The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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7:20pm Jun 10 2010

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Masaru shrugged. "It depends on what they say. If it's rude, then you should probably react." he frowned, wondering if she should of acted like all the others did. If she had, she would of been gone by now. He shrugged again, it wasn't his right to decide how others should act.

(( Last post from me today, gotta go. )) 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

7:21pm Jun 10 2010

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((ok, bye))

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7:29pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Linuon came shooting back, part of his fur singed a bit. He huffed, pouting, though in his arms he carried a whole bowl of different kinds of fruit, as well as more bread. "A Charmeleon morph got me," he said before standing still and staring down at the blood on the floor and Nyx's hands, pretty blue eyes wide as he flattened hsi ears. "How can you cough up that much blood and not be dieing?!" he demanded, setting the fruit down and staring at Nyx worriedly. He needed to think of somewhere to take him to get help and quick!


7:32pm Jun 10 2010

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Rel coughed a bit and then vomited again. He got a napkkin from the kitchen and cleaned it up. He dumped the gross papertowel into the garbage and walked back to Nyx and Linoon with a frown on his orange face, "May I have some?" he asked...

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7:38pm Jun 10 2010

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OOC: Could I bring in the Latios morph?


7:39pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Yes, but it has to be brother to the latias morph))

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7:42pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 2,721

((Sawyer is still in his hallway, just chillin', by the way.))

Zade grinned, then mustering up the courage to tell his secret.  "This may sound weird, but I'm not what I seem to be.  I'm actually a spy, investigating the lab for information on Pokemorphs.  I haven't told anyone until now, because if the boss here finds out I'm dead. But I know I can trust you."  He paused, digging in his coat.  "Here, take this.  If anything happens to me, I'd like you to cherish it forever."  He handed her the ribbon they had won together in a contest a while back.

I\'m back.

7:47pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 9:46pm Jun 10 2010)

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OOC: I know, Feyth, since I decided to make Kai-lan like Sawyer. ;P

Name: Rintoo

Age: around 15

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Latios

Gender: Male

Persona: Rp it out

S.O.: Straight

History: Nothing much... ;P

Family: Kai-lan

Looks: Latios.jpg image by alexdpny


7:48pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Deila's eyes widened slightly. "Then you've been here to help us the whole time..." she murmured before hugging Zade even tighter, tail waving happily. "I know you couldn't be an evil scientist!"

When Zade pulled out the ribbon, Deila reched out to take it, eyes widening. "You kept this,,,?" she asked, looking up at him as she hugged the little ribbon to her chest like it was her favorite, long-lost teddybear, tears forming in her silvery violet eyes. "Nothing is going to happen to you!" she cried, throwing her arms around him again, practically clinging to him at this point. "I believe in you.."


10:29am Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 3,141

Nyx chuckled slightly. He was happy that Linuon was so concerned about him, but it was slightly unnecessary. "I'm a Haunter Pokemorph. I'm already half-dead so dieing isn't going to be easy. I'm pretty sure my heart could stop and I still wouldn't be totally dead." His stomach lurched again, but he forced the blood back down. He cringed at the pain it caused him. Just because he was part ghost-Pokemon didn't mean he couldn't feel pain. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

10:36am Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 10:47am Jun 11 2010)

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Posts: 2,422

{{Hey, Krilla. Could Jordin like Rintoo? If it is alright with you and Feyth. I'll also try to jump in somewhere with Jordin's brother.}}


Name:Chandler James Chance




Pokemon morphed with:Espeon



{{But, you know, with the ears and tail of an espeon.}}

Other:Jordin's brother.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:43am Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 2,422

James glanced around, finally waking from his morphing. He stood and wondered down the hall, towards the voices of other pokemorphs. Seeing his sister, he smiled. He walked up to her and stood besid eher as she contemplated.


Jordin glanced over at her brother and smiled breifly, flashing the fangs she had gotten from the unbreon she was morphed with. "Well, good morning, sleepy head." She teased. Hearing his stomach grumble, she guestured at the now open door that sh ehad unlocked. "Help youself to the food, just make sure you listen for any scientists and get out before they see you." She warned

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

12:09pm Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Linuon frowned, then moved the bowl of fruit and bread closer to the two Pokemorphs that had been coughing of blood. "I hope this fruit is good enough. I don't feel like getting singed by that Charmeleon morph again." He shuddered, then reached up to try and stop the smoking that his singed fur was doing. Grr.




12:15pm Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Rel blew a puff of water at the Linoon pokemorph. "I*m REl, what's your name?" He asked, picking up a piece of watermelon and muching down on it, feeling the cold juice run down his shelled face...

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12:18pm Jun 11 2010

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Nyx glanced down at the the fruit bowl and his eyes lit up. Strawberries! He reached out to grab one then noticed the blood on his hand. He frowned, wiping the blood off on his jacket before quickly grabbing one and popping it into his mouth. After he had eaten a couple, he felt better. The strawberries had easily gotten rid of the taste of blood in his mouth. He looked up at Linuon. "Need help?" he asked. He scooted closer to him and began to pat at the singed part, hoping to stop the smoke. That could not be healthy to have smoking fur.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

12:27pm Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 12:28pm Jun 11 2010)

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"My name's Linuon," answered the Linoone morph, lowering his head slightly as Nyx began to pat it. Benig part Pokemon, the patting actually felt kinda nice, so he moved his head into it. HIs tail swished back and forth slowly, the morph smiling. If he were to get about this, he'd just blame it all on the Linoone in him. But when the other morph, Rel, blew water at him, he grumped. Now he was all wet. "...Thanks..." he murmured before shaking his head to fling out the water, ears flattened. He hated being wet. It made his pretty fur cling to him in a very unattractive fashion.


((Gotta go home. Be back...MOnday I guess. e.o))


12:35pm Jun 11 2010

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Nyx smiled continuing to pet Linuon's head until Rel sprayed the morph, making Nyx jerk his hand back. He laughed slightly at the way Linuon reacted to the water. He looked more like a soaked cat now. He brushed a bit of hair out of Linuon's face. "Enjoy the bath?" he asked, grinning. He wondered if Linuon would mind if he teased him a bit. To be honest the Linoone pokemorph looked pretty funny with his fur all wet.

(( Aww, bai! )) 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

12:36pm Jun 11 2010

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"I didn't mean to do that." His cheecks grew red with embaressment, "I thought it might help though." He pointed to his fur which was now not singed...

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12:50pm Jun 11 2010

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Linuon huffed softly, looking up at Nyx with a pout. "No I did not enjoy the bath." He stood up to shake the rest of himself out, flicking water droplets, on purpose, onto Nyx. "I'm not a water Pokemon, after all. And I look like a drowned rat when I get wet." he sat back down and crossed his arms.

((Lol.Now I really gotta go.))


12:51pm Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((Or not. e.o))

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