane lost.

Fell had his eyes closed a smile on his muzzle as he pranced around in the rain. He spun in a circle on his back legs before landing on his front hooves with a thud splatering mud on his legs. He ipened his eyes and ran through the hard drops of water happy and having fun for all it's worth. He loved the rain.


8:48pm Apr 27 2011

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Posts: 2,422

Kaz lowered his head. He could tell by the way the other horses responded to the pinto mare's actions that she was to be respected. "I saw your herd being rounded up and driven off. I just wanted to give my condolences." He cast a glance at the mare beside the obvious leader. "My name is Kazio but most horses just call me Kaz. I'm a loner looking for a herd." He looked up hopefully at her.


Kachina calmed a bit and scanned her eyes over the stag. "Fine. You will start as a warrior. Your job is to mainly protect the lead pair. For now, the only lead here is me. I am Kachina, lead mare of this...small band of horses. You are accepted into this herd but you must earn your rights. Tarlar, lets go after Galilahi. He might have found shelter." She turned her tail to Kaz and trotted away with Tarlar.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

9:05pm Apr 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Tarlar diped her head to Kaz as if to say "Hi" then swiftly followed Kachina. She was at a slower trot that Kachina but she follwed close behind her head held at a respectable hieght but to be taken as over confidence, she just wanted to see over the hill. Tarlar liked the rain enough but when it poured like this it bothered her. She didn't show her discomfort though, she sucked it up and trottrd on hoping Galilahi found a dry place to stay awhile.

Fell had spoted a few horses on the hill beyond the one he was atop at the moment. He stoped and watched wondering if they were real. He hadn't seen other horses in a long while. when he knew they were real he could help but gallop down the hill he was on twords the others joyfully. He was galloping faster than he thought he ever had in his life, even faster than he had from the mountain lion who's tail he was playing with a couple days ago. His eyes were bright and happy untill he thought that maybe they wont accept him. But he knew he had to atleast try I mean this wouldn't be the first time he'd been rejected. If he wasn't accepted he wouldn't let this little thing pull him down. He would help them out if he could and then live the next day like he hadn't even met them.


7:50am Apr 28 2011

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Posts: 1,314
Galilahi was ahead of the others, but when he heard an unfamiliar voice - a male one at that - he paused and turned his head around. The sight made him bristle - a stallion stood, facing Kachina, and a little way ahead, a roan horse with darker flecks. Instantly he felt put on edge, and he waited until the others caught up. He kept his eyes trained on the closest newcomer.
"Kazio, is it?" he said, a hint of accusation in his tone, and he resumed his pace. His ears were lower than usual as he glared slanderously at Kaz, intent to make eye contact. He glanced in Kachina's way, bitter. "You were quick to start recruiting... What about the rest of the herd?"


9:43pm Apr 28 2011

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Posts: 5,578
When Fell had come closer to the band of horses he could tell one of them was tense. He couldn't tell why. He also could tell that the rest displed almost no emotion so he quessed that they would be fine with him aproching. He slowed to a slight trot and made his way to the bay a bit seprate from the others. He slowed even further to a walk as he got to him. He diped his head, "Hey" he said happily hoping he could at least try to lift his spirit.


9:45pm Apr 28 2011

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Posts: 2,422

Kachina glanced over at Galilahi. "That herd is gone now to be horse-pets or killed by the humans. I have begun a new herd made of the horses who have run with me. I might follow the herd and rescue the ones I am able to but until then, we must make this herd as strong as we can." She snorted and trotted ahead to the lead and kept her eyes open for shelter.

Kaz sensed somthing familiar about Kachina. He felt he knew her. Shaking these thoughts away, he glanced at the stallion next to him and noded. "You?" He asked.


"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:17pm Apr 28 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((who is Kaz talking to?))


10:31pm Apr 28 2011

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Posts: 2,422

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:42pm Apr 28 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((Oh ok XD I totaly knew that duh)))


7:12am Apr 29 2011

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Posts: 1,314
Galilahi gave a furious snort and cantered after Kachina, ignoring Kaz's question and only pausing to throw a confused glance in Fell's direction. "My mother's back there," he exclaimed, angry. "She might not be one of your stunning warriors, or a noble sentry, but she's still a mustang - one of us. My mother." Desperately, he pressed on. "At least can we begin tracking them now?"


5:21pm Apr 29 2011

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Posts: 2,422

Kachina rounded to face him. "You're not suckling. You dont need your mother there for you every waking second. In fact, usually at your age, you would be expelled from the herd. Be happy we will eventually follow them. For now, I am looking for a place to rest, dry off, and eat." She said and quickened her pace, spotting a large water fall ahead with what looked like a cavern with dirt and trees and grass behind it. She knew this wasnt normal but, wiht her stomach growling and her hooves tiring, she didnt care and went off a sprint.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

6:39pm Apr 29 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Tarlar followed Kachina not sure who to side with but she knew to be loyal to her leader for she knew no other way. She galloped after Kachina. "Just calm down" she said her voice level even ash she ran, "be calm so you can make rational decistions" she advised her. She didn't know whether Kachina would take her advice or not but she hoped no one would begin yelling again if they did she would have to act this time. She hated yelling expsially when it was between comrades.

Fell was confused too and just stood where he was not sure wheather to fallow the horses or not. He didn't feel quite welcomed but it could just be because he came at the wrong time. He fallowed the horses but not closely he wanted to give them some room just in case.


5:59am Apr 30 2011

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Posts: 1,314
For some reason, Kachina's reply had felt all too personal. It was as if she'd shunned the idea of Galilahi's mother being a member of their herd, and taken the moment to bring his maturity to light instead. He was all too aware he was older now, and an independent horse. But what angered him so much was that she'd turned her back on his blood-family as well. She didn't seem to have any consideration for the welfare of her team's dear ones. 
 Angrily he pushed on into a canter, following her lead once again, and keeping spiteful references to her dead mother to himself. 


11:13am Apr 30 2011

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Posts: 2,422

As she rounded the waterfall and cantered into the cave behind it, she stop at the back of the cave, stepping onto a large, flat boulder and waiting for the rest of the group. Once all were there, she began. "We will leave to track the herd tomorrow night. It is better to travel at night as most of the wranglers will have went to bed and wont be trying to capture us, as they have the herd. For the meantime, rest, eat, relax, get to know your new herd members." She began to step down, then threw a sharp glance at Galilahi. "And if I feel the need to, we will abandon the mission. I will not risk the saftey of this herd to try and rescue a herd that has most likely been already sold, broken, or killed off.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:09pm Apr 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((So sorry. I couldnt get on for a couple of days. So uh... What happened?))


1:20pm Apr 30 2011

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Posts: 2,422
((The group broke away and now they are in a grazzy, tree-ish cave behind a waterfall, resting. They are gonna go back and track the herd across the land. Meanwhile, Kachina will pick a lead stallion.))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:27pm Apr 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258

((Alrighty then.))

Jade lay far from the rest of the heard, letting her mind wander. How could I fail? I let my heard down and now the leaders are dead. What if it happens again? Will they all blame me for this disaster. She thought to herself with a sigh. "All my fault." She said, mostly to herself. With her legs folded beneath her, Jade refused to sleep or rest until the heard was back to safety.

((Epic failure. XD))

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