2:02pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Sari sat high in a tree with her back against the rough brown bark. Her legs were streatched down the branch and crossed at the knee. Her alien, hazy gray eyes were looking towards the sky as her head was tilted towards it. Tilting it slightly, she stood up before jumping down from the tree. She landed with nearly inhuman grace and walked off; her hands clasped in the small of her back. [[ Hey, Kate, I just had an idea-like thing about the stones. Wanna hear it? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:07pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Yeah, of course!~ Spit it out~))
I\'m back.
7:41pm May 6 2010
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I\'m back.
9:32pm May 6 2010
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((And another bump, and I wanted this Rp to go far D;))
I\'m back.
10:54pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Anyone still even interested in this Rp?))
I\'m back.
1:00pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 632
((i dont really have time to join but i wanted to add a suggestion for a stone. you could do a shifter stone. like if you use it you can look like other people. that would definately make it more interesting. but like a down side could be having split personalities and mood swings :) stuff like that!))
1:26pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((That is a cool idea. And Sorry, I hadn't realized this had started. I haven't miss anything right?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:55pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((You haven't missed anything, Serenity~ And I might have to add that shifter stone, but I'm not sure what color it'd be. I'll have to think about it. I might make a lunar stone, but the powers for it would be hard to make up~)) Zade's fingers slipped around a grity, tan colored stone. The Desert Stone, weak and without a host. He applied great pressure, and the stone crumbled into dust, blowing off into the breeze. One down. He was overjoyed that he'd already found a stone and destroyed it for good. Maybe it would be easier than he thought. But now was not the time to get cocky. There were still many stones left, scattered around the land. It was near impossible to predict where each stone would end up, but time would run out soon and the stones would be claimed. Zade had to keep on the move.
I\'m back.
5:27pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
((I can join with psi-stone? :D))
5:29pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((.....Vamp?!~ Oh, my, thought you were gone for good~ Good to see you around again~ Of course you can join, go ahead~))
I\'m back.
5:35pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
(( I thought it was the end of me to, but I couldn't resist Res :'D)) Name: Zuko Gender: Male Age: 19 Stone (If Any): Psi Stone Looks (Picture or Deion): click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Personality (Optional): RP out :D History (Optional): will be revealed latur Other: Nope!
5:43pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
(( I think i'll start :D )) Zuko clenched the odd purple stone in his hand. His head spun as memories of his past revealed themselves once again. He knelt to the ground and moaned. The stone made his head hurt. He grabbed is blue hair and clenched his teeth. He can't just stop here. This stone had odd powers; he knew someone must want it. He got up again. Still grabbing his hair, he started off again. What he didn't realize was that the pebbles on the ground in front of him were levitating out of his way.
5:53pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Yay~ Added the Mirror Stone, by the way. Thanks, Talilah, for the Shifter Stone idea.)) There was that feeling again. That rumble deep in Zade's heart. "A stone is near..." He mumbled. His steps grew faster, and soon he was dashing, eager to set his hands on the stone. But something was different this time around. He felt as though this stone wouldn't be another freebie as the last one had. And then it came into view. A blue haired boy, who seemed to let off a strange aura. He has it?! No!! Zade was steaming with anger, he was too late. "Young man." Zade said in a gentleman-like way. "I believe you have something I want." He smiled a friendly, Yet suspicious, smile.
I\'m back.
6:01pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
((oooo! a mirror stone, lol)) Zuko turned his head, his blue hair swooshed with the motion. He knew it. This stone- this wierd purple stone was worth something- and someone wanted it. He looked at the man infront of him. He clenched the stone in his hand. "Sorry, but I don't know what you mean." He said, putting his arm behind him. He stared at the man infront of him. He let out a dark aura. Zuko didn't know it, but the purple stone glowed. His eyes started turning purpleish blue, and the rocks around his feet lifted slightly off the ground.
6:14pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"Hand over the stone. I know you have it. If you give it to me now, you wont have to worry about the trouble it will bring you." Zade figured that if he couldn't get his hands on this stone now, he could try again later. His main target was the Light Stone, it being the only stone that could completely crush his Dark Stone. If it were either destroyed, or corrupted into a second Dark Stone, all hope would be lost. But the other stones needed to be eliminated as well. Zade took notice of the rocks hovering around the boy's feet. This allowed him to confirm that it was the Psi Stone, for that was the only stone that could lift objects in such a manner. ((I really wanted the person with the light Stone to be extra commited ;( It is a key stone here. Hopefully they'll come on back soon~))
I\'m back.
6:21pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
((that's a shame. I'm sure they''ll be back soon though.)) Zuko started to sweat. His now purple eyes studied the man infront of him. Was this guy going to kill him for this stone? "I can't let you have it..." he mumbled. Zuko suddenly realized the rocks levitating near his feet. "What the?!" He freaked and triped over one of the rocks, making him fall and sending them hurling at Zade. They missed, as Zuko had no experience at all with psycic powers and such. "Oh man..." He said as he saw the rocks lodged in the tree behind the shady figure. He looked at the stone in his palm, and it stopped glowing. The rocks around him fell to the ground, and his eyes turned blue like his hair once agian. The headaches returned, and he blamed the stone for them.
6:33pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"You can't control your powers. You are a danger to everyone around you. The stone is not meant for you." Zade's blood boiled inside him. The Dark Stone, which had previously imbedded itself in his ankle, demanded he use the violent way to win. Helplessly under the evil stone's control, Zade faded into a mere shadow. His lips curled into a wicked grimace as he began to creep up on Zuko, step by step. His arms lashed out in a threatening way, flailing dangerously close to the boy. "Give it up or suffer the consequences!" He barked in a heavy, demonic voice. ((Yeah, they'll be back~ It's hard playing the evil character. You want to be nice to everyone else character, but know you can't D; But it's rewarding sometimes >;3))
I\'m back.
7:19pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
((I love playing evil chars. Remember Andrew? He he! :D)) Zuko stared at the shadow looking dangerously close to him. Zuko started breathing heavily as he waited for death to consume him. Instead, the purple stone suddenly lodged itself into Zuko’s wrist causing him agonizing pain. He yelled in pain. His eyes started leaving their natural blue and were turning purple. He gritted his teeth together and held out his hands. “I can learn to use it!” Zuko concentrated on the shadow, hoping to set up a temporary force field. He wasn’t sure if it was working or not, but he felt n aura around him, and the rocks started to levitate again. He got up and tried to escape the clutched of the shadow tht was consuming his own aura
7:41pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((You're better at the evil ones~ And how could I forget any of the characters in that Roleplay~ Probably one of the best rps I've been in, and I've been in a lot~)) Zade backed away, the rocks and his strong aura repelling him. The Dark Stone flashed a dark shimmer as the shadow's outline flared out in a flash of fury. He retreated back further, up against the bark of a tree, his shadowy body fading into his normal self. The Psi Stone now in the wrist of Zuko, it could only come out if Zade could shatter it out, or if the boy died. Sitting as close to the tree as he could get, the evil boy, entrapped in the Dark Stone's power, projected a barrier of dark energy. It was so dark, you couldn't even see Zade through the veil. And all he saw was darkness. The barrier would hopefully protect him against any attacks the Psi Stone's new host would unleash.
I\'m back.
8:02pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 681
((Really? Thanx. Yes, that roleplay was epic win. Brings back memories :') My pink bunny Derek and Orange Derek. :D)) Zuko dropped his hands, and the head aches returned. He looked at his wrist. The stone left a scar where it had been lodged. He looked at the shadow wall. He was that powerful? How could he have even made the man go back one foot? Zuko shook his head. This couldn't be right. Zuko's eyes started turning blue once again, but the purple that faded from his eyes made the Psi stone even brighter. "I...I can't give you the stone." Zuko said to the wall. Not knowing where the man was, Zuko knelt down and grasped his hair, trying to get a hold of the pain from his head ache. Suddenly, Zuko was not in the forest, but in some field. There was strong aura's everywhere, and a brilliant light was fighting with a dark shadow. A purple light appeared then, and many boulders levitated from the ground. Zuko knelt again, his migrains getting worse. He was suddenly in front of theshadowy wall again. Had he... seen into the future? ((Omg so epic :D))
