4:22pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 596
"Weird... Nyx weird" sign "I'm gonna go to sleep or somthing. Wait where do I sleep Nyx? And where do all of us sleep?
- Boring.
4:25pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
"Hey, It's a hobby!" Nyx said defensively. "And we sleep two floors up. There's a bunch of rooms that have three beds each. We sleep there." He huffed slightly and crossed his arms over his chest. He began humming lightly to himself. (( Gah gotta go. be back monday! ))
4:53pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 4:55pm Jun 4 2010)
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Posts: 596
(Bye!) "Sorrry! Nyx. Blah don't eat me in my sleep too or else revenge is gonna happen again." ((Brain dead))
- Boring.
8:23am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Lets pretend Jordin had sat corsslegged and was thoughtfully nibbling on a strawberry all this time.}} Jordin glanced up at the new-comer. "Hello. I suppose you didn't hear my name. I'm Jordin." She said, finishing her strawberry and stealing another from Nyx. {{You know what funny? Me and mom were driving home and we p*censored*ed a fruit sign and I swear, it said 'Antalope' instead of 'Cantalope'. I said to mom, "Lets go buy some antalope from the fruit stand!" She burst out laughing.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:40am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 1,719
OOC: Gosh, Blood! XD BIC: Kai-lan smiled at Jordin. "Nice name," she said with a nod. She then looked back at Nyx and chuckled. "I'd say that I'd have to disagree with the scientists," she mumbled.
11:05am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Pokemorphs Forver! Is it too late to join as a Suicune morph, along with a Linoone and a Plusle and Minun?))
11:47am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Hey, can someone give a recap. Also, can you guys not continue rping if I*m not on. I will logout from now on so you can see on the pages. If I haven't posted, then I am not on. :( ))
 <-- Click me
11:29pm Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 11:33pm Jun 5 2010)
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Posts: 596
((Lol)) I hope I don't snore if I fall asleep "I'm really sleep..." falls asleep. Miranda says"twoo" while she is dreaming of somthing. Ahhh! evil food monster! Monsters...Man down. ((XD what a weird dream))
- Boring.
11:41am Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Rika, you can join :) ))
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9:28pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Hmm, I can see what the scientists mean, though. He is kinda cute. She thought to herself. Then, shaking her head, she sighed, wondering half heartedly what her power was. She tapped a claw against the floor, then noticed a dark pulse emmiting from where she had tapped. The walls slightly vibrated with each pulse. Whoa, did I just use dark pulse? On the floor? {{Total brain fart.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:20am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I am not going back and reading 7 or so pages, can someone tell me what happened!))
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10:52am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,422
{{Um, nothing much really. They are just talking and joking around and stealing the scientists food. And then, Jordin attacked the floor without meaning too.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:59am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk picked herself up and looked around her entire body, "Where are my pokemon." she suddenly growled, clenching her fists. She felt her waist, nothing there but her belt. She bit her lip and suddenly the floor vibrated, twice, unceasing. She bent her knees to steady herself and then looked at the floor. Sha had used Dark Pulse at the same time as the other girl...
 <-- Click me
4:13pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Nyx gave a half-hearted glance at the Dark Pulse before turning his attention to, in his opinion, more important matters. In this case Jordin stealing his precious strawberries. He attempted to glare at her but instead it just looked like an upset frown. "My strawberries," he said childishly, and popped another on into his mouth. (( Hi peoples! Thanks for not going off to another dimension in my absence! :D and yes, that has happened to me in an RP before ._. ))
5:50pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((What did I miss D8 Sorry, I've been busy.))
I\'m back.
5:54pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
(( not much. basically all thats happened of interest is Nyx got stuck in the floor. Now all they're doing is sitting around talking and eating food Nyx stole from the kitchen. ))
6:19pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Zade's glare magnified through his glas.ses, watching the Pokemorphs. He paced in a circle uneasily, knowing the boss had comanded him to do some experiments and such. He hadn't told him who to test on, saying that anyone would do. A vial in his pocket contained a thick blue liquid that was to be injected into an unlucky Pokemorph's bloodstream. It was supposed to turn the common Pokemon shiny, though it had never been tested. Zade knew that it would help the case greatly if he cooperated well with his boss and did his best to please him, but he knew that the Pokemorphs had feelings too. He hated to put them through any more suffering, but it had to be done for their own benefit. He walked up to the lot of them. "I need one of you to come with me." Zade said in a stern tone. He noticed one of them had gotten stuck in the floor, and couldn't help but chuckle. ((Sawyer will come in soon.))
I\'m back.
6:26pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
A grin grew on Nyx's face and he jumped up. "I'll go." he offered, walking up close to Zade and staring up at his face. Zade was one of the scientists Nyx particularly liked, even if he did seem a bit odd, and Nyx liked being on the scientists good sides. It helped him get away with little things like sneaking out of his room at night or stealing bits of food.
6:44pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Zade began to wander over to the testing room, opening the door with his key card and holding it for Nyx. Most of the rooms were not key card locked, but the test room contained vital equipment that could not fall into the wrong hands. Out of his lab coat pocket he pulled a fresh needle, pouring the blue liquid into it. A little sloshed onto his hand, having the texture of maple syrup. When it was all prepared, he gestured Nyx to the bed that sat in the middle of the room.
I\'m back.
6:54pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Nyx resisted the urge to make a perverted comment and quietly walked over to the bed and sat down. His legs hung over the side and they swung lazily just for the sake of being in motion. He eyed the needle curiously, not at all nervous about it's contents. The scientists would do whatever they wanted with him whether he wanted to or not so it was no use worrying if the blue liquid was possibly lethal. "So what's this supposed to do?" he asked calmly as he watched Zade.