8:57pm Mar 26 2011
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OoC: Yay x3 BiC: "Hi, I'm Tybalt. And you are?" Eh? Whoa. Jay couldn't help but stare at the guy,Tybaly, who was standing next to the cashier-girl. Pretty--well, gorgeous auburn red hair. Amber eyes. Very, very pretty. Jay let a pink tinge touch his cheeks. He really did look girly in his pink loose button up shirt and khaki pants. The blushing-factor did not help this. But again, he loved toying with people. His fingernails look chewed to death. "Jay," he said. "Nice to meet you too." His gaze shifted towards the cashier girl. She was plain, but pretty cute. And funnily enough, the colour had seemed to gone out of her face and she looked as though she wanted away. To be anywhere but where she was now. Which made her look completely innocent, which she wasn't. She had seen everything... "I'm sure you and your friend know why I'm here," he said, cutting to the chase. He looked up at Tybalt. "And no. I'm not a Curser. I work for the Government." He wondered how they'd take that. The Government wasn't so liked either... -x- Rachel really liked the white-haired girl. Because she was straightforward and appeared to have a fiesty side. Hmm, we'd make good rivals... "I did it," she said, "because I know you two have got to be Cursers. And I've got a job, you know." She rolled her eyes. "The Government's pretty pushy. They really want everyone to work for them. You wanna join?" It was the general challenge. The skinny guy (who was kind of cute) shifted his gaze towards the girl, an incredulous and questioning look in his eyes.
2:35pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Bump~
2:48pm Mar 27 2011 (last edited on 12:00pm Mar 28 2011)
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Posts: 243
[Just so you know, Tybalt has a few secrets that he will kee until a little later in the rp. He was kicked out of his house for more than one reason... o3o Ooooh, the drama! xD]
"Uh, yeah..." Tybalt raised a perplexed eyebrow at Jay, who appeared to be checking him out. He didn't know how to react to that. He saw the guy's eyes flit to his fingers, which were quickly hidden in his pockets, then to Amy, Tybalt narrowed his eyes. "I'm sure you and your friend know why I'm here," Jay said, looking up up at Tybalt. "And no. I'm not a Curser. I work for the Government."
Tybalt fought back the urge to growl, he shouldn't as$ume that this guy was bad, just because of his side but it was very diffictlt not to. "Oh, you work for them do you?" He grimaced a little "I can't say I'm a govorment supporter..." Now wasn't this nice and awkaward?
3:40pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Payten's eyebrow rose at the younger girl when she started to speak. "I know you two have got to be Cursers," She said, and then continued to ask if the two of them wanted to join the government. It was funny how many times the people for the government had asked her that question. Of course, her answer was usually a crude, snappy, or sarcastic remark. She met Jack's gaze with a look of disbelief. Payten wondered what Jack was going to say about this. Probably something different than her answer, which was "You don't really make the Government sound like it's a ton of fun. Bad advertising."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:14pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Bump~ Will post tomorrow. Had church today and am so tired. xD
12:01pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 243
2:20pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 243
11:39am Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 243
12:26pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((...Woah... I have an idea to keep me in the Rp, but not using my charries, for they are dead to this RP. Rmailing Supernova and Mare ASAP.))
1:19pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,256
(Sona's now 'in charge' of Tua.) "I'M GOING TO KILL THAT PEACOCK MAN!" Chandler Peacock heard the infuriated cry of Holmes behind him. He was running towards to the house. Just before he got there, he ran in the other direction in case they tried to follow where he went, then ran back again after dropping a loose thread on his jacket. Time to tell the girl about her future.

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:33pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Tua didn't want to do anything, all she wanted to do was think. But that was even hard to do, because of all the freaky things swirling around her. What's that thing?! She wondered as a black and red thing flew across the room. It had the shape of a wolf like creature, but Tua couldn't really tell what it was completly.
2:01pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"Girl?" Peacock called as he entered the house. She had probably heard the door creak open anyway. To add to the 'haunted' effect, the floorboards weren't silent either. Peacock grimaced and clenched his teeth. "GET DOWN HERE NOW!" his shout was louder this time. If she didn't come down in a few moments he'd go up and get her...

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:46pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Tua wanted to stay hidden upstairs, so she wouldn't have to face the young man, but if he came up there, he would be even more furious. She thought for a moment, and decided to head downstairs. She carefully walked down the creaky old staircase, and faced him. "I-I have a n-name you know." She said softly, jumping back as a ghost swirled around her.
3:10pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"That is what I was going to ask you," he growled, stepping towards her. "There is one thing you need to know... girl, I am your master. You obey me, and do not speak unless you are spoken to. Understand? You are going to to meet some other... people. They areless merciful than myself and I trust you do not want to be scarred both mentally and physically for life? Even though you already are," he added, making sure she couldn't hear.

Albino Uilus 24/120
3:22pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Tua nodded, and then thought for a moment. So wait, he just spoke to me so... "My name is Tuatara, and I understand..." Tua said so softly that it would be hard for him to hear. She stared down at the ground, not wanting to meet his eyes.
3:34pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,256
Chandler Peacock ground his teeth. He could not abide by this 'shyness'. He would stamp it out of her soon enough. "Look at me. In the eye," he said firmly. "Then, hold my hand." He grasped her hand firmly, and together they walked... into darkness.

Albino Uilus 24/120
3:40pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Tua was a bit startled, but was so afraid of Chandler that she said nothing. After a minute or so, she looked up at him, trying not to show fear in her eyes. She swollowed hard, nodded, and then kept walking straight.
3:43pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,256
(BTW, they're teleporting ;3) Chandler Peacock kept focused on his desired destination and sure enough, they arrived there only a few moments later. The pair were standing in a bustling market square. The sun beamed down on them and the smell of fresh vegetables and foreign spices filled the air. The people around them barely noticed they had arrived out of thin air, and continued with their morning shopping. "Bet you wondered how I did that, eh?" Peacock grinned smugly, dropping her hand.

Albino Uilus 24/120
3:47pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Got it.)) *Teleporting face* Tua stepped back, shocked. "What the heck just happened?" She asked, feeling like she was going to faint. "We were just there," she pointed behind her. "Now were...here?" She pointed in front of her.
7:48pm Mar 30 2011
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