The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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6:58pm Jun 7 2010

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Posts: 5
Dusk wandered over to the window where Nyx was being tested on and stared into the room, "Hi!" she mouthed, waving her blue hand over the window gl*censored*...

8:43pm Jun 7 2010

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Posts: 2,721

((Candi, Dusk is Feyth's charra, if'n I'm not mistaken.))

"This is supposed to make you shiny.  The boss knows shinies are sought after, and thinks he can make a good deal of cash if he can make a regular Pokemon, or Pokemorph, shiny.  Only trouble is the ingredients to this concoction are extremely hard to come by."  Zade explained, shaking his head.  Carefully, he positioned the needle over the boy's arm, pricking it into his skin and letting the liquid flow into his blood.  He then removed it, throwing the used needle away, and watching for a reaction.  "Do you feel anything?" 

I\'m back.

10:43am Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((I know, I was by accident on my sister's account. I didn't realize that she was logged in, that is actually my post))

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10:45am Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Dusk wandered over to the window where Nyx was being tested on and stared into the room, "Hi!" she mouthed, waving her blue hand over the window Dusk slumped against the wall and pressed her face to the gl*censored* where Nyx was. "Wait, if shinies are so rare, then how come both me and Feyth are shiny?" she asked herself, turning back to the dome where Feyth was...

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11:26am Jun 8 2010

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Name: Michael/Peter

Age: 19

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Minun/Plusle

Gender: Male

Persona: Michael is more down to earth than Peter is, and usually stops to think things through while Peter rushes in to get it over with.

S.O.: Straight. .u.

History: Unknown.

Family: Eachother. They're twins. :D




Name: Linuon

Age: 18

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Linoone

Gender: Male

Persona: He's very quiet, but also very easy to startle since he spaces out a lot.

S.O.: Bi, but he doesn't know it. .u.

History: Unknown. .o.

Family: None.




Name: Borealis

Age: 19

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Suicune

Gender: Female

Persona: She's very sweet and kind and willing to help out anyone that's in a tough spot. She's also very quiet and smart. -nodnod-

S.O.: Straight. P:

History: This information shall not be disclosed at this moment in time. ouo

Family: None. e.o

gijinka_suicune.jpg Gijinka Suicune image by TheGreenTerror


11:34am Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Ok, you can start.))

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12:11pm Jun 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((So they're all in the lab?))


12:56pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 2,422
Jordin laughed. She growled softly, raking her claw against the nearest thing she could find to get the energy out. She flicked her tail out of sheer bordeom and decided to do a bit of raiding. BUt no food. She stood and crept carefully down the hall untill she found an unlocked door. Pressing her ears against it, she listened. Voices, and many of them. Sniffing, she found the unique scent of money. She weighed the pros and cons. She shook her head. If she was caught, she could be very severly punished. She sighed and made her way back to the kitchen and picked the lock with her claw. Stepping inside, she pulled open the fride door and grabbed an armful of various fruits and meets and even a few vegetables.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

3:38pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Nyx chuckled slightly at Dusk before returning his attention back to his arm. A bit of blood had pooled up where the needle had poked him. Other than a little pain in his arm... nothing. "Not a thing," he answered, "You're mix didn't--" he was cut off by a fit of coughing and he slid off the bed landing harshly on the floor. His body spasmed and a red aura appeared around his body only to slowly shift to a purple then blue. His hair turned to a darker shade of purple than before. Finally, the aura faded and Nyx's body settled down, leaving him trembling on the floor, gasping for air.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

4:22pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 2,422
Jordin twitched her ears. She had heard Nyx chuckle then fall to the floor? She shook her head. It couldn't have been. No one could laugh one second and fall down, dead or dying. Never the less, she dropped the food on the kitchen table and found her way to the window, standing beside Dusk. Seeing Nyx, she slicked back her ears in surprise. What the hell were these scientists thinking? They culd kill every last one of the pokemorphs if they continued to test on them.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

5:39pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Nyx tried to sit up, grabbing the side of the bed as support. His whole body felt like it was on fire as he struggled to stand but only fell back to his knees. He spotted Jordin and tried to say something only to clap his hands over his mouth as he started retching. He doubled over as he vomited up blood, the substance splattering onto the floor. After it stopped, he leaned against the bed, eyes closed and breathing heavily.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

5:59pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 2,721

"Darnit boss!"  Zade clenched his fist.  Many of the experiments done ended in this sort of situation, mainly because the boss didn't care who got hurt as long as he got his desired result.

Zade then began to root through his shelfs and cupboards frantically, looking for something that would help the poor boy.  Several vials fell to the floor, crashing and spilling and mixing into the blood that had been vomited up.  A brown vial containing a light pink liquid was selected, and Zade quickly loaded the liquid into a fresh needle, injecting it into Nyx's arm, opposite of the one he had injected into before.  Nervously, he took a step backwards, waiting to see if the remedy would cure his troubles.

I\'m back.

6:03pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Dusk caughed and was suprised to see blood. She wiped her mouth and her sleeve turned a muddy red. She ignored it and turned back to Nyx, was he dying, was she dying, were they all going to die in theis *** for saken h***...

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6:10pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Nyx cringed and clutched at the bed, the initial pain from the new liquid was immense. Still, after a few minutes the burning sensation went down and the pain started to dull. His breathing calmed and he opened his eyes slightly. His vision blurred into focus and he gave Zade a weak smile. He tried to stand up but fell back down, his legs not wanting to support him just yet. He sighed and after a few moments, tried again. This time he managed to get onto his feet and he just stood there, swaying slightly. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

6:30pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 2,721

"Why don't you go take a rest while I inform the boss that this stuff is dangerous."  Zade showed a relieved ex
pression, even though Nyx still didn't look so good.  Making haste, he exited the room, which wasn't locked from the inside, and skittered to his boss' office.

Arguement could be heard coming from inside the office before dulling into dead silence.  Zade stumbled out with a dreadful glint in his eyes.  The boss had told him that since the liquid had indeed made the Pokemorph shiny, he was to inject another Pokemorph with it, or two if there was enough left.  He didn't want to put anyone else in the way of harm, but he had to.  Walking with a slouch, he began to search for another test subject.

I\'m back.

6:39pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Rel glanced at Zade with big blue eyes and stuck out his tongue. He could expiriment on him, if he got the bottle from Rel. Rel ran out at the teen and tackled him, grabbing the bottle from his hands. He ran down the hallway with the vile in his paws/hands...

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7:03pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 2,721

Zade chuckled at the Pokemorph.  "Hey, now, give that back."  He called to the Shellder, even though he wouldn't mind chasing him around for awhile.

"You'd better listen to him."  A purple and white tail flicked out from around the corner of the hallway.  "These scientists can do some wicked thing to ya.  Give you an extra eye, or make you the size of a pea."

"I'm afraid we can't do any of those things with our current technology."  Zade slowed to a trot behind the fleeing Pokeboy.  "But it would be nice of you to give me that vial back."

I\'m back.

7:12pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"A scientist being nice, what is this, backwards day. First you guys kidnap the champion and then you expect me to nicely hand over a vial so you can test on somebnoyd?" He snorted, but unfortunately, at that moment, her tripped and the vial flew from his hand...

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7:15pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Nyx stared at the place were Zade had left long after he was gone. Nyx couldn't help feeling slightly annoyed. Not even a thank-you! He had known a kiss was too much to hope for but not even a slight display of affection or thanks was a little rude. He groaned and sat down on the bed, feeling dizzy. So what if he was shiny now? Did the scientist really think they could sell him and not get caught?

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

7:23pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 2,721

"The champion?"  Zade shook his head, then focusing on the vial that was travelling towards the ground.  It was almost sure to bust on impact, and there was nothing that could be done.  But then, in the nik of time, a hand outstrectched and grasped the bottle.

Sawyer's lips curled into a grin.  "Catch, Zade."  He tossed the vial he had caught at the scientist.

Zade stumbled to catch it, and it bounced in his hands a few times before he got a good grip on it.  "Thanks, Saw."  He grinned his way, slipping the bottle into a pocket on his lab coat.  He heaved a sigh, deciding to wait and experiment later.  He though about Nyx, wondering if he was okay.

I\'m back.
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