The Dragons of Anoile and Fieruy

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4:51pm Aug 24 2010

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Anaris slithered past the male dragon and back to the cave. This was dangerous, but he was sly. He poked out of the tall gr*censored*es and walked cooly towards Kazumi, his wings folded tightly against his back. He studied Kazumi intently, where she could see him as well, but too far away to make any type of conversation.


4:53pm Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Aug 24 2010)

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Kazumi looked over seeing Anaris and tilted her head wondering what he was doing she knew her brother wouldnt be back for a while or until her heared her cry for help so she knew she better be careful. Kazumi slowly started walking towards him before stopping close to him that they could talk but far enought that she might have a head start if she had to run from him incase he attacked her and by the way he was looking at her she didnt not think that he would.


5:10pm Aug 24 2010

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Anaris looked at Kazumi in disbelief. He half-expected her to be from Fieruy, she was acting like a foreign animal. "What do you want?" he snapped, flaring his wings.


5:15pm Aug 24 2010

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Kazumi looked at him "i want to know why you are looking at him as if i was prey" she said to him in her quiet voice she was shocked that he had snapped at her and it scared her more thinking that she had to run if he got more agressive to her.


5:16pm Aug 24 2010

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(( May I? TTwTT ))


5:25pm Aug 24 2010

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((Yus Lauren. I'm co-owner-ness, join))

"I don't know what you're talking about," Anaris said stubbornly.  He didn't like shy dragons at all, and he could tell by how this chick has acted so far, that she was shy. And it bugged him.


5:37pm Aug 24 2010

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Kazumi glared at him "fine then if you dont know what im talking about then im going back to my cave" she said turning away from him with a growl before walking back to the cave.


1:15am Aug 25 2010

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Name: Rayian Ant'e [Rain]
Gender: Femme
Age: Fity four years. [This would be a Adult(?)]
Personality: Rain is sleek and quiet, not speaking unless spoken too. She is always one to watch her careful step; in other words, optics always open. Fighting doesn't pas.s with ease with her, she doesn't like heavy bloodshed. Every now and then she does open for a quick quarrel, just to tighten her reflexes and such. She is somewhat nice if you get to know her that well, but she tends to hold up a barrier to deep friendship with someone.
Crush/Mate: N/A
World: Fieruy
History: When Just a shell in her nest of five, she was a late hatch in the clutch. Like most batches, there was a dominant male in the group. He was always overpowering the other hatchlings, and lucky enough for Rain his immature brain had mistaken her for a grey rock. Once she had hatched, there was only three left in the batch. She refused to be the weak one, and pushed the second one out of the nest. Coming back from a hunt one day, her small mother could not support enough food the two rapidly growing hatchlings. To her own grief, she pushed Rain from the nest with her tail. Rain was too young to know what she did, or what happened. Yet she survived her best until a desperate femme who had miscarried her clutch took her in and raised her to adulthood.  
Looks: Rain's body can fool the untrained eye. Her middle strongly resembles the body of a Eastern, but has large wings and a craning neck. Her head his narrow, and lined with one hundred and twenty fangs. They are small and white, some of which point out from her closed muzzle. She weighs in at 1200 pounds, and 10ft. tall. She has white feathers that crest the back of her cranium, along with small black bands around them. The feathers here may look soft, but they have pointed ends and are sharp. She has backwards facing silver horns as well, but they are mostly used and grooming tools for her wing feathers. Her eyes are stark yellow, and her 'fur' is aqua. The aqua fades into white as it goes to her front; which turns into scutes. Her legs are nimble and skinny, with sharp black claws that are mostly used in as.sist for climbing. As for her wings, they are large and feathered, with white feathers and once again black bands. Towards the shorter and more rough feathers of her wings, they are navy blue, but the second la
yer of wings is dark grey. Her tail is the same length of her body, and is tipped with a fringe that like most of her other feathers, is white with black bands. 
Other: Nothing much..


12:48pm Aug 25 2010

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Na'araine nodded. She began to gather some materials for a nest. The least she could do was help to make their small cave a comfier place to rest. She wondered if she could make it bigger somehow. Na'araine gave a frown. It was easier on Fieruy, where you could sleep wherever you wanted to and not get bothered. Na'araine placed her nest materials in a pile and began to poke around the cave. It wouldn't magically grow larger. She felt an ache in her heart. Na'araine missed Fieruy.

Tigyrr began his day with a roar. He had already eaten, but felt that it was appropriate to scare the others. Not really scare, but to keep them off of his rainforest. His barbed tail swished back and forth, knocking some plants over. He chewed on a parrot, licking his bloodstained muzzle in satisfaction. Tigyrr gave another roar. More threatening and angry this time. That was enough for today. He cleared his throat and went off to another part of the forest to practice spouting flames. Blue fire.

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

12:49pm Aug 25 2010

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((Lauren, read the rules. XP Did you post zee maggiccc words? OvO))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

5:36pm Aug 25 2010

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Posts: 5,279

Anaris laughed at the dragon. He was not breaking any dragon law, simply sitting on a rock. She was being pathetic. He had high standards for females, and she didn't meet them.

Siren heard Tigyrr's roars. He growled. He was tired of him thinking that he was the top dragon, and that he could claim whatever he wanted. Siren sighed. But he knew better than to oppose Tigyrr. Himself, he was from Fieruy. He was still adjusting to the gravity, and he was tired. He shook himself off and trotted to the plains, where hunting was always the best. He sank into the gr*censored*, a difficult thing for a dragon so big and brightly colored as him. The zebra were completely unaware of him until they were roasted alive by Siren's flames. All of their fur seared off, and he bit them to kill them, that way they weren't cooked. He took three into his mouth, and decided to leave the leftovers for any other predator. He took the three back to Na'araine and dropped them. "One for you, one for me and one to share" Siren stated, proud of himself.


5:41pm Aug 25 2010

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Posts: 3,662
(( xD I forgot to post that. It won't do the right combination with yellow and grey, it just does the yellow. ;-; ))


5:43pm Aug 25 2010

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Kazumi looked to the side hearing something it was a roar but she didnt know who it belonged to shruging she didnt care. She could tell it was a male and there for she wanted nothing to do with all males to her right now where dumb and egotistinal which are both she never wanted in a male curling up by the river she relaxed ignoring the stupid male that was laughing at her. Kazumi only hoped that Kaze would hurry back so that she wasnt alone with him or she might go nuts with rage.


2:03pm Aug 26 2010

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2:30pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 2,097

((It's okay. ^^))

Na'araine smiled. "Good job." she said. "For a foreigner." she added with a purr. Na'araine took a bite out of one. It was like how she remembered it. Meaty. Juicy. But it wasn't at all like Fieruy food. She relised that it went against her whole vegetarian thing, but the edible plants here never consumed her hunger. They were tiny. And the good ones were in forests and rainforests. Tigyrr's jungle. She would have to eat something, to keep her energy level where it was. It would be dangerous if it dipped below. She was alerady exhausted. Na'araine shifted into a more comfortable position because sitting wasn't very fun. Na'araine licked blood off of her muzzle. The thought of eating another hurt her... But she would have to change sooner or later.

Tigyrr spotted a young water dragon basking on his sunning rocks. He hissed angrily and slaughtered it. Tigyrr managed to stomach the wyrm's slimy exterior and odd taste. He took the rocks for himself, basking in the rays with his wings outstretched. "Ahh.." he purred. It was nice and warm out. Tigyrr snagged a butterfly that landed on his muzzle. He suffocated it with his long forked tongue and ate it with glee. Butterflies tasted good. Tigyrr shook himself to reality. He got up and decided to go find some insects to eat. Tigyrr broke through a termite mound with his sharp claws and stuck his looong tongue into it. They bit him, but it didn't hurt. His saliva had special acids in it that prevented him from getting hurt from bites. It was very useful when he went to drink some water and his tongue interrupted a group of crayfish.

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

3:17pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((whos the water dragon?))


3:36pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 2,097
((Doesn't matter. XD Just a random critter.))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

3:41pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((ok lol im bored XD i have nothing to do with Kazumi))


4:08pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 2,097


Tigyrr padded out of his rainforest. He spotted a female and studied her. Yech. ((XD)) He did not like her. He preferred she-dragons with specific other colours. ((Shallow! >:U)) Tigyrr decided to go and talk to her, though.But he had no reason. There was just nothing to do. Tigyrr lept over a log and landed beside her. "Hello." he said.

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

4:15pm Aug 26 2010

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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked up at him and tilted her head. "Hello" she said smiling at him. Kazumi wondered what it was that he wanted but was glad that someone was talking to her and not just stairing at her like some male. turning so that her body was faceing him she gave him her ful attention as so not to seem rude.

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