((Oh no, please don't tell me Uryu coached you. Loki is fine, though. Ree is also okay.
;c I'm not being rude, just blunt. There's a difference. I'm not making fun, though it looks like it. Seriously, I've been through this speech about ten million and one times already. I can honestly admit that my self-esteem levels are stupidly low, I don't know why people don't use correct punctuation and grammar, I am a nerd, and that I have a short temper. If I am able to say that, then I don't understand why everyone else don't notice their flaws, or try to avoid it.
And also, please note that being a nerd does not mean you wear glas.ses. That's just. Stupid. No, I'm a nerd who has perfect vision, is able to communicate with people my age without making them feel awkward, and has the ability to own everyone in a footrace. I've been one ever since I can toddle. Literally. When I was eight, I could've easily pas.sed as fourteen, as long as people didn't see how short and childlike I was. That's just the way I work.
I also honestly think that there should be no one under the age of thirteen on this site. There are some things we talk about that are preeeeetty nasty. At least, to a ten-year-old. But that's just my opinion, I'm used to people being perverted. -waves it off-
Now please, I don't want to bore you with my speeches anymore.
Though it's better than my rantings....))