The dark furture..(Vampire Rp)..of a bloodsucker..

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4:25pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 880

Jiro sighed and forced her mouth open and put a few drops on her tounge before setting the bottle infront of her before sitting back down under the tree with a sigh and a smile on his face.

Demyan stood up and put his hands in his pockets "i told you im too tired to fight but go ahead and get it done" he said with a small smile.


4:31pm Jul 9 2010

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Drakine snorted. But rushed forward anyways and aimed a punch at his throat.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:33pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 4,310

Kyla fought against him opening her mouth and letting the few droplets reach her tounge.She simply glared at the bottle,decideing for herself that animal blood was the way to go.Kyla could barely stand to look at the bottle any longer and snatched up teh bottle with blinding spped and made sure to swallow every last drop...she shuddered at what she'd done,she feared only one thing at this moment...she just hoped she could learn to control herself.

{{I'm gonna go find Kyla new looks...i'm getting a little bored with her current appearance.}}


4:39pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 880

((lol ok cool))

Demyan was hit in the throat and fell to the ground, his eyes wincing as he held his throat with a small growl.

Jiro frowned and lifted up the bottle and shook it to hear nothing "..well that was faster then i expected, now how am i supposed to get blo-" he stopped as he smelled a human close by along with another vampire. He stood up and looked around for another place that was touching the current shadow so that he could walk towards the scent.


4:40pm Jul 9 2010

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4:49pm Jul 9 2010

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Kyla glanced at Jiro and stated simply,"Go to the town a few miles form the edge of this forest you should come across a city or town of some sort,though truthfully i've never been there."She sniffed,smelling Drakaine and Demyan,with her new heightend senses and stood up.She easily found a shaded path and made her way silently and stealthily to the area in which Demyan and Drakaine were located.

{{Ha! here she is: Kyla }}


4:50pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 5,310


Drakine crouched down before him. "For this to be fun for me, you kind of have to react," she said, taunting him slightly.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:13pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 5:14pm Jul 9 2010)

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Posts: 880

Demyan laughed and whiped his mouth "i never said i was going to make it fun for you" he said with a small grin on his face but he stopped smiling as he saw another vampire approach behind Drakine "..Jakio?" he said with a questioning face to himself only loud enough for at least he and maybe Drakine to hear.

Jiro laughed and walked onto the shaded path carefully out of the sunlight "yeah thanks" he said as he continued to walk he stopped behind a human girl who was crouched down infront of a dark haired vampire.

((the link didnt worky))


5:16pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 5,310


Drakine cocked her head to one side and glanced behind her, moving her body side-ways as she did. "Don't think that's who you think it is, vampire," Drakine muttered. But her eyes had narrowed into a glare.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:17pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Jul 9 2010)

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Posts: 4,310

Kyla frowned at Demyan,"Dude even i know that isn't Jakio."She was now thinking about maybe 20-30 things at once.She was extremely considering finding a way to make a shortsword out of pure fun.

 ((Go look at her bio to see it.)) 


5:28pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 880

Demyan shook his head and looked at him again they were right, it wasn't Jakio but it did look alot like him.

Jiro shot his head at Kyla "..what did you say?" he said as his eyes grew wide and he got close to her face.He could've sworn she had just said Jakio. His long gone dead brother..or he thought.


5:30pm Jul 9 2010

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"I said that you weren't Jakio,why?" Kyla said a little confused.What was with this guy and Jakio?

{{Writers block.}}


5:33pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 5,310


Drakine stayed quiet and slowly backed up; still in her crouch. She could take on one vampire. But if that count went up to three, then she knew she was outnumbered by a lot.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:42pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 880

Demyan stood up and rubbed his throat as he gave a last glance back at Drakine "my brother is his friend" he said turning back to the new vampire.

Jiro grabbed Demyan by the shirt pulling him close "you know where he is?!!? take me to him!!" he said as he gave a huge smile with his wide hopefull eyes.

Demyan slaped his hands away "ok but we have to wait till sun down" he said as he sat back down with a sigh. "why are you so crazy about Jak-"

"He's my brother" Jiro said cutting him off as he too sat down "im Jiro his older brother and we got seperated when we first became vamps and i never saw him again" he said with a sigh as he pulled a new cigarette out of his pocket.


5:49pm Jul 9 2010

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"Dude, major family drama that makes me want to hurl," Drakine grumbled under her breath as she continued to inch back. Once she was at a fairly safe distance, she slowle got to her feet.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:53pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 4,310
"Now that you mention it i see the similarities," Kyla said looking him over.She didn't know that Jakio had a brother...hrm...eitehr way they were both strange.


6:14pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 880

Jiro leaned back against a tree and sighed "hey human, you got a time on you?" he asked as he gave a heartless look at her.

Demyan closed his eyes for a moment "what would you know about family Drakine" he said with a small growl as he leaned his head back against the same tree.


6:18pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 4,310

{{Can i  make more charries?}}

Kyla simply just thought a moment...she wondered what'd happend to her little twin brothers and sister...they were separated from the begining.Perhaps that's what she was seeking...She didn't know for sure...


6:21pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 5,310


Drakine ignored Jiro's question. "Other than unconditional love and the occasional parental break-downs?" she asked. Answering Demyan's question with another question.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:38pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 880

Demyan kept his eyes closed "nevermind" he said as he stopped growling and his face became more relaxed as he began to doze off.

Jiro smiled at the sleeping figure next to him and asked the question again "hey girly do you know what time is it?" he said with  a bit more of an edge to his voice

((make as many charas as you like :D))

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