5:59am Apr 2 2011
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Posts: 1,256
"Oh..." said Peacock, as he examined the shop. "I was expecting worse." He raised his eyebrows and fingered the curtains. He rolled his eyes. "Curtains. Why?" But without waiting for her to answer, he went back outside and continued on the sign, which was now much better. He finished it, then worked on the actual building. It was a brick structure, with a wooden board for the shop name above the window. He moved the ladder, and began on that.

Albino Uilus 24/120
11:34am Apr 2 2011
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Posts: 4,355
"Well sorry." Tua said quietly. "You never said anything about curtains." Tua looked at the floor, it was pretty dirty. Tua looked around intill she found a broom, laying against the wall. She picked it up and slowly waved it over the floor. After she was done, she came out to Chandler. "You need any help?" She asked. -Braindead-
10:19pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: ISH POSTING. O3O Jay chuckled at seeing the guy's surprised ex pression... He also liked the girl. She had guts, really. He wondered why he hadn't done that. Hah. He knew the answer to that. Because there was no Government-police-offer-person who was nice and giving her a choice. Then again... If he had been given a choice, he still might've chosen this path anyway. Kind of made him feel jerkish. One thing made him bl ink in surprise and laugh a bit though. The fact that the girl p*censored*ed the guy a... granola bar? Oh. Something clicked into place. The guy probably hadn't had food in a while, right? And they were right near a cafe. Jay, for the first time in a long time, felt a pang of sympathy for the Cursed. "Well, you don't really give us much choice, unless we want to find our selves dead in a ditch some day." The guy paused. "And you know what they say; if you can't beatn 'em, join 'em." Jay was surprised at how... easily? Was that the word? At how fast the Cursed guy gave his answer. Well. But that made it easier for him too. However, he let the surprise show on his face. No use hiding it. So, one human girl (cashier girl, no experience whatsoever, sigh) and a Cursed guy on the Government's side. What a lucky day. "Well then," he said. "After we settle what's going on with my partner [insert smirk on face here] then I'll treat you both to some food. It looks like you need it." He paused. "By the way, what are your names?"
12:02pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 243
[Yay! Mare has posted! o3o]
Tybalt perked up when he heard the words 'food' and 'treat' used in the same sentance. "Maybe I had you govornment workers wrong, you're the first person since Amy here to offer me food. I'm Tybalt by the way..." He held out a hand for Jay to shake, smiling a little. He still didn't trust the guy but he had little to lose, the only thing he was concerned about losing was Amy, she needn't be hurt for his sake.
What was wrong with him? He never thought like this about people he didn't fully trust, espescially if that person happened to be female. It was probably because Amy had been so kind to him, she was the first in a very long time. He didn't know for certain.
He sighed for the fifty-millionth time that day, he was making rather a habit of it. It was begining to irritate him slightly. "Ugh, I sigh way too much these days."
2:34pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: ISH MIRACLE! xD Murph. Now we need Paige nao. PAIGE. >O BiC: "Maybe I had you government worked wrong, you're the first person since Amy here to offer me food. I'm Tybalt by the way," the Cursed guy said. And held out his hand. Jay looked at it like it was some foreign thing. Trusting, much? he wondered. Well, maybe not. Maybe just testing the waters. Maybe Tybalt knew that deep down, Jay was soft. Too soft for his own good. After all, Jay was the one who had pity on the Cursers. He found them fascinating. And he knew that they had feelings just like any human. Even the Cursed people did. Well, aside from maybe Rachel, but that wasn't her fault. She just couldn't remember. So he took the hand and shook it. Tybalt sighed in the process. "Ugh, I sigh way too much these days." Jay couldn't help it. He laughed. Because he could totally sympathize. "I have the same problem. It just keeps getting worse, too." Sigh. Then he grinned. "I prove my case." He looked at the cashier girl, Amy. "Well Tybalt and Amy, I hope you enjoy life working for the Government. It may not be pleasant at times but it's better than all the other options." Bad advertising for the win. But everyone knew that people and the Cursed and the Cursers had no choice. Unless it was to fight back. And Jay had happened to run into these two at just the right moment, so they weren't able to. "First things first," he said. "Currently Rachel, my partner, is trying to recruit two Cursers over there." He gestured to where the white haired girl and incredibly skinny Curser were standing, being threatened by a very bubbly girly looking fifteen year old. "She's a pain in the butt, but you'll get used to her." Eventually. Or maybe never. He turned to face them again. "I hope you don't mind too terribly if a small fight ensues. That happens sometimes." He wouldn't get too worried about Tybalt. But Amy, he knew, could not fight. He stared at her. "Here, take this for now," he said, and tossed her a small gun. She actually caught it. Good reflexes, he thought. "Tybalt, we're probably going to have to drag her through this if anything happens, all right?" And then he started walking towards Rachel and the two Cursers. Hmm. All hell was certainly threatening to break loose~
3:15pm Apr 5 2011
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Posts: 243
Tybalt smiled a little as jay laughed. "I have the same problem. It just keeps getting worse, too." He sighed "I prove my case. Well, Tybalt, Amy, I hope you enjoy life working for the Govornment. It may not be pleasant at times but it's better than the other options." Tybalt grimaced. Boy did he know it, at least he might have somewhere to live with the Govornment, even if he didn't acctually support them. This might work to the advantage of the Cursers, if he played is cards right.
He listened with half an ear as Jay pointed out his partner, explaining what they were to do.
When Jay tossed the gun at Amy, Tybalt's eyes went wide and a growl rippled from his chest. He quickly slapped a hand to his mouth but he was not in time to contain the snarl. He was becoming more animalistic by the day and it sacred him. Jay confirmed his fears by saying that Amy was probably going to be dragged into a fight with his partner, Rachel and the Cursers.
He growled again without realizing.
3:43pm Apr 5 2011 (last edited on 3:45pm Apr 5 2011)
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Posts: 1,256
Do I need any help? Chandler considered the question. He ran his tongue over his smooth teeth , then replied slowly, "No... but I want to show you something." He hopped off the ladder. The girl must be very bored, in a shop with a strange man who can control her... and cursed. "Come with me." He lead her through to a room which was through a door in the storeroom. Inside it were mas.sive piles of gold. "Oh, I'm quite rich, you know..."

Albino Uilus 24/120
5:07pm Apr 5 2011 (last edited on 9:59am Apr 6 2011)
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Epic + awesome + mysterious + squee = TYBALT. Hmph after these coupla' postehs, Paige is gonna need to get her butt over here. xD BiC: What really struck Amy by surprise was Tybalt's agreement to join forces with the Government. What was she expecting? She didn't really know. Oh well. She was going to stick with him. She had taking a liking to him. She also noticed Jay's weary and worried eyes examining her. And she kind of knew what he must have been thinking too. Something along the lines of: Oh craps. She can't fight. And it turned out she was right in that account. Jay tossed her a gun. She caught it with no problem. It was heavier than she expected it to be and felt alien in her hands. She'd never held a gun. She'd never fired a gun. She'd never... She'd never really hurt anybody, or killed anybody. A sudden thought flared up. Would she have to in this new job? A lick of cold touched the back of her neck and she shivered. Tybalt growled. Like an animal. She looked at him. She thought it probably had to do with his curse... He had a hand clapped over his mouth. And then after Jay confirmed that she'd most likely be dragged through it all, he growled again. Jay held up his hands, surprised. He looked curiously at Amy. "Well, well," he said. "I never said there would be a fight, I just said their could be one..." Amy herself didn't feel this reas-suring. But she knew one thing. She could hold her own for a while. Most likely, in a fight, Jay and Tybalt would give the Cursers a hard time. They wouldn't really notice her. They'd be too tied up. Or at least she hoped so. That would give her room to maybe help out in the fight... Maybe try and aim and shoot. The hand holding the gun trembled. She put a hand on Tybalt's shoulder (she had to reach for it since he was taller than her). "I'm not weak," was all she said.
10:06pm Apr 5 2011
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OoC: Bump :c
10:50am Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 243
[Mail shall post soon, she needs to look at her Facebook first. o3o Consider this thread BUMPED!]
3:16pm Apr 6 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Payten caught Jack's eye and nodded once. Yes, she noticed that this strange girl looked like she was going to do something other than warn them about whatever. She too, though, was curious about this plan. Not as much as she'd show it as, but curious enough to be able to put on a convincing act. "Yes, please do tell us about this...'plan,'" Payten said to the government-worker lady, whom Payten was starting to dislike more and more. She was kind of nemesis-worthy to her, in a way.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:54pm Apr 8 2011
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Posts: 243
[Mail's computer loads slowly... veeeeerrry slowly.] "I don't care if it's onlt might, there's still a possibility. And comapred to me and Jay, Amy, you are weak..." Tybalt shook his head slightly, knowing this was probably going to piss Amy off royally. He didn't really care at this point, he wouldn't have her in any fight.
He could not believe he had growled because of Jay's handing Amy a gun, he needed to have more self-contorl or he would end up transforming. He shouldn't put himself under that kind of emotional strain. He didn't want to be turninh into a fox in the middle of the street.
[Herp derp, short post.]
9:01pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Ish posting. O3O Finally. Slow moving rp for the win. There needs to be more of them. x3 BiC: Rachel glared at the white haired girl. As if she was going to tell them their plan. That was ridiculous. But... she also liked toeing the line. She always did that. She smirked, put a strand of hair behind her ear and said, "Oh, wouldn't you guys like to know. But there is one thing I'll tell you..." She paused, enjoying the cliche sounding moment. "Let's just say the Government has good connections and amazing research facilities. And that there's going to be a time where if you don't join them, you're going to be dead on the streets." Rachel looked over her shoulder after this rubbing-in-the-face moment, catching sight of her pretty boy partner who appeared to have made some new friends. This action was completely arrogent. She was letting her guard down for a second like she didn't really care and she could handle anything that would come at her. She felt power at tickle her fingertips. She was itching for some action. Jay had warned her not to use her ability without good reason because of the price she would have to pay afterwards. Steal luck and lose a memory. {{See Rachel's Bio, General info section to remember her ability}} Could be a small one, could be a disastrous one. But Rachel was known for being completely reckless. She felt at the white-haired girl's luck, reaching for it. A soft silver glow tinged the tips of her fingernails, generally not noticeable to people who didn't know what they were looking for. She gave the girl a second to feel something and react. She loved people's reactions. Because when she began to steal someone's luck, they would be able to feel something. The feeling varied depending on the person. With some degree of interest, Rachel noted that the white-haired-girl had quite a lot of luck. Generally Cursers did. -x- "I don't care if it's onlt might, there's still a possibility. And comapred to me and Jay, Amy, you are weak..." Tybalt trailed off, shook his head. Amy did feel angry. Mostly at herself, though. Feeling useless was not necessarily morale-boosting. "I know," she said lamely. "But I don't mind taking risks and I don't mind being dragged into these things." It was the truth. Jay interrupted the two. Because his trained eyes had seen Rachel beginning to use her ability. He muttered a curse under his breath. In a low and angry sounding voice he said, "Stop it. Just come on. There's trouble." And he began running over to the scene. What is she thinking?
1:01pm Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 243
[I can't post because a) I'm on holiday and b) the only computer I have acess to is about 6000 years old, as slow as an un-moving snail and completely annoying. I'll be able to post again after the 19th of April.]
4:38pm Apr 10 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Okay. We'll wait for you, Mail. <3
6:58pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Bump~
7:16pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 10,925
The girl who was all for the government started stretching out her fingers slowly, and Payten felt something...sort of like a tugging feeling. Like her heart was been torn out of her chest. Oh, damn, she thought, this girl's a Curser. She knew it as soon as she noticed the silvery-like glow appear near her fingertips. Her first instinct was to run away from the girl, though she figured it most likely wouldn't help. Most curses could work from long distances, anyway. But Payten, knowing that struggling against a curse only made the Curser want to curse you more, opened her palms and held them out. "You take...whatever you're about to take from me, and I'll take your voice," She said calmly.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:52am Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 1,551
OoC: Bumpeh. I don't wanna post without Mail, so I'll wait. XD
7:39am Apr 21 2011
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Posts: 243
[Sorry for the delay Mare, my computer broke and I got a new puppy, so cute! She is called Buffy and she's a Shi Tzu Jack Russell cross. I've only had her two days and I'm in love. @w@]
Tybalt turned his head towards the scene, it seemed that Jay's partner was cursed and about to use her ability. And, of course, they were going to intervene. "Stay behind me Amy..." He growled, a look of panic crossing his face. He had to protect the girl, he wouldn't get anywhere if she got hurt. It must have seemed he was just being protective but he had an alterier motive, he could use Amy to get food and shelter, she had to trust him if this was ever going to happen. He needed her so he could get off the streets. But, but his own foolishness, he was coming to think of her as a friend, he liked her rather a lot. This, was not a good idea, get to close to people and you wind up soft, and that never workd to your advantage.
3:13pm Apr 21 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Lol. I've been gone a bit. I'll post, but just smacked my head on a fence, so I may be more braindead then other days xD)) Tua stared at the sparkling, golden-yellow bars in front of her, amazed. Suddenly, she felt a wave of horror and stepped back a step or two. "Did you...steal that?" She asked quietly. *Told you*