The Dragons of Anoile and Fieruy

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8:33pm Aug 20 2010

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Siren, after he finished resting on the invisi-ground of Fieruy, launched himself into the air, causing the grid to jiggle madly. He flared his wings to catch the dense atmosphere to make him fly straight. Out of nowhere, a she dragon was doing flips ahead of him. He angled his wings to dodge her, but it didn't work. The atmosphere was more dense because of the orb of silver. He was flying too close. Not far away enough to avoid conversation. Before he could dive down to the ground, his wing accidental brushed hers. Great. Now he had to stop and apologize. He tried to think of the last time he had said anything. Was it weeks ago or years ago? He hovered in mid-air. "Sorry" he said quietly, almost too soft to hear. His voice sounded strange. It must've been years. "Sorry" he repeated, louder this time in case she didn't hear. But he also just wanted to hear his own voice.


8:37pm Aug 20 2010

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Na'araine flared her wings to stop. She turned to him and hovered in front of the dragon. "It's okay." she said, smiling. Na'araine decided to at least introduce herself. "I'm Na'araine." she said, making sure that her feathered wings didn't hit him by accident. Her long tail swished back and forth. She was interested. Mostly surprised that he lived on Fieruy, a strange place if you were used to Anoile.

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8:50pm Aug 20 2010

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Siren paused. What was his name? His mother had called him Demon, he remembered that much, but he didn't deserve that name, nor did he think Na'araine would get the right impression if he used any of the other names he had been called as a hatchling. So he made up a new name on the spot. "Siren" he said simply. He liked the sound of that. A kindly dragon said that a siren is something beautiful that lives in the Anoile waters and lures unsuspecting male dragons to their doom with their enchanting songs. They look beautiful from afar, but are uglier than anything in either of the worlds up close.


9:56pm Aug 20 2010 (last edited on 10:07pm Aug 20 2010)

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Na'araine nodded. Interesting. She had heard that there was a creature that lived underwater in Anoile called that. But she had never seen it nor did she know much about it. She didn't know much about this male dragon, but he seemed okay (as far as she knew, anyways). "Where are you from?" she asked curiously. Na'araine decided that she could at least learn some basic facts about it. It was the fair thing to do. She continued to hover. It wasn't easy. She wasn't made for hovering; she was built for flying in interesting patterns. She flapped carefully. Na'araine stopped swishing her tail. It wobbled back and forth nonetheless. She studied him. Na'araine had to admit that he was quite handsome. But she had never seen a dragon like him. Not on Anoile. Maybe he was born in a different place. Probably. She scolded herself inwardly. It was almost certain that he wasn't born anywhere near her.

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8:31am Aug 21 2010

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"I was born here, in Fieruy." Siren answered, regaining his voice to some degree. Seeing the strain on Na'araine's wings, he tilted his head. "It is odd for a dragon to have wings of feathers" he said. "Would you like to land?"


10:58am Aug 21 2010

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Na'araine nodded. She fluttered down carefully and landed on the ground. It rippled at the movement. She folded her wings and poked her muzzle through them. It wasn't very good to have messy feathers. When she was sastisfied with her wings, she relaxed.

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11:18am Aug 21 2010

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((I drew Na'araine, but I don't think it looks right. DX))

Siren landed a few feet away from Na'araine, folding his own wings as well. "Where are you from?" he asked. He wanted to know more about this she-dragon, he couldn't put a claw on it as to why though.


11:27am Aug 21 2010

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((It's okay. ^^))

"Anoile." she replied. "It's a nice place, really." she said. But inwardly, it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than this male dragon. She curled her tail and rested its tuft on her paws.

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11:32am Aug 21 2010

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((I'll be trying again though! :D))

Siren snorted. "It is not nice enough. Most of the dragons there don't deserve it. I have always lived here, and I always will" he said. His views of Fieruy were strong. 


11:40am Aug 21 2010

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Posts: 2,097

((Aww, that's awesome.))

Ka'araine nodded in agreement. "I have met some... Interesting dragons there." she said. And she meant interesting in a horrible way. They were mean. But Fieruy was a nice place. It was amazing. Different from other worlds. Colourful, too! She loved it. A bubble from another area floated over her head. She pokde it with her tail and it popped. Ka'araine stuck her dark blue tongue out to catch the tasty juice.

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11:58am Aug 21 2010

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Siren chuckled. "Fieruy is an enchanting place." he said, watching the bubble-y liquids vanish. "I think dragons who come here are simply to enchanted to act nasty to others, unlike Anoile"


12:11pm Aug 21 2010

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Ka'araine nodded in agreement. "It's beautiful." she purred, watching the colourful fire underneath blaze. She thought of the trio of areas on Fieruy. Different adn similar at the same time. She wondered why not more dragons lived here.

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12:15pm Aug 21 2010

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Siren nodded, staring at the pale flames beneath him. "Fieruy never ends" he said, "I have flown around the planet many times over"


12:25pm Aug 21 2010

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Ka'araine nodded. There was probably more, just waiting patiently to be discovered. But right now, she felt hungry. "Do you want to hunt with me?" she asked. On Fieruy, there was much to eat (besides bubbles). Glowing magenta serpents that gave you energy. Little green things that floated among the 'ground'. Things that tasted good. Things that tasted bad. There was everything here that wasn't on Anoile. (Not everything, but close enough)

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4:29pm Aug 21 2010

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"If you're hungry we can? I just ate not too long ago, and there's no competition in hunting here. None of the prey would run away, like in Anoile." Siren said.


5:03pm Aug 21 2010

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Ka'araine flicked her tail. "Well I'm hungry." she said, grinning. Ka'araine buffeted the air with her large fethered wings a lifted within seconds. She scanned the air for prey and snatched a few fat flying feiels (they look like pigs with curly fur? XD But smaller and they live by absorbing light). Ka'araine dove down and caught a glowing magenta serpent. Where else? Ka'araine chewed on the serpent as she looked for more food

((I know she's a vegan but you can't call this werid random stuff meat. XD))

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5:35pm Aug 21 2010

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Siren snatched a cyan elk that was floating around and offered it to Na'araine. "Do you like these?" he asked.


8:44pm Aug 21 2010

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Na'araine shook her head. It was too close to meat. "I'm a vegetarian." she said. The food here wasn't exactly meat or fruits and vegetables. It was... Something else. "I'll eat the antlers, though." she offered. They tasted sweet and sour, and sometimes with a hint of spicy. But that was okay.

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9:27am Aug 22 2010

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"Oh, sorry" Siren said, tearing the antlers from the elk's skull and giving them to Na'araine. He ate the rest so it wouldn't go to waste. "Still hungry?" he asked. He licked the last of the cotton-candyish fur from the grid he was sitting on.


11:27am Aug 22 2010

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Na'araine ate the antlers. The outside was crispy, but the inside was hard. It was good for gnawing on. "Nah." she said. "The food here makes me full." Na'araine added with a laugh.

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