10:07pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: I'm SOOOOO sorry guys! This is whut happened: Mare gets writer's block. Mare procrastinates. Mare forgets for a couple of days. Reality slaps Mare in the face. Mare gets her butt back into the rp. xD
6:56am Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Lol, It's understandable, Mare. ;o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

9:54am Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: POSTING. Finally. *fail* BiC: Jay really loved the guy's reaction to the word "Government". He could tell. The guy had tensed for one fraction of a second. "Oh, you work for them do you?" the guy grimaced. "I can't say I'm a government supporter..." Jay grinned. "Not many people are," he said. "Can't say I am myself, but what can you do?" He looked over at Amy. Poor girl. Oh well. It was his job. Do your job, or you'll get found out. That's how it went. This ongoing war been the Government and the Cursed and the Cursers affected everything. even normal civilians. Like himself. Like the cashier girl. "Hey, girl, what are you going to do now that you know?" Perhaps... maybe... if she could answer this question right. Amy didn't have the reaction he was hoping for. She froze, turned a bit pink, looked down at her shoes and then up into that guy's face for a second. Then back down to her shoes again, searching for an answer. "I don't really know," she said. "But I know I don't want to work for the Government. I like these Cursed people, they're obviously not bad." Which is exactely what Jay had said, and that had basically gotten him forced into the whole Government job in the first place. He inwardly sighed. He adressed the Cursed guy. "And what do you think about all of this?" he said, smirking a bit. Which probably would catch him by surprise, but you never knew. -x- "You don't really make the Government sound like it's a ton of fun. Bad advertising." Rachel couldn't help it; she laughed. "Sorry for the bad advertisement," she said. "But it is pretty fun..." She looked up at the tall skinny guy, who was smiling at her. Okay. WEIRD. "Yeah, fun for sure," he said. "But unfortunately, the Cursers have got another plan. And we have no intention of joining a messed up Government. Sorry." Rachel sighed. She really didn't get Cursers. Couldn't they be more rational, less stuck up and grudge holding? Sometimes you've got to work with people you don't like. Then again... they could feel guilt. Maybe that helped in their case. Rachel had forgotten all about the feeling of guilt. She could feel anger and sadness faintly, but without guilt everything was suddenly less emotional. "Listen then," she told them in a low voice. "I know you guys wouldn't guess it, but the Government is planning something big as well. And you have no idea about it. Currently, I'm out here to give you this warning. That's my only job right now." Oh yeah, and then she had that other Cursed girl that she was supposed to kill that she never found... oh well. "You're going to want to join. That's all." And then she tensed herself. Because you never knew what a provoked Curser was gonna do. The tall skinny guy shrugged. "No can do for me. But I am curious about the plan you're talking about." -x- What Jack really wanted to do was to knock the Cursed girl out and then question her. Because he was naturally curious. It was one of those moments where he wished he could send a mental note to his fellow Curser who could not in fact read his mind. If only. He peered sideways at Payten, mouthing the words, question in his eyes. She hoped she got the message... Because the Cursed girl was currently looking like she was about to do something, even though she had said she was just there to "warn them".
12:14pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 1,256
Peacock chuckled. "We just teleported. Meaning we - I - performed magic which moved us from one place to the other. Walking without moving your feet, really."

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:57pm Mar 31 2011
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Tua didn't know what to say. Was he a wizard or something?!?! Tua thought. He couldn't be. Magic isn't real...but then how come he can curse people, or teleport?
1:00pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"A wizard? Oh, no. I am worse than that..." he grinned. "Now, follow me." Peacock walked forwards, then turned down a few alleys, until he reached a corner shop with a peeling swinging sign. "I'll have to re-decorate. "Welcome to Forges." [Forges is his shop]

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:04pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 4,355
"Why are we here?" Tua asked nervously. So wait...What is "worse than that" supposed to mean? Tua thought.
1:19pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"We are here because I am... making sure someone doesn't find me. This is my shop, Forges. And worse than that is for me to know and you to find out... or not." He opened the door, and a bell rung. "Ergh, the blue fire's run out." he said, walking over to what looked like an electric fire. There was a plant-pot with a madrake-like creature inside. He turned a switch and the fire came to life... but it was blue. The shelves were dusty, with a few items on them. There were bottles with labels saying things such as, 'Essence of Pixie Dust', or, 'Sample of Dragon's Blood'. There were also many other things - animals, tiger's teeth, mammoth hair... everything. "That's right - we sell everything here," said Peacock to Tuatara. "Now, come with me. This is the storeroom," he said, leading her into the back room, packed full with boxes containing curious items.

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:38pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Wait, so he can...read my mind? Tuatara wondered. Then she asked out loud. "So, you can read my mind? Because I thought those questions, I didn't ask them..."
2:12pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"Not only that, but..." he pulled her arm up, as if it was on a string. "I can control you... I can make you spill your deepest, darkest secrets, murder yourself, murder me, lie, sneak around... Oh yes. You will prove very useful for me. "Now, I am going to tell you how to use my shop. This is the storeroo-" *squeak* "Ah, about that..." said Peacock. "That's my... ah - Amazonian Munchkin. It's like you, in a way. I can control it. It's very useful. It's called Specimin. "And..." he handed her a glowing blue sword. "You might find this useful. Put it in the blue fire every now and then, and if you ever really need to use it..." he patted his scabbard. "They come in useful sometimes."

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:39pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 243
[Thank god you're back Mare. :D]
"And what do you think about all of this?" Jay asked Tybalt and smirking. "I think the Govornment should just get off Cursed people's backs, we aren't just here to be kill people for you..." Tybalt grumbled, crossing his arms. Who did this guy think he was and how the hell did he know he was Cursed? I mean, this Jay character may have been cute but that didn't mean he could go around knowing who was Cursed and such. It pissed Tybalt off some what, though he didn't know why. [Eh, I'm lazy. Short post. :d]
4:13pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Dang. I thought that my thoughts were my only secret place! I guess that ruins it... Tua sighed, then looked at the sword in her hands. "What use will I have for a sword?" She asked, still looking down at the glowing piece of metal in her hands.
11:14pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Not to be pushy, but I would really love it if the posts were around a really nicely formed 5-7 sentence paragraph or two. That is a decent length post. Anything lower is kind of gettin' iffy. Though I understand in some situations it's hard to get that in. xD Btw, I kind of get that Peacock can control Tua with the whole Curse-with-nightmares-thing, but it'd be nice if you could explain that somewhere in there so we're all not under the conclusion that he can hypnotize (which I think wouldn't fit in with this rp). Also, try and make all inventions etc in this roleplay scientifically explainable. ^_^ That is all. xD Umm oh yeah. Sona, I think you said you were gonna rmail me, but I haven't received one. If you guy's are a' brewin a large plot twist, I would like to be forewarned. xD Now time for my small posteh. x3 BiC: "I think the Govornment should just get off Cursed people's backs, we aren't just here to be kill people for you..." the guy said. Jay smiled, sort of sympathetically. But the guy should be more rational. It was pretty simple, actually. You obey the Government, you don't get hurt. "They really should," Jay said, nodding. "Not like we got a choice though. So I'm telling you right now that the Government is currently planning something. And that you," he nodded towards Tybalt, "and you," he gestured towards Amy, "have to tell me right now whether or not you're going to join us. Otherwise, let's just say you two are going to be the next people on our 'DIE' or 'JAIL FOR LIFE' list." -x- One thing really got to Amy. One thing above all else really annoyed her. Funnily enough, it was not that she was in a very bad situation, that she really was mad at the Government etc and mixed up in a whole Cursed/Curser/Government thing... It was that Tybalt hadn't gotten any food. This greatly annoyed her. So she searched her pockets for something and held a granola bar out to him all the while listening to Jay's speech. ((lol. This wuz annoying me. I want Tybalt to eat something. xD *headdesk*)) "I'm going to do whatever he does," she said in answer to Jay, motioning towards Tybalt. She figured she might as well just go with whatever Tybalt was going to choose. Because she was beginning to trust Tybalt, and the Government... just didn't have a good reputation. As for the fact that she would be hunted, she'd been in nasty situations before. Bad ones. So really, in the scope of things, this wasn't too far down on the "bad" scale. ... She really was just trying to console herself. Whatever. She was going to stick with her decision.
2:43am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 1,256
[OK, Mare. :) No, we're not doing some major plot. Sona rmailed me because she wanted to use Tua, I don't know why she rmailed you.] "Oh, I don't know," said Peacock off-handedly, rummaging through some boxes. It wasn't long before his arms were overflowing with items. He quickly walked through to the next room and starting putting them on the shelves. Then, he went back. He came back with some paints and a paintbrush. Peacock pushed past Tua, and, picking up the ladder which was laying on the floor as he left, walked out the door. He propped the wooden ladder up against the wall and started decorating the sign. It soon said, FORGES, in bold black lettering. It was surrounded by a grey triangle, then the rest of the sign was painted black. "And you can get on with decorating the inside!" he called to Tua.

Albino Uilus 24/120
2:49pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 243
[Sorry if my posts have been short recently, I've been writing a rather time consuming fanfic and most of my creative writing juices are being used on that. xDD]
Tybalt was rather shocked at Jay's sudden speech and Amy's descision, this was going to be a hard one... He sighed, chewing his thumb nail nervously before taking the granola bar from Amy, nodding in gratitude.
"Well, you don't really give us much choice, unless we want to find our selves dead in a ditch some day." He frowned "And you know what they say; if you can't beat 'em join 'em." This would not be his normal stance in a situation like this, he would have punched the guy any other day, but he didn't want to see Amy hurt, he was beggining to trust her. He wouldn't see the only person who had shown him a single scrap of kindness killed.
He unwrapped the granola and took a large bite. He and Amy would be in deep crap if he hadn't said yes, heck, they still might be if Jay decided he thought they were too shifty.
3:35pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Sorry D: I can only write short sentences at a time X3 I'll try harder I guess))
4:28pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 4,355
Tua shrugged, then laughed a bit. Atleast he's not telling me to murdur myself, or I would be! She went looking for anything she could use to decorate. I've got a feeling he doesn't want anything girly so... Ah ha! She saw a box in the corner, and she looked inside. She found two intresting things. Black thread. A few black curtains. She took out all the items and layed them on the floor. First, she took the curtains and hung them over the window, then she took the black thread and sat and thought. She finally had the idea to make black cobwebs out of the thread. She carefully wove the thread into a web-like shape and put them around the room. After that, Tua felt like she had done good. She called out to Chandler. "I'm done!"
6:34pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Maileh your posts have always been a decent length, don't worry. ^_^ Sona, it be all right. :) You'll get better at it. xD Sometimes my posts end up being like that too. *failfailfail* Kay, comin up with a post here soon hopefully...
9:45pm Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Sorry about my absence. x3 I'll post ASAP))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:52am Apr 2 2011 (last edited on 5:59am Apr 2 2011)
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Posts: 243
[Bump. Hope you post soon Mare! o3o]