7:26am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 12:53pm Mar 14 2011)
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Chandler Peacock grimaced as he looked through his window. There was too much sun. This wasn't a day where the sun was appropriate. Even some clouds would do better than this! He need a storm... Tearing his eyes away from the disgraceful weather, he proceeded to get dressed into his working suit and a red tie. After wolfing down some breakfast, Peacock locked his door and walked down the street in a purposeful manner. In half an hour, he would be doing what he wanted to be doing... tricking the government. The man at the head of the table coughed. All eleven people sitting around the edge of it turned their heads towards him. He looked down. "Er, right... well. Let us get this meeting started." He shuffled through his papers. "F-first cause today is... Ah, yes. What should we do about the Cursers? Any ideas?" Everyone groaned - this was always the point of these meetings. "Anyone?" "Might I put forward my idea, Mr. Rinwold?" Peacock said softly. "Oh, um... Of c-course, Mr Peacock." "I suggest that we corner them..." he continued in a silky tone. "One of my... sources a.ssures me that they are meeting tongight at the old oak by the river." "Brilliant as ever, Peacock," said a man named Jack Holmes, "But how did your source find this out? And how can we trust you?" "My source is extremely reliable. Never - I repeat, never, has he ever told me wrong. If it so happens they are not there, then..." Peacock took a deep sniff of air, "You may fire me." He would be gone before that could happen. "Very well, then. We shall use our millions worth of equipment tonight. Consider yourself warned, Peacock," he spat. Of course, Jack Holmes would do anything to get rid of him.

Albino Uilus 24/120
11:39am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 12:02pm Mar 13 2011)
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Zack slowly walked up to the poor, innocent person who was crouching in the corner. Even slower, he approached the person. Zack laughed slyly. “I’m so sorry.” He said quietly. “It’s September 30th, and so that means, I haven’t cursed anyone in, well, two months. No, actually, I have five minutes to curse somebody.” He said, looking at the clock. It was 11:55 P.M. “And, you were the last person I saw.” Then, he began his curse. Slowly, black and purple aura’s came from his body, which hit the frightened person in a stinging-burning feeling. Suddenly, the person got smaller, and smaller, until he was as long, and skinny as a snake. Then, in a puff of smoke, the person turned completely into a snake. Exactly once the person turned to a snake, the clock struck twelve. Zack pumped his fist in victory, he wasn’t a cursed. Then he walked home and plopped into bed. ~ Ryka lied on the couch, flipping through the ten channels on her TV. Finally, she chose the news. The man on the screen blared and a red stripe floated across the TV screen, which means that it “Breaking news”. Ryka sat and watched. “This just in,” the man said. “A man, known as Mason Sharpe, was cursed, just last night by Zack Oscar. This is known because-“ Ryka flipped off the TV. Who cares if another is cursed. It happens all the time! She thought with disgust. She looked up at the clock. 5:26 A.M. She got up and flopped into bed, and fell deep into sleep right away.

12:38pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"Sorry, dude," Payten said, as she corned a man, her palms faced up towards him. She cocked her head to the side in a confused and innocent matter, and asked, "What do you do?" The man was shaking. "I-I'm unemployed." Payten nodded, a grin on her face. "Good. Then you won't miss your voice too much." And with that, a whiteish-green aura misted out from her palms and surrounded the now screaming man. He was only screaming momentarily, though, before the aura took away his voice altogether. It was October 1st, her two-month due date to curse someone. She wouldn't lose her voice yet. "Later, man," Payten patted the mute man on the head and ran off, making sure she wasn't to be seen. Payten needed not to be on the news again.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:45pm Mar 13 2011
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3:08pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 243
Tybalt trotted slowly down the deserted alley way, his tail sawing slowly behind him. He had changed at around 11:00pm last night to get food from a dumpster so he didn't starve and he had still not changed back at 1:30pm. This was not a good sign, if he didn't change back before midnight, he probably wouldn't at all. He was already finding it hard to remeber his own name.
Suddenly, a violent shudder wracked his skinny frame, making his fur stand on end and his ears fall flat against his head. The change was coming at last, after thirteen and a half hours hours of hell in a tiny body with no way to communicate with the rest of the human population and no way to change back. The deciscion to return to his original form had never been his, when he had only been changing for an hour or two at a time this hadn't been so bad but now, it was becoming a real problem. The prospect of staying canine for the rest of his life was not an appealing one.
Another shudder coursed through him, meaning he had to splay his legs to prevent him self from falling. His limbs started to elongate as the slow and painful transformation from fox to human began. As his bones snapped back into place, an agonised howl, ending in a scream escaped his lips. His fur was fast receeding along with his muzzle, his paw stretching out into hands and his claws becoming rounded nails. Another scream escaped him.
It was all over in just under forty minutes. Tybalt knelt on the cold grime covered floor, tears streaming down his pale face. He pressed the palms of his hands over his eyes and before he knew it, he was sobbing.

3:32pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Well, you kind of took my idea for the curse and changed it a little. You know, with the whole 'broken by a certain word' thing... plus, it's not entirely your post. >_>" For the record, I was going to be nice and not say anything about the Curse, but since you seem to be one that's so quick to accuse... 8U)) Payten hid behind a tree, watching the whaler scene unfold. The man, trying to get the attention of people walking by and failing for most of the time. She didn't know why she bothered to watch the person after she laid the curse on them; it only made her feel guilty. She shook that thought out of her head and watched intently as a woman tried to communicate with the silent, pleading man. The woman ended up getting parchment and a pen out of her pocketbook and handing it to the cursed man, who scribbled words on it hurriedly. The woman read it when he was done. "A blonde girl, you say?" She said. My, she had a loud voice. The kind that made you want to punch a person in the face. "Long, blonde, wavy hair. Wore a cloak...she cursed you." And with that, the woman gestured for the man to walk with her. They were headed to a coffee shop. Payten decided she'd follow them. What if they caught her? Would she get in trouble?
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:23pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((We both copied eachother. END. OF. DISSCUSION.))
10:26am Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Play nice, guys. ^^' Sona, you posted Zack's bio after Paige's... And I think it's all right if you both have the word-breaks-the-curse thing, otherwise I would have said something. I like characters that have similar abilities a lot of the time because when they meet each other it's fun. :) However, to say that Paige copied you isn't entirely fair. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to go by who posted their bio first. x3 Just don't worry about them being so close to each other. O.o Either that Sona, or change Zack. Or leave if you really don't think you can roleplay with Paige after this. I think it shouldn't be a big deal though...
12:45pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 243
[Bump. -can't really post anything unless Tybalt is foundby some one.- C: ]
1:17pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: @Mail~ I'll find him :D With one of me charries.
1:23pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 3,002
((This seems very interesting but I doubt Im literate enough. My brain grows lazy quickly. ;3 ))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:41pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,256
(Sorry, do you mind if I make a new charry? I need it for Chandler Peacock. Unless I can just... sort of introduce a new one?)

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:47pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,256
Name: Tuatara Porter Gender: Female
Age: 14 Appearance: What are you: Cursed (Or, going to be)
State your angle: Just wants the war to end - no particular view... yet. History: General Information: Quite quiet. Knowledgable. Just wants to keep out of trouble. Theme song: Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:48pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Here we go. ^^ BiC: Amy fingered the two dollars in her pocket. Just who was that person? She looked around the cafe. Her shift was over. She found her little blue purse, slung it on her shoulder, and left the building. The bell on the door tinkled. The city lights and the noises hit her like a load of bricks. She wasn't used to this feeling yet. She was lost, just one person in millions who seemed to live in the place. She shook her head. Walk. She made her way forwards. Hesitantly. "Who's my next target?" "A girl..." She pulled her hoodie around her more tightly. And then she stumbled, tripping on something, and found herself in an alley way all alone in the dark. Or maybe not so alone, she thought. Somebody was crying. Hard. She walked slowly forwards. There was a teenage guy, sobbing. He looked like a mess. The first thing she noticed was his hair. Pretty. It was a beautiful, natural, red. She put a hand on his shoulder. She realized she was shaking. "Are you all right?" she said. The words sounded foreign to her, as if they were coming out of another person's mouth. Normally she didn't talk. She was surprised at how faint her voice was. It had a rough edge to it. It was a nice sound, she decided. Maybe she should use it more often... -x- Jay stood outside the cafe, watching that cashier exit and walk away. She saw something, he decided. Better start looking into it. He sighed. He hated it when just regular citizens got mixed up in the whole Curser-Cursed issue. The human would be at high risk of getting cursed, of getting killed. And of getting jailed. Because the Government had strict orders to lock away somebody who knew of the existance of the Curser and the Cursed.. or be forced to work for them. It brought back memories. Jay ran into a Curser when he was ten years old. A very pretty Curser. Black hair, he remembered, and it was long. Grey eyes. A white nightgown. And she was just barely ten years old too. She was about to do something, about to curse him. But she stopped. Just stopped. And then something strange happened... her curse turned on her. Her nails turned to claws and she started scratching herself. At the time, he had been apalled that the girl would hurt herself like that. But later he learned that the girl's curse had simply fallen upon herself. It let the person grow claws, but they would have the strong desire to hurt themselves. At least, that was his guess. And after that, he had been interested in them ever since. And had pretty much been forced to work with the Government. Not that he minded too much. He got to be close to everything. He brought himself back to the present. Was it just him or were bunch of people seemingly headed back into the coffee shop? Suspicious, he decided. So he stayed where he was and waited to see what was about to happen. -x- Ugh that girl is gonna be a problem. Jack tugged on his earring. He was stalking this bubbly and normal looking 15-year-old girl. It was his job. He knew that she was one of the Cursed. And, he thought, she definitely was working for the Government. He had been watching her for a while. Meh, she sure writes a good fanfiction, though. He happened to read the girl's fanfic and fell in love with it. He came to a silent agreement not to kill her until she finished writing it. Jack hated cliff hangers. Cliff hangers over killing. His fellow Cursers would laugh if he said that. He whipped a bit of hair from his eyes. Maybe he should cut it. No, he decided. It looks cool as it is. Then again, maybe it was better to get somebody else's opinion on the matter. So he trotted up to a girl with-- oh holy cow, she had white hair. And a black cloak. Suspicious much? Ah well... He'd push it aside. The matter of hair was more important. He tapped her on the back.
1:50pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: No, I do not mind Supernova. xD Nono~ If you can make 2 paragraphs... Scratch that. If you try hard and can post at least a paragraph when you're not braindead, I'll let you in. ^_^ My posts look kind of literate right now cuz I space paragraphs and nobody's conversing yet. Trust me. My posts deflate. O.O Quickly.
1:57pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,256
Chandler Peacock descended the steps leading down from the government building with dignity, as he could feel Jack's eyes on the back on his neck. But as soon as he was sure he was out of view, he broke into a run and began to loose himself in the maze of alleyways. He was about to turn into yet another alley, but stopped when he saw a girl, schoolbag slung over her shoulder, walking nervously down the dark, narrow lane. She had long, flowing black hair and piercing blue eyes. An idea began to form in Peacock's head... Yes. She would do very nicely. Very nicely, indeed...

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:59pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 3,002
(( I can be literate if someone's interacting with my character, but I get lazy. And braindead. Very. Quickly. XD I'll post my bio in a little~))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:19pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,256
He approached the girl with ease. She backed away, but as she was about to turn and run, he cast a curse upon her, and she fell to the ground in agony. "Up you get, sweetheart," Peacock said mercilessly, grinning. "I said get up." He put his hand over her flimsy body and pulled her up as though she was a puppet on strings. Peacock studied her face and body. Her eyes were no longer the distinguished blue they had been only moments ago, and were now a dead, blood red. Her body was slim - she could easily do the things he planned for her. ~~~ At first, Tuatara's mind had gone blank. Then she... seemed to be flying. But she wasn't. No longer was her vision crisp and clear, but now she saw things of her nightmares. Demons, like black ghosts with crimson eyes, floated purposelessly around in the shadows of the alley, a strange man stood infront of her, and she kept wanting to drift off into sleep. Was she dying? No... she couldn't feel any pain... but she had done... Maybe this man was Death?... Only he... he looked to smart. She would sort out this puzzle later right now she wanted to sleep. But once her head had hit her shoulder, she felt the cold palm of the man's hand slap her cheek. "Ouch!" she exclaimed, but her voice wasn't the same as it used to be. It came silkier. "You will not fall asleep again unless I give you permission, got it?" the man said. His voice, too, was unnatural. But nothing was... her vision was tinged red and looked like it was made up of tiny pixels, and her hearing was not normal. Everything seemed to echo slightly in slow motion and came out smoother. "I am Chandler Peacock, and I am your master." "Yes, master." She hadn't meant to say that. What was wrong with her? Was he... controlling her?

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:50pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 243
[Tybalt is a kind of nekkid, 'cause foxes don't wear clothes. xDD]
Tybalt's head shot up at the sudden contact, his vision still blurry with tears. He wasn't able to make out her features due to this and the fact she was wearing a hood, but he could tell she was female. "Do I look okay to you? I'm sitting naked in and alley way, crying, how could I possibly be alright? I'd normally lie and tell you I was but you wouldn't believe me anyway." He said to the girl, smiling a little. He couldn't help but smiling around girls, it was just natural reaction to him "Could I possibly borrow your coat, you know, to cover up?" He asked, grimacing and trying to cover him self with both hands.
'Damn, I bet she can totally tell I'm cursed, considering my lack of clothing' He frowned, looking at the floor, his eyes narrowing as they began to change back to yellow. His eyes were always the last to go, since his eyes as a fox were an unusual emerald colour, often gaining his fox self unwanted attention. Surely this girl would notice the difference in eye colour.
[Short post is short. :< ]

4:13pm Mar 14 2011 (last edited on 4:14pm Mar 14 2011)
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Posts: 10,925
At the feeling of someone's finger on her shoulder, Patyen turned around sharply and frightenedly, palms out in defense. She wasn't afraid to curse another human. When she realized that the boy who had tapped her wasn't a threat, she dropped her hands and pulled the hood of her cloak off of her head. "Can I help you?" She asked, confused, looking at the boy up and down. She had never seen him before. My God, was he thin. And he wore tight clothes, which only made him look even skinnier. He also looked like he was in dire need of a haircut, though she had to admit it didn't look bad long. While thinking about hair, Payten smoothed her own almost-white-but-still-considered-blonde hair down, examining it out of the corner of her eye. It stayed where she wanted it to stay, good. She didn't want to be around a good-looking boy while her hair was a mess.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
