The curtain reveals the secret...(circus horror rp...)

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3:05pm Jun 22 2010

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You awaken sitting on a bench. Looking around, you see a few other people but you cant make out their faces.
"Welcome! Welcome!"booms a female voice. "Are you ready to see? Something to you from me? Chalk circles galore! Youll be screaming 'No more!' "the voice chimed as a blackish blue will-o-wisp appeared from nowhere it seemed. The light began to jerk and dance around the circus ring and the female voice seemed to come from it.
"Oh curses, music and alchemy! The many things tonight you'll see. Pray tell will you make it out the tent alive with that said its time form the ring master to arrive!"the light echoed as it exploded and made a gl*censored* shattering sound and fragments of it froze above your head along with the others.
The light then quickly pulled back to where it exploded and shaped into a girl with a witches hat and platinum blonde hair.
"Good evening folks!"she said takeing a bow. "I am the ring master and my name is Milly of insanity."
She took her hat off and showed nothing was up her sleeves and pulled a large, black march hare from her hat. "This is my a.ssitant Tokko."

3:14pm Jun 22 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((woah did i over do it?))

3:19pm Jun 22 2010

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((You didn't over do it we just need to wait for the others.))


4:39pm Jun 22 2010

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8:19pm Jun 22 2010

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((One awakens in the tigers pen,another in the horror house and the last one in the ring.))

Kait awoke with a start...she waited for ehr vision to clear and saw she was in a castle like had so many mirrors you couldn't know which way to go.She came to an area with three doors...they were marked with what seemed to be a blade font.One was called Take,teh next was called The,the next one was called Third.So she picked the first door called Take.It was filled with spiked walls and a very scary looking rotting bridge.She took one step forward and teh door behind her had metal bars go down so she coudln't get out...After steping on the bridge she heard a click and  large swinging cressent shaped blades fell from teh ceiling and began to go back and forth and lower as they went....Kait knew now,either way she was doomed.So she dodged past the first blade.

((Here's what teh blade looks like tis gianormous and larger thand 8Ft tall and 12 feet wide.

Except the handle is in the middle of the curve and hangs from teh ceiling.))


8:27pm Jun 22 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((woah. creepy sythe))

8:28pm Jun 22 2010

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((That's the whole point ain't it?this is a horror story after all.))


8:30pm Jun 22 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((indeed madame you are correct))

8:37pm Jun 22 2010

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((I think i'm gonna sell poems. :3))


9:18pm Jun 22 2010

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(( Hola! *in a somewhat better mood* I dunno how to come in. >_> By the way, did Darren Shaun or The Freakshow inspire this? Just wondering... ))

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9:23pm Jun 22 2010

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((Pah ha ha,no Zombie.The inspiration from this was after i got done reading my friends short story about people dissapearing at a circus but i cranked it up a notch and made it a horror story.Also meh charries in the The horror house(AKA:the house of knives) i think the Knifeman could come in some where.))


9:44pm Jun 22 2010

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(( Lol, so I'm guessing this means you've never read either one? :P 

And Kaits an idiot. Even I could have figured out the doors were telling me to take the third door. Whether whats on the other side kills me or not is questionable... )) 

Zel ran his finger along the edge of the blade he had been sharpening, careful not to cut open his finger. It would never heal and he didn't want his fingers all cut up. He was sitting there with just a normal black tank-top, khaki pants and black socks. He didn't have to worry about getting dressed for his performance until later.
The sound of a tell-tale click reached his ears. He grinned. A "mouse" had wandered into his cage. He slid himself off the table he had been sitting on, grabbed a few knives and slid them into his back pocket, and went to investigate his new plaything.
He reached the room with quick ease to discover his prey was still struggling with the bridge. He shrugged. It'd be no fun for her to die from one of his toys so he hit the "off" switch on his side of the bridge.
Everything came to a halt an he grinned. He slid his gray hand over the bite on his neck and allowed his bangs to fall into his face to cover his unusual eyes. This way, aside from the gray skin, he looked rather human again.

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10:02pm Jun 22 2010

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((tee hee,the third door only leads to a room with spike walls that close in on you ever minute.So she isn't so foolish.An no i havent read either.))

Kait noticed the bridge had stopped and had decided that something was up...The only wounds she had at the moment were some minor bruises and a small gash on her leg.She turned to see someone....The lights rather dim made her skin appear about the same tone as Zel's though so she didn't see anything wrong with him."Hello?" she called out.She was already almost to the end of the bridge....did she dare wait for a responce or tryt o escape...she decided wait would maybe be a good idea.After all he coudl eb just as lost as she was...but thinking on the bad side...a crazy guy who knew his way completely around and some murderer.


10:16pm Jun 22 2010

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Milly was twirling an an axe in her hand. She gigled as she tossed it in the air.
The axd came down and landed carefully in her hand.
"The time has come, the enigma said."he voice echoing all over the circus park.
She cut Tokko in two and an odd clock came out of him.
"To talk of many things.
Of hethens, demons, carma acts. Of carrages and pointy things."she continued as a new Tokko came from behind her and the clock split into 3 and found the 3 visiters. "And fear if the clock strikes and your soul grows wings"

10:36pm Jun 22 2010

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(( So was "the" the way out? o3o And you are such a deprived child. Darren Shaun is everywhere! Manga, Books, movies... fanfiction! >3 Although I have yet to read a Darren Shaun Doujin/Doujinshi >_> )) 

Zel resisted the urge to smirk. She'd fell for it. He would have gotten her whether she ran or stayed, but at least he could have some fun with her. Things got rather boring when you were on tent-arrest twenty-four/seven.
"Umm, hi," he said, faking shyness. His voice was soft. It had always been like that and he was glad death hadn't turned his voice into moans like most zombies. If you ever wondered why they moaned so much it's cuz they were just asking for some damn directions and everyone just kept running away! "What... what are you doing here?" he asked, genuinely curious. It was odd to have someone stumble into his rooms. He lifted up his other hand, the one that was not covering his neck, and scratched his cheek in what could have been nervousness. His nails were perfectly manicured and solid black.

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10:44pm Jun 22 2010

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((Lol,i guess i am deprived. :3 and "The" was the way out.))

Kait felt in her pocket for the letter.She showed it in the dim light,"This would be why i'm probably here."She had just recently watched Zombie land and whether she knew it or not the rules to survival were true when it came to Zombies...though the only very wrong thing was they weren't stupid.


11:00pm Jun 22 2010

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(( And that's why you always peak before you go inside, kids! :P

Is Zombieland like the Zombie Survival Guide? *mom wouldn't let him go see it* Cuz the only differences with Zel from that is that he's intelligent and he can jump and move quickly. He still have a craving for flesh but he doesn't like ruining his shirts when he eats XD ))

Zel took the letter and looked at it, tilting his head down so she wouldn't see his gold eyes. He could easily read it in the dim light. This time he did smirk. "Well, looks like you got yourself a back stage pas-s without realizing it." he said with a friendly chuckle. "It's nice to meet Kait. My name is Zel. I'm the Knifeman for the Horrific Circus." he held out his free hand in a friendly manner, wondering if she'd actually shake it. His skin was cold, but not slimy like some people thought. It was dry and almost material-like.

((Feel free to snap his hand off by accident. XD Areo is great with glue and sewing :3 )) 


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11:04pm Jun 22 2010

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(( O.O ))

11:13pm Jun 22 2010

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((Teheh,lol,tis funny,you either run fast and are careful where you go to teh bathroom or the zombies find you.How come your mom woudln't let you see it?i watched ti at meh nephews house(sadly he's almost a year older than me.)and no it's not like The Zombie survival guide.))

Kait shook his hand.She barely noticed it's odd coldness."Okay what i want to know is why i'm stuck in here though?" she said with a frown.The only thing she found odd was that when she shook his hand taht she heard the bones popping.Kait might be stupid enough to jump off a cliff if you tell her two but atleast she knows her mythical creatures.

((Zombeh,you forgot the advise of,don't enter a suspiscious circus unless you've been there before or your parents can come with you!oh yeah and pay attention to the dorrs,they know everything.))


11:16pm Jun 22 2010

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Posts: 3,141
(( Lol, what, Dream? ))

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