2:37pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hnnn...I gotta go.))
2:40pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Aww, bai D: ))
2:41pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Lokiii~ Do you has a YAhoo~? ouo))
2:48pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( lol, yeah I think. I usually use MSN though. Why? XD ))
2:50pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((So I can still talk to/RP with you when I get home. ouo Mine is rika_the_fallen@yahoo.com Add me if you can 'cause I really gotta go now. e.o))
3:03pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Oof, anything important happen while I was out?))
I\'m back.
1:51pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Uhh, everyone who was in the little group that was forming in the hallway was brought down to the next level by Nyx and Dusk because some scientists found them and all the stolen food... by the way... someone else post! >_> I'm not letting this RP die... ))
1:59pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Was Jordin and James brought down too?}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
2:09pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Yeah ))
3:13pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((back, sorry))
 <-- Click me
2:37pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Linuon blushed furiously when Nyx's fingers went under his chin, the little Linoone morph letting out a soft squeak as random patterns were traced on the back of his neck. He hugged the Linoone closer to hide his face the rest of the way, ears pulled back as his tail continued to twitch erratically. Why on earth was Linuon, out of all the morphs there, the one the Haunter morph chose? ____________________________________ The twins turned their attention to the flustered Linoone and grinned at eachother. The morph must not be aware of himself yet since he wasn't acting on the feelings he obviously felt yet. Ha. This was getting to be very fun to watch!
3:12pm Jun 15 2010
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Dusk turned abck to the grate. "HELP!" Ilia's voice sounded on the other ends. Dusk peeked through, she could see Ilia furiously kicking away at someone...
 <-- Click me
3:25pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Borealis stepped up to the grate and placed her hands on it. "Is there one here who has been morphed with a fire-type?" she asked, looking at the other morphs. "When metal is cooled and then heated up too quickly, it becomes brittle and easier to break or bend," she said, looking around.
3:27pm Jun 15 2010
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Masaru walked up beside the twins and followed their gaze to Nyx and Linuon. He frowned. "You two are pervs." he said, glaring up at them. "Give them some privacy, how would you like it if someone was watching you?" He looked at the floor, trying to set the example that they shouldn't be watching. --------------- Nyx smirked. The Linoone morph was becoming quite flustered. He lowered his face so he was right beside Linuon's. He was rather disappointed that he couldn't look at him directly, but Linuon was still being adorable. Nyx removed his hand from the morphs neck and began tracing his finger along Linuon's ear. "Do you like what I'm doing?" he asked, curious as to where he should draw the line.
3:28pm Jun 15 2010
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I can transform into one. Dusk said and there was a flash of bright light as she became a flareon. She looked at the grate and blew flames at it...
 <-- Click me
3:42pm Jun 15 2010
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Right before Dusk transformed and blew flames at the grate, Borealis had frozen it using the powers over ice that she had been granted when she was mixed with the graceful Suicune. She moved out of the way when the flames were blown, then nodded. "Now we need only a morph with a strong kick and we will be able to aid Ilia," she said, looking around. ____________________________ The twins blinked, then shrugged and turned around, promptly sitting down. The instant that their knees brushed against eachother, a shower of sparks was sent flying. They chuckled. Heh. That never got old. ____________________________ Linuon tensed when he felt Nyx's fingers against one of his fuzzy ears. He opened his mouth to ob ject, but the only sound he was able to make at that moment was a soft, rather adorable little squeak. The Linoone that he had in his arms squirmed, then moved its head to lick Nyx's hand, playing off of the emotions that he could feel from the Linoone morph, which the morph was not aware of.

3:45pm Jun 15 2010
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"Sorry, I've done enough, you try." she nodded at Linoone and the twins...
 <-- Click me
3:50pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The twins stood up and grinned. "We could try!" they said in unison, walking over. "We've been playing around with our electricity, so we have something that might work!" they added. They linked hands, sparks flying immediately. After a few moments they ran towards the grate and Peter launched Michael towards the grate, the Minun morph's body still crackling with electricity. He grabbed onto the bars and transferred the electrical energy into it and broke through the grate, ending up on the other side to unleash a practiced electric attack onto the person attacking Ilia. Grrr!
3:57pm Jun 15 2010
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Nyx jolted slight at the lick. "What the..." he muttered. He would have much rather had Linuon lick him instead of the Linoone but... why was he being licked in the first place?! "What's with you?" he asked, slightly amused. He moved his had from its mouth and stroked its head. This whole day had been very weird.
4:01pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The Linoone let out a little happy sound at the petting, but when he had been asked the question he pricked his ears and looked at Linuon,trying to say that he was reading his emotions and projecting them. He crawled out of Linuon's arms to curl around his neck, showing Linuon's bright red face. The Linoone morph fidgeted, staring down at the floor in embaras-sment, one hand resting over his heart. Why was he reacting like this? Why had his heart been racing when Nyx was touching him and moving closer? Why was he blushing do profusely? ((Brb. Gotta do my uncle's dishes. DX))