9:22am Mar 20 2010
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"Alright." She heaved herself up and rotated her shoulders. "Thanks. I feel better already." She grinned. She went to where she had left her weapons and armor, and strapped them on. She took another drink of her water and followed Artemis.

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5:23pm Mar 20 2010
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KoKo followed the two, lost in her thoughts. As Lukka circled high above, now scouting for a bridge, the bird's master was thinking back to older days, when she hadn't been branded a freak. Sure, magic users were priveledged, but only because no one wanted to anger them. Though KoKo herself knew she could never bring herself to harm anything, even if it was about to kill her. She was taken from her train of thoughts as Lukka landed on the head of her staff, cawing and clicking her beak rapidly. "Lukka says there's a bridge about 2 or 3 miles from here, but its old and doesn't look safe. When she landed on it, the rail broke off. It might not be a good place to cross..." KoKo returned to her thoughts again, now about how she had talked to Lukka every day, and when she had finally gotten her home alone, her friend had explored throughly. KoKo smiled. Those were the days. Me and her. If only- Her thoughts were cut short by a vine coming from the ground, wrapping around her ankle. Lukka rose back into the sky as KoKo pointed her staff at the vine, muttering a word beneath her breath. The vine remained intact. KoKo gasped in shock. That spell was supposed to burn the vine! Lukka flew down, and took the vine in her talons, then snapped it with her beak. The part around KoKo's ankle unculred, and the remaining part receded. KoKo, realizing she had fallen behind, ran to catch up with Artemis and May.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:14am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 730
((I don't know what to post... -_-" Bumpers))

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9:26pm Mar 21 2010
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((Lol. Sorry. I RAYGEQUIT'd after I had accidentally refreshed over the paragraph and a half I wrote in response. XD I'll post nao. o 3o)) While walking, Artemis nodded to May, grateful that she was feeling better and the infection in the wounds hadn't been too bad. When KoKo spoke up, Artemis nodded and glanced up ahead, straining to see, if she could, a sort of bridge up ahead. It was then that she heard a thud! and she turned around to see KoKo running to meet up with them. "Uhh, climbing trees there, KoKo?" Artemis asked, a bit puzzled.
4:23pm Mar 22 2010
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KoKo shook her head, glancing back at the vine as it wriggled. Lukka landed gracefully on the staff, exactly where she had been before KoKo had moved it to cast the spell. The young mage felt a slight toll on her strength as the spell finally took a strain on her. The sap of energy was dangerous, as you could cast multiple spells, thinking you're fine, and then feel the strain later, possibly leaving you weak. "No, just fighting off a vine. Seems that these plants won't burn...But they can snap." She lifted a hand to pet Lukka, who cawed lightly.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:57pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 730
May glanced sideways. "Good to know. Any spells for cutting?" She indicated a few seemingly harmless vines hanging over the path. "Besides using Lukka, of course. They're probably malicious or cornivorous or something."

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10:20pm Mar 23 2010
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"Blood-thirsty, me thinks." Artemis murmured slightly while walking along the bank of the river still, holding her nanigata. She could hold off well on her own against the unburnable vines. Her hands could literally turn into daggers and slice through practically anything. Though she was interested in knowing what kind of spells KoKo knew.
6:22pm Mar 24 2010
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May saw the vines twitch out of the corner of her eye. Then she heard a voice screaming for help, faintly, as if far away. "I'll be right back," She said, and darted into the forest, keeping clear of any vines. She followed the sound and within moments, found two baby birds tangled in the vines. She cut them loose without trouble and turned to exit, alert for sounds from her back. She was back next to the river in a moment, carrying what she now realized were two baby owls. She laid them on the ground, afraid that they were dead, and saw that one was, with a sinking heart. The other, however, lived.

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10:19am Mar 27 2010
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10:28am Mar 27 2010
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KoKo shrugged. "There is a cutting spell, but my first instinct was to burn it. Then the over-protective hawk flew in." She smiled a bit at her pet. When May ran off, she glanced at Artemis, then, before she knew it, the girl was back, carrying two baby owls, one dead. She averted her eyes. Anything dead was a gut-wrenching sight for her--she had rarely killed. Lukka cawed softly to KoKo, extending a wing as if to comfort her.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:11pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 730
"It's a barn owl." She said, scooping out a small grave for the dead owl. She took out a little piece of meat and fed it to the living one. "I should name it... hmmm... Any ideas, anyone?" She settled the little fluffball into the pocket in her pack.

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2:16pm Mar 27 2010
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((I'm halfway tempted to say Soren--its the name of a Barn Owl in a series I read. XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:43pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 730
((Ha! You said it! lol tis mine now... XD)) "Hmm... Soren's a good name for this little barn owl. What do you guys think?" Chira stroked his small body gently, feeling it settle itself. ((Wait... Guardians of Ga'Hoole? Or however you spell it?))

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5:15pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Yeah. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:22pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 730
((lol yes! I got it right! First try! :D I feel special.))

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3:23pm Apr 2 2010
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Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3