2:15am Feb 28 2010
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Artemis kept her eyes on KoKo as she spoke about her life. It reminded her a bit like her's, only with less violence and more human contact. Her culture sounded strange and unfamiliar to her. During her life in solitude she brushed up on her history and cultures and never did this one get mentioned in the books she read or the recordings she listened to. "Are you glad that you left?" Artemis finally asked. She was staring ahead at this point, her attitude had changed from happy-go-lucky to solemn.
3:17pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 730
May was sitting in a tree, brooding and wondering where she was. The last thing she remembered was tripping and hitting her head. She had woken up and seen a field with tall gr*censored* and huge thorns. She had sought the relative safety of the trees, but she hoped there were friendly people here. She saw people walking in the distance, and frowned. Were they friendly?

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5:05pm Mar 2 2010
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KoKo shrugged. "In some cases I am, in others, I'm not. I recently recived word that my closest friend died of a heart attack. She was very young, but she had to take over the school, as her father was the schoolmaster that raised me. For this reason, she was stressed, and Halla, may she rest in peace, deserved better. It was her raven that brought me the news, and the bird crowed all night, as well as Lukka joining in with her." KoKo blinked back tears. "That is one of the reasons I wish I hadn't left. Halla and I were to run the school together. If I had stayed, it would have been less stressful, and she may not have had a heart attack. But when we found out that I could preform magic, we were both so happy...." She was silent for a long time, watching as Lukka took again to the air, rising on updrafts, riding on thermals. KoKo muttered to herself, in a shaky voice. "She's so restless. Just like Halla was." Then she looked back at Artemis. "One of the reasons I was happy to leave, is because I was getting called a curse. When my mother died of malaria, they thought it was coincidence, but when the schoolmaster died, they became worried. They day after Halla died, I got all sorts of birds from our town coming with messages that said nothing but 'Curse!' on them."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:13pm Mar 2 2010
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May decided to take her chances with the strangers. She shifted her katanas so that they were within easy reach, and leaped down. "Hi. I'm May." She said, tense. "What are you doing here?" She itched to grab her katanas and run, but fought the urge.

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12:43pm Mar 3 2010
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A faint smile appeared on Artemis' face. It wasn't a happy smile, it was a sad smile, full of remorce and sympathy. "You can't beat yourself up over these things. Fate always has a way of doing things where, in the end, it will all turn out right." It was then that the new woman's voice spoke up and Artemis turned quickly, gripping her weapon and staring over to May and stared hard at her. "Hello, May," Artemis answered, tense and examining her carefully, taking note of the weapons she weilded. "We're just p*censored*ing by, are we tresp*censored*ing?" She tried not to sound threatening. She came off as a bit rough, though. She didn't like being spied on.
1:54pm Mar 3 2010
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May took her hands away from her katanas, so that she didn't look as if she was going to attack. "Sorry, I just need to know where I am. I have absolutely no idea who owns this place." She had picked up on Artemis's tone of voice, though. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I wasn't sure if you would attack." She was uncomfortable, having never been good at social stuff.

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5:31pm Mar 3 2010
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KoKo had readied her staff, and had already thought of a few words of magic to use if she attacked. Even now, when she wasn't appearing hostile, KoKo kept her guard up. Hard times are these. Can trust few. I had to trust Artemis. Otherwise we'd be alone. But this....May person. I'm not too sure. She glanced up at Lukka, who cawed loudly, still circling above. KoKo let out a shrill whistle, and the hawk started a slow spiral down, and came to rest on the staff.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:54pm Mar 3 2010
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May was staring at the bird. "He's beautiful, you know." She lifted her hand, as if wanting to pet him, but dropped it. "I had a bird once, and he was wanting a mate. I told him to go, but when he cleared the treetops, a hunter shot him." Her eyes grew waterey, and her voice was rough when she spoke. "Take care of him." She turned her head away and grabbed her pack from the tree. She took out a piece of bread, and ate it, as if that could make her forget.

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6:57pm Mar 3 2010
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KoKo glared at the back of May's head, then pet Lukka's head. "Not a he. A she. She's not a male, mind you." The hawk was looking away from May, obviously hurt. "It's okay, girl. She didn't know." Lukka glanced at KoKo, then looked away. The girl looked at May. "She's very sensitive. Smarter than me at times, and easier to offend, too.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:38pm Mar 4 2010
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May looked up from her bread, and looked at Lukka. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Will you forgive me?" ((She can talk to animals, by the way.))

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5:35pm Mar 4 2010
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Artemis eased up and nodded, though didn't completely let down her guard as well. The idea of having visible weapons seemed a bit threatening to her, although she had her nanigata out in the open as well, so she couldn't judge too much. When the girl began speaking to the hawk, Artemis quirked a brow and stared a bit awkwardly at her, beginning to question this newcomer's sanity. "Excuse me, lady," Artemis said a bit timidly. "But who are you? And... why are you talking to Lukka?"
3:04pm Mar 5 2010
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"Hmm?" She stopped talking to Lukka. "I'm May, but I doubt you're asking about my name. I come from the east, where I trained as a ninja. I don't creep around at night and throw shurikans at people, but I am accomplished with most weapons. And I'm talking to Lukka because she is intelligent, unlike some other birds." She grinned. "I can speak to animals, like Lukka and other creatures. It's pretty neat. That's why I don't have a pet, because I can just befriend one that will travel with me, and release it when it wants to leave."

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3:39pm Mar 5 2010
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KoKo pet Lukka as the hawk continued to look away. She cawed softly, and KoKo mimicked the sound to soothe her.
"It's okay, girl. She really didn't mean it. At least look at her."
The hawk glanced at May, then opened her beak, clacking it and *censored*tering rapidly.
(('I still don't forgive her. I mean, look at me. No male could ever match my beauty or grace. I might never forgive her. But I'm guessing that I'll have to.' and KoKo can understand and talk to her because of their close bond. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:17pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 730
((Of course! She is your pet! :D)) "Of course not, I am sorry. I'm used to having a male hawk around. He was a good deal less graceful than you, as well." She chuckled at the memory.

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2:10pm Mar 6 2010
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9:32pm Mar 6 2010
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((Sorry, I may not respond for a while. Stuff's going on and I need to focus on school. I'll try and respond later in the week. Keep posting, just *censored*ume I'm going along with you guys. Lol. o_o))
9:46am Mar 7 2010
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((Lol. Kay Whitters. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:20pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 730

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4:31pm Mar 9 2010
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((Anyways...)) May grabbed her stuff and set off down the path. "I'll be right back... scouting on ground level." She flashed a grin, and disappeared into the bushes.

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3:04pm Mar 10 2010
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