9:44am Jun 15 2011
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I know, I'm flooding the boards with my RPs o-o But hey. We're in need of some new ones that aren't private/full of posts >3 Plot The mythical land of Kaerthe, has always been peaceful. Unfortunately, the rule has passed onto the cruel hands of the Duke of Mercidas, who ruled like a tyrant. The mythical beasts of Kaerthe, who once roamed freely, have retreated as their numbers have drastically decreased. Citizens are fearful and unhappy, an execution with each passing day. But all is not lost. Twelve teenagers have long felt this unnatural pull, a pull towards the wilderness. When they can finally muster up the courage to follow that pull, they would be lead to a cave. Inside the cave, lay 12 eggs, as if they were there just for them. Each teenager already feels a connection to a certain egg, as if they were meant for it. Will these chosen 12 be able to defeat their King, and restore peace to Kaerthe? Rules - Everyone is expected RP a male and a female :3 -Sorry, no exceptions. You can't be a side character >.> [ yet ] o: - Do not start a fight or throw a tantrum because of various reasons - Your character cannot have a sob story past/be severely handicapped - Your characters may not be princesses/royalty. There will be at most two children descended from the dukes/duchesses - No Mary/Gary Sues. I will maul you mentally if you make one <3 - You may not choose what creature is in your egg. I will most likely heavily base it on something already existing in mythlore. If you really want to, you can rMail me faint outlines e.g. I want my egg to be something like a feline. - Remember, we shall be RPing in something like the medieval times in Kaerthe. Meaning no cellphones or anything like that ):< Bios Name: [ first and last ] Gender: Age: [ nobody below 15 ] Appearance: [ anime pictures preferred, but anything is alright :3 Just no one/two sentence deions ] Personality: [ not optional ] Chosen Egg: Other: [ romance shall develop later ]

9:45am Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 12:34pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
Egg #1 ~ A scaly texture surrounds this egg, making it look like the belly of a crocodile. It has a brilliant green color, though the scales surprisingly switch color to blue when placed near water. The owner seems to determine the power of this egg. This egg is extremely hot to touch. - Garrett Michaels Egg #2 ~ This egg has an odd tip. It's almost as if the tip of the egg is split in three. Three colors divide this egg, red, orange, and yellow. It's warm to the tips, and seems oddly innocent. - Jake Katana Egg #3 ~ The texture of this egg is dry, as if scaly. The shell of the egg is rock-hard and cold, an ugly mixture of grey and green. The plants that grow so abundantly in the cave seem to avoid this egg, and there is an obvious lack of life surrounding it. Egg #4 ~ An exotic aura surrounds this egg. It's main color is a sandy gold, though blue and black stripes adorn the tip. A rainbow of colors dance through, mainly green, white and orange. The top of the egg is hard and almost seems hollow, but the bottom is as warm and as alive as any other egg. [ you cannot change this egg, because I have a set idea for it o: ] Egg #5 ~ This egg has a brilliant red color. It's texture is oddly soft, and radiates warmth and comfort. If touched, the egg is extremely hot. Yellow and orange swirls dance across this egg, imitating fire. Egg #6 ~ This egg is pale and somewhat transluscent. It seems foreboding and yet enticing. When touched, it has a cold and yet soft texture. The egg seems to hover between reality and the dream and spirit world. - Jade Katana Egg #7 ~ This egg is amazingly fluffy. It rocks back and forth, occasionally making very startling booming sounds. It has a grey texture, and a few black dapples here and there. It's a rather mottled color, and doesn't seem to stand out well. Egg #8 ~ When placed in an element, such as in a puddle, near a fire, in the grass or on a rock, the pattern of this egg changes according to the base color of the element. The only thing that remains constant are the three black tear-drop-like circles imprinted on the egg. Egg: #9 ~ A cute pink egg sits next to the eigth egg. It has a relatively fluffy texture, and is covered in red dapples. This egg seems very friendly and approachable, and shudders when touched. Egg #10 ~ This egg has a dull golden texture. It has a brown circle running through the middle, and odd black spikes that jut out. They seem a bit dangerous, better stay away from the spikes... - Faile Michaels Egg #11 ~ A cold feeling emits from this egg. It is cold to touch, and has a light, day-blue colored base. White swirls decorate this egg, and the plants around it seem to die due to the extreme cold. Egg #12 ~ A radiant white egg sits here, at the end. It has a wonderful and comforting aura, and it seems to drive away the darkness. It has a soft and fluffy texture, as if it had fur. Purple numbers stand for eggs already taken.

10:24am Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 12:58pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Marelus Ravei Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance:  Have him dressed in more appropriate clothing please. Personality: Um. He's pretty calm and thoughtful and likes it when he can be left alone. He has his rare moments when he can be friendly, but something amazingly awesome has to happen to get his mood up that far. Otherwise, he;s his usual brooding self. Chosen Egg: 4 Other: None. ouo He is Ellena's older brother, though. Name:Ellena Ravei Gender: Female Age: 15 Appearance:
 Personality: She is a kind girl who likes to help and hates it when people are sad. She wants to try to make everyone happy and she tries her best to make it so. She's also stubborn and will not give up on cheering you up until you either shove her away, or you're cheered up. ^^; Even if she, herself, is sad and upset, she wants the people around her to be happy. Her kind heart often gets her hurt, but her naive innocence helps her to ignore it. By doing this, she ignores herself and is often seen as foolish, and some just won't let her be. Her kind leads to her own heartache. (By the way, I'm like this. Just ask Loki. ^^;) Chosen Egg: 12 Other: She's Marellus's younger sister. c:
((Both images were found on Photobucket. ouo; And before I do anything, can Ellena be blind in one eye? Just one?))

10:34am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ They're both a bit Sue-ish, Rika ono And Ellena is below 15 -pokes bios- ]]
10:36am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Oh. xD; I read it as above. Let me edit their ages. And Ellena is based off of myself. o.o Just ask Loki how stubborn I am with that. xD;))
12:01pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((May I joinish with egg 2 and egg 6? :O) ))
12:13pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 567
((May I join with egg 1 and 9?))
12:15pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 7:02pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 534
Name: Elliot Walthon
Gender: Male
Age: 15 Appearance:  Personality: Elliot is friendly and talkative. He is usually polite but can be a bit impatient. He likes to comfort others and cheer them up. He tries to be as cheerful as he can, even in bad situations. Chosen Egg: 7
Other: His sister is Skye.
Name: Skye Walthon
Gender: Female
Age: 16 Appearance:  Personality: Skye is pretty average. Most of the time, she is friendly, like her brother Elliot. Sometimes, though, she can get pretty moody and she'll yell. She likes to be around her friends, too, but when she's in a 'mood' she would prefer privacy. Chosen Egg: 8
Other: Her brother is Elliot.
12:36pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 1:05pm Jun 15 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
Name: Jade Katanna Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance:  ((Her hair is black and eyes are blue instead.)) Personality: Jade is quiet and observant but she refuses to let anyone walk all over her. She doesn't trust anyone but her brother, and refuses to back down from a fight until her spirit has been beaten from her. She is very protective over her family and friends, ready to put her life on the line for their safety. Even as smart a girl she is, Jade is very impatient and will dive right into situations she probably ends up regretting later. Chosen Egg: 6 Other: Her brother is Jake ~~~ Name: Jake Katanna Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance:  Personality: Jake is quiet the opposite of his sister. He is loud and full of energy and often quite clumsy. He hates seeing his sister get hurt but is almost always too busy to notice. He takes on a careless attitude, a light and carefree soul. Always up for an adventure, Jake often seeks out trouble, which usually ends up with others hurt. Chosen Egg: 2 Other: Jade is his sister. ((NONE OF THE ART IS MINE! Credit to artists.))
1:05pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( I think i'm gonna lurk here for a bit o~o ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
5:13pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((*sulks and lurks* ;~;))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:01pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I'm going to lurk because all the eggs that appealed to me were snatched by other people.))
6:08pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 1,255
May I reserve 1 and 10? I'll post a bio in just a few.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:56pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Name: [ Garrett Michaels ] Gender: Male
Age: [ 18 ] Appearance: [ Garrett is extremely tall, standing at 6'6". His build is broad and muscular, like a warrior of old's. His small sister can easily hide behind him. His eyes are intense dark blue, and his hair is dark brown and cropped close to his head in a millitary style. His favorite mode of dress is worn jeans and slightly tight t-shirts that show off his muscles, though that is not the intention. Honestly, they're just more comfortable to him. ] Personality: [Garrett is a fighter through and through. He will usualy be the first person to stand up for what he believes is right and the last person to back down. At the same time, he is humble and gentle when he needs to be. He prefers not to fight, but if he must, he will win. ] Chosen Egg: 1
Other: [ Has a younger sister, Faile ] Name: [ Faile Michaels ] Gender: Female
Age: [ 15 ] Appearance: [ Faile is very petite, standing at only 5'2". Though she has the stature of a child, she has the curves of an adult. Her skin is darkly tanned and her hair is a mass of long waves in autumn gold, bronze, red, and brown. Her large and mischievious eyes are bright jade green. Faile prefers to wear tight jeans and loose pesent tops that reveal her shoulders.] Personality: [ Faile can be a bit of a trouble maker. She loves to mess with people who deserve it: i.e. people who are hurtful and mean. She has the same sense of justice as her older brother, but handles it a bit differently. She will play tricks and cause humiliation to people who intentionaly cause pain. At the same time, she is very sweet and affectionate and loves to have a good time and laugh. ] Chosen Egg: 10
Other: [ Older brother Garrett ]

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:30pm Jun 16 2011 (last edited on 12:31pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Otter, please re-do or elaborate Elliot's personality. Everyone else is accepted, but why are you guys all joining with siblings? o~o I didn't expect this xD' I'm sorry Rika D: But even if she is based on yourself, she either lacks deion or is just plain perfect, meaning happy and cheerful and wanting to spread it to everyone. ]]
1:02pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((It gives the two characters a better base to expand on? Like, if you were going off onto an adventure, wouldn't you want your sibbling along? Maybe? Anyway, that's why I did it. And thank you for accepting.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:02pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lol, sorry Tld... It's just a little thing I do to set up conflict a head of time. ;) I almost always try to make them twins.))
1:03pm Jun 16 2011 (last edited on 1:39pm Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
(She's not happy and cheerful. ouo I've actually been slightly depressed for the past couple years but I hide it behind a cheerful mask. ouo But yeah, I edited it. ouo)
3:08pm Jun 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 548
((May I join with egg 7 and 12?))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:25pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Snow- I already claimed 12. ;c I just had to edit my girl's personality.))