9:36pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 9:36pm Feb 21 2010)
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((>n> Go here first before applying/posting. http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/index.php?id=1287666)) Artemis was busy shining the gem embedded in her glove armor to notice the cloaked lady had left and she was now surrounded by a vast field of gra.ss, tall flowers, and dead trees. The gra.ss was a golden color and the flowers had thorns large enough to impale a man. She was told to stay away from things with thorns. The red haired girl stood up and stretched, seemingly unimpressed by the change of surroundings. Whoever that lady was, she seemed to nearly beg her to help find The Clerics. Artemis picked up her naginata and laid it across her shoulder, still holding onto it. She scratched her head with her free hand and started walking onward, not really knowing where she was going. "I guess following the path will have to do." Artemis muttered aloud.Though she didn't move. She simply stood there, staring at the road.
6:04pm Feb 22 2010
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((Slight rules change. If you wish to apply, email me at hergygergerk@hotmail.com with your application until further notice.))
6:55pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((You know ima stalk you on email now. XD And sending. Love the siggy egg. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:42pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Postehng.)) KoKo held out her arm as Lukka alighted upon it, the hard pad on her right forearm preventing the hawk's talons from piercing her flesh. The hawk looked disappointed. The brown-haired girl had sent out her pet in almost every direction since they had been sent here, but the hawk had found no signs of familiarity. KoKo looked around. The field was frightening, with dead, foreboding trees, and large thorns big enough to kill someone. Lukka, however, pointed in one direction, and koKo arched an eyebrow in confusion. "What is it?" KoKo was suprised when it seemed as if Lukka rolled her eyes, but the hawk almost instantly took off in the direction she had been pointing, and KoKo dismisse the action as a trick of the mind. She glanced up at the spiraling bird, and grabbed her staff, which she had stuck into the ground while waiting for her pet to return from scouting. The hawk angled south, and KoKo followed, using her staff to push aside the gras.s in places where she couldn't step over it, which was most of the field.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:06pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,148
A faint wind picked up, blowing a dead feel over Artemis. She glanced to her right and spied a hawk. It wasn't often that a living creature could be seen taking flight on these god-forsaken winds. Below she could see gr*censored* parting and hear it cry out as it snapped under the weight of whatever was drawing nearer. Artemis wasn't about to be caught unawares, although if the bird was living peacefully with whatever was drawing near, she shouldn't have too much to worry about. "Who's there?" Artemis called out, her voice commanding and firm, yet unthreatening. She placed her naginata on the ground and leaned against it a bit holding herself up with both hands on the staff of her weapon. A fairly relaxed pose, non-challenging to anyone who was peaceful and had no desire to attack.
9:15pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo stopped as the voice carried over to her from not too far away. She stopped, using a small spell to flatten the gra.ss around her so she wouldn't have to hold it out of the way for a while. Lukka, above, continued circling, and KoKo watched her pet as she answered. "I am no one but a mage. I intend no harm to anyone, but will respond appropriatly if attacked." She hoped that this would answer the person's question without revealing too much about her identity. She let out a shrill whistle, Lukka responded, spiraling downward, and KoKo allowed her to land on her shoulder, where a leather strap was, so she could strap her staff to her back when she wished. It also seved as a safe perch for her pet. KoKo lifed a hand and stroked Lukka's beak, and the hawk closed her eyes. "Ah. So you were telling me that someone was ahead, hm?" Her voice was soft and caring as she spoke to her friend. ((I gotta go. Ugh. Go ahead and post. i'll be back around 4-4:30 res time. Bye!))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:25pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,148
Artemis nodded, this person was no foe. She brought her weapon back up to her shoulder and walked into the gra.ss a little ways before she came to the opening where the mage was. "A mage, huh," she said while examining KoKo. "You don't look like most mages I've seen leave from my villiage. They've got dressy clothes and pretty sparkles and ghost-like familiars. You seem pretty plain and don't fancy yourself a person to worship." Artemis let out a soft chuckle. Oh how her own wit amused her. "I'm Artemis, by the way," she said while sticking out her gloved hand, the metal fingers chimed a bit as they touched each other softly. She didn't seem to pay any mind to the noise, it was something she was used to by now, having lived with this all her life. "I just got back from... uhhh... sleeping." She hesitated to tell the full truth, worrying she might be seen as a psychopath.
9:49pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,428
(( Great to see you roleplaying again LeWhitters <3 Have fun. -poof- ))

I just posted. Deal with it.
7:43am Feb 24 2010
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KoKo grasped Artemis's hand and shook it. "Eh. I prefer not to take all of that traditional magey stuff into account. And Lukka here is mainly for company. Can get lonely being a mage. I'm KoKo." She smiled, and with her other hand, jabbed her staff into the ground. It remained upright, and Lukka, who was already itching to fly,spiraled up into the sky, twisting, turning, and all sorts of other tricks. KoKo glanced up. "Showoff."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:23am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,148
Artemis smiled, noting that the mage girl didn't hinder or stare awkwardly at her metal hand. Almost everyone she met stared or made comments about it. Of course, she wasn't like most people. As the fowl flew up to the sky and began dancing on the breeze, Artemis watched with particular interest. "How long have you two traveled together?" she asked. "You two seem fairly close." Artemis never had a pet of her own, or friend. Thanks to her mechanical arms and peculiar eye colors she was deemed a 'freak' among her cl*censored*mates. Animals were afraid of her hands since they didn't smell like human or feel nice to be touched with. She was used to the lack of companionship, though. People slowed her down mostly and sheliked to keep at her own pace. Though it's not to say that she didn't make a few acquaintances who weren't perpetually mortified of her outlandish appearance.
4:50pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo shrugged. "I really can't remember how long, actually. I got her as a birthday present one year, and had her since. we've had a few fights, which are evenly matched, as she always leaves me with...souveniers, but there are times when it seems we are of one mind, and other times when she seems smarter than any human. I have a feeling that, being an animal, she gets premonitions, like dogs when a disaster is about to hit, but more of....sights. Its hard to explain." She smiled to herself. She always seemed odd when she spoke about Lukka, because she always talked about her pet as more of a friend than a pet, and more of a human than a bird.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:56pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 2,148
"A while then, huh?" Artemis stated, not so much a question as it was just a confirmation of what she understood. She watched the two with a bit of jealousy, though didn't show it. It was a few minutes before her mind came back to her about what she had just seen and heard before the mage and her bird friend appeared. She felt obligated to find the Clerics, and she knew she wouldn't be able to do it alone. "What sort of magery do you practice? Illusions? Or are you able to summon hostiles?" Artemis wasn't able to effectively control her own magic. The stones embedded in her metal gloves were beyond her ability to maintain, even though her entire body was practically made of a magic that most couldn't understand. She was more of a melee fighter, and with a mage on her side, it could be that they, together, would be able to find and return the Clerics.
9:51pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo shrugged. "It really depends on my strength. I can control elements created from thin air, summon beasts, or cast illusions. I normally stick to lighting caves, or creating fire and the like--elemental stuff, you know. The easier, less stressful and energy-consuming types. But if I tried and had the strength, I could summon or cast illusions or a sort, Though not for long." Lukka spiraled down and took a perch on the top of the staff, carefully inspecting Artemis. KoKo sighed. "Suspicious little feather puff."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:02pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ooh. Tempted to join, but I'm not sure if I could manage it. x3 Still, like Spear said, it's lovely to see you 'round here again.
10:14pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 2,148
Artemis smiled lopsidedly to the fowl as it inspected her. She paid no real mind to the glares it gave, poking holes into her aura. She turned back to KoKo and nodded. "Well, I've got a proposition for you," she said while scratching an itch on her back with her naginata. "I just got back from... uhhh. Well, god knows where and I have to go find the Clerics and keep the world from getting destroyed by negligence. I'm more of a melee warrior, but it'd be great to have a mage to go with me through the whole thing, just in case, y'know?" Unsure of how she'd answer, Artemis quickly added. "But don't feel obligated to say yes, y'know. I mean, the lady asked me. I just... wanted to know if you'd like to come along."
10:18pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo nodded quickly. "Of course. Our town has fallen into chaos since the Clerics disappeared. They didn't even want me to leave. Of course, I have no idea where I am now, but...." She glanced about. "But yes, I will accompany you. Some of my stronger spells leave me vunerable for a little while, and having a warrior to guard my back would be awesome."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:13am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,148
A large grin formed on Artemis' face and she patted KoKo's back firmly. "Perfect! Let's be off then!" Artemis took a step forward then turned around on her heel and said. "I have no idea where I'm going. Do you have a map?" She grinned and chuckled slightly, her demeanor changed from withdrawing and calm to excited and out going. She was prone to these changes at times, though mostly when she makes a friend, or travel companion.
1:16am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo shook her head. "Nope, I normally have no need, Lukka does alot of scouting ahead, but...It looks like she still doesn't quite trust you yet." She glanced at the hawk, then faced Artemis with a grin. "Let's just go in a direction and hope its right." ((Ah, optimism. Something I lost long ago. XD Darn watching kids every day for no money.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:26am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,148
Artemis stared at Lukka and scowled a bit. Pet loyalty, probably one of her issues. Pets never trusted her and possibly never would. "I guess we'll just have to rely on our woman's intuition." she shrugged a bit and continued forward in the direction KoKo pointed. She wasn't too keen on following her own way since it would most likely be the wrong way and cause a bit of an argument between the two. "So where did you say you were from?" Artemis asked, wanting to get to know her partner a little better.
1:41am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo gestured with her hands to the northwest. "A small town by the name of Hendral. Everyone has a pet there. There was my house, where I lived alone. In our town, if you were at all skilled in magic, you got to take a 'test' at 10. If you were deemed mature, you 'pas.sed' and were able to live alone. Beside my house was our Tremac's house, or, to put it plainly, our mayor's house. His name was Yevar. He was very kind. I always had more freedom in town than most, so...Yep. For a few blocks it was just houses, then there was our church. I can't explain it in detail. Since I cast black magics, and not just the white magics, I wasn't allowed in." She was silent for a while, looking at the sky as they walked. Then she continued, her voice soft. "Then there was the shcoolhouse. It was one-room, and if you were a mage, you got out if you pas.sed the test. Other than that, you had to continue until you were 18....I was raised by the schoolmaster. He was very nice. My dad left me and my mom only a few days after I was born, and my mom soon died of malaria." Her voice was barely a whisper. "The schoolmaster died right before I took the test. After that, I decided to live alone." She silenced, and Lukka, feeling that sadness, cawed softly.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."