4:13pm Jun 15 2010
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Masaru sat down on the ground indian-style and crossed his arms over his chest. Now that the morph twins were doing something else, he had no one to talk to. Not that he cared about company, it was just getting increasingly hard not to stare at Linuon and Nyx. He growled lightly and curled into a ball, covering most of his body with his tail. He'd just take a nap, it wasn't like he was good for anything else anyways. -------- Nyx smiled slightly. He had figured it out, or at least he thought he had. He placed his hand on the one Linuon had over his heart and squeezed it lightly. This was becoming fun but also tricky. He couldn't scare Linuon away now. He used his other hand to grab the Linoone morph's chin gently and lift it up so he could look at his face. "What are you so embaras-sed about," he asked softly.
4:25pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Linuon's light blue eyes widened fractionally when Nyx's hand covered his own, hoping the Haunter morph wouldn't be able to hear or feel how his heartbeat sped up when his head was lifted up. "I-I don't know...." he responded softly, ears flicking forward for a moment before pulling back again. ((I love little Linuon. <3))
4:34pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 4:34pm Jun 15 2010)
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(( lol, He's fun XD )) Nyx frowned slightly. Tricky, tricky, tricky. He could sense how nervous Linuon was becoming and it was making him slightly nervous as well. Odd. He never got nervous whenever he flirted with anyone else, so why did this seem so different? He inwardly shrugged. Might as well go for broke. Keeping his fingers under Linuon's chin, he gave him a soft smile. "See if you can figure it out," Nyx said softly before brushing his lips against Linuon's in a hesitant kiss. (( Bold, Nyx, bold... i had nothing better ._.; ))
4:51pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Linuon's eyes grew even wider, every part of the morph's body tensing up the instant his and Haunter's lips touched, his face darkening to a very deep shade of red. The Linoone on his shoulder tilted his head and twitched his tail, ears pricked forward. What a strange bunch of emotions running through the Linoone morph's mind. After a few long moments, Linuon gradually began to relax, his fur smoothing down as his tail twitched in a slow, measurable tempo. The morph slowly, hesitantly, returned Nyx's kiss, his heart hammering in his chest. He still wasn't sure what was going on with him, but...he didn't seem to mind it as much now. ((<3 Linuon's adorable, isn't he? ;u; And I think I'll make the shiny Linoone just a regular Linoone. <3))
5:05pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk looked gback at the two lovers and then turned to the grate wit ha disgusted look. She ahd never been one to enjoy love. She crawled through the grate after the two twins and rammed into a scientist...
 <-- Click me
5:10pm Jun 15 2010
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Nyx smirked into the kiss. He moved his free hand to hold onto the morph's shoulder lightly, keeping a hold of his chin. When he felt Linuon relax, he considered deepening the kiss, but decided not to. He was positive his mouth still tasted like blood and that wouldn't be very pleasant for Linuon. After a few more moments, he sadly broke the kiss. Just because he had kissed back, didn't mean that Linuon wasn't mad at him. He looked down at the ground, not wanting to see his ex pression. "So...um, did you like it?" Nyx asked. (( Lol, yepp, absolutely adorable <3 and that Linoone was shiny? -fail- >_>; ))
5:21pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Linuoun had just started to close hs eyes when Nyx pulled away, the Linoone morph making an annoyed noise when he did so. His heartbeat w*censored*till sped up, the organ hammering away inside his chest, pounding against his ribcage,. When Nyx asked him if he liked it, he blinked and sat there for a few moments. "I...I thinkso..." he repledafter a few moments. He was still confused about his reactions, so he wasn'treally sure about much of anything at the moment.
5:34pm Jun 15 2010
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Nyx blinked in surprise and looked back up at Linuon. The Linoone morph still looked confused but he didn't look mad. Nyx smiled and wrapped his arms around Linuon's waist, pulling him into a hug. He rested his cheek against Linuon's neck and chuckled slightly. He could easily feel how fast his heart was beating. "Shocked?" he asked, teasing him lightly.
5:50pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The Linoone moved so that Nyx could rest his head against the Linoone morph's neck, skittering onto the Haunter's shoulders with a soft chitter. Linuon, whose blush had finally faded, only ended up blushing again as he was pulled into a hug. He huffed softly before wrapping his arms around the Haunter, his ears pricking forward. "Wouldn't you be?" he replied, flicking his tail.
5:57pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 1,719
OOC: Beside Linuon and Nyx making love, what's happened?
5:58pm Jun 15 2010
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(( They weren't making love!!! o///o ))
6:01pm Jun 15 2010
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OOC: Don't expect me to know the exact meaning of everything, Loki! ;P
6:06pm Jun 15 2010
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(( Grr! That's all I've got to say to you Krill! >///< *goes off ranting under his breath about something random* )) Nyx shrugged. "Maybe, who knows. After all I've been through, it's hard to surprise me." he answered. He was surprised at how good it felt to be hugged by Linuon. It seemed like all his harmless flirting had turned into something else. He frowned, not sure if that was good or bad. Having a relationship in a place like this, as well as being a pokemorph, probably couldn't end well.
6:09pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( and I really don't know what's happened since you're last post. I've done so many recaps its hard to remember. Umm, everyone is now down on the lower floor from where they were before because some scientists discovered them with the stolen food. Masaru's asleep and Dusk, the twins, and Borealis are messing with a grate because Dusks piplup was being attacked on the other side. and that's about all I can remember. ))
6:18pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 596
((I was away for a long time. :())
- Boring.
6:23pm Jun 15 2010
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(( When was your last post Flaaffy?... I cant even remember D: ))
6:28pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 596
((Me to. 3:.))
- Boring.
6:28pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Linuon sighed, flattening his ears again. The Linoone quickly moved back over to him, crawling onto his lap. He sensed that the morph was upset and he wanted to help. "Nyx... Do you think it's possible to escape...?" he asked after a while. He pulled away so he could look at the Haunter morph, tilting his head slightly, the look in his light blue eyes showing that he expected an honest answer, not one to make him feel better. ((L-lol. I kinda wanna make something happen to Linuon now. Like...make a scientist that drags him away and does all sorts of stuff to him. ouo))
6:37pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 6:39pm Jun 15 2010)
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Posts: 3,141
(( Err, crap... umm... just go back and look for my posts in solid black. Most of them are recaps.... And you are cruel Rika! But I cant deny it would be kinda fun... it's still cruel to them though! D: )) Nyx's face turned a slight shade of pink as Linuon crawled into his lap, turning even redder at the way he the Linoone morph looked at him. He dropped his gaze from to the floor as he tried to think over an answer. "I don't know," he finally answered. "Until now, I never thought about escaping... life here was better for me." he looked at his hand. There was still a faint blue glow to it. After the last events, he didn't know what to think anymore. "It's possible though. With our powers, humans cant face up to us." Even if they did escape... what kind of life would they have? He doubted humans would accept them.
6:37pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 596
((Um I think i will just start randomly somewhere.))
- Boring.