The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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2:44pm Jun 11 2010

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"Its not what it loks like?" Feyth stared up at the scientist with wide eyes. "We needed to eat and all you feed us is scraps, why leave the kitchen unlocked if you don't want thieves?" she asked...

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2:47pm Jun 11 2010

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((I have to go, please don't continue without me))

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2:48pm Jun 11 2010

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Masaru shook his head, already knowing his answer. "No, not yet. I'll only leave this place in a body bag or as it burns to the ground. I won't flee with my tail between my legs." he snarled. He would get his revenge for what they did to his parents, but first he'd have to find out the truth of their murder.


Nyx jolted when he saw the scientists. He had not been expecting them to be going down a low traffic area. He glanced down at the food once before looking back up at them, prepared to deal with whatever reaction they had.  

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3:04pm Jun 11 2010

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Michael and Peter stood up, linking hands once again, sparks dancing around them. Linuon stood up with a growl, ears flattened as he stepped forward. "And you what he said thing is? A little Linoone is the one who stole all this," he hissed with a grin, tail waving back and forth.


10:19am Jun 12 2010

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10:25am Jun 12 2010

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"Ok, well I woud love to help you" She said the 'would to help' a little quieter than the Ilove you, but she hoped he got the gist. She stared back at the scientist as Dusk rounded the corner with Piplup, who had bounced over to her, she ahd figured out a battle teqnique for the young one in no time flat...


"Bubblebeam!" Streams of fast bubbles came out of Fern's mouth, aiming at His face and the scientist toppled over backwards. "Go, lets get to the boss's office. The scientist groaned. "Use peck if he tries to move Fern." Dusk instructed the piplup, her blue tail flicking from side to side angrily. She raced ahead, her ears flat against her head...

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10:29am Jun 12 2010

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Linuon started to race forwards, but stopped and looked over at Nyx with his ears pricked, waiting for the Haunter morph to go. He flicked his tail, then all but clung to Nyx when a few sparks from the twins Michael and landed in his fur. He flattened his ears with a pout, just knowing tat his fur was standing on end. Darn.


10:37am Jun 12 2010

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Masaru's ears perked up at her statement. Human's voices weren't monotone, but her statement seemed strangely off level. He opened his mouth to question her but didn't have time before the Piplup attacked the scientists. "Crap!" he hissed quietly, staring at the scientists. Did the words 'subtle investigation' mean anything to these guys?! Now that they fought back it would be even harder for him to find out about his parents' murder.


Nyx tensed in surprise when Linuon grabbed him but used it as an opportunity. It may seem like every-man for himself, but the quickest way to get out of the line of fire was with Nyx. He grabbed Linuon's arms, keeping the pokemorph on him. "Hang on," Nyx said, before turning them both intangible and sinking them to the level below, landing with a loud thud.

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10:44am Jun 12 2010

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Some o the mew fighting genes inside of Dusk gave her one move from Mew's selection, Transform, probably the most useful one they could have given her. Hang on everybody, "She turned into a hounter, felt her bones dissapear and then she turned ghost-like as Nyx had done and floated to the next floor...

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10:52am Jun 12 2010

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Linuon stared down at the floor as they began to sink, then clung tighter to Nyx, burying his face into his chest. This was definitely not something he'd ever get used to. Going through the floor... Yeah. Not gonna happen.


11:08am Jun 12 2010

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Nyx sat up wiht a slight groan. He really needed to work on his landings. He felt Linuon still clinging to him and patted his head lightly. "Hey," Nyx said quietly, "We're on the next level now." He felt himself blush slightly at how close they were. Odd. He wasn't usually one to be so sensitive about his personal space. He looked over at Dusk. "Copycat," he said with a laugh.

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11:26am Jun 12 2010

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Linuon pulled away after a moment and looked up at Nyx, ears flat. "Next time...just run..." he stated with a huff, then turned a light, pretty shade of pink when the fact that he still had hsi arms around Nyx registered. He let go and moved to sit beside him.




11:29am Jun 12 2010

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"So what if I coppied, I had the power to do so." She bounced lightly on her but as she changed back, "Its not my fault I got the move transform" She stuck out her tongue...

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11:33am Jun 12 2010

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Nyx smiled and laughed slightly. "I'm not exactly strong enough to run. Especially not as fast as you." He put his hand to his mouth and coughed, a bit of blood dribbled down his chin. He cringed before folding his hands in his lap and looking over at Dusk. "It's still not fair. It took me forever to learn that and you just waltz in with you're fancy transform and can do it in a heartbeat." he glared at her playfully. He wasn't actually mad, although his pride was a bit stung. 

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11:34am Jun 12 2010

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"Well, I geuss I leanr quickly, plus I am the pokemon champion and I was in danger so I had to do something quick." She shrugged and glanced around at them, her blind eyes searching for a door out. She felt around wtih her pale blue hands...

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11:43am Jun 12 2010

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Linuon huffed softly, staring down at the ground until he heard Nyx cough. His ears pricked in alarm, the Linoone morph staring at the Haunter morph worriedly. He poked his arm with a pout. "At least grab the food next time, then, so you don't have to deal with that nasty blood taste," he stated, his tail twitching lightly back and forth. All he's had to eat so far that day was a piece of bread and a strawberry anyways. He was hungryyyyy.


11:51am Jun 12 2010

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Nyx smirked. "Yeah, about that, if you're the oh-so-great Pokemon Champion, how in the world did you get caught." He was only half-interested in the reason, the other half only wanted to touch a nerve. He sighed. This whole day had put him in a bad mood. He returned his attention back to Linuon, preferring his company. "Well it's kinda hard to think of everything when you're being clung to by such an adorable morph." he gave him a smile. Truth was, he was already starting to get used to the taste of blood.

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11:57am Jun 12 2010

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"I didn't ask to get caputred if that's what you think. I couldn't see who was coming, I am blind! I thogh it might be my mom. After all, I was home." she emphasised the word blind and then touched an air vent. "I know how we can get to the office. She heard voices comnig from the vent. "Yes, boss, pokemoprhs, some piplup it pecked me, I took it. Now they are down on the second floor." The voice said. Ilia started bawling. "Piplup!" She screeched, using enregy ball on the large air vent. She slithered through it and went to te other side

"Uh-o" Dusk grimaced as she felt Ilia leave the room..

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12:08pm Jun 12 2010

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Linuon flattened his ears again, face turning another pretty shade of pink as he stared down at the ground in embaras-sment. "I'm not all that adorable...." he muttered, flicking his blue-eyed gaze up to Nyx. Then he realized the sound of static was gone. Good. No more shocks.

Michael and Peter sighed, looking around. "Hnnn..."


((Should Borealis be there, too? .o.))


12:08pm Jun 12 2010

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