9:05pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Gonna add another character here.. Name: Jay Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: Jay... looks like a girl. There's no other way to put it. He's slightly short and young-looking for his age. His hair is strawberry blonde and kind of long and unruly for a guy. His eyes are a very light slate blue in colour. To make matters worse, he wears pink and purple button up dress shirts (un tucked). And he wears khaki pants. All the time. His voice is even in-between. Like it could be a girl's or it could be a guy's. Even his name could be for a girl. ^^' What are you: Part of the police, and proud of it State your angle: For the Government all the way. History: He had always been interested in the Cursed and Cursers and he wanted to get into a position that allowed him to work closer to them. Hence why he became part of the police. He's been working with the police for a good solid two years. General Information: Jay, he'll have you know, is as straight as an arrow, even though sometimes people say he kind of acts like a girl as well as looking like one. He enjoys making people confused to as what his gender is when first meeting them. He will let them know sooner or later that he is in fact a guy. But sometimes he just waits until the person is forced to ask "Are you a guy? Or a girl?" He works on cases specifically tied to Cursers and the Cursed. His job is all about trying to find them. And try and recruit them. Theme song: N/A OoC: We'll start pretty soon here, guys. And if others happen to stumble upon this late, then they can join in later. Sound like a good idea?
9:57pm Mar 10 2011 (last edited on 10:23pm Mar 10 2011)
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Posts: 4,355
((I'm making another.)) Name: Zack Oscar. Gender: Male. Age: 18. Appearance: [Deion is preferred, but if it’s a **good pic, go ahead and use it] Zack is very, very tall. He has rough, spiky black hair with blue streaks. He wears a black "bikers" jacket, black and white sneakers, dark blue jeans with holes, a glove on his left hand, and a tatoo of a blue dragon on his right arm. What are you: [human, Curser, Cursed, etc] Curser. State your angle: [for the Government, not for, for the Cursers…] Cursers, all the way. History: [optional] N/A. General Information: [State your character's ability, or their curse they can give out, etc... And just general info and maybe some stuff about personality if you wish] Zack's curse is named by him "The Snake Curse". It's called that because it turns his victom into a snake. But the up side is, the person can live forever, but the only as a snake. The curse is off once the person has been bitten by a certain kind of snake, (Which only Zack knows about) then they turn back to human, and they have their normal life-span. Theme song: [very much optional ^^] N/A.

10:58pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Okays Sona. :D Thankies.
8:50am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Bumps. ^_^ Cool charrie, Night. o3o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

9:44am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: xD Thanks. He kind of just popped up in my head. 0.o
9:48am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: I vote we start. x3
12:23pm Mar 11 2011 (last edited on 2:03pm Mar 11 2011)
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Posts: 243
[Reseved for my bio, which I am just making. <33] First name: Tybalt (T-bolt) Middle name: Athalos Surname: Fendrel Alias: Whisper Age: Seventeen Gender: Male Date of birth: October 31st - - - - Mother: Thea Fendrel Mother's meiden name: Borin Fater: Rowan Fendrel Siblings: None - - - - Hair: Anburn red. Medium length. Eyes: Golden yellow. Figure: Slim yet muscular Blood type: AB+ Abnormalities: He has a large scar running down his back and a small scar on his cheek. Height: 5ft 12" Weight: 9 stone. Picture:

- - - - Domineering Trait: Sly. Main Virtue: Quick witted. Main Vice: Distrusting and manipulative. Personality Deion: Tybalt is slyer than a fox, he can get him self out of almost any scrape he gets himslef into, which is a good thing, since he gets into many. He's a definite ladies man, a casanova if you will, and tends to shape them to suit his will. He seems charming at first but get to know him and you'll see he's really quite distrusting and manipulative. He is rather cunning when push comes to shove, he'll always find a short cut when ever he has to do anything. He's quite smart when you get down to it and often hides his brains to get out of doing work. - - - - Likes: Practicing shooting, training his skills, fire, ladies, playing with people's heads, night time, the moon, quiet people/things/places, guns and fighting. Dislikes: Loud people/things/places, people who try to get close to him, those smarter than him, water, day time, the sun and fish. Habits: He bites his thumb nail until it's raw when nervous. Pet hates: Clingly people. Fears/Phobias: Thunder. Skills/Abilities: Great a shooting, fast and agile. Cursed/Curser/Govornment: Cursed Angle: Cursers all the way. Curse: He can transform into a small red fox. He can only do this at night, or when he is extremly agitated, though each time he does, it becomes harder to turn back and he becomes more animalistic, until, one day, he will become a fox for good.

1:37pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Love your charrie, Mail. Accepted all the way. ^_^
1:50pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 243
5:23pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: You are very welcome. ^_^ I suppose I'll start in a second here...
6:16pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 4,355
6:20pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 243
[-doesn't want to start- ¬_¬]
6:40pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((I guess I will, then.))
4:16am Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 1,256
Name: Chandler Peacock Gender: Male
Age: 28 Appearance: What are you: Curser State your angle: For the cursers, but for their advantage, pretending to be a member of the government History: At the age of 19, Peacock was found out to be a curser. He was put into prison. Three years later, he convinced the gonvernment that he had been stripped of his powers and begged to join them. Being as weak as they were at the time, and needing more people who were for them, they accepted. General Information: He gives out a curse which sort of gives people nightmares. Of course, being cursed WOULD give people nightmares anyway, but his curse makes people see visions of things they don't want to see. Chandler Peacock is a very sly, devious and misleading person. He is an exceptionally good liar. Theme song: It's not a song, but... Danse Macabre.

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:01pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Accepted, Supernova. ^_^ Don't worry guys. I'll start. *starts writing furiously*
2:47pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Here we go. ^^ BiC: Survive. Just... survive, she thought. Tears pricked her eyes. The capitol was cruel. Rachel hit the "save" button. She had 200 people who read her fanfic, so she dedicated one hour a day to writing. Then it was off to work. Sigh. The stood up from her desk, stretching. She took a look at her appearance in the mirror. Good. She looked normal enough. She put some earrings in and put some silly bands on her right wrist. She glanced at the spanish textbook lying on her desk next to her laptop and made a face. Why must she have to go though highschool when she was already taking all AP cl*censored*es and already had a job? She almost laughed at the question, because of course she knew the answer. She skipped down the steps leading to downstairs and headed outside into the city. Convergence. The sun was just starting to set. The best time to try and find some Cursers. She peered at the cafe across from her house. It was the meeting place, the place where some person who worked for the Government would tell her who her next target was. She crossed the street and opened the door. It was empty except for the cashier, a plain looking girl, and somebody sitting at a table reading a newspaper. Rachel grinned. She walked over and slid the newspaper out of the person's hands. "Hello, pretty boy," she said, smirking. A girl... or a guy peered up at her. At the sight of the girl, he sighed, obviously annoyed. He a ran a hand through his strawberry blonde hair. "Oi, I was reading an interesting article," he said. Rachel shrugged. "So?" she said. "Who's my next target?" The guy stood up. And was just barely taller than the girl. "A girl who the Government suspects works for the Cursers. Her name's Ryka," he said, and slipped Rachel a picture. Rachel smiled. "Thank you,"she said, and flounced at the door. Jay grimaced. What a freako. If anybody could get on his nerves, that girl could. -x- Amy felt a cold hand grabbing at her heart. Just who were those guys? That 15-year-old-girl wasn't normal. She had asked that guy "who her next target" was. Oh well, she thought. It doesn't concern me. Work does. That's when the girl (or boy?) who the girl had been talking to walked up to the cash register. He laid two dollars on the counter. "Just a tip," he/she said, then proceeded to walk out the door. OoC: I'll keep my other characters on the back burner for now~
7:35pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 243
[I'll post Tybalt's into tomorrow, it's past midnight in Merry Ole' England.]
9:12pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 73
OoC: Fine with me Mail. I know people have lives. And that they need to sleep. ^^ I'm gonna be gone all day Sunday, guys. Just so you know. I'm traveling to Washington DC. ;3
9:15pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: EEP sorry that was mah sister's account. I didn't realize I was on that. But yeah. I'm gonna be gone all day tomorrow... but don't worry, I'll be back on Monday. ^^
11:32pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Will post intro tomorrow. o-o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
