12:59pm Jun 4 2010
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Laying there, listening to the screams of the other girls, Jordin cringed. She, too, was in pain but ignored it the best she could. The needle has already been take form her veins and the pain had already spread over her body. She could see the black comeing but faught it off as best she could. "She is still awake. That is not normal." A voice said. Suddenly, a gloved hand pulled up eyelids up one at a time, shining a flashlight into them. Jordin's pupil followed the light.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:00pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 596
(( I had no Idea Loki was here, Also who did Nyx catch? I'm confused))
- Boring.
1:02pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Blue is Rel and he is a boy, Black is Dusk.)) "That's what I said." I exclaimed, "I mean, how do they expect to get away with turning the champion into a mutant mew pokemorph!" I glanced inside the room where the girl, Dusk, was sitting up and getting examined by the scientists. "Don't they know that somehow the pokemon police are going to find them??" I asked, letting Nyx see the paper... ----------------------------- They walked me over to the door and took me away. As I was walked to a dome like structure, I noticed two boys talking and as I listened, with my excelled hearing, I noticed they were talking about me...
 <-- Click me
1:06pm Jun 4 2010
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Feyth) I glimpsed over at the girl next to me and then lay flat on her back as a needle was inserted. I noticed it hadn't worked on the other girl and so I fought the medicine, it worked, I didn't go unconcious. I sighed, maybe now they would let me go as a failed expiriment...
 <-- Click me
1:07pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 1:08pm Jun 4 2010)
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(( I think he caught Rel )) Nyx glanced at the paper again, then smirked. "Well looks like I'll just have to report this to the police." He turned around, fully prepared to simply walk through the wall and tip off the police, only to smash right into the wall and fall backwards onto the floor. "Okay, OWW!" he exclaimed. "They must of reinforced the walls after my raid of the kitchen!" He groaned. What a way to screw up an opportunity. (( Heeeyyy! Someone called me Loki! Thats a first, lol ))
1:10pm Jun 4 2010
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"Plus, there are only phones in the head scientist office and there is no way we are going to be able to get there. Plus, what are we supposed to say: The champion is being expirimented on against her will and oh, did I mention we are all pokemon people who can dissapear and stuff." I explained, "they are going to think we are mental!" I waved my hand in front of his face.
 <-- Click me
1:10pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 1:12pm Jun 4 2010)
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Posts: 596
Miranda awakens. ''What is happening? Am I dead? ugh....'' I hope i'm not dead, but what did they do to me? Breathes heavely and slowly.((Fail. When are we fully turned into a pokemorph?))
- Boring.
1:13pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Finally, Jordin could feel the change coming on but she still didn't sleep. She dug her nails into whatever cloth she could fin and clenched her teeth against the pain. It mostly radiated in her head and waist.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:14pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Whenever you want)) I sat down on the gr*censored* and sighed, playing with stick that happened to be laying there. I wondered why the H*** I had a tail and ears and not to mention the lush blue fur that covered my entire body. I stared at the cieling and started to float, unsure why I was, I cried out... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sighed as another needle was plunged into me and this time, although I felt nothing for a few moments, I could see what was happening. Black fur grew all down my body. Pain shot out of my head and I felt my ears slid to the top of my head and grow. My butt hurt and then a tail grew from it...
 <-- Click me
1:17pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Nyx frowned, standing up and batting away Rel's hand. "I know that, I'm not stupid! I was going to tip them off of possible nuclear weapons. But it looks like any contact is going to be impossible cuz I can't get out!" As if to prove his point he slammed his fists against the wall. Calming down, he tapped a clawed finger against the wall experimentally. He would need to find a way into that office and since no one saw him as a threat, it might be possible with a good plan. (( I can't find Rel's profile >_< what kind of pokemorph is he? ))
1:20pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 596
((ok)) "Huh I'm aweak a-and.. have a tail?! So thats what they wanted to do..." Lets out a heavy sigh. "But am I the only one? No... There must be others." Growls. "...! What! why did I growl?"
- Boring.
1:22pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((He is a mijimaru and his profile is on the first page.))
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1:25pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Oh ok, lol, totally missed that XD ))
1:27pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 596
(( IS romance adceptable? XD))
- Boring.
1:30pm Jun 4 2010
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 <-- Click me
1:33pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 1:34pm Jun 4 2010)
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Posts: 596
((OK)) Goes to search for others. "Hello? Anybody? Um... I won't hurt you." Starts to cry. "What.. What if I am the only one? Ugh" Sits down and crys even louder
- Boring.
1:34pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( Feyth, post for Rel D: ))
1:39pm Jun 4 2010
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I glanced around, "Fine, but lets go find Dusk first and give her proper welcome." I said in a reasonable tone of voice...
 <-- Click me
1:42pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 1:43pm Jun 4 2010)
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Posts: 596
Crys. "W-Why Do they do this?" sniffs. Stands up and looks around for others. I hate this nobody is here. Nobody.
- Boring.
1:43pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Nyx shrugged. He walked over to the room where the scientists were still examining Dusk and tried to enter. At first the scientists shooed him away but he just slid under her arm and walked up to Dusk. "Hey there champ! How you feeling?" he said, giving Dusk one of his species signature creepy grins.