Forward note: Sorry about the font. o.o This got transfered from a word document so... It looks all big and spaced out. If you have any troubles reading it for whatever reason, tell me.
In the year 3012, all is not well. Each continent on earth is ruled by 12 people who call themselves “the Government” and work together to make decisions for the continent they are ruling. The continent never gets a choice in any matter, though the Government swears that they are being fair.
Then two groups of people show themselves. And they look human. They’re just… not.
The first group is known by the Government as the Cursers. The Cursers are a group of people who are able to curse somebody (this is a given). They are a shady group, and they refuse to give in to the Government (who demands that the Cursers work for them). Most of the Cursers are criminals or are planning against the Government.
The second group is known as the Cursed; those who have become victims of the Cursers. Those who are Cursed have one thing in common. Their right hand has a symbol that looks like a blue X on the palm of their hands. It is quite large, so the Cursed usually wear gloves. Each of the Cursed has some ability, most of the time, but it is rumored that their ability weakens them in some way afterwards. Because of their abilities, the Government likes using them as-sas-sins and spies. In fact, the Government mostly uses the Cursed to fight against the Cursers. However, some of the Cursed choose to work with the Cursers.
It is an ongoing battle between the Cursed, the Cursers, and the Government. And funnily enough, regular every day humans. For if a human finds out about the existence of the Cursed or the Cursers, they have to be locked up or as-sas-sinated. No easy battle for the humans either.
The Cursers are known for always acting reckless. It seems to be part of who they are. Each Curser has one “curse” that they can bestow on people. It gives that person an ability, but also will weaken the person in some way. This depends on how powerful the ability is. The more powerful the ability, the worse the cost that follows. It has been found that if they go two months without cursing somebody, they themselves will receive their own curse and become one of the Cursed. Apparently aside from being reckless they tend to hold long lasting grudges. Hence why they hate the Government so much. Very rarely is there a Curser who works for the Government. They are also very agile and flexible physically speaking.
The Cursed are either a Curser who hasn’t cursed somebody in two months and therefore become one of the Cursed, or a human who has been Cursed. They generally receive an ability of sorts, but it always costs them something after they use it. It could be a year of their life, slowly becoming blind in one eye… or it could be something simple, like suddenly losing a pencil or a pair of jeans, etc. Apparently, all of the Cursed are flexible and agile like their fellow Cursers. Also, it seems that it is very hard for one of the Cursed to feel guilty about anything.
Okay. Some rules. So you may play either one of the Cursed, one of the Cursers, somebody who works for the Government, or a human. Multiple and unlimited characters allowed. Do not bite off more than you can chew. This roleplay is literate. This means capitalization, punctuation, etc. Spelling always helps, but I understand the occasional typo. I also understand there is such thing as an edit button that helps you fix things when you see more than one typo in your post. *hint hint* I also expect that posts be around two good sized paragraphs in length. If you get writer’s block, I understand. ^^
If you want to play someone from who works in the Government or close to the Government, it might be easiest to roleplay as somebody who works for the police or something related (I know that might sound fail to some). But for the terms of this roleplay, it might be better. It would mean your character would be working for the Government and might have a job to track down the Cursers and/or find new Cursed people.
If you have an idea for the plot, rmail me… Feel free to make your character seem like he/she’s for one side, but turns out to be for the other. Go all out like that. If you are brewing a plot twist that will greatly affect the whole spin of the roleplay, do me a favor and rmail me first.
Please enjoy.
Make detailed characters. Please.
No swearing.
Violence and romance is encouraged.
No same-gender romance. I’m sorry. *says sincerely*
No killing unless you ask first.
No Mary Sues or anything of the sort.
The Skeletons:
Appearance: [Deion is preferred, but if it’s a **good pic, go ahead and use it]
What are you: [human, Curser, Cursed, etc]
State your angle: [for the Government, not for, for the Cursers…]
History: [optional]
General Information: [State your character's ability, or their curse they can give out, etc... And just general info and maybe some stuff about personality if you wish]
Theme song: [very much optional ^^]
**By “good picture” I mean if there’s a picture of this character and they have wings or a dress or something and you tell us “She looks like this, without the wings” then it’s not a good picture. ‘Kay? It’s perfectly acceptable if it’s something like hair color, though. ^^ I just want the picture to be a good representation of your character.
Hope you enjoy~!