3:02pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 730
((Ummm... I think that this is pretty much dead... -_-'))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
8:52pm Mar 11 2010
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((No, I've just been on less, since I got meh new game Tuesday. Sorreh. I'll try and post tomorrow.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:12pm Mar 12 2010
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((Sorry, I'm back now. :D I'll keep it active. x3)) Artemis stared at the two for a moment before she decided to speak up. "Look, as delightful as this is, I re-" it was then that May spoke up and vanished into the bushes and she huffed a little. "I really need to get going..." she muttered softly with a bit of exasperation. She scratched the back of her head and turned to KoKo. "Should we bring her along?"
4:11pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 730
((No problem Fox, I've been bumping a lot lately on my various RPs)) As May was moving silently through the forest, something occured to her. There were no animals here, besides Lukka. She tried to find any lingering traces, a print, a broken twig, something to show that animal life existed. She found nothing, until she found some blood next to one of the arm-length thorns. "I hope these plants aren't poisonous..." She muttered, turning around to get back to the two travelers.

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4:15pm Mar 12 2010
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KoKo shrugged as May left. The place was starting to creep her out, and she wanted to leave and find the Clerics as soon as possible. When Artemis asked her if they should bring May along, she sighed, glancing up at the sky. "Seems we have no choice. I never said a thing about it and here she is, off to get her stuff. So...I guess we have to. Unless you want to tell her that she can't. 'Cuz I am surely too soft-hearted to tell her."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:22am Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 12:20pm Mar 13 2010)
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Posts: 730
The plant rustled behind her, and May turned around slightly, looking for the animal. She didn't see one, and dismissed the noise as a figment of her imagination. She continued walking, and then a branch whipped out behind her, glancing off her light armor. She whirled, pulling out her katanas in one fluid motion, and whacked it off. Another branch lashed out, thorns gleaming wickedly, as she desperately tried to defend herself. She was getting beaten back, scratched repeatedly, until she turned and fled. She was bleeding, but she didn't dare look. She burst out from the bushes in front of where Artemis and KoKo were, and fell over, dizzy from the blood loss. It was all over her armor, and she looked down in disgust. "That's going to take a while to get off." She grimaced. "I think it's time for us to get out of here... stupid plants."

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11:28am Mar 14 2010
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Artemis perked up when the sound of the plants attacking could be heard. "Let's go!" she said while placing her nanitaga behind her in a hole open on the pack she had on her back. She flicked her wrist, her round, metal fingers turning to two thin, sharp daggers. May appeared and Artemis barked an order. "Go to the water and wait for me there! The water here has healing components. I need a leaf from the plant that attacked you." A thick vine lashed out at Artemis, she stuck up her right arm and watched as it wrapped around it. She used her free hand to cut the vine off and saw it squirm and let out a hissing sound as it retreated to the thicket. Artemis watched in surprise as a m*censored*ive form appeared from above the brush. "Oh crap." She said and stepped back.
1:01pm Mar 14 2010
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May started to run to the water, but hesitated when she saw the shadow looming up above the treetops. "Artemis, run!" She shouted, trying to get a glimpse of the creature's face. She heard the plants rustling behind her, and concentrated on protecting herself for a moment.

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10:15pm Mar 14 2010
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"No!" Artemis shouted. "Not until I get that stupid leaf! That cut will drain the life out of you!" As another vine projected towards Artemis, she lifted her arm and cut through the vine. She glanced around for a single leaf in that mess until she finally found one. Running as fast as she could, Artemis quickly snatched the leaf, placed it in her shirt and held up her right hand to the monsterous vegetation. "Please work..." she whispered as the gem on her armored glove began to glow red, then a burst of flame exploded around her, causing a rain of fire to fall down around. "Uhh. Good enough!" Artemis spun around and ran quickly, grabbing KoKo's hand and litterally dragging her away as the plant monster squirmed in agony. She waved at May to hurry as she avoided the flame shower she unintentionally created.
2:07pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 730
May noticed Artemis fleeing with KoKo just as she chopped off the last vine. She sprinted after them, pausing at the spring to fill her empty waterskin on the way. She felt herself tire slightly, and sped up, Artemis's words ringing in her ears. "I don't want to die!" She muttered, clenching her teeth.

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7:46pm Mar 15 2010
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KoKo followed, stumbling slightly at being pulled, until she found a chance to pull her hand free and draw her staff. Muttering a few words beneath her breath as they ran, she created a small barrier that blocked the three girls from the fire. She then picked up her pace, pas.sing Artemis slightly. Lukka cawed slightly as KoKo felt the strain from her spell starting to take a toll on her. "Hurry. I can't hold it much longer!" Lukka, tired of being jostled about, lifted up, above them, but still in the barrier.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:41pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 730
May picked up the pace, coming up to be even with KoKo. "This way!" She shouted, because she had scouted the area the first moment she could. She turned them all a little to the right, because the path that they would have reached would lead them farther in. "I know the way out!"

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10:01pm Mar 16 2010
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Artemis allowed KoKo's hand to slip from her grip and watched as the barrier lifted. Wads of flame and chunks of burning vines from the plant monster came crashing around them, the barrier deflecting them from their path. Artemis kept running and watched as they slowly p*censored*ed her. Being eighty percent metal wasn't good for speed. When May spoke up and darted right, Artemis lost her footing and scrambled a bit to get back on her feet. Her fingers dug into the dirt as she tried to keep herself from falling face first into the ground, then she began running after them. The area around them began to tremble a bit. Artemis glanced around and noticed the gra.ss surrounding them was shifting and falling into itself. Instantly the ground lifted and an earth beast revealed itself, then several others with it. "You're kidding..." she whispered breathlessly.
2:00pm Mar 17 2010
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May sensed the ground tremble, turned her head slightly and saw two things: First, Artemis was falling behind, and second, there was an earth monster. She cursed under her breath, and darted back to Artemis. "Come on!" she shouted over the roar of the creatures. She grabbed Artemis's arm and heaved, stronger that she looked. She began sprinting back away from the creature, and then she heard it speak. It was an awful, distorted noise, but it sounded vaugely like the animals she had talked to. It spoke of death, destruction, and she hadn't realized she had stopped until it turned it's gaze on her. She looked away, noticed that she wasn't moving, and broke out into a full-out sprint. She turned to look for Artemis, trying to ignore the insidious voice now following her.

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9:24pm Mar 17 2010
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Not liking to be touched, Artemis scowled and reached over with her free hand and hit the clear gem on her armored glove. Instantly the ribbons on her back multiplied and created a large fan on her back. She twisted her wrist so it was grabbing May's arm as well. "You best hang on." She called out and reached out and grabbed KoKo yet again. "Hope you two aren't afraid of heights." Artemis jumped into the air and instantly began flying. Hot air began pumping out of the small pack on her back, pushing her off the ground and causing the newly appeared fan on her back to act as a hang glider. She didn't go as fast or as high as she did on solo flights, but she picked up speed fast and soon the earth golems were out of sight. On her face was still the same scowl she had when May grabbed her arm, although perspiration appeared on her brow as she struggled to hold onto the two women. She could feel the stress on her elbow where the prosthetic part began. Below them was water so Artemis flew low and dropped them both into the water rather heavily, then she skidded across the river and came to a halt on the other s*censored*. "Stupid monsters..." she whispered achingly.
9:45am Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 3,469
KoKo didn't care for heights, she preferred keeping her feet on solid ground, but if it meant getting away from those...things, she was okay with it. She ended the spell with relief, realizing how much energy it had actually taken. Either I'm tired, out of shape, or out of practice. A spell like that used to be simple to me.... She was relieved when Artemis felw lower, but when she was dropped in the river, she came up sputter, angry. "Yes. The water, of course the water. I would have preferred a bit of warning. Or a tree." In this fashion of muttering to herself, she made her way to the closest s*censored*, which happened to be the side oposite the river of Artemis. As KoKo stabbed the end of the staff into the soft earth, Lukka landed on the crescent, cawing in laughter. KoKo shot her a look, then proceeded to wring out her clothes, which were sopping wet. After getting the excess out, she grabbed her staff roughly, causing Lukka to take to the air again, and KoKo muttered a spell that dried her clothes instantly. Lukka flew in and landed on her shoulder momentarily, waiting for any commands. "Go scout the area, Lukka. We don't want any more suprises." The hawk nodded and flew into the air, and KoKo watched her with careful eyes until she was no longer seen.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:35pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 730
May didn't mind the heights, because she used to spend so much time in the tall trees back home. When she was dropped into the water, however, she got slightly irritated. She swam toward the closer side, afer KoKo, and climbed out. "Great. Just great." she said to herself, inspecting her katanas. "They're soaked." She sighed, and laid them out to dry in the sun. Next, she pulled off her armor and laid it out to dry next to her katanas. She stood there for a few moments, staring at her belonings, when she felt her stomach lurch. She ran to the tall gr*censored* a few feet away, and threw up, sick from the aftereffects of that stupid talking piece of dirt. She wiped her mouth, took a drink of the water, and inpected her various cuts. "I hate forests like that." she said, getting more irritated by the minute.

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7:43pm Mar 18 2010
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Artemis was busy peeling away the armored glove to reveal a grey-ish black metal, sleek, smooth, and wet. She detatched it from her bicep and hung it upside down. No wires, no gears. It looked like a simple fake arm without the skin colored finish. She reattached it and proceeded to do the same with her other arm. She glanced across the bubbling river at the two women who, to say the least, were not happy about being wet. Once she was done getting rid of the water, she reached into her shirt and pulled ou the leaf and stood up slowly. "May, you'll need this to be put in your cuts," she held out the leaf. "You may not have noticed it, but there are some micro-specimins in your cuts and they're slowly draining your energy." Artemis grabbed the back of her glove and put the leaf in and began grinding it. She sat down, scooped up a small bit of water with her hand, dribbled it on the leaf rinds and continued to grind more until it was a green and black paste. She stared at the river, up, then down it, and sighed. She was going to have to get wet again. Bringing the bowl-like armored glove above her head, she walked across the river, the water came to her lips so she had to lift her head in order to avoid getting it up her nostrils. Once across, she clambered out of the water and flopped onto the sh.ore. "Sit, please." Artemis requested.
12:08pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 730
May came over and sat down. "So these little micro-thingys are slowly killing me? And was that why I just threw up?" ((I just realized that there are no guys in this roleplay))

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9:53pm Mar 19 2010
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((LOL. Yeah I know. I'm half tempted to try and get Matsuzi in on this. Murr.)) Artemis nodded lightly and scooped up a bit of paste with her two fingers and searched for the largest gash. "This won't hurt, it'll get numb though." She began to rub it in the scars. "If the micro organisms have nothing to leech off of but their own body then they will starve themselves and die. We'll have to wash your cuts out in about thirty minutes, that should be enough time." When the paste was gone and all her cuts filled, Artemis stood up and washed the paste from her fingers. She stood up and the ribbons on her back panned out again and she slowly glided across the water, collected her remaining accessories, put them on, floated back, cleaned off the armored glove and put that on as well. "We should walk along stream until we find a bridge. It'll be safer then and we won't worry about getting wet or attacked by any plant monsters." Artemis said. She stood up and pulled out her nanigata and used it as a walker stick. "Next town should be just beyond the river here."