The dark furture..(Vampire Rp)..of a bloodsucker..

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1:58pm Jul 1 2010

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Ash threw pinecones. She wasnt able to dogde the talons, since she was in a tree, and if she tried tried to dodge she'd probably end up falling out of a tree. She threw more pinecones at the raven.


2:01pm Jul 1 2010

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Drakine caught one of the pinecones and threw it back at Ash so it hit the girl on the forehead. "Do that again, I will kill you," she growled. Nobody touches or harms Riiva. Ever.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


2:03pm Jul 1 2010

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Ash turned quickly, to glare at Drakine. She had turnd to quickly, however. She lost her balance and fell out of the tree, hitting many branches on the way down.


2:06pm Jul 1 2010

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Drakine smirked. Her lips curling into an evil smile. Good. Turning on her heel, she nearly bolted away as she followed the river. Riiva followed. But the one thing Drakine didn't know was that she was heading straight towards Alik's brother and his squad.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


2:16pm Jul 1 2010

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Ash hit the ground. She cursed under her breath. She glared as Drakine bolted away. "You may not want to go that way," She yelled.


2:30pm Jul 1 2010

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3:17pm Jul 1 2010

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((this rp goes so fast! i got to think))

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


7:42pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 880

((lol nothing really happend just that Darkine met Alik and followed the river and is about to run into Alik's brothers team))

Alik ran after her and caught up with her. He grabbed her by the arm and covered her mouth and dragged her behind a tree."Do you wanna get killed?! My brother hunts humans and just headed that way if your smart you would stay away" he whispered with the cigarette in his mouth as he glanced behind the tree.

Demyan thought he smelt another human scent but thought nothing of it since there was a human just there before his idiot team mates let her escape. He growled under his breath at the thought of loosing a human.


7:49pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Jul 1 2010)

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Kyla bobbed her head above the water and cursed under her breath at seeing Demyan and his team still...though she was already across to the opposite bank.She was too tired to moved and pulled ehrself to the shorr and just looked to the treetops dazed.Kyla wasn't one to care if she was taken at this moment...she just needed to regan her strength and senses.


7:49pm Jul 1 2010

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Ash sat next to the tree, trying to see what injuries she had from the fall. It seemed as though her left hand was broken. She had many small cuts. It would probably make it harder to climb trees. That much harder to hide... she thought.


7:53pm Jul 1 2010

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Drakine growled and tried to wriggle out of Alik's grasp. Her black eyes narrowed as Riiva let loose another shriek. Finally getting his hand off her mouth she elbowed him in the stomach before sweeping his legs out from underneath him. A faint smile curved her lips as she mentally thanked her parents for allowing her to take martial arts lessons when she was younger.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:57pm Jul 1 2010

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Alik got up quickly and padded the dirt off his shirt and slicked his hair back "fine i can see you dont need my help just keep heading that direction" he said with the cigarette in his mouth as he pointed to the glowing eyes in the distance as he turned and began to walk back towards the tree where Ash was.


8:01pm Jul 1 2010

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Drakine sneered. She honestly didn't like people telling her what to do. That is why she ran from home in the first place. Moving to a more comfortable crouched, she brushed stray strands of her deep red hair out of her face. Standing up, she silenced her shrieking raven with a quiet snap of her fingers before moving in the direction she was originally headed it. This time, she moved a little more slowly.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:02pm Jul 1 2010

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Ash saw glowing eyes in the distance. She wasnt sure if this was Alik or not, so she gripped a tree branch with her good hand and pulled herself onto it. Then gripped another branch and pulled herself onto it. She couldnt go any higher with a broken hand, so she sat on that branch.


8:09pm Jul 1 2010

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Alik appeared into the moonlight, his hands in his pockets and his cigarette in his mouth. "stupid girl is going to get herself killed" he mumbled to himself as he walked back to the tree. He looked at the moon that was heading towards the horizon. He knew he would soon have to go when dawn began to rise.

Demyan smelt the air again and gave a small grin. He signaled to the others to search around in the forest again where he could still smell the human-scent edging closer. They could stay out all day and night hunting humans thanks to their sun-protective clothing and gear.

((gotta go eat brb))


8:16pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 8:20pm Jul 1 2010)

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Ash sat in the tree. She was beggining to give up hope of living much longer. Im going to die, im going to die, im going to die.... she thought again and again. Okay, maybe not beggining.


8:20pm Jul 1 2010

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Riiva let out a soft shriek, which Drakine quickly silenced with a soft snap of her fingers. The raven seemed to huff with offense. "Yea, I know your upset Riiva. Just no loud noises," Drakine muttered softly. Then, in an even lower voice, she added; "And I could really use a weapon..." Her black eyes narrowed as she stopped and slid forward, shouldering her way through a low-hanging tree branch.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:47pm Jul 1 2010

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Kyla groaned as she sat up.Her muscles hurt all over and she began crawling to a oak tree looming over the river.She huffed and inhaled deeply tryig to regain the lost breath she ahd.


8:57pm Jul 1 2010

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Posts: 6,590

((ok let me get closer to water...))

Morana suddenly stood...the aroma of other vampires, and humans hung in the air.  A low growl erupted from her throat... she wasnt thirsty so saw no point in attacking the human, but an investigation would be neccessary.  She stood and ran across the tree limb, making a graceful leap to the neighboring tree...landing silently amoungst the leaves... Jasons slightly louder footsteps echoed behind, as the pair made their way towards running water.

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


9:20pm Jul 1 2010

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Ash looked around from the tree. She was jumpy. ((writers block))

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