The Eyes

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4:20pm Oct 16 2009

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"It was, truly."  Luna shifted towards Chris, putting one arm around him.  She smiled wider.

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4:25pm Oct 16 2009

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Chris smiled. His eyes were stinging, becoming a deeper white. He closed them, still smiling. Jake's eyes started stinging too... "Hey, whats going on?" Jake whimpered at the pain.

WD shot up, her eyes watering. "What the heck! I think that my eyes are on fire!" She yelped. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

4:29pm Oct 16 2009

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Luna's eyes began to get a slight prickly feeling.  "Ugh, it feels like there are needles in my eyes."  She rubbed her hands against them, it didn't help in the slightest.

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4:34pm Oct 16 2009

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Chris's head turned. The snow had stopped. Jake stood up. "Cover your ears, I wanna try something." Jake said. Chris covered his obediantly.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

4:36pm Oct 16 2009

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Luna put her hands over her ears.  "What are you going to do?"  She took a quick glimpse around.

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4:40pm Oct 16 2009

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WD covered hers . 

Jake let out a large vibration from his mouth. It was used to find the truth of nature. ((HEHE)) Then, a small box fell from a tree. It was a scanner! "Its scanning our powers! RUN!" Jake siad. He picked up both girls and ran, taking WD's hand. Chris stood up, dizzy. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

4:45pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,721

"C'mon, Chris!"  Luna grasped his hand and began to run.

((I think me
ta is not coming back.))

I\'m back.

4:50pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,931

((yeah.... :C what should we do about her chara?))

Chris ran, trying to keep up. He almost stumbled over a few times, but he made it. "What the heck! How did they find us!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled.

Jake ran as fast as he could. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

4:55pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,721

((I don't know.  Maybe we can just leave her charra out and if she comes back she can jump in.))

"I-I don't know...  We have to keep going, there's bound to be people around here, otherwise who set up the box?"  Luna took a curious peek around.

I\'m back.

4:58pm Oct 16 2009

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Suddenly, a man in a goverment uniform jumped out and tackled Chris. "WHAT THE HECK!!!!" he shouted, struggling. 
"Chris!" Jake called. He knew he had to leave one of the girls behind. He set the one that was in the car with him down. "Im sorry." He whispered. Then, he hid the other girl behind a tree. He ran to Crhis. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

5:02pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,721
"What's the big idea!?"  Luna shouted, her face showing a cross look.  "Let him go now!!"  Luna balled her fist tightly.

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5:07pm Oct 16 2009

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Chris punched the dude in the face and threw him into a tree. Suddenly many more of the men where there. Jake jumped and landed on one's shoulders, and was punching him. "WHAT THE!" Chris exclaimed. WD was being chased as well.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

5:11pm Oct 16 2009

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"We're outnumbered..."  Luna took a step closer to Chris.  "Do you have a plan, anything at all..?"  Luna whispered over to him.

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5:16pm Oct 16 2009

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"Well, the only physical thing I ever learned was how to play bball. But luckily, my coach was a little messed up. He told us to charge the pitcher, bring the bat.." Chris said. He grabbed a large stick. He flung it a man.

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

5:19pm Oct 16 2009

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"Sadly, our powers are out of the question.  If we use them, then they'll know what our powers are."  Luna hurled a stone at one of the men.

I\'m back.

8:06pm Oct 16 2009

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((Hey, Kat, what Avatar do you think fits me?  I think I may change it since we both use the same one.))

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8:18pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,931

"So? We don't have The Eyes." He siad, puching someone.

((awww you shouldn't change it just cause I have the same one. But, what kind of animals are you into? Im the bird cause *I AM THE MOCKING JAY*)) 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:26pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,721

"Yes, but if we all use our powers, they can narrow it down and find out who The Eyes is."  Luna took a much needed breath.

((I like cats, but I don't want to use a cat.  After that it's turtles and hamsters.))

I\'m back.

8:32pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,931

((hmmm.... Ill have  to look at the avatars........))

Chris jumped onto one of the men's backs. He punched them in the head and pulled thier hair. 

Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

8:36pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,721

Luna kicked and punched around her furiously, hitting a few of the men.

((We need like a permanent government person who's looking for The Eyes.))

I\'m back.
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