The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover)

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7:35pm Jun 8 2010

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Jordin smiled at Nyx after the other liquid had been injected. If was a fake smile, she knew some else had to go through with the same test that had almost killed Nyx. She thought about volunteering, just to get a good swipe at whatever scientist would test next, if not Zade. She flciked her tail in thought, her eyes staring blankly into the testing room. Would she really hurt Zade if it came down to it? No. Afte rall, he had found the other liquid. But, would she hurt any other scientists? Of course. They turned her, and the rest of the pokemorphs, into half creatures. She couldn't forgive that.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

7:37pm Jun 8 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((Hnnn. What should I do with my Pokepeople? .o.))


8:06pm Jun 8 2010

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Rel followed the scientist back to the lab, "what'cha doing?{ he asked, in his mos annoying voice...

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8:25pm Jun 8 2010

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OOC: Recap? I noticed that Sawyer came in, but I got sorta lazy with so many posts here and there.


2:16pm Jun 9 2010

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((Nyx was turned shiny with an injection that could have killed him, many of the Pokepeople are watching into the testing room from a window, Rel is doing his best to get on Zade's nerves, Sawyer is standing in a hallway, and Rika just joined and hasn't gotten the chance to bring her characters in yet.  Not the best summary, but that's about it.))

I\'m back.

5:34pm Jun 9 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( Hey Feyth, could I add another character? ))

Nyx took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. His stomach was still churning and the vile taste of blood in his mouth was making him feel sick. He carefully got out of the bed and staggered over to a near-by sink, turning the faucet on and sticking his face under the flow of water. He washed his face then tried washing his mouth out, but the taste still remained. Giving up, he turned off the faucet and quietly left the room. Maybe the kitchen would have something strong enough to get rid of the taste of blood.

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5:38pm Jun 9 2010

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((Depends, what character is it?)

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6:23pm Jun 9 2010

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(( A Patchirisu. ))

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6:23pm Jun 9 2010

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6:24pm Jun 9 2010

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((I am going to go back to first p[erson. So blue is Rel. Red is Feyth and Black is Dusk))

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6:39pm Jun 9 2010

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Name: Masaru

Age: 18

Pokemorph or Scientist: Pokemorph

Pokemon combined with: Patchirisu

Gender: Male

Persona: Masaru is very hot-headed. He's rather anti-social and is quick to get violent, which can sometimes cause him to accidentally use an electric attack on someone. He's very sensitive about how young he looks (thanks to experiments) and will either sulk or get mad if it is mentioned to him. 

S.O.: Bi (he doesn't know it though since he's afraid of getting involved with someone)

History: Masaru's parents were the victims of an unsolved murder that happened a few years back. He believed that the murder was somehow connected to the Lab and went to investigate. The scientists captured him and brutally experimented on him after that.

Family: Dead


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6:42pm Jun 9 2010

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((Ok, you can use him))

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7:10pm Jun 9 2010

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Masaru stomped down one of the many hallways of the lab, his bare feet making soft padding noises on the hard floor. He'd been sleeping for the past week and he was hungry. Although he was still debating if he should go get some food. The kitchen was a popular place for the Pokemorphs to hang out and he didn't want to risk meeting up with someone. He sighed and tried to quiet his rumbling stomach. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

7:26pm Jun 9 2010 (last edited on 7:27pm Jun 9 2010)

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Sawyer curiously poked his head out from behind his corner of the hallway, noticing a Pachirisu boy who looked awful hungry.  With a light rolling motion, he bowled a whole watermelon down the hall towards him.  Zade wouldn't mind if a little chow was taken from the kitchen every once in a while, and Sawyer took full advavntage of this fact.  He only had to worry about the other scientists. 

With a flick of the tail, the half-Skuntank receded back into his little territory at the edge of the hallway.

I\'m back.

7:34pm Jun 9 2010

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I wandered over to the kitchen and saw Masar, the 18-year-old Pachirisu morph. "Hey!" I said. I couldn't help surpress a grin. "do you want food?" She asked. I had been here for over a year, this was just the month when the finally decided to turn me into a shiny umbreon morph. I knew my way around...




I peeked around the corner, checking that nobobdy was watching and then looked at the scientist. "So ,what is in that vial anyway and why is Nyx suddenly shiny?" I asked, sitting down on the white table where Nyx had been just moments before..



I sighed and looked at the room where all the pokeballs were, how had I gotten here.I was lost and confused. A day ago, I had been celebrating my win for champion and now I was stuck here, in the middle of nowhere and all the world was waiting for my return. I kicked the wall and bounced back, clutching myfoot and yowling in pain

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7:34pm Jun 9 2010

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Posts: 1,719

OOC: Which hallway are Sawyer and Marasu in?


7:53pm Jun 9 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Jun 9 2010)

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Posts: 2,721

((They're in the hallway nearest to the kichen.))

"This stuff?"  Zade lifted the vial high, the blue liquid swishing around in the bottle.  "It's a remedy the boss made.  Makes any Pokemorph shiny, or it's supoosed to.  Highly dangerous though."  He sighed, thinking back to what had happened earlier.  "But I have been told to inject one or two more Pokemorphs with it.  Can't go against the boss' orders."  He hoped that a brave Pokemorph would volunteer so he wouldn't have to hunt one down and be the bad guy.  "Oh, who is that champion you mentioned earlier, by the way?"  Zade had been curious about it for a while now.

I\'m back.

8:09pm Jun 9 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"I*ll vollunteer." I said in a small voice. "Oh, the champion? the would be Dusk, the shiny mew pokemorph." I sighed and stared at the man...

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10:46pm Jun 9 2010

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"Hmm.  Ya know, I used to be a Contest coordinator."  Zade said as he prepared a needle with the blue liquid.  "My first and only Pokemon was a Skitty.  Her and I managed to win a ribbon, though I'm not sure which one it is exactly."  He pulled out a plum colored ribbon.  "I had to release her though, because us scientists aren't allowed to have Pokemon, unless they are to be tested on.  I'd never seen her so upset before.  I wonder if she's okay, or if she's been taken to the lab.  It scares me to think about it."  He cast a sad glare, then pricking the needle into the boy's skin.  He waited for a reaction, ready for the worst.

I\'m back.

10:40am Jun 10 2010

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Rel's eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the floor in writhing heep. He coughed a few times, but no blood came out of his muth like it had Nyx's. The shell on his back turned a bright orange color and his tongue turned red and lolled out of his mouth. His crusted body also resembled an orange color. His eyes returned to normal and he sat up, fully in pain...

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