8:38pm Aug 2 2011
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Wingpaw snorted. "Every sensible cat knows how to hunt, whether they're medicine cat or leader or not even a Clan cat. Well, kittypets don't know how to, but they live of slop." But then Wingpaw smiled again. "Maybe you could teach me to hunt.... better?" she suggested timidly. ----
"When the cubs are old enough to fend for themselves!!" Whitefrost said in amazement, his plan for a nap long forgotten. "They'll kill us! And then we'd be laughed at by the other Clans because we can't control a simple badger problem." ----
Thunderbird nodded. "Sounds good. C'mon, troop, move out!" She started heading west (random direction, border for DeathClan is now officially in the west) at a cat-marching beat. "We'll stop to hunt halfway to the willow, there's always lots of prey there," Thunderbird commented. ----
Oce back at camp, Minnowfoot deposited the food and selected her own piece from the pile. She then sat in a corner of camp by herself, quietly eating her meal.
9:59pm Aug 2 2011
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Goldpaw frowned at first, a bit hurt, but brightened up and nodded enthusiastically. "Alright. Where do you want to go? We have to be careful though... there's a patrol group out and we might get in trouble for going off on our own." ----
Viperstrike stopped grooming the fur on her chest and gave Whitefrost a long look. Laughed at by the other Clans? Was that all he was worried about? "Alright then," she hissed. "You slaughter that badger and leave her cubs to starve to death. But I'm not helping." Standing, she couldn't help but notice how different she felt all of a sudden; now that she'd met another rogue... she felt bad for being part of her Clan, as if she'd betrayed someone by doing so. But she loved this Clan, almost as much as she loved the smell of lavender, or running water. She belonged here...didn't she? "I'm going to take a nap," she said stubbornly as she padded towards the warrior den, forgetting that was what he had said he was going to do earlier. "Good-bye, Whitefrost." ----
Quailfeather followed Thunderbird with a half-heart meow, more interested in watching a bird fly by with half-awake eyes than watching for enemy warriors or badgers. Alderstar hummed to himself pleasantly as they padded through the forest. ---- Sablepaw left her rabbit on top of the fresh kill pile, and grabbing a vole she stumbled slowly but surely towards the elder's den. Dripnose had to be inside, as she could smell him clear as day. "Dripnose?" she said, voice muffled slightly by the vole in her motuh. "I brought you some fresh kill!"
wuss poppin jimbo
11:09pm Aug 2 2011
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"The Borage patch," said Wingpaw confidently. "No one goes there, save me and my mentor when we need to collect borage. And I'm sure we're not low." ----
((Hahahah almost forgot about Dripnose. XD))
Dripnose squinted at the entrance and saw Sablepaw, carrying a nice, delectable-looking vole. "Well then, Whosa-whatsitspaw, bring it over, and don't just stand there like a startled rabbit," Dripnose rasped, his voice with a slightly annoyed tone. Dripnose seemed rude, but he was soft, like most elders are. ----
Whitefrost stood there, dumbstruck. "She-cats," Whitefrost muttered, shaking his head. But he had a small suspicion Viperstrike was hiding.... something.
11:32pm Aug 2 2011
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Goldpaw nodded. "Alright. Lead the way then, Wingpaw." He was pleased that he had someone to explore with now, rather than lone expeditions. ~ Sablepaw snorted delicately and set the vole in front of Dripnose. "Sablepaw," she corrected with a small half-hearted laugh. She flicked her ears. "It's hard to not stand there like a startled rabbit when I can't see who I'm speaking to," she retorted. ~
wuss poppin jimbo
4:19pm Aug 3 2011
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Dripnose growled, "If you want to have a sharp-tongue fest, believe, me, honey, you will loose." he stared at Sablepaw for a moment, then laughed. "Come now, over here. It looks big enough to share." ---
Wingpaw lowered her head. "I-I dunno," she said slwly, her eyes uncertain. "What if they catch us, Goldpaw? I can't just say, 'we're picking borage', because it would be a little strange, you helping me collect borage." Wingpaw looked up and gazed into Goldpaw's. His scent was.... enticing. Like mint and chamomile and honey.... mmm, honey.... Wingpaw snapped back. "What?" she asked vaguely.
((Wingpaw is such a ditzy-doo. xD))
4:54pm Aug 3 2011
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"I'm not hungry," Sabletail replied honestly. She sat down, tail curling around her paws. "Do you know any stories?" she asked Dripnose cautiously, afraid to have her face bitten off or worse by the elder. ~ Goldpaw couldn't help but notice the way Wingpaw stared at him, and it made him a bit uncomfortable. "We could be picking up moss for Dripnose's nest," he said thoughtfully, in regards to their excuse. "And my mentor is gone, so they shouldn't care what I'm doing, as long as I'm being helpful." He snorted, golden eyes cast upwards. "We're not going to get caught. Trust me!"
wuss poppin jimbo
5:45pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 5:46pm Aug 3 2011)
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((Sabletail? XD)) "Okay. C'mon," Wingpaw said, "we can just quickly go through the regular entrance?" ----
"Stories? Oh, every elder has a few tales to tell," Dripnose chuckled. "Now, before you were even born, before your mother was even born, and when I was an apprentice, Mousepaw, I was on patrol with Mousestar, leader at the time, Treeflame, Thunderbird and Whitefrost's mother, she was such a charmer, Yarrowpaw, and Silvertongue, when..." Dripnose spun the the story out, a shining light in his eyes. "So, Yarrowpaw was made into a warrior, Yarrowpetal." Dripnose finished, the light still shining in his eyes. The vole was gone, having been eaten by Dripnose halfway through the story. "Run along now, then."
((Want me to write the whole story?))
10:18pm Aug 3 2011
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{ Sorry. :u I usually RP her as Sabletail. Dx /derp} { You don't have to. :3 } "That's fine," Goldpaw replied, skirting along the edge of camp, out of view to most, heading towards the camp entrance. ~ "Thanks, Dripnose!" Sablepaw mewed, sightless eyes wide. Her fur stood on end from the story, excitement obvious in her body language. "Bye! I'll be around if you need me!" She pushed herself onto her paws and stumbled out of the elder's den, eats pricked.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:09am Aug 5 2011
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"C'mon," Wingpaw zippped out of camp and into their Clan's territory. "I'll show you the way. There's wo ways, you can take the long way, going past the Sunstones and twolegplace, or you can cross by the stream. I prefer the stream, myself, because I love water, but it's your choice." --- Thunderbird stopped. "Okay, we can hunt now, guys," she said cheerfully. "if you want to hunt in a group, that's fine." She turned to Alderstar. "mind if we hunt together?" she asked.
12:14am Aug 5 2011
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"Let's go across the stream, then," Goldpaw said thoughtfully as he caught up to her, eyes bright with excitement. "The longer we're out here, the more likely we're to get caught!" He shook out his light brown and white fur eagerly. "Let's go!" ~ Alderstar nodded, about to turn to Quailfeather and ask him to take Whisperpaw, when he realised he'd already disappeared to go hunting. This made Alderstar chuckle, and turn back to Thunderbird. "Alright. Shall we bring Whistlepaw? His mentor seems to be missing."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:57pm Aug 5 2011
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((I love your siggie :3))
Thunderbird smiled. "Sure, the more the merrier." Whistlepaw grunted then obediently followed Alderstar and Thunderbird. Suddenly, Whistlepaw stopped and scented the air. He pounced, and in his mouth was a large shrew. "Good work, Whistlepaw." Thunderbird said. "you want to eat it now, or catch more?" "More," Whistlepaw answered. ---
"Okay then," Wingpaw said, and she ran towards the stream. he landed in it with a big splash, laughing. "C'mon," Wingpaw said, as she got to the other side and shook herself off.
5:09pm Aug 5 2011
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{ Thank you. :u I love The Marble Hornets. <3 And Slenderman. } Alderstar smirked, nodding at Whistlepaw in approval. He, himself, preferred fishing, but wasn't about to voice that. He'd have to deal with forest life. He scented the air, tail tip twitching back and forth slowly. He lunged, sliding under a thorn bush. A squeal was cut off, and he emerged with a baby bunny in his jaws. Ducking under two more times, he pulled out the mother and another baby. "The others got away," he said with a yawn as he began to pull thorns from his pelt. Ears bolt upright, he watched as a bird darted overhead of them. "I wonder what it's like to fly," he said. ~ Goldpaw looked at the water dubiously, dipping one paw in cautiously. He waded through slowly, ears twitching uncomfortably. He didn't like water much. He shook out his fur once he got to the otherside and glared at the stream. "Alright. Let's keep going,"
wuss poppin jimbo
5:24pm Aug 5 2011
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Thunderbird wanted to reprimand Alderstar about killing the babies, because babies meant plnety more food next year, but she held her tongue. "It would probably feel like you were a StarClan cat. Starclan cats walk in the sky all the time," Whistlepaw suggested. ---
"Only a bit more farther..." Wingpaw pushed a bunch of bamboo away to make a path for herself. "here it is. Now, teach me the basics first." Wingpaw's eyes glittered.
5:52pm Aug 5 2011
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"Maybe," Alderstar replied. "Well, I guess that's one thing to look forward to in life." He stretched out his back, which was stiffer than usual today. ~ "The... the basics?" Goldpaw repeated slowly. His head was clouded with thoughts other than hunting. "Oh. Yes. Um." He dropped into a crouch, all of his weight on his haunches. "To catch a mouse, you go like this. Try it."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:58pm Aug 5 2011
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Wingpaw tried it, and nearly fell over. Se was normally graceful, when orking on her trade with herbs and medicine, but right now, she felt really clumsy. Goldpaw was so good at this stuff! She got up and tried again. "I kind of get it, and then you creep forward like this..." She moved forward, as if on her tippy-toes, in silence, "then you surprise it like.... THIS!" Wingpaw turned around, and with the speed of a rabbit, pounced on Goldpaw, laughing. She held Goldpaw down with her weight, her eyes glittering. "Gotcha," she joked. ---
Thunderbird noted Alderstar's stiffness. "If that stiffness gets any worse, you should go to the medicine den," she advised. ((Should the patrol head back, or maybe we could have aanother clan' patrol attack them while they continue moving?))
6:07pm Aug 5 2011
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{ Huh. :u I was thinking more along the lines of Another Clan's patrol attacks Wingpaw & Goldpaw. Then maybe the patrol hears the ruckus and goes to help? /fails } Goldpaw's head cracked against the ground quite hard when she tackled him, but he didn't mind. He stared up at her with shimmering eyes, looking thoroughly amused. "You sure did," he told her, flicking his ears. A sudden movement in the bushes startled him, but he ignored it, passing it off as a rabbit. "Are you going to get off, or am I going to have to make you get off?" ~ Alderstar nodded, chuckling. "Kindly noted. Now let's go back to camp; hopefully we'll find Quailfeather sleeping in a tree somewhere along the way." He inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of the forest.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:18pm Aug 5 2011
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((That sounds good. XD Let's use that. Poor Wingpaw and goldpaw don't know it. Wingpaw;; I'm standing right here, idiot. >.> Geez., Wingpaw. You silly ninja. XD))
"I think you'll have to go with option B," said Wingpaw slyly. She hadn't seen the rustling, as she had been focused on capturing goldpaw at the time. Wingpaw might not know how to properly fight that well, but she knew how to rough 'n tumble, from being in a litter with three brothers. ---
"Quailfeather!" thunderbird called, frowning. "now where has that silly warrior gone?
6:40pm Aug 5 2011
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Goldpaw opened his mouth to speak, and odd scent hitting the glands on the top of his mouth. Without thinking he dug his paws into her stomach and pushed Wingpaw off of him, standing over her to face whatever was in the bushes. He smelled BlightClan; it was strong, too. He hissed and unsheathed his claws, looking at Wingpaw for a moment. "Don't worry," he told her. "I'll protect you." Three cats stepped out of the foliage; a large russett tom with mean amber eyes and a thick scar that ran over his muzzle, a sleek brown tabby she-cat with a patch of white on her throat and green eyes, and a white tom with bi-colored eyes. "Well, well," the russett tom spoke, staring at Goldpaw with a content look on his face. "Leafpatch, Eagleclaw, what do we have here?" The female, Leafpatch, sneered at them. "Looks like FamineClan, Scorchpelt." Goldpaw fluffed out in response and snarled. ~ Alderstar shrugged, eyes scanning the forest with amusement. "You know him. Probably in a sunny spot to sleep, or in the trees hiding." ~ Quailfeather was, indeed, in a sunny spot, though he wasn't sleeping. He was hunting voles, and had taken down two so far and a mouse. He'd attempted to catch a beaver, but it was too large and nearly drown him in the stream. He though he heard voices, but as the stream was near BlightClan border, he thought nothing of it.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:06pm Aug 5 2011
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Wingpaw pushed in front of Goldpaw and spoke to the russet tom, who seemed to be of high rank. "I am the FamineClan medicine cat, and the tom behind me is a warrior apprentice of Famineclan We're gathering borage for our Clan. this is FamineClan territory; you have no business here." ---
Thunderbird lifted her head and smelled the air. Her eyes widened. "I smell BlightClan warriors: On our territory!" she hissed. "And I smell... Goldpaw and Wingpaw!"
9:41pm Aug 5 2011
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Scorchpelt laughed at her, raising one paw to inspect his unsheathed claws. They were long and curved, making Goldpaw suspect that they were rather painful. His harsh amber eyes locked on the two apprentices as Goldpaw stood beside Wingpaw and rose his head. "But we do have business," he purred, tone savage. "We're here to claim this slice of land as our own." Nodding at Leafpatch and Eagleclaw, he sneered and sat down, watching with cold eyes. "Get them." The large white tom bowled Goldpaw over, causing him to loose sight of the she-cat and Wingpaw, who seemed to be in their own little battle. Yowling, he struck out blindly with sharp claws that didn't meet their target. A pair of strong jaws picked him up by his scruff and tossed him, leaving him breathless as something heavy crushed the air out of him again. ~ Alderstar fluffed out angrily and narrowed his eyes, turning his head in that direction. "Let's go," he hissed. "And quickly. We've no time to waste! Whistlepaw, I suggest you head back to camp immediately. That's an order." He bolted in direction of the scent, a yowl breaking the silence. He knew Thunderbird was hot on his heals. Quailfeather watched as Alderstar and Thunderbird came to the stream, nodding at them quickly before beginning to cross. The pit of his stomach twisted as he drew closer to the shore. Blightclan.... They're almost as bad as Deathclan is.
wuss poppin jimbo