The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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12:56pm Jun 11 2010

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(( Make up your mind woman! XD )) 

Nyx chuckled, lifting up his arms to try to shield himself from the water droplets. He didn't mind. He was already uncomfortable enough and a little water wasn't going to make it any worse. in fact, some of the cool water drops on his face actually felt kind of nice. He brushed a few of them away before looking back at Linuon. "I'd say you look more like a drowned ferret." Nyx teased. "But you're still a very cute one." 

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12:59pm Jun 11 2010

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"Blehck." Rel stood up and wandered out of the room, the mushy stuff was making him sick again...

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1:09pm Jun 11 2010

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Linuon felt his cheeks warm up again, his ears flattening. "I don't look cute," he stated, reaching over to the bowl to grab a piece of bread and nibble on it, curling his tail as far around himself as it would go. Why the heck was he blushing...?


1:17pm Jun 11 2010

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Nyx watched Rel leave. "What's eating him?" he muttered. He turned back to the fruit basket, grabbing another strawberry. He shrugged. "I still think you do," he said, taking a bite out of the strawberry. "You should try one of the strawberries. They're really good." he said. He usually was very protective of his strawberries, but Linuon seemed to be an exception.

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1:21pm Jun 11 2010

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Rel wandered back in a few minutes later. He snatched a strawberry, a big, red, juicy one from the bowl and raced out like a bullet, afraid Nyx wanted it back...

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1:24pm Jun 11 2010

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Linuon finished up his bit of bread, then blinked up at Nyx before reaching out to grab a little strawberry and nibble on it, a habit form the Pokemon he was mxed with. He blinked in slight surprise. "They are good..." he said, looking up at Nyx curiously, tail waving rather happily.


((Lol. I'ma add in a scientist.))


1:25pm Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 1:26pm Jun 11 2010)

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Jordin snuck up behind Nyx, making a sign for the linoon boy not to warn him. Using a claw, she tapped Nyx on one shoulder, then the other, and, while he was looking away, snatched all of the strawberries that were left and sat corsslegged a few feet away, nibbling on one of the berries. "Hello,I'm Jordin." She introduced herself to the linoon boy and smiled, again flashing her fangs.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:33pm Jun 11 2010

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Nyx smiled, at Linuon, glad he liked them. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulders and looked in the directions in turn with which shoulder was being tapped. When he didn't see anyone, he spun around, finally spotting Jordin. "Hey, no fair!" he pouted, glancing at the stolen strawberries with a longing look. They had been really good strawberries. Better than usual. 

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1:40pm Jun 11 2010

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Jordin chuckeled and returned all but one of the strawberries, kepping a medium sized one for herself. She cut it in half and offered part to her brother, who had just sat down next to her.

James gladly accepted the berry and chewed on it, savoring it's sweet taste. He slicked his ears back as he watched a few scientists scurry down the hall. Ha. Scurry. He couldn't help but laugh when they saw they were chasing two pokemon. One an umbreon and one a jolteon.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:46pm Jun 11 2010

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Feyth looked over at some scientists from where she was standing. They were chasing an umbreon and a jolteon. She smiled evily and ran after them, joining up with the two pokemon. "So what's going on?" She asked them. she found she could talk to pokemon ever since she had become part of one...

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1:50pm Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 1:53pm Jun 11 2010)

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Masaru watched Feyth run off and shrugged. He supposed he was a bit boring. Sighing, he stood up and held the watermelon up on his shoulder. He knew he looked ridiculous, after all the blame thing was several times bigger than his head, but he didn't care. The watermelon would make a great snack later, even if he didn't know where it was from. He shrugged again and walked off, humming quietly to himself.


Nyx laughed slightly, glad to have the strawberries back. He took another one and bit into it, leaning against the wall. The strawberries and friendly company had made him feel better but he still didn't feel well. The experiments had really drained him. 

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1:58pm Jun 11 2010

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Feyth shrugged and stopped running. She walked back to Masuru and smiled. "Well, they are funny pokemon." She giggled girishly and sat down again, "Your more interesting." she said...

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2:15pm Jun 11 2010

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Masaru sighed slightly and leaned against the wall, placing the watermelon down in between his feet to take the weight off his shoulder and keep it from rolling off. "You have a weird definition of 'interesting,'" he said dully. He looked out one of the windows at the sky, glad they were in one of the outer-edge hallways. He could already see the gray clouds out in the distance. 

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2:17pm Jun 11 2010

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She took the watermelon from him and a claw stuck out from her hand, her nails had become pointed. She poked it into the watermelon and sliced it down the middle. "Sorry, I haven't eaten anythnig all day." She said, biting into her half and letting the juice drip down her belly...

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2:19pm Jun 11 2010

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Linuon blinked, ears twitching. "...I'm Linuon..." he said, then jumped up with a yelp as a sudden shock got him. He turned around to glare at twins Michael and Peter, who were still hand in hand, sparks dancing around them.

"Look! It's like a little morph meeting!" Peter said, blinking at Michael, who nodded.

"I think we may have overdone it on the Linoone. I think he was wet," Michael said, letting go of Peter's hand. The instant he did, the sparks stopped and he walked over to sit down on one side of Linuon, while Peter sat on the other.




2:21pm Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 2,422

{{Shouldn't they be trying to escape?}}

Jordin sat rigid, her ears twitching. Scientists. "I hear the shiny serum was a success. Maybe we can make more off it." One of them said. "Yeah. The boss wants us to test this other stuff to." Jordin hear the ping of a needle being thumped. "He says it's suppose to make pokemon grow in level." The first scientist said.



"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:26pm Jun 11 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Ya, but I am trying to figure out how, maybe we should just let it form.))

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2:35pm Jun 11 2010

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This annoyed Masaru slightly. He'd been planning on keeping the watermelon for later and now he'd have to go through the trouble of stealing one from the kitchen. His tail bristled slightly and he opened his mouth to say something but he stopped when he saw how messily she was eating. His face heated up slightly and he grabbed his half back so he'd have something better to direct his attention to. He used his own claws to cut a more manageable piece before taking a hesitant bite.


Nyx covered his mouth with his hand to quiet his laughter at the shock the twins gave Linuon. He stopped, however, when he noticed how Jordin was acting. "What's up?" he asked her. "They get you too?" 

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2:39pm Jun 11 2010

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"Sorry, so I was thinking, I want to escape, I hate being cooped up here and I know everybody else does to. What do you think." she put down the water melon on a the napkin that Rel just handed her...

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2:41pm Jun 11 2010

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"Shh." Jordin hissed and listen more intently. "Too bad he said it might kill one of them if they have been traumitized recently. He said it could make them have a stroke or somthing like that." One of the scientists said. The two rounded the corner and stopped dead, staring at the pokemorphs and the stolen food.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
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