8:01pm Mar 14 2011
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((Woah, woah, woah, woah WOAH! I didn't mean for it to go this far. I was OBVIOUSLY just trying to make a joke, but I guess you guys didn't relise that. And why would I stop this Rp? It's like, one of the best plots I've ever seen on res. Plus, my curse isn't like hers at all. His curse it like, when a certain snaked bites the person, they go back to normal, and only Zack knows what snake it is. Which isn't very similer at all.))
10:08pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Sona, it be all right. xD Sometimes it's hard to interperate things on the internet. ^^ That's why I use lotsa emoticons. :3 It changes the meaning of a sentence when you can't hear somebody's voice. Well, I'm glad you think it's one of the best on Res. :D But I will admit, this plot was heavily influenced by the anime (the anime, not the manga) called Darker Than Black. If you think this is good, you HAVE To watch that anime. ^_^ You can watch the episodes on youtube, Funimation posted em.
10:29pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 4,355
10:32pm Mar 14 2011 (last edited on 9:09am Mar 15 2011)
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Attention, guys. Needs to get somethin straight... Normal humans other than the Government and those who work close to the Government don't know about the existance of Cursers and the Cursed. ^^ Which is why when a human does find out, it's a big deal. BiC: Okay, so Jack usually expected somebody to jump or squeel or something in surprise when he tapped them on the shoulder and they weren't expecting it. Naturally, he was expecting something like that when he tapped the white-haired girl's shoulder. Only she didn't. In one fluid motion and girl turned around fast... palms out. Palms out? Jack mused. Well, he thought, she could know kung fu or something. He doubted it. She relaxed and pulled the cloak off her head. "Can I help you?" she asked. She eyed him, scanning him. Jack smiled winningly. The sort of likeable-but-mischeivous smile that he most often wore. "Yes, thank you," he said politely back. "Now this is going to sound really strange--" oh yeah really strange, but that was how he was, "--but I need to ask your opinion on if I should cut my hair shorter or not. Does it look weird?" He asked it geniunly. -x- As soon as she said something, his head shot up, which surprised her. She jumped. Golden eyes, she saw. This guy.... It's almost as if he's not human. The thought chilled her. She had heard rumors. Silly rumors, but rumors of a group of people called the Cursed. But nobody believed it... "Do I look okay to you? I'm sitting naked in and alley way, crying, how could I possibly be alright? I'd normally lie and tell you I was but you wouldn't believe me anyway," he said. He smiled. Weird, she thought. He could smiel so well after crying so bitterly. And she had to admit, it looked pretty cute on him. "Could I possibly borrow your coat, you know, to cover up?" he asked. Which is finally when the fact that the guy was naked settled in. Oh. My. Gosh. Oh. Wow. She spun around and stripped off her hoodie--thank goodness she had bought it huge. It covered her all the way down past her butt, and it was huge because she liked it that way. It was more comfortable. She looked down at her feet and held it out. "Y-yeah, sure," she said. "Do you have a place to stay?"
1:36pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 243
[Thank Death Note for girls wearing large hoodies. o3o Got to protect Tib's modesty, not that he has any at this point. XD] Tybalt smiled gratefully up at the girl, grabbing the profered hoddie, turning away and slipping it over his head. "Thanks, and no. I haven't had a place to stay in over a year..." He laughed bitterly, running a hand through his dishevled hair, trying to untangle it some what "What I wouldn't give for a nice hot meal... but that's all irrelevant. I never introduced my self, I'm Tybalt and you are...?" He stuck his hand out at the girl, offering it for her to shake.
'Not like she'll wanna shake my hand, considering how filthy it is...' He thought, staring at his grubby nails and fighting the urge to clean them out with his teeth because, to other people, it would look disgusting. He was still wary of the girl but he couldn't afford to be snappy to some one who might just be his saving grace, she might give him food and shelter and if not, it didn't hurt to have another female friend.
There was the ever present ladies man in him again, the serial flirt and the gentleman. He was a sucker for a pretty face, and he couldn't deny that this girl had one. He'd turn the charm on her later, she seemed one who would fall head over heels for it, even if he was cursed...
[Herp derp, short post. o3o]

3:10pm Mar 15 2011 (last edited on 3:21pm Mar 15 2011)
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: lol xD No worries, Mail. That be a decent sized post in my opinion. ^^ I mean, mine start out fair and then they deflate. >.< BiC: Holy cow... I did not need to see that. Amy shoved any mental images out of her brain. STAY OUT she told them. She waited for a couple of seconds until she felt it safe to look. And sighed in relief. The hoodie covered him up pretty well. "Thanks, and no. I haven't had a place to stay in over a year," he said, laughing. But it wasn't a happy type of laugh, she noted. It was full of bitterness. She herself only ever laughed this way anymore. "What I wouldn't give for a nice hot meal... but that's all irrelevant. I never introduced myself. I'm Tybalt, and you are...?" He offered his hand. Tybalt? What a name, she thought. She looked down at the hand. Dirty, she noted. But she felt sorry for him. Everyone, no matter who, deserved some form of shelter. The basic staples of living. She suddenly felt rich. She took his hand and shook it. It felt tough. "Amy," she said. "The name's Amy." A simple name. Just the way she liked it. At least that was one good thing about her parents. She tried smiling a little. She felt herself manage it--at least, it was a small smile, but it was noticeable. "Well, Tybalt, I don't know whether or not I can give you any shelter, but I can find you clothes and know of a cafe where I can buy you some food." He's not normal a voice in the back of her head told her. So stay away. She disregarded this voice. What had the rumors said about the Cursed (if there were such thing)? Oh yes. A blue X oh the palm of their hand. She looked down at the hand she was holding. There it was. An X. Blue. "Oh," she said softly. The rumors were true? "You're one of them, aren't you?" -x- "Don't you remember him?" "... No. I've never seen that man before in my life." Confused. She felt confused. Just who was this pretty boy blabbering on about? "Rachel... the guy in this picture, he saved your life. And you two had a great relationship until now, you know." She felt a knife stab at her. She remembered something... The essance of a smile and of knowing to whom it belonged and enjoying the general company. "I... can't remember," she said softly. Tears. "I can't remember." If there was one thing she hated, she hated forgetting things. This curse, she thought, will drive me insane. Secretly she was scared that she would forget about her work with the Government and would forget that she was cursed. She might end up cursing someone she knew. It's not like she would normally feel guilty, but for some reason she knew she'd feel regret if something like that were to happen... She walked around. It's probably around three in the morning now. She headed to the cafe. She hadn't made any headways on finding this "Ryka" whoever she was. "Rachel, my dear, this is one of those rare occasions where you look depressed," a familiar voice said. Reclining on the wall next to the door of the cafe he stood. "Jay," she said. "It's none of your business." He smirked. Then looked serious. "You were thinking about it again, weren't you?" She shrugged. "Maybe. What are you doing here?" she asked. He rolled his eyes. "Change the subject, then. Fine. If you want to know, I'm keeping an eye on a suspicious group of people who are headed in this direction," he said. She raised an eyebrow. "You think they're Cursers or something?" "No clue. Let's wait."
3:51pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 243
"Oh, so you noticed my little tatoo, huh? If you mean cursed, yeah, I am." He shook his head, pulling his hand away and stuffing it in the hoodie pocket "Now you know about me, you'll probably want me to leave, thanks for the hoodie. It's been nice meeting you Amy..." Tybalt turned on his heel and began to plod slowly up the alley and towards the street, looking back over his shoulder and waving at Amy with a sad smile.
'You bloody idiot! Why are you leaving at the crucial moment? You could have so gone with her to that cafe, she could have given you food!' He thought, turning the corner onto the main street. It was still basically deserted compared to the rest of the city but busier than he was used to, since he mainly kept to the back streets and alleys. It was too late to turn around and walk back to the girl now.
Shame, she'd seemed quite nice, some one Tybalt might be able to trust in time, but the way she'd said 'Oh, you're one of them, aren't you?' spelled fear so clearly that he couldn't have missed it if it had hit him right between the eyes. That was always happening now, people would take one look at his hand and run a mile.

4:10pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Payten noticed the way he looked at her when she used her hands as a natural defense when she turned around, and mentally hoped that he wouldn't take it too suspiciously. The way he grinned at her creeped Payten out, though she had seen much creepier things. She rose an eyebrow at the strange question this boy had asked him. And because he was smiling...mischievously at her. It was really odd, and it took her a moment to gather her thoughts. "Um...Well, I think it looks pretty nice long. Maybe you should just...even out the ends or something. So it...doesn't look, you know, sloppy." Payten shrugged. ((Sorry for the short post. >_>"))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:57pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Short posts are fine by me. So long as they aren't a very short one-paragraph long thing. The post you just did seemed pretty standard, Paige. No worries. ^^ BiC: There was a moment of silence where she did nothing but stare at his hand, marked with that X. It scared her, truthfully. But it wasn't necessarily him she was scared of... the idea scared her, though. And the fact that such people existed was chilling. "Oh, so you noticed my little tatoo, huh? If you mean cursed, yeah, I am." He shoved his hand quickly into the pocket of the hoodie. "Now you know about me, you'll probably want me to leave, thanks for the hoodie. It's been nice meeting you Amy..." And he walked away, smiling sadly, waving goodbye. It took about ten seconds for her brain to react. Oh, wait. He's walking away. And he's Cursed. And he has no shelter. "Hey!" she shouted. "Wait!" No reply. "YOU'VE GOT MY HOODIE!" she yelled really loudly. Maybe that would get his attention. If he was a decent guy, he'd give it back. Maybe. She turned onto main street where she saw his back. The naked man covered by hoodie. He was pretty easy to spot. She ran. Why? Because... Somehow, this was an ordeal. This was exciting. She grabbed his sleeve. "Wait," she panted. "Y-you're still hungry, right?" Why she was going to such great lengths mystified her, but she decided not to think about it too deeply. -x- Jack waited a little impatiently for the girl to answer. "Um... well, I think it looks pretty nice long." SCORE, he thought to himself. "Maybe you should just... even out the ends or something. So it... doesn't look, you know, sloppy." The girl shrugged. Okay, so some of his pride deflated a bit. But he shrugged too. "Ah, oh well," he said. "I was very nervous. Thank you for answering honestly." However weird and strange he was, he would be polite. Chivalrous, he supposed. It was the way to go. Even when he was to kill someone, he let the person put up a fight. None of that sneak-up-on-the-unsuspecting nonsense. Plus he wanted a fight. Something struck him as he stared at the girl. There was something in her air that he recognized. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Hey, girl, are you a Curser?"
6:38pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 243
Tybalt stopped dead in the middle of the street when he felt the tug on his sleeve and an out-of-breath Amy asking weather he was still hungry. "Still willing to be seen around me now you know I'm cursed, huh? Well, your choice I suppose." He shurugged "I am kind of hungry, yeah. The last thing I ate was..." He considered for a moment "a cold slice of day old pepperoni pizza from under a dumpster." He chuckled bitterly once again, rubbing his forehead with one hand.
He badly needed a shower, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had one. He was pretty sure that he stank to high heaven but this girl didn't seem to care. 'Fooooood!' His brain yelled at him, demanding that he went with the girl to eat, he quickly silenced his animal instinct to follow her, steal all food possible, do a little bit of growling the run like hell with a mental image of Amy taking him home. If she'd do that maybe he would acctually get a bath or something...
9:13pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Tybalt is epic. xD BiC: He actually stopped walking, which Amy counted as a miracle. "Still willing to be seen aorund me now you know I'm cursed, huh?" he said. She thought about it. Well, it wasn't the poor guy's fault he was cursed. "Your choice I suppose. I am kind of hungry, yeah. The last thing I ate was... a cold slice of day old pepperoni pizza from under a dumpster." Amy made a face. Day old cold pizza? Bleh. She attempted a smile again. This time it was slightly better. "That sounds... bad," she said in the end. "I work part time at this cafe so I can pretty much get you something. Only first thing's first. You need to look presentable. I don't want my co-workers getting the wrong idea." She started warming up to this idea. "I have a small apartment. You take a shower." She looked him up and down. "I'll find you some clothes." It had been a long time since she had felt warmly towards someone in a friendly sort of a way. It had been a long time since she'd felt she wanted to help somebody. Now that she was, it felt good. "I know I'm taking a risk here," she said after a pause. "I'm willing to take it. If you do something though, I'll know never to trust one of you guys again." She gestured towards the left to a bunch of small apartments all sitting next to and on top of each other, made of brick and looking terribly dated. "My apartment is over there. Not too far of a walk, huh?"
10:29am Mar 16 2011
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OoC: bump~
2:03pm Mar 16 2011
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Posts: 243
[I wouldn't have him any other way. xDD]
Tybalt grinned. Food and a shower? This was too good to be true. "You are a complete saint. You're the first person to even ask if I'm in need of food or a shower, and believe me, I've neeed them before now. What is the world coming to?" He shook his head, a little of his hair falling across his face only to be quickly brushed away with a grimy hand. "You work at a cafe, huh? Pretty cool. I'd love to work but people don't tend to employ the Cursed, especially when they might not turn up again in the morning." He laughed, a more genuine sound this time. To him it was hilarious how he had gone from the lap of luxury to a life of nothing, literally nothing, to his name. The day he had been cursed had been the worst day of his life, as soon as his parents saw the blue 'X' on his palm his was tossed out onto the streets with only the clothes on his back, which be very quickly lost because of said curse.
5:06pm Mar 16 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"Follow me," the man ordered. Tua had learned that his name was Chandler Peacock, and he was on the run from the government. What had he done?... she would find out. Tuatara jumped as a large, transparent monster jumped in front of her. What were these things? For some reason, nothing was normal any more. Something had changed since this man had come into her life, and she couldn't put her finger on what it was. "This way," Peacock continued. "What's your name?" he asked, as she caught up with him and they fell into step with each other. "Er..." Tuatara didn't know whether she could trust him. But did he alreay...know? Probably. "Tuatara," she said unexpectedly. She clenched her fists. "Something bothering you?" "Yes, acctually." "Oh?" "Not like you care," she muttered under her breath. "I have better hearing than you think." Drat, she thought. "Alright then - you. You're bothering me." "Why's that?" "You aren't... natural. And whenever I'm around you, I do things I am unable to control. Like telling me your name... I did it again! I didn't want to tell you that I didn't want to tell you my name!" "Oh, that. That's my little secret. Now, come with me." ~~~ Peacock lead the girl he had cursed into an abandoned house situated just inside the forest. "Stay here," he ordered once they were inside. "There should be food in the fridge, the TV might work, as may the computer... Just don't leave. I'll be back... soon." He eyed her carefully to see her reaction, but she seemed content to do as he had asked. "Alright," she said, shrugging. "Good." Peacock nodded once and left. He hummed a simple tune as he walked deeper and deeper into the forest. But he stopped. There they were. Peacock darted behind a tree so as not to be seen, and watched as Holmes lead a group of police and other government members into the clearing Peacock had mentioned. He smiled. They had fallen for it.

Albino Uilus 24/120
6:05pm Mar 16 2011
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OoC: Supernova~ I'm fine with the whole controlling thing... but can you keep it to controling that one girl? Because I don't want a character who can control everyone else's. xD Thankies~ BiC: He grinned. It transformed his appearance, really. "You're a complete saint. You're the first person to even ask if I'm in need of food or a shower, and believe me, I've neeed them before now. What is the world coming to?" When he shook his head, blonde hair fell into his eyes. He wiped it aside with his hand. "You work at a cafe, huh? Pretty cool. I'd love to work but people don't tend to employ the Cursed, especially when they might not turn up again in the morning." He laughed, as though he were laughing at something that was actually funny. Amy felt herself smile-- the first real and natural un-forced smile she'd given in a long time. "People are weird like that," she said. "Come on, this way." She led him inside of her apartment which happened to be small. One room. Hardwood flooring at least, though. A small twin sized bed, a tiny desk with a chair. A small kitchen which consisted of two cabinets and a microwave and mini-fridge. "Go use that," she said, gesturing towards the left where the bathroom was. She glanced around her house. It was clean, neat as a pin, as usual. Thank goodness. She walked to her drawer and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that had once belonged to her brother but she had stolen when she had left the house. "These should fit you."
6:48pm Mar 16 2011
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Posts: 243
Tybalt grabbed the offered clothes with a nod of gratitude and walking towards the bathroom. Once he was in the small tiled room he immdiately pulled off the over sized hoodie, turned the shower up to full heat and pressed 'start'. He sat on the toilet seat, examining the room as he waited for the water to heat up; it was small and meticulously tidy, a state he'd never been able to keep his room in when he had one.
After a few minutes, he decided the water was warm enough and climbed into the shower, pulling the door stud behind him. The feel of the water hitting his body was pure heaven after not having showered in so long. Dirt and dried blood tinted the water with a coppery hue as the grime was washed from his lender form.
He tilted his head back under the steady stream of water, letting it rinse a little of the grime from his matted hair before reaching for a near by bottle of shampoo. Tybalt flicked open the lid and squeezed a little onto his palm, reaching up and m*censored*aging it into his scalp. The feel of the foam around his fingers was devine, he felt like a starved man being given food for the first time in months. After a couple more rubs, he tilted his head back once more and began washing the shampoo out. He was amazed by how free of knots his hair was after only one wash.
Tybalt decided that he was finally satisfied with his level of clendliness and turned the shower off, the sudden lack of warmth making him shiver. As quickly as he could, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed an already warm towel from the heated towel rack, wraping it around his skinny waist and tucking it over to prevent is from falling down. He picked up a smaller hand towel to dry his hair and the clothes Amy had given him before stepping out of the bathroom. "Do you have a bedroom or something where I could get changed?" He asked Amy, toweling his hair with his free hand.

10:51pm Mar 16 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: After this post we should prolly wait for the others. xD Or at least, we shouldn't go too far after this. ^^' BiC: She waited. She sat on her bed. Contemplating. She felt like this was the first dose of reality she was having in a fairly long amount of time. She heard the shower turn on. Usually she just woke up and then put herself on auto-pilot mode. Drink coffee. Walk to work. Work rediculously long shift. Don't complain. Come back home. Read. Sleep. Sigh. She walked over to her desk and saw a purple ipod nano. One of the newer versions. Not the newest, but definitely a good one. She had forgotten about it. She fingered it and picked it up. She hadn't played the thing in a long time. She put the earbuds in and turned it on. Miracle of miracles, it still worked. She pressed play. Music filled her ears. Music played on a piano. Ravel. Ravel, one of her most favourite composers. She flopped onto her bed, staring up at the white ceiling. Listening. I've probably been an idiot. I should do something for myself now. She paused in thought. Like... maybe helping these Cursed people or something. They seem to be pretty nice. The sound of the shower and the music was theraputic and relaxing. So much so, in fact, that she was just about to doze off.... When the bathroom door opened. And she figured something out. Tybalt when he was completely clean was in fact very cute. Ah. A towel was wrapped around his waist, held with one hand, while the other toweled his hair dry. "Do you have a bedroom or something where I could get changed?" he asked. Amy felt her face turn completely red. Because here was this guy just standing there, half-naked, facing her as though it were nothing in the world. She was momentarily paralyzed. The bathroom, she thought. He could have changed in the bathroom. But obviously he didn't think of that. "O-oh," she said, completely not meaning to stutter but doing so anyway. Regain composure. Come on. "Well, I.. can just look away I guess," she almost murmured. She immedietly flopped back onto her bed and looked directly at the ceiling again. Focus on the ceiling. Nothing else. The ceiling.
6:52am Mar 17 2011
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Posts: 10,925
As the boy replied to Payten, she felt the exxence that he was disappointed at her answer. She really didn't think it looked that bad; in fact, she thought it looked...cute. But Payten instead shrugged off the thought, telling herself that he did want an honest opinion, right? Payten stiffened as he asked the question she always hated to answer. "Are you a Curser?" He whispered in her ear. She looked up at this boy, examining him again. Sure, he could be "special" or something...but he could also be a suspicious human. Payten figured, though, that he probably wouldn't be an innocent because he asked. So, after hesitation, she answered, "That depends, can I trust you?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:44am Mar 17 2011
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Posts: 1,551
Jack awaited the reaction from the girl. Either she wouldn't know what a Curser was, or she'd do something else. She stiffened. Oohh how he loved that reaction. She kept silent for a moment, looking at him, thinking. Judging cost and benifit, he guessed. Which is funny, because most Cursers were very reckless. Interesting. "That depends, can I trust you?" she asked. Oh dear. How was he supposed to answer that one? He flicked some hair out of his eyes. "Well," he said. "Good question. I guess the answer is I don't know. Because a Curser isn't the best person to trust, right?" Which pretty much gave him away, but he didn't really care. He always acted on a whim. That was how he worked. Sure, it got him into some pretty interesting situations (and sometimes very bad-tight situations) but he always ended up gaining something in the end. -x- Jay watched closely at a girl with white-blonde hair and a strange guy who leaned in and whispered something in the girl's ear. Rachel didn't seem extremely interested. "They could just be girlfriend and boyfriend or something," she muttered. Jay shook his head. "Nope. They've got to have just met," he said. Rachel sighed. Jay's curiosity was something she'd have to learn how to deal with. "Whatever you say, pretty boy," she said. He smirked. "Yeah, whatever."
12:49pm Mar 17 2011
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Posts: 243
Tybalt smirked, still drying his hair. "I'll take that as a 'no' then. I would get changed in the bathroom but it's kind of freezing in there" He chuckled, letting go of the towel around his waist, which thankfully stayed in place, to brush a few stray hairs from his face "and besides I wouldn't want to get these clothes you have been so kind as to give me wet by dropping them on the floor... I hope you don't mind." He added, noting the blush across her cheeks as she stared blankly at the ceiling.
Making sure she couldn't see him, he removed the towel from his hips and picked up the boxers he had been given, slipping them over his skinny legs as quickly as possible, pulling on the dark blue jean soon after. Levis, he noticed as he pulled on the plain white shirt, it would have been baggy on Amy but was figure hugging o his own frame. He grinned.
"Okay Amy, you can look now."