10:09pm Aug 5 2011
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"Let. Him. GO!" Wingpaw snarled, her claws and teeth flying in every direction. "Ooh, little medicine cat love, eh?" One of the BlightClan warriors jeered. She lost sight of Goldpaw as a white tom blocked her view of him. the tom gave her a blow to the head, and Wingpaw slipped into unconsciousness. ((Because I'm mean to my characters, I'm going to give Wingpaw amnesia; All she remembers is Goldpaw and what a Clan is and that she's part of one. >:3 No recollection of herbs or anything.)) ---
Whistlepaw hissed angrily. It was a fight, and he had to go back to camp? He grumbled and slowly went to obey orders.
Thunderbird raced throught Famineclan territory as quick as her legs could go. She halted when the scent was very strong, and waited for a signal from Alderstar.
10:22pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 10:23pm Aug 5 2011)
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Alderstar looked at Thunderbird for a fleeting moment, simply nodding before letting out a battle cry. He practically walked over the stream, the way he waded through it so quickly, and caught up to Quailfeather. They broke through the foliage together, startling the BlightClan cats. Goldpaw's last waking image was Wingpaw laying on the ground, unmoving, before he blacked out from lack of air. He tried to call her name, but failed, slipping into unconsciousness as well. The white tom stood up, no longer crushing him, assuming him to be dead. Quailfeather and Alderstar attacked in union. Alderstar took on the russett tom, tackling Scorchpelt with the ferocity of a lion. They rolled about, snarling and biting and clawing, until the tom took off in direction of his camp whimpering. Quailfeather pinned down the she-cat, Leafpatch, not letting her get away just yet. That only left the white tom. { Poor Wingpaw. :c But that'll be fun. >:D Better hope Goldpaw doesn't like... corrupt her with lies or something. XD }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:45pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 10:50pm Aug 5 2011)
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Thunderbird tackled the white tom. She jumped onto his back, and because of her great weight, he landed to the ground with a thump. The tom fought back, but Thunderbird had the advantage, as all his comrades were busy. Thunderbird was glad it had been a surprise attack, or it wouldn't have been quite so easy. Thunderbird refrained from biting his neck, though, and only whacked him unconscious.
Wingpaw was still out. ---
Minnowfoot stretched out (LONGCAT MANEUVER! 8D) in the sun and sighed happily. She wondered where the patrol went. It should have been back a while ago. It was then when Whistlepaw got into camp. He didn't bother telling anycat what had happened to the patrol. They could deal with it. With a yawn, he went into the apprentice's den to take a nap.
11:45pm Aug 5 2011
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Sablepaw, lifting her head, was startled to hear another cat enter the apprentice's den. "Hello Whistlepaw," she meowed politely, though she suspected he wasn't in a talking mood. "What are you up to today?" ~ Goldpaw, Y U STILL ASLEEP. Alderstar paced for a moment, tail lashing back and forth. "What are you here for?" he demanded with a snarl, usually friendly eyes harsh. Leafpatch swallowed and mumbled, "Scorchpelt told us we were going to claim this land as ours." She tried to wriggle out of Quailfeather's grip, and failed miserably. Glancing at Quailfeather, he could see the resemblance between him and Scorchpelt. "Get off our territory, now. Before I have to chase you off." He nodded at his warrior, who released her. She took off, not looking back. "Both are unconscious," Quailfeather reported, nudging Wingpaw and Goldpaw carefully. "You don't think they're... that they're... ?" He swallowed.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:58pm Aug 5 2011
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Thunderbird got off the white tom and examined Goldpaw and Wingpaw. "No, they're both breathing normally," she reported. "We should carry them back to camp."
Wingpaw mumbled in her sleep. Thunderbird's head turned to her. Wingpaw slowly sat up. "Auuh my head...." she muttered. "Goldpaw?" she looked up suddenly. "Who-who are you?" she asked, confused. "Get away from me and Goldpaw!"
Thunderbird blinked. "It's me, Thunderbird, Wingpaw, remember? Warrior of FamineClan?" Wingpaw looked at Thunderbird. "Nope. I don't know you at all." She paused. "FamineClan...." Thunderbird's eyes widened. Had Wingpaw lost her memory? "Wingpaw? Are you alright?" "Whose Wingpaw?" Wingpaw asked the strange she-cat. "Wingpaw is you." Thunderbird frowned. "Don't you know?" "...No. All I know is that the tom right there is Goldpaw, and he's my friend." Wingpaw had a blank look on her face. Thunderbird stared at Wingpaw sadly.
((I gots to go.))
12:12am Aug 6 2011
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{ Kay. D: } Goldpaw stirred, inhaling with a gasp. He sat up, quickly, vision swaying in front of him for a few moments. "Thank goodness you showed up..." he meowed, to Alderstar, Quailfeather and Thunderbird. "Or else we would of..." He fell silent, seeing the tention in the air. That's when he remembered Wingpaw. "Oh, you're alright!" he meowed graciously, climbing onto his paws so he could rub his muzzle in her's gratefully. "That's so good to hear, Wingpaw." Alderstar shared a look between Quailfeather and Thunderbird. "If she really has lost her memory," he said quietly. "Then perhaps she has also lost trust in us." Quailfeather frowned. "What will we do? She's our Medicine Cat apprentice. If she doesn't remember us, then maybe she won't come back to camp with us! At least, not without Goldpaw. She seems to remember him just fine." Both toms fixed their eyes on the pair expectingly.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:37pm Aug 6 2011
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((I'm back. :3))
"Goldpaw," Wingpaw said slowly, her voice a little slurred and disorientated from being knocked on the head, "who are all these people?" She shrunk behind goldpaw, her tail and head low, er eyes o the 'strangers'.
Thunderbird turned to Quailfeather and Alderstar. "Let's take her to our medicine cat," she said. "Perhaps she might be able to get at least some of her memory back. And maybe the herbs will, too." ---
"We were on patrol and Goldpaw and Wingpaw were being attacked or something, and Alderstar ordered me to go back to camp," Whistlepaw grumbled. "They'll be fine. I bet they surprise-attacked the cats that were attacking Wingpaw and Goldpaw." he said casually.
10:51pm Aug 6 2011
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Sablepaw nodded, thinking wistfully of what it must be like to be in a fight. "That sounds fun," she replied, rolling onto her back. "It must be great, getting to explore and such. I'm not allowed out of camp without Minnowfoot." ~ Goldpaw lifted her chin with his tail, trying to be supportive. She doesn't remember, he realized. She doesn't know who anyone is but me. "Wingpaw," he told her slowly in a shaky voice. "Those are our friends. Quailfeather, Alderstar, and Thunderbird." He nodded to them in turn. "Alderstar is our leader. They're all very nice cats." Pressing himself against her, he sighed sadly. What if she didn't remember her mentor, Phantomstep? What if she was too scared to go back to camp? "Come on, Wingpaw," he said lightly, though he felt sick. "Let's go back to camp." Alderstar nodded, looking grim. "I'm afraid herbs cannot help, but perhaps Phantomstep can. She'll be in her den." Nodding at the two warriors, he turned around. "I'll go collect our prey. You two take them back to camp. I'll meet up with you at Phantomstep's den." He disappeared into the forest again. Quailfeather sighed. "This is such a mess, Thunderbird."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:14pm Aug 6 2011
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"Okay, I trust you," Wingpaw said slowly. "But don't think I'm really going to be that friendly to them. I don't even know them!" Thunderbird sighed. She'd known Wingpaw rather well. Would she have to start their friendship all over again? "I agree," she said grimly in reply to Quailfeather. "And it's a real problem deathClan was on our territory. They'll pay hard for making Wingpaw loose her memory." ---
When they were at camp, Wingpaw let out a gasp. "Goldpaw," she said, her voice excited, "this is such a beautiful place! Is this the place these cats live in?" Whistlepaw's head turned. "Oh, they're back!" he announced. "C'mon, Sablepaw!" He ran out of the apprentice's den.
11:49pm Aug 6 2011
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Sablepaw nodded and followed Whistlepaw out, grateful that he hand't left her behind for once. Emerging from the apprentice's den, she was all but unaware of the going-ons. Inhaling deeply, she was glad to smell that everyone was back in one piece. No blood, at least. Goldpaw's stomach did a flip. "Yes. This is where they live. And where I live. And where you live." Gently, he nudged her towards Phantomstep's den. "Come on. There's someone I want to introduce you to." Quailfeather looked at Thunderbird. "We'd best leave those two alone with Phantomstep. We'll just stress Wingpaw out if there's too many of us around. That might make it worse." Blinking, he glanced at his apprentice, glad to see he was unharmed. He quickled explained the situation to him and Sabelpaw, who sighed sadly.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:40am Aug 7 2011
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Whistlepaw blinked. "She's lost her memory?" He asked, shocked. "Why would Starcla let a thing like that happen? I mean, she's our medicine cat apprentice! What if nobody takes her place? Then we'll be medicine cat-less!" Whistlepaw was in horror at the thought.
Wingpaw shrugged and followed Goldpaw inside. A smell hit her. It was an interesting smell; the smell of herbs. Wingpaw liked the smell, so she took a deep sniff. "I like it in here," she said.
1:33am Aug 7 2011
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Sablepaw sighed, kneeding the ground with her front paws nervously. "Quailfeather," she complained, "What if Whistlepaw's right? We'll be medicine cat-less! Then what?!" She sounded slightly panicked. Quailfeather frowned at the two of them. "Hush, both of you." He didn't have an answer for anything. ~ Goldpaw stood by the entrance, making sure Wingpaw wouldn't be able to escape. He grimaced and nodded. "You would," he told her softly. "This is your den. You share it with..." "Wingpaw!" Phantomstep greeted her as she walked from the back of her den and into the spot where the two apprentices were conversing. "You've returned. Excellent! We're running low on..." She stopped speaking, sensing the tension in the air.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:17pm Aug 7 2011
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((Hmm... maybe a StarClan cat could send a prophecy to Phantomstep about the next medicine cat apprentice? Like give her a sign of fish swimming in a brook if her apprentice is going to be named Brookpaw or something? and then one of the females would have to get pregnant... it can take a while though... what if the kit who is going to be medicine cat apprentice could be Wingpaw's kit if she becomes a warrior instead of continuing the medicine cat path because of her blank-out, but her skills passed on to her child?))
Wingpaw acked up a bit as this strange she-cat walked towards her, as if she knew her. "Who are you?" she asked, a little timidly. Wingpaw moved closer to Goldpaw for protection, and their pelts brushed against eachothers, Wingpaw's calico coat and Goldpaw's gold one. ---
"Phantomstep isn't going to suddenly die," Thuderbird said sternly. "I'm sure by the time she's too old to carry on being a medicine cat, or she passes away, she'll have a new apprentice." Hopefully. Starclan, please don't let or connection to you die out. Thunderbird gave a silent plea to Starclan.
((I think we should have a few main Starclan characters, as in, ones that link closely to that Clan, and mostly send the messages to them. mine are going to be Snowstar, Blueheart, and Crimsonstream, Snowstar being one of the powerful leaders in Starclan, Blueheart being one of the first to join StarClan, and Crimsonstream, being the previous medicine cat. Just to make it easier and stop making up random names whenever a prophecy is made. X3))
10:56pm Aug 11 2011
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{ Sounds amazing. :U } { I'll have Grasskit- young, but wise. She died a few days after she was born due to complications. Windshine- an elder who died saving an apprentice from a forest fire. Noble, though a bit bull-headed. Lemonfang- The first medicine cat to join StarClan. Sweet and passionate, willing to do anything to help. } Goldpaw made a soothing noise, though he looked towards Phantomstep. She looked distraught and heartbroken, and he didn't blame her. Being unable to have kits, she must have raised Wingpaw like a daughter. "That's your mentor," he meowed. "She taught you how to be a medicine cat." Phantomstep nodded, golden eyes brimming with tears. "You don't remember?" she asked quietly, upset. "Goldpaw, what happened? Why doesn't she know who I am? What did you do to her?" Although a bit hurt by her words, Goldpaw commenced to explain what happened. The older medicine cat puffed up angrily and lashed out at him with unsheathed claws. "This is your fault." Turning tail, he nudged Wingpaw and meowed, "Let's go," fleeing Phantomstep's den before any damage could be done. His shoulder stung from where her claws had come in contact, but he'd live. He stood outside her den, staring at his paws. It really was his fault, wasn't it? ~ Quailfeather was relieved to hear Thunderbird answer. He shot her a look that clearly read 'thank you', and nudged both apprentices as Goldpaw and Wingpaw exited Phantomstep's den. "Back into your den, both of you," he said stubbornly. "We need to speak with them privately." "Come on, then, Whistlepaw," Sablepaw meowed angrily. "Seems we're not needed here." She stormed into the apprentice's den unhappily.
wuss poppin jimbo