The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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10:48am Jun 10 2010

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((MAy I add a SKitty morph? ;D))


10:49am Jun 10 2010

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11:05am Jun 10 2010

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Name: Deila

Age: 16

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Skitty

Gender: Female

Persona: She's very sweet and kind, as well as shy. She gets scared easily and sulks sometimes for reasons unknown. Maybe she doesn't like being a Pokemorph? Who knows?

S.O.: Straight. >w>

History: If it's alright with Kate, can she be Zade's Skitty? .o.

Family: Nnn...None anymore.



11:26am Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 12:38pm Jun 10 2010)

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Posts: 6,948

((Ya, that's fine :) ))



Name: Ilia

Age: 10

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Celebi

Gender: Female

Persona: She is very shy, but she goes out of ehr way to make people happy. She is not much more mature than her age, but she knows better then to fight the scientists when they come for her. She has been in the lab since she was 5.

S.O.: She doesn't know

History: She was born in a small town around SnowPoint City in the Sinnoh region and her first pokemon was piplup. She was captured just after her 4th birthday and her family was devastated. Her parents were killed in a mysterious accident and while they were "murdered", she was getting tested on. She now has the rare DNA of one of Dusk's prized pokemon, a pink celebi.

Family: None, but she might be attachedto Dusk in some way. She was only expirimented on when Dusk was captured, before that they just used her for testing. She is the only one in the entire lab who still has her piplup, but she lets other use piplup to feel happy.

Looks: Drawing, but until then..)) She has cropped natural pink hair with a darker pink on the ends on her hair. Two pink antenni stick out from her head and she has great big, green eyes that make her look more childish then she actually is. Two fairy like wings that are a bit bigger then the actually celebi (Ilia somehow manages to fly with them) protrude from her naked back. She only wears a sleevless top made of pink flowers. A light pink fur covers her entire body and she wears a flowery skirt too.


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11:49am Jun 10 2010

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Michael and PEter were taveling through the halls, hand in hand as sparks danced around them, just like they would with an actual Plusle and Minun when they came into contact. They did this to warn others that together they could give a nasty zap, and they did it to keep eachothercalm. When they were seperated, they'd go on rampages, screaming and zapping the heck out of everything, but when they were together, they were much more well behaved. Being brothers, and twins at that, also helped to make the hand-holding less weird to outsiders that didn't know how they were.


Linuon skittered through the hallways with a stash of food in his arms, weaving skillfully back and forth through the small, dense crowd of morphs that were locaed there. He popped a piece of bread into his mouth as he ran, only to collide with a young-looking Skitty morph, who ended up getting knocked over. She looked up at Linuon with watery silver-violet eyes that instantly made him feel bad about it. But after he helped her up, he darted off again, leaving her with a piece of bread in her hands.


Deila looked at the bread left in her hands curiously before lifting it to her mouth and taking a bite, walking through the halls. She came to a window where morphs could watch what happened to other morphs and looked in, her eyes widening when they settled on Zade. Was /that/ why he had released her?!


Borealis sat within the building, her long blue hair falling over her face. She looked greatly unhappy, and in truth, she was. She hated here and just wanted to leave, to go outside and be free. It may have just been the Suicune in her, but when she though back to the way the wind blew over the lakes back at her home, tears filled her eyes to drip to the ground. She quickly wiped them away, lifting a hand up to her heart as it ached. Yes, she was homesick and miserable. Nothing the scientists could do would change that, except for taking her back home.


11:52am Jun 10 2010

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Ilia giggled playfully as she fluttered around the dome with her piplup, Fern, in her hands. she zoomed down towards the ground and settled in a small heap on the floor. She closed her big green eyes and fell asleep. Fern sat and played with Ilia's pink hair with her fins and then twirled her antenni around her fin, but the girl was dead asleep...

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12:22pm Jun 10 2010

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After a while, Borealis stood and walked into the dome, her clothing fluttering softly around her, eyes hidden behind her curly blue hair. This was nothing compared to what the lakes looked like, especially at suset... "I...wish to go home..." she murmured before sitting down, sighing softly. You can take the Suicune away from the lake, but you can't take the lake from the Suicune...or something like that...

She was so depressed lately, too. She wanted freedom, but nstead she had captivity.


12:29pm Jun 10 2010

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Ilia woke up, she seemed to know when someone was unhappy, and floated over to Borealis. "Do you want to hold Fern?" she asked, holding out the little water type to the other girl. The ten-year-old smiled...

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12:33pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 12:35pm Jun 10 2010)

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Borealis, who had been staring down at the ground, looked up at the Celebi-girl. She blinked, then smiled a bit. "Thank you, young one..." she said, gently taking the little penguin Pokemon and setting it on her lap, gently stroking the blue feathers. Water types helped to put her at ease, though she wasn't sure why. It must, again, be the Suicune in her...she knew that the Suicune part was what made her speak the way she did.

The North Wind....Heh...not much of a wind now, is she?


12:39pm Jun 10 2010

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"What's the matter?" She asked, settling her self beside the other girl, "Don't worry, you'll get used to being here. I*ve been here since I was 5 and I got my first pokemon when I was 4 because she hatched from an egg, but then I got captured." she knew that the girl wouldn't get used to it, but she wanted to soothe her...

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12:50pm Jun 10 2010

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Borealis shook her head. "It is...a mix between homesickness and the pull of freedom...And it may just be because I am part Suicune now, but I really miss the lake back home..." she said, looking over at the Celebi. "My name is Borealis, by the way."


1:46pm Jun 10 2010

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"I*m Ilia. I miss the forest, but I think that is the Celebi in me. Dusk keeps staring at me strangely and I have started to wonder if the celebi I am mixed with was hers because I didn't turn like this until she came." She said with a small smile...

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1:52pm Jun 10 2010

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Borealis nodded lightly. "The Suicune I am mixed with was wild and free...and I really want to befree of this place and back out ther again..." Then she curled up witht he Piplup on her lap and closed her eyes, sighing. "My first Pokemon was a Totodile and I'd gotten him all the way to a Feraligatr before I was taken... I also had a Luxio who was about to evolve into Luxray, and a Pachirisu.." She smiled a little. "And I had just captured a wild Buizel..." She looked up, tilting her head. "I wonder where they all are now...?"


2:03pm Jun 10 2010

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"All I had is piplup." she nodded towards Fern. "I talked to Dusk though, she had a shiny celebi, a shiny umbreon, a Feraligatr, a Typhlosion, a Suicune, and a Mewtwo. She didn't talk much about how she got the mewtwo, but she said that he was i a cave and he was hurt and now she was worried about him. I feel bad for her." Ilia said with a slight frown on her face...

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2:09pm Jun 10 2010

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Masaru stared at the watermelon that had just rolled down the hallway to come to a stop in front of him. When he looked up, he thought he saw a a flicker of purple but before he could investigate, he heard someone shouting and spun around only to come face-to-face with another pokemorph. He stagged back, a disgusted look on his face, only to trip over the watermelon still by his feet and fall flat on his back, hitting his head on the hard floor. He sat up, rubbing his injured head. "I have food now, so what do you want?" he said rather rudely, using his bare foot to roll the watermelon towards him so he could pick it up. He wasn't exactly a morning person.


Nyx leaned up against the wall, his breathing heavy again. That shiny experiment had really taken it's tole on him, more than usual. At this rate he wouldn't even make it to the kitchen before he collapsed. He didn't like that idea. The lab was big and if he p*censored*ed out in a non-traffic area, he could be left for days before someone found him. He coughed, more blood dripping from his mouth and onto the floor. Suddenly, he heard someone approaching and looked up. It was a Linoone pokemorph that was running around looking like his tail was on fire. "Hey!" he shouted weakly, hoping to get his attention before he dashed off.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

2:12pm Jun 10 2010

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{{Recape since my last post please? Way to long posts. Two many new characters. Going blind...}}

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:17pm Jun 10 2010

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(( All I know is that Zade was experimenting on Rel with the same mix he used on Nyx, who is now making his way to the kitchen because he's trying to find a way to get the taste of blood out of his mouth. And Masaru was in the hallways after being asleep for a week and Sawyer rolled a watermelon to him before leaving and Feyth showed up and is bothering him.

I'm a little confused also so I'm not to sure what's happening between one of Rika's and Feyth's characters.))

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

2:20pm Jun 10 2010

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((Ilia [my celebi charrie] is talkign to Borealis [Rika's Suicune charrie]))


I (Feyth) stared at Masura, "Nothing!" I said startled, "I was just wondering if you wanted some food." I said with a started look on my face, why was he being mean, had I done something wrong? No...

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2:25pm Jun 10 2010

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Masaru glared up at her. "I have food now." he said, picking up the watermelon and placing it in his lap. It looked really big in comparison to his small body. His tail started to bristle and small blue electric shocks danced over it. He'd seen this girl before but apparently she'd never met him, otherwise she wouldn't be trying to be so nice to him. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

2:39pm Jun 10 2010

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Well, iof you want some bread, I have some." I ripped off a piece of my sourdough and placed it on his lap, "I*m Feyth." I said with a smile, I refused to be mean to him...

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