The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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12:13pm Jun 12 2010

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Borealis walked up after a moment, lifting a hand to her mouth worriedly. "Hn...The little Mew girl...Where is she going...?" she asked, looking around, her violet hair covering half of her face. Hnnn....she wated to go home so badly...


12:14pm Jun 12 2010

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((You mean little celebi?))

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12:20pm Jun 12 2010

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Nyx chuckled, wrapping his arm around Linuon's shoulder and leaning against him. He felt oddly tired. Maybe it was just a bit exhaustion catching up to him. "You are to me," Nyx said simply, giving him a small smile.


Masaru sat up, his eyes wide and tail bristling. Where the heck was he? He wasn't even sure what had happened. He looked around and cringed when pain shot through his body, specifically the back of his head. He rubbed it, feeling a small bump. He must of hit it somehow.  

(( Did Dusk take everyone down to the next level? )) 

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12:22pm Jun 12 2010

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12:22pm Jun 12 2010

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((YES. I meant Celebi. xD; -fail-))

Linuon's pretty pink color went a bit darker, his tail twitching erratically. For some strange reason he thought he felt his heart beating faster. He took a couple calming breaths before looking up at Nyx, looking slightly surprised. "Then...what about me adorable?" he asked after a moment, ears flattening.


12:34pm Jun 12 2010

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Nyx watched Linuon's tail, trying to resist laughing. It was funny to watch, and it was even more enjoyable since Nyx knew he caused it. "Your tail, for one thing." he said with a slight chuckle, flicking his gaze back up to Linuon's face. "Your eyes, too, I've never seen anything quite so mesmerizing. And also, that cute way that you blush whenever I say something to you or touch you even the slightest bit." he added, with a grin.


Masaru carefully stood up, leaning against the wall for support, and looked around. His ears flattened against his head. Great, more people. He looked around again. And now his half of the watermelon was gone! His ears flattened against his head and sparks danced up his tail. Could this get any worse?! 

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12:47pm Jun 12 2010

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Michael and Peter walked over to Masaru witht heir arms crossed."You're going to shock somebody if you're not careful," they chorused, tilting their heads curiously.


((Heyyy. Can I have a random Linoone race up, then skitter into Linuon's arms for safety, escaping from the scientists? o:))

Linuon cursed mentally as his face grew even warmer. He did not blush whenever he said something to him! Maybe when he touched him.... But why was he reacting like this in the first place? It was so strange...


((FFFF. Clueless little Linuon. So cute. <3))


12:49pm Jun 12 2010

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((Ya, that's fine))

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12:52pm Jun 12 2010

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After a few moments, a little Shiny Linoone came running up, then launched itself into Linuon's arms, curling up into a little, soft, fluffy ball soon after. Linuon's ears pricked in alarm as he looked around before looking back down at the Pokemon in his arms. "What happened...?" he asked.

"T-they want to experiment on me...mix my DNA wth something else, then change me...." whimpered the little ferret-like Pokemon in his arms. Linuon's eyes widened slightly. Oh no!


((Wait. Isn't Linoone supposed to be a raccoon? .o.))


12:54pm Jun 12 2010

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((Sort of))

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1:02pm Jun 12 2010

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(( its a badger))  

Masaru glared up at the twins. Dang it, he though, why is everyone so much freakin' taller than me?! His tail twitched slightly and more sparks danced on it. He didn't need a lesson on how his powers worked. He already knew he didn't have much control over them. It was one of the reasons he avoided everyone. Not the main reason, but one of them. "I don't need you two lecturing me." he growled, narrowing his eyes menacingly. 


Nyx smirked. Linuon's confusion was written out for him like a book. "Confused?" he asked, purring slightly. For some reason, teasing Linuon was more fun than anyone else he'd met. He looked down at the Linoone that had just jumped into Linuon's lap, slightly annoyed. It had ruined his fun. Still he pushed those thoughts aside. "Is it ok?" he asked.

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1:07pm Jun 12 2010

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Linuon stuck out his tongue at Nyx. "S-so what if I'm confused?" he huffed, face still a dark pink. "And I think he's just scared...they were going to use his DNA on another Pokemon, then change him into something else..." He lifted the little Pokemon and nuzzled it, smiling. "But he'll be okay now that he's with us!"


1:09pm Jun 12 2010

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The twins shrugged in unison. "We're just trying to help you since we have the same problem," they said as they linked hands, a shower of sparks starting up right away."Whenever we touch now, a shower of sparks surrounds us. Being twins that have always been together, it makes it difficult..."


1:11pm Jun 12 2010

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"It might be that because you were together during the expiriment, your forms react to that." Dusk pointed out...

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1:13pm Jun 12 2010

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"We're also a Plusle and a Minun, which spark when together anyways," the twins replied in unison, sighing softly.




1:25pm Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:25pm Jun 12 2010)

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Masaru snarled slightly, showing his small, pointy canines. "I don't need any help, thank you, I'm fine on my own." he muttered. His tail twitched madly and some sparks actually flew off his tail. They hit an electrical outlet and it to snap and spark loudly, causing Masaru to shout in surprise and jump away from it. "Well that's freakin' new," he said. His sparks had always stayed on his tail before, only affecting something if it had direct contact with his tail.


"Those scientists are getting ambitious," Nyx said, a look of shock on his face. They were working fast, too. It's amazing what people would do for money. He shook his head to clear his mind. He didn't care what the scientists did or why they did it. "You two look alike." he commented. "And you being confused makes this all the more fun for me." He brushed his fingers along the side of Linuon's face, as if to prove a point. 

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1:46pm Jun 12 2010

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Linuon's face went bright red as the Haunter morph brushed his fingers against it, then hid his face within the fur of the lttle Linoone that had found him, his ears flattened. "We're both Linoone, even though I'm only part at this point. Why wouldn't we?" he asked. Huff.


The twins sighed. "Take it easy. Electrical outlets have a tendency to draw in our sparks." They let go of eachother's hands, and instantly the sparks stopped, their ears pricked forward.


1:51pm Jun 12 2010

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"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:00pm Jun 12 2010

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Nyx shrugged. "Two of the same species don't always look the same." he said. Even with the Linoone's fur hiding his face, Nyx knew he was starting to get to the Linoone morph. Still, he didn't want to completely scare him off. He'd push a little more than ease off of him for a while. He leaned a little bit more on Linuon and moved his fingers down under the morph's chin and on down his neck, lightly drawing random patterns on it with his fingers. 


Masaru returned his glare to the twins. Hadn't he just said he didn't want them to lecture him? "Whatever," He sighed, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Even if he would never admit it, they were right. He didn't want to accidentally blow part of the lab up. His tail stopped twitching but every once in a while a spark or two would still go across it. His ears also lightened up a bit, still pulled back but not as tense as they were before.

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2:03pm Jun 12 2010

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(( uhh, the scientists showed up and Dusk used a piplup to attack them. Nyx used his powers to take him and Linuon down to the next level to escape and Dusk followed suit, transforming to a haunter and taking everyone down as well. The piplup went off somewhere I think and while Nyx was flirting with Linuon an shiny linoone showed up and jumped into his lap. Umm, and Masaru was talking to the twins and getting all worked up when he accidentally blew out an electrical outlet ))

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