8:59pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 5:00pm Nov 24 2010)
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Warning! For those of you that were in the original roleplay, you must have a new character. (Sorry Loki) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Story 2. Plot and Setting 3. Rules 4. Sides 5. Other Stuff
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9:00pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 12:04pm Nov 24 2010)
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STORY "You have got to be kidding me." A girl says as she walks down the street, gabbing away on her pokegear cellphone. "No way?! She went home? But she has a perfect attendence record!" the girl seems to be gossiping with this other person, but nobody else notices. The girl who went home early is sitting on her bed at home, staring at the lightly painted wall opposite of her. "Oh Grila, what's happening to me?" She wonders, clasping her head in her hands. Suddenly, she gets an idea and runs to the computer on her desk and sits down in the chair. The computer hums into existence and shows the start-up screen where the girl types in some words and a few numbers. Seeming to be happy with this, the computer turns black for a few moments and then shows a screen with a list of names. The girl clicks the 'x' to close the screen and opens up the World Wide net. She goes to a little box and makes a website. It's small and has little words, but after a few hours, the computer has a screen with a bunch of writing and numerous pictures and a little thing that says forums. The girl closes out of it and goes to sleep with one thought on her mind... Are there others?
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9:00pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 12:11pm Nov 24 2010)
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Plot The plot is that you are a pokemorph; a human that is combined with pokemon DNA. You don't know it until the day you turn 14 and the DNA that has been hidden for so long, starts to make an appearence. everybody has a pokemon, for this is the pokemon world, but only a select few have DNA of a pokemon. When you turn 14, you start to have visions of the wild and you get sick often. When a week is up of you having been 14, you end up with certain features of this pokemon. There are others like you, but will you find the website in time or will you turn evil. Setting The setting is wherever you live, which in this case, for everybody, is Kalico Town in the Hisa Region (Made up). Kalico town is made up of 13 buildings in a circle for the people of this region like order and many of the leaders have OCD. Each house has exactly 4 people in it, four pokemon, two computers, and 5 rooms and two bedrooms. The town itself is grey and dreary and everybody seems to be serious and downcast, everywhere except for the school on the edge of town. Attendence is mandatory, but nobody minds. The teachers are fantastic and you get to be with your chosen pokemon all day. The only people school is torture to, are the pokemorphs.
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9:00pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Nov 24 2010)
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Rules 1. Nobody's perfect! 2. There is no character limit, but I would prefer that you have 2 major ones that must be a boy and a girl and then a few minor ones. 3. Genders even and sides even. I don't want a million girls and 1 boy and I don't want a 7 people on the 'site' side and 1 one the 'alone' side. 4. You must follow my rules because I am amazing. I also will let Loki off his leash if you dare defy me. 5. People from original roleplay must have new characters. 6. No legendaries. Shinies are alowed, but only the leader and the starter are alowed to be a legendary. 7. You can have up to three pokemon in you charrie and I say three because I am the one that is spriting all you charries. 8. Because I am going to make pictures for you characters, I need a clear deion of what they look like and that mens no pictures.' 9. Post 'Pokemorph~UNITE' in purple to join. JK 10. This is a literate roleplay and only minimal chatspeak is alowed. I don't like this: Don tak lyk ths 'cause i wil hrt u. KK? baa! 11. I will add more later.
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9:00pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm Nov 25 2010)
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Pokemorphs on the Main Site: The leader is obvious The Moderators moderate the site The recruiters find more people (they are usually psychic pokemon) The joiners bring everybody to a certain spot every night the members are normal
Leader: Pheonix Thera (Feyth-1st page) Moderators: Angel Bluerose (Mercy-1st page)
Recruiters: Fang Lectro (Mercy-1st page)
Joiners: Open (2 only) Members:
Relis Colore (Feyth-1st page) Pokemorphs off the Main site: They meet at school
Starter is the person who made the club. The Helpers help the club The recruiters find more people The gatherers get people to a secluded area The members are normal Starter: Kurois Ioko Zero (Loki-1st page)
Helpers: Open (Only 2) Recruiters: Alexis Rilar (Feyth-1st page)
Open (2 more) Gatherers: Open (2 only) Members: Open
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9:00pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Nov 24 2010)
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Bios: Name: (First and Last. Middle is optional.)
Age: (At least 14) On Site or Off Site: Rank:
Gender: Eye Color: Hair Color: Pokemon they are mixed with:
Appearences: (Skin color, Clothes, pokemon features. Must be at least a paragraph. NO PICTURES) Appearance 2: (Appearance as pokemon that they use when they are at the gatherings. They can only haveone appearence, so if they are mixed with more than one pokemon, they must have mixed features. Describe it well and I will do my best to sprite it.) Powers: (Must be related to the pokemon! If you are ditto, you cannot have transform. Sorry, I learned my lesson with that) History (Optional, but if you have one, it must be detailed.) Other: My Bios:
Name: Pheonix Thera
Age: 16 Gender: Female On Site or Off Site: On Rank: LeaderEye Color: Silver with flecks of blue
Hair Color: Light blue Pokemon they are mixed with: Shiny Mew/Vaporeon
Appearences: Her skin color is a pale color, but in the moonlight, it seems to glow a pulsing blue. Her eyes are like that of a cat's and are round, but can become slitted if she is angry. She has a curvy body and full lips and a tail, furred blue, sticking from her bott.om. Two ears shoot out from her head and are barely hidden by her hair. She has to wear a banndana to hide them. She doesn't have 10 toes, but only 4; Two big ones on either foot with a slit down the middle. She usually wears a long sleeved shirt and jeans, even when it's hot out. Appearance 2: She looks like a normal shiny mew, you know, blue fur, small body, whiskers, tail and ears. But on the end of her tail are small flippers and around her body, in both forms, is a pale glow that only othe rpokemorphs can see. It is something that all pokemorphs have. She also has a darker blue body. Powers: She can create balls of light with blue flecks in them. She can also breathe underwater.
History: (I'll probably describe it later)
Other: Nothing.
Name: (First and Last. Middle is optional.)
Age: (At least 14) Gender: On Site or Off Site: Rank: Eye Color: Hair Color: Appearences: (Skin color, Clothes, pokemon features. Must be at least a paragraph. NO PICTURES until I make your sprite.) Appearance 2: (Appearance as pokemon that they use when they are at the gatherings. They can only haveone appearence, so if they are mixed with more than one pokemon, they must have mixed features. Describe it well and I will do my best to sprite it.) Powers: (Must be related to the pokemon! If you are ditto, you cannot have transform. Sorry, I learned my lesson with that) History (Optional, but if you have one, it must be detailed.) Other:
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9:15pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Nov 25 2010)
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((*whines* Why new? :< Fine... I'll edit with my charries in a few minutes. ><)) Will edit with new bios later. My Bio: Name: Kurois Ioko Zero Age: 16 On Site or Off Site: Off Site Rank: Starter Gender: Male Eye Color: Crimson Hair Color: Snow White with Black and Gold Streaks Pokemon they are mixed with: Giratina/Umbreon
Appearances: Kurois has very pale skin that seems almost silvery under the moon. His hair is of medium length and is feathered so its appears rather fluffy. His clothing consists of a long-sleeved red-black striped t-shirt to reflect Giratina's stomach and chest. Over the shirt, he wears a black hoodie with thin grey streaks down the back, sides and arms. Three yellow bands are wrapped around the hoodie on both arms with a yellow Umbreon circle on each shoulder. His jeans are a dark grey, with Origin forme black and red band makings around his legs below his knees as well as a gold ring around each of his legs above his ankles. On his hips are the yellow Umbreon markings. His ears and tail are like an Umbreon's, but a bit more ragged and are tipped with silver much like clone Pikachu's ears, and the tail has two Origin forme spikes coming out of them on either side. His wing usually stay in his Altered Forme but wills sometimes separate to his Origin Forme. He also has Giratina claws that are on top of his hands... like Zerkrom. (Probably spelled that wrong, I know.) (I think I covered everything. ><;) Appearance 2: Kurois' main body is that of an Umbreon's. Like in his human form, his tail and ears are ragged with silver tips and the tail has the Origin Forme spikes. He still has his Giratina wings that'll shift between forms on occasion and running down his body is silvery stripes. Golden bands (like the one around Origin Forme Giratina) Go down his body, one over his shoulders and two around his back between his legs. Also like his human form, his legs have Origin forme red-black bands around his legs below his Circle marks and gold bands wrap around his ankles. Down from his jaw, chest and stomach is the red-black striped pattern that appears on Altered Forme's chest. Gold Spikes jut from his shoulders under his wings and on the small of his back over his legs, and he also has claws similar to Giratina. He doesn't exactly have Giratina's mask on his face, but the "tiara"-like part above the eyes is there, although not covering his ring on his forehead, and there is a gold band around his neck similar to the lower part of Origin Forme's mask. (Once again, I think I covered everything. ><;) Powers: *takes deep breath* From his Giratina DNA, his wings (when in Altered Forme) Can be used similar to hands, and he can also jump into the Reverse World through reflective surfaces. He can also use attacks like, Ominous Wind, Fly, Shadow Force, and DragonBreath. From his Umbreon DNA, his rings will glow in the dark and just his presence can make people nervous or agitated. His sweat and blood is also slightly poisonous. The moves he can use from this DNA are Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, and Shadow Claw. History: Will be reveal laaateeer... *tired of typing*
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:34pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((Must they be completely new? *wants to be Latias again*))
12:11pm Nov 24 2010
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((Yes and I am changing it up.))
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12:46pm Nov 24 2010
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(darn,i wanted to be shaymin again...Ok just a little bit,i'll get my form ready.)
2:58pm Nov 24 2010
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((Wow, I wasn't expect the plot to be that different. xD *scraps bios* Otay, those wont work. Time to think of some others. :3 And since when do you have a hold of my leash? :P))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:44pm Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 3:47pm Nov 24 2010)
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Posts: 11,785
((<3 Join as a Pachirisu morph, a Luxray morph, a Lucario morph, and an Espeon morph? And um...no offense, but how come only you and Loki get legends? That's not very fair to the rest of us, Feyth. ;c))
4:02pm Nov 24 2010
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( Join as a Shiny Eevee morph, a Pikachu morph, a Poochyena morph and a Arcanine morph? 'Pokemorph~UNITE'! )
4:58pm Nov 24 2010
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((@Rika, only if Loki wants to be the leader of the darklings, otherwise he ahs to be a normal pokemon and I am a legendary because the 'website' was made by my character. She is that leader. @Mercy: Ok.))
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5:18pm Nov 24 2010
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((What are the darklings? :3 Sounds interesting.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:20pm Nov 24 2010
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((I was kidding. It just means the people who have a club and not a site. We will mostly be roleplaying the gatherings and such though.))
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5:55pm Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 6:39pm Nov 24 2010)
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Name: Angel Bluerose Age: 16 Gender:Female Eye Color:Dark, I mean REALLy dark, brown eyes. Hair Color:Silky black hair down to her shoulders Pokemon they are mixed with: Shiny Eevee
Appearences: Angel is a very light, light tan. She has silver eevee ears with An aquamarina blue boldness at the tip, also on her tail.She uaully wears a black and white hoodie with dark blue skinny jeans and black boots.She also has black glas.ses http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj233/jmnykamp/AngelBluerose.png Appearance 2:Angel is a small shiny eevee with Aquamarina bold tips on her ears and tail. Like any shiny eevee she is silver. Powers:Angel is very quick, has sensitive senses, and very smiley :)/ HistoryNo thanks Other: She is On site Rank:Moderator Name: Fang Lectro
Age: 17 Gender:Male Eye Color:Brown Hair Color:Dark brown Pokemon they are mixed with: Pikachu
Appearences: Fang is a very handsome lad. He is 6'3, and has a somewhat muscular figure. He usuall wears a black tee shirt. His Pikacchu ears are usually folded back, his tail isn't a real stickout, it blends with his style brilliantly. Appearance 2: Regular Pikachu Powers: Like a Pikachu, when he concentrates, his cheeks spark and then he can electricute targets from 20 miles away. History (Optional, but if you have one, it must be detailed.) Other:I will bring in the others later. He is on site Rank:Recruiter, that's how my other two charries come in.
5:57pm Nov 24 2010
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((Lokiii. The forummm. I posted my bios~ Feyth: Ah...alright, then. So, can I join with those morphs...?))
5:59pm Nov 24 2010
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((And can my Espeon be a Recruiter? ouo))
6:00pm Nov 24 2010
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((Mercy fix your bios. Read the things in parenthesis and Electric powers are not powers. It must be detailed. Also, Rika, yes you can. Oh and I added something to the bio.))
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