11:56pm Jul 15 2011
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((Wait, I can make a post! :D))
Minnowfoot smiled as she watched a her apprentice walk- or stumble- around. Sablepaw was very gifted, but sadly, had a disablity with it. "Sablepaw," Minnowfoot called, "I'm right here. Follow my voice and my scent." Minnowfoot was trying to teach Sablepaw to walk around by herself, without somecat having to guide her. ---
Badger stretched lazily on a sunny rock beside a small, crisp stream. He sighed happily. This was the life. Good stuff. He vaguely remembered he had crossed into some sort of territory, but he didn't feel like caring right now. ---
Wingpaw trotted into camp, her mouth full of borage. She rushed over to her mentor when she saw her, and her eyes sparkled. "Earlier, I saw we were nearly out of borage, so I went out and foraged some!" Wingpaw said, putting the borage down.
7:42pm Jul 17 2011
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Bump. :3
1:13pm Jul 19 2011
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Sablepaw paused, taking a deep breath to right herself. Minnowfoot was somewhere to the left of her. Listening closely, she figured out that she was about four tail lengths away. Slowly but surely, she turned in that direction and walked towards her mentor. One paw step at a time... ---
Viperstrike slowed down, checking the direction the breeze was headed in before advancing. Good; she was downwind from the mystery tom. His scent his her like a smack in the face, though. Rogue. Wanderer. Loner. Stranger. Supressing the urge to yowl and attack, she straightened and walked into sight. "Hello," she meowed stiffly. If she hadn't been a loner before herself, she may have just attacked. "Is there a certain reason why you're in our territory?" ---
"Thank you!" Phantomstep purred heartily, picking up the borage. She quickly put it away before returning to Wingpaw. "It's very much appreciated. Now that we have everything we need... you can tun along now. I'll call for you if I need you."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:36pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 1:47pm Jul 25 2011)
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"Good," Minnowfoot praised as Sablepaw reached her. She licked her apprentice affectionately on the ear. "Now, what should we do today? It's all up to you. But think carefully. Take in what's around you. Is the fresh-kill pile low, meaning we should hunt? Have we had threats from other Clans, meaning we should practice fighting? Think, now." ----
Badger scrambled up, and stared at Viperstrike. After a few moments, he collected himself. "And why, may I ask, has fate brought me in front of sch an elegant lady?" He asked, giving a cat-like bow. ----
"Yes Phantomstep," Wingpaw nodded and exited the medicine den. She now wondered what she should do. She felt like going for a walk, but Wingpaw would need to have an escort, or whatever. Wingpaw's ears twitched in annoyance. ----
Whistlepaw decided to go bother Quailfeather. That seems like a good idea. After locating him, Whistlepaw crept silently forward, then pounced. "Gotcha!" he yowled triumphantly. ---- Wingpaw stared at Whistlepaw and shook her head. "Toms," she muttered, going to the fresh-kill pile to select a nice shrew or bird. ----
Whitefrost stared moodily at a brook that lay in front of him. They had too little apprentices, one likely to never live to become a warrior, one medicine cat apprentice, and two boneheads, StrifeClan had placed a threat to them, something about scent-marking their trees, or something, no pregnant queens, one of their best warriors running off to become a kittypet, and- Something interrupted Whitefrost's train of thought. Goldpaw? Whitefrost flicked his tail in annoyance. He stalked the tom apprentice for a while, then jumped out of the bushes and tackled him to the ground. "Now, where is your mentor?" Whitefrost glared at Goldpaw. "No leaving camp without warrior supervision."
7:24pm Jul 25 2011
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Sablepaw paused, letting her words soak into her like water on moss. She pricked her ears and inhaled deeply, head swivelling as if she were trying to locate something. The smell of prey was rather weak... though, it was there. She couldn't hear many cats speaking of attacks, so she decided that practicing fighting would wait until another day. "We should go hunting, I think," she meowed, voice soft as if Sablepaw were uncertain. "The smell of freshkill is faint... I believe we're nearly out. Am I right?" ----
Viperstrike kept a solid composure, though secretly she was burning red-hot under her fur. Eyes scanning him closely, she saw that there was no sign of hostility on him. "My name is Viperstrike," she replied, as if he had asked her name. "I belong to a Clan of cats known as FamineClan. I suppose you have not heard of them." Taking a few steps forwards, she tentively sat down and watched him. "You're lucky none of the others found you. Not all are as... uneasy to attack as I am." She didn't want him to know she wasn't Clan-born.. yet. "And, if I may ask, what is your name... mystery gentle-tom?" ----
Phantomstep watched her walk away with amused golden eyes, sitting at the mouth of her den with a good-natured laugh. How she remembered looking forwards to free-time as an apprentice... and all the trouble she got into with Quail'paw'. ----
Quailfeather, who'd drifted asleep, yowled when something pounced on him. He rolled into his back and battered it with strong back legs, confused for a minute until he realized it was only Whistlepaw. He grunted and stopped, looking annoyed. "Oh. It's you Whistlepaw... can I help you with something? Why don't you go play with one of the other apprentices?" ----
Goldpaw resisted the urge to curl his lip and hiss, annoyed at the fact the older tom had made him drop his rabbit in shock. "I don't know where Thunderbird is," he meowed through clenched teeth. "I wanted to go hunting." He burned silently under his sandy-brown pelt, eyes narrowed ever so slightly at Whitefrost. "I caught a rabbit."
wuss poppin jimbo
9:32pm Jul 25 2011
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Badger's eyes glittered. "I'm Badger. I'm afraid I didn't know I was a tresspasser. I'll leave immediately. I don't like conflict, as I can't fight." Badger dug his claws in the dirt. He'd been into some other 'territory' a while back, and had been ganged by three cats. ----
Whistlepaw narrowed his eyes. "Well, Goldpaw snuck out of camp a while ago," Whistlepaw said casually, "Wingpaw's a medicine cat, and a she-cat, so what's the point, and Sablepaw is blind." ----
"Good, Sablepaw. Let's go hunting. Do you think we should go to the creek, or the lake?" Minnowfoot quizzed Sablepaw again. ----
Whitefrost glanced at the rabbit. "We need prey, but you did not have permission," Whitefrost growled. "Now, come back to camp with me, deposit the rabbit in the fresh-kill pile, and help Phantomstep, tell her I sent you." ----
10:28pm Jul 25 2011
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"Goldpaw will be back soon," Quailfeather said ignorantly. "If I know that little kit any better, he's gotten himself caught by now." He laughed. "And just because a cat is a she-cat, does not mean they can't be a friend. I was friends with a medicine cat apprentice a long time ago, and she was a she-cat." He rolled his eyes. "Cut Sablepaw some slack." Standing up, he shook out his thick russet fur. "What do you want to do, then?" ~ Sablepaw really had to think about that one. "hm... The stream is cleaner than the creek. Wouldn't there be more prey there?" She started to use her nose to guide her to the camp entrance. ~ "Fine," Goldpaw snapped, wriggling out from under his deputy. Righting himself, he shook out his fur and picked up his rabbit, casting only a single dirty look at Whitefrost before dashing off towards camp. Being small, he could dart through small spaces and make good speed. He wasn't trying to outrun Whitefrost; he just wanted to get back to camp as fast as possible. ~ Viperstrike's eyes widened, and she shook her head. "No, no it's alright!" she meowed. "You can stay here as long as you keep yourself hidden from the other cats." She paused, thinking for a moment. "If you'd like, we could meet up every few nights and I could teach you to fight." She smiled slightly, eyes warm.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:26pm Jul 26 2011
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Badger's tail twitched nervously. "I-" Badger whipped around just as a large black and white shape teared through the bushes. "SHISK! TRA! TRA!" Badger yelled, and the animal stopped and glanced angrily at Viperstrike. "Cat. Kill. Cubs." It rasped. Badger shook his head. "Shisk. Cat. Kill. No cubs." the badger relaxed, but her beady eyes did not leave Viperstrike's face. "Tih mrah selt. Ayra tay." Badger said calmly, and the mother badger waddled away. Badger turned to Viperstrike. "Wh-wh-what were you saying?" ----
"Good, and remember" Minnowfoot said gently, "there have been badger sightings by the creek, so that's another reason to go to the stream." Minnowfoot guided Sablepaw to the entrance. "Let's go." ----
"Train!" Whistlepaw yowled, his tail twitching with anticipation.
5:04pm Jul 26 2011
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Quailfeather groaned comically. "Of course you do. How about we train you in the art of sitting still and being quiet? I'm good with that." ~ Sablepaw bobbed her head and walked with a slight bounce in her step. It messed up her balance so she did more wobbling than walking, though her tail tip twitched back and forth in anticipation. ~ When the badger broke through the trees, Viperstrike had arched her back and hissed, fur standing on end. She relaxed, though, watching Badger with wide, shocked eyes as he told it to leave. Or at least, that's what she thought he said. "Forget what I said," she blurted out rudely, padding up to him so her muzzle was only a whisker away from his. Viperstrike gazed into his eyes carefully. "How in StarClan did you do that? Teach me!" She paused, pulling back a bit when she realized how close she'd gotten. "You teach me how to speak badger, and I'll teach you to fight and keep you safe from the other cats around here..." She licked the fur on her chest. "A warrior's promise."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:33pm Jul 26 2011
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"Okay. It'll be a contest!" Whistlepaw sat down and stared at Quialfeather. Two seconds later, he called out, "I lose! Now what? C'mon, can we at least ask if we can go on patrol?" Whistlepaw bounced on his paws. "C'mon, c'mon c'mon c'mon! Lazy mentor!" ----
They got to the stream, and no sooner had they stepped on the bank when Minnowfoot saw a mouse. "Sablepaw," Minnowfoot whispered, "mouse on your left." ----
Badger's eyes widened. "You don't- oh of course." Badger sighed. "Badger is actually my native tongue. I was raised by her," Badger indicated where the mother badger had left. "she found me in the woods near her den, and I looked like a badger, so she thought I'd left her den and got lost." Badger shrugged. "her name is Shisk. My badger name is actually Qmakelu, but Badger is just simpler." ----
Whitefrost got back to camp. he was wondering vaguely what the Clan leader was doing.... ((Since Badger was raised by badgers, he has a bit of an accent ;D )) (Sh-isk) (Kek-me-lel)
6:14pm Jul 26 2011
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"Fine," Quailfeather barked. "We'll go on patrol." Growling under his breath, he starting on his way out of camp without Whistlepaw. "Come on, then." ~ Sablepaw swivelled her ears, inhaling deeply as she turned her blinde gaze on the mouse. A fox length away... she thought, dropping into the crouch they'd been practising. Just sink your claws into it and worry about the kill later... She lunged, and landed a few inches short. The mosue squealed and took off, Sablepaw scrambling after it. It escaped under the foliage, Sablepaw stopping when she found its scent growing faint. "I missed," she said quietly, turning back to her mentor. "It got away." ~ Viperstrike tried to pronounced his badger name, but failed miserably. "So you've been in this forest a while, then?" she asked tentively. She thought about why they'd never noticed him before, but realized slowly that he reeked of badger. Any cat the came across him probably never came close enough to realize he wasn't actually a badger. "Well, Badger..." she began. "That's quite a story. You never knew your real parents?" ~ Alderstar was nearly cross-eyed, watching the rainbow-hued butterfly that was perched on the tip of his nose. He saw Whitefrost enter camp from his spot on High Rock, the butterfly fleeing when he turned his head suddenly to look.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:39pm Jul 26 2011
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"Alderstar!" Whitefrost called when he saw him. "I was thinking of sending out a patrol. Do you want to go?" Whitefrost noted Alderstar had been playing with a butterfly. He's just like a kit, Whitefrost shook his head. I wonder how many lives he has left.....? ----
Badger shook his head. "I never knew them. Not even sure if I had siblings....." Suddenly, Badger's ears perked. "I've got to go," he said urgently. "meet me here, tomorrow?" There was a little bit of hope in his voice. With that, he raced of into the bushes, his thoughts on the brave she-cat.... ----
"That's okay," Minnowfoot said. "there's still plenty of prey out there." Minnowfoot scented the air. "I smell a rabbit on the right. You go in front of it, I'll sneak up behind it, and chase it towards you. You kill it." Minnowfoot got into position. "You ready?"
9:02pm Jul 26 2011
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"That sounds like a jolly good plan," Alderstar purred, rising to all four paws with a hearty ex pression on his muzzle. "Who else will be going with us?" He flicked his ears, brushing past his deputy. "Come on, then." I'm so glad I have six lives left, he thought to himself. ~ Viperstrike saw him run off, his black and white pelt not gone from her thoughts. Tomorrow... She blinked slowly, green eyes puzzled. But not displeased. She turned slowly, and started back towards camp slowly, nose low to the ground. She would return tomorrow. But in the meantime... ~ "Ready!" Sablepaw whispered back, creeping towards the right. She had her ears angled and her mouth slightly opened, the glands on the roof of her mouth picked up the rabbit's scent easily. She pinpointed it, waiting for Minnowfoot to chase it her way.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:55pm Jul 27 2011
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Minnowfoot pounced, and with a squeak the creature rustled through the bushes, right into Sablepaw's paws. "Kill it!" Minnowfoot called. ----
Badger raced through the forest until he reached a large cave, hidden so well by it's surroundings you wouldn't have noticed had it not been pointed out to you. Badger entered, his nose twitching. A black-and-white shape, slightly smaller than him, bowled him over. "Qmakelu! Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu!" It squeaked, and Badger pushed the small form of him, laughing a deep, badger laugh. Badger spoke to the youngser. "Bad-ger," he said. "B-b-badgsher!" squeaked the kit. Badger smiled. "Ihmta yi (close enough)" Badger turned to the mother badger, Shisk. (the baby's name was Ti'yaa) "Why. Call. Me." he grunted. "Distarecting. you. kitty. is." said Shisk sternly. What? Badger thought, confused. Oh, distracting. That makes more sense. "She's. no. distraction," Badger growled deeply. "I. not. leave. you. not yet." ----
"Quailfeather, Whistlepaw, and Thunderbird," Whitefrost replied. "since Quailfeather and Whistlepaw are here, already raring to go, we just need to get Thunderbird. Would you like me fetching her?"
2:09pm Jul 29 2011
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5:02pm Jul 29 2011
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Sablepaw didn't miss this time. Lunging, her teeth closed around something warm and soft- she bit down harder, cutting off the squeal the creature had started to emit. Standing tall and proud, the young calico she-cat held the rabbit by the throat, purring wildly. "Goh iih," she mumbled through a mouth-ful of fur. ---- Viperstrike slid into camp, shaking out her ginger and white fur. Green eyes hiding a deep secret, she dropped the few mice she'd caught in the fresh-kill pile and looked about the camp. Nearly everyone had gone, save for her, Phantomstep, and the few other cats who were getting ready to go on patrol. Sitting down, she began to groom herself, feeling proud that she finally had something she didn't have to share- a secret. ----
"Yes please," Alderstar replied happily as me moved away from Whitefrost to join Whistlepaw and Quailfeather. His eyes danced. "Hello," "Hi," Quailfeather grumbled sourly, earning him a short laugh from Alderstar.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:15pm Jul 29 2011
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Whistlepaw looked up at Alderstar, and his tail twitched slightly. "Crazy furball," he muttered. "Great! Ready to go when you are, Alderstar!" Thunderbird said cheerfully. She had heard Whistlepaw's comment, but she didn't feel like telling him off. ----
Whitefrost turned to Viperstrike, surprised. "Viperstrike!" He exclaimed, "where have you been? You didn't go to the creek, did you? Remember, there's a strong scent over badger there. It seems to be a queen, and her kits, and possibly the father, we think, but the scent his slightly wonky. But don't worry, we'll get rid of them in no time." Whitefrost stopped talking suddenly, and stared at Viperstrike for a second like a startled rabbit. "Uhm, bye," he said. "I'm going to catch a nap." ((Whitefrost seems to have a small crush on Viperstrike.)) ----
"Good job! Teamwork, sablepaw, it's what keeps us strong," she praised. "Now, should we keep hunting, or go back to camp? This rabbit is surely big enough for threee cats to share."
7:31pm Jul 29 2011
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Alderstar had heard his comment as well, but took it in stride. "Alright. Then, let's head off. I'm itching to get out of camp for a little while." He stretched out his lithe body and blinked a few times. "Care to lead the way, Thunderbird?" he purred. "I think I'll cover the back." Quailfeather, silent for once, was busy stiffling a laugh. He had to agree with his apprentice for once. ~ Viperstrike didn't mean to be sharp with him, but it came out quickly without her meaning it. "What did the badger ever do to us to deserve it? Maybe we should just stay out of its way. If I had kits I certainly wouldn't want to be driven away from my home." She flicked her ears. Whitefrost didn't deserve that either. Pausing, awkward silence enveloping them, she sighed. "I-I'm sorry, Whitefrost. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. Probably a mad mouse or something." She tilted her head down slightly. "Sleep well, then." {Poor Whitefrost. ;3;} ~ Sablepaw set her rabbit down and took a moment to think. "Well... If I carried the rabbit I'm sure you could carry a mouse or two. Perhaps you could hunt on our way back?" ~ Goldpaw seethed a bit on the inside, watching the patrol group get ready to leave. Without him. Why did they always seem to forget him? Even his mentor, Thunderbird, didn't seem inclined to invite him. How was he supposed to learn anything like that? Snorting, Goldpaw decided he would go and look for Wingpaw. Maybe she'd want to play with him or go exploring.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:49pm Jul 29 2011
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"That's a good plan," Minnowfoot nodded. "Let's head, then." Minnowfoot started back for camp. She managed to catch three mice, and she had them in her mouth, swinging by their tails. ----
Whitefrost coiled back, surprised. "But- she could kill all of us!" Whitefrost's eyes softened. " Do you have any other plan then chasing them out? You know anybody who can speak badger?" Whitefrost let out a dry, emotionless laugh. Surely badgers were too stupid to communicate like the cats did. ----
Wingpaw noticed Goldpaw sitting alone, looking rather on edge. "What's wrong?" she asked, padding up to him. "If it's about patrols, think about me. I never go on patrols, or go hunting, or anything." ----
Thunderbird nodded. "Can do," she said, and she led the group out of camp. "So, Alderstar," she said over her shoulder, "where should we go? There's been lots of signs of badgers down by the creek."
10:13pm Jul 29 2011
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Sablepaw only fell two times all the way back; once over an unexpected tree root jutting out from the ground, and the other from trying to leap over a fallen log. She was still pleased, though, her mood bright with her accomplishments. ~ Viperstrike cringed inwardly, but from her short life as a rogue she knew how to hide her emotions better than that. She snorted, rolling her eyes as she tossed her head. "Don't be silly. Every cat knows it's almost impossible to speak with a Badger." She was starting to get antsy, almost completely nervous. What if he knew about Badger? He can't. He just...can't. "I don't have another plan. But I'd rather we just leave the badger alone, at least until the cubs are old enough to fend for themselves." ~ "But the difference is, Wingpaw," Goldpaw muttered sadly. "You're not supposed to. You're supposed to collect herbs and tend to the sick and stuff. I'm supposed to be out learning with Whisperpaw! Not sitting in camp!" But, pausing for a moment, his eyes became brighter. "But, at least you're here. Would you like to go exploring with me or something? Or maybe I could teach you how to hunt!" {whatisthiscrushismell. o3o badgoldpaw} ~ Alderstar chuckled. "We'll go along the Strifeclan border, and the DeathClan border, and round back one we reach the large willow near the creek. That will give us a lot of space to avoid the badger, I think."
wuss poppin jimbo