6:49pm Apr 14 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Apr 14 2011)
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((This roleplay takes place in a made up country called Ricalzo. It isn't based off of any shows, movies, or books. Simply my creativity. If you have any questions, ask me.)) ((Introduction)) A loud, monotone voice echoed through the room. "Five minutes until PLAN X is executed," the voice said. I shivered. Good god. They were going to succeed. They were going to destroy the whole city of Aneru, the capitol of Ricalzo. It was terrifying to think about. The shadowkeepers were going to destroy it. Not good at all. "Four minutes until PLAN X is executed," the voice said again. "Hey you!" I yelled to one of the guards. "I gotta use the little girl's room." I also needed to find my wolf. His name is Jack. The guard came over and opened my cell door. I was free! I bolted for the hallway, making it past the other, slower guard. Once I was in the hallway, I ran even faster. Then, I sensed him. Jack. He was near. I cut a corner to find him in a cage. Luckily, it didn't have a lock on it, so I freed him, and got out of there. "Thirty seconds until PLAN X is executed." I ran and ran, but I was stopped when I heard: "PLAN X has been executed successfully." I got out of there. There was nothing I could do. Aneru had been destroyed. Knowing the power of the Shadowkeepers, the people that captured me, and performed PLAN X, the city was probably just dust now. Then, I heard my brother's voice. "Azalie..." He was calling my name. However, I knew that my brother had been possesed by The Shadow himself. I shivered. "Azalie..." He called me again. Jack growled. I had to go. "C'mon, Jack," I said, running to the exit of the underground facility. I exited and the sunlight felt like a blessing. I fumbled for the whistle around my neck and blew into it. A deep, beautiful, melodic sound came out. A griffon squawked in the sky. That was my griffon. Her name was Iradon. Strange name for a girl, huh? I thought she was a boy when I first met her, so I named her like a boy. Then, I bonded with her enough to actually... see whether she was a boy or a girl. Turns out, she was a girl. Iradon swooped down, landing before us. She was huge. Twice the size of a clydesdale horse. I jumped on her back, and so did Jack. She flew off, watching my brother, River, smile wickedly at us. I missed the old River. Where had he gone to? ((Plot)) The Shadow is a black mist that can possess anyone and anything. It can control others, but can only possess one person at a time. The one person that is possessed by The Shadow has no control over themself. The Shadow has full control of them. Currently, The Shadow is possessing a young boy named River, Azalie's big brother. The people that The Shadow controls are called Shadowkeepers. They serve The Shadow, and whoever he possesses. The Shadowkeepers have just executed PLAN X, a plan that wiped out Aneru, Ricalzo's captiol. The people that aren't controlled by The Shadow are fighting back now. They don't want The Shadow to continue destroying their cities. Their homes. Their people. ((Rules)) 1. Ask to join. 2. If you make a girl, make a boy. If you make two girls, make two boys. Get it? (I make exceptions for guys-only roleplayers.) 3. No mary/gary sues. Nobody's perfect! 4. I play Azalie. She's not super special or anything. 5. No gay/bi/lesbian characters. 7. This is a fantasy/action/romance rp. 8. Have fun! --I have the right to add things here later if needed.-- ((Bio Skeleton)) (Erase messages in parenthesis, please!) Name: Age: Gender: Species: (Witches, Shifters, etc. Absolutely NO vampires or werewolves. Ick.) Looks: Personality: (At least a sentence~) History: (Not required, but I would like for you to put something here.) Pet(s): (No more than three. Oh, and no hoards of dragons or wolves!) Other:
Love is all we need~
7:05pm Apr 14 2011 (last edited on 7:28pm Apr 14 2011)
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Name: Azalie Williams Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: Witch Looks: 
Personality: Azalie is a sweet girl. She will tell you the truth, because she knows that she is a horrible liar. She will try to make friends with you, and would rather retreat than to fight. She is a bit flirty. However, she has a horrible temper, and is quiet most of the time. If you upset her, she will give you a piece of her mind. History: She was raised as an orphan girl in Ricalzo. Her hometown is Tinvali, a rural village a good ways away from Aneru. Her big brother, River, who was only 14 at the time, raised her on his own. She got Jack as a pup when she was a little girl, and raised him. Her brother was possessed by The Shadow when she was ten. She ran away to the deep forests of Irayni, Ricalzo's neighboring country. She met a griffon there, and gained its trust. She named the griffon Iradon, and trained it to come to her whenever it heard her whistle. She was captured by the Shadowkeepers, but escaped. Pet(s): A black male wolf named Jack, and a female griffon named Iradon. Other: Urm... No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Hunter Groven Age: 16 Gender: Male Species: Shifter. However, he only knows how to shift into a hawk and a cougar. Looks: 
Personality: Hunter minds his own business. He may come up to you if he thinks that you are talking about something interesting, though. He is very tolerant, but will stand up for what is right. He can be a bit childish at times, though. History: Just grew up as a normal boy in Ricalzo. Pet(s): A brown bloodhound named Rose. Other: Neh.
Love is all we need~
7:28pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
7:55pm Apr 14 2011
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Love is all we need~
7:59pm Apr 14 2011 (last edited on 4:05pm Apr 15 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Hmm, I'm thinking of joining as just a guy who's a shifter. That would be fine right?)) Name: Stucka Turner Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Shifter, but right now can only manage to shift into a red fox and a liver chestnut shire horse, he might possibly be able to shift into other animals later on. Looks: (below)  (( Done by saharaam on Deviant Art :D )) Personality: His name states one part of his personality, he's stuck up. He doesn't fear anything other then failure, and has a tendency to flirt with the opposite sex although he is very protective like his tattoo states. Before saying something, Stucka will think it over, but will jump into a fight without much hesitation. History: After he was born, Stucka's mother died from child birth issues, making him grow up without a mother. Over time, he grew up with a tough disposition, and flirtacious attitude. A few years later, he moved to Ricalzo when his father had a job oppurtunity that he couldn't pa.ss up. New to the area, he tried to get to know other's and still is, making himself at home right away. Pet(s): Has a male bald eagle named Terror. Other: As said in the personality, he has a tattoo that you can partially see in the picutre saying 'protector'. He also knows some Italian, and will speak it at random times. ((Thanks, and tell me if that's accepted :) ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:04pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Okay, Pink. You may join!))
Love is all we need~
8:32pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 375
((Done, tell me if anything is wrong. :) ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:39pm Apr 14 2011 (last edited on 8:40pm Apr 14 2011)
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Love is all we need~
9:02pm Apr 14 2011
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((I'm going to start. If others want to join, they'll just have to hop on in.)) Azalie was flying high. Her griffon, Iradon, was a tiny spec in the sky. Jack and Azalie were atop Iradon, enjoying the warm weather. It was late spring, veering into summer. Azalie's light smile faded to a look of shock and sadness when she saw what used to be Aneru. All that was left of the city were metal frames of what used to be buildings. If you looked closer, you could see dead bodies. None of them were alive. A tear streaked down her face when Azalie realized that this was her brother's doing. However, River was being manipulated. A simple puppet for The Shadow. Iradon carried their trio across several forests and Azalie whispered a few foreign words into her griffon's ear. Iradon nodded understandingly, and landed in a large city, but it wasn't anywhere near as big as Aneru. Azalie patted Iradon's back, and Iradon took off, free to roam where she pleased. "Home sweet home," Azalie said, deeming this city as her new home. "I guess this is Venadrica..." Venadrica was a town that was about half the size of what Aneru used to be. It had plenty of hotels and apartments that were available. Of course, she would be living in the alleys. She was an orphan after all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hunter walked through Venadrica. Rose was on a leash, walking obediently by his side. He had a sudden urge to shapeshift, but he couldn't. He couldn't leave Rose to her own resources. If he shapeshifted, he would have to leave Rose. Lord knows what Rose would get into if he left her alone for five minutes in the big city of Venadrica. He peered over at the televisions in the display window. The news was on. He watched tentatively as the reporter stood in front of what looked like an obliterated city. "Here we are in what used to be Aneru city," the reporter said, her curly hair bouncing at her shoulders. "It seems as if the Shadowkeepers succeeded in destroying our capital." Hunter's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Aneru? Gone? That couldn't be Aneru. Surely not. "Luckily, the President got away safely." The screen halfed itself to hold the reporter on one side, and the President on the other. "Mister President, what do you have to say about what happened to Aneru?" The President's face was a look of pure anger. "I would punish the Shadowkeepers severely... if I knew where their headquarters were at," said the President. Hunter walked away as a crowd of citizens gathered by the television sets. Why would the Shadowkeepers just destroy Aneru all of a sudden? Hunter wondered to himself.
Love is all we need~
4:20pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 375
((Yeah, sounds good to me)) Stucka flicked through the channels of his television, not seening to find anything interesting at all, he leaned back in his chair and sighed. His bald eagle paced back in forth in his huge cage, a behaviour that was uncommen, even for him. Stucka slightly turned in his seat to look at him. "What's up Terror, something wrong?" He looked back at the television when he heard the president speaking about something that happened in Aneru city. "It seems as if the Shadowkeepers succeeded in destroying our capital." Stucka squinted in confusion. Shadowkeepers, that's impossible. He stood up and walked to his front door, not forgetting to put on his bandana and gloves, going outside a moment later.
Dad's supposed to be in Aneru city. Stucka shook his head, trying to take any negative thoughts out of his head, he had to believe that his father was still alive. He walked through the streets of Venadrica, his new home, and looked around, trying to get to know the place a little more, and trying to get the image out of his head of Aneru city.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:09pm Apr 15 2011
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Azalie had seen was one of the first people to see what happened to Aneru. Of course, she had seen if for herself, not on a television screen. She stepped out of her alley, and turned to walk. However, she was stopped when she ran into a red-headed boy, Stucka. Jack, Azalie's pet wolf, looked at the boy in confusion. Stucka smelled like a mixture of animals an humans. That was the distinct scent that all shifters had. He let out a low growl at the mysterious-smelling man, and stood at Azalie's side. "Oh, I'm sorry," Azalie said to Stucka, getting up from where she had fallen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((Braindead for Hunter...))
Love is all we need~
6:31pm Apr 15 2011 (last edited on 6:31pm Apr 15 2011)
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Posts: 375
Stucka kept walking, looking around every once in awhile, but stopped when a girl bumbed into him, making her fall, although he barely moved. "It's fine, but are you?" he smirked, feeling a little bad that she fell due to him. Stucka glanced over at her wolf and was a bit skeptic over what it might be thinking. When he looked back at the girl now standing in front of him, he noticed she was a bit different. She seemed to have a bit of a unique look to her but he couldn't put a finger on it. ((Happens all the time, I know :p ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:36pm Apr 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Yeah," Azalie said, tucking some hair behind her ear. "I'm fine." She nodded and gave Jack a stern glare. It immediately made him stop his growling. "Um, I'm sorry aboyt Jack," she said, pointing to her wolf who was still staring at Stucka. "He's usually very well behaved." She was being her normal self, nice, small-town girl Azalie with a dark past. She coughed, and looked up at the sky. Iradon was nowhere to be found. That meant that she knew that Azalie was safe in Venadrica.
Love is all we need~
12:26pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 375
"Nah, it's fine, wolves are amazing animal's, no metter how they act." Stucka slightly waved at Jack, and looked back up at the girl. "I'm Stucka Turner by the way, were you heading somewhere before you bumped into me?" He then rememberd Aneru city, making his smirk fall into a neutral disposition. "I was just walking around, getting to know the area, I'm a little new here." Stucka rested his gaze onto the ground, trying not to show any negative emotions on his face.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:29pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Nice to meet you. My name is Azalie." Azalie smiled. "Um... I just saw Aneru city myself. Except Iradon, my griffon, took me there." Azalie wondered what was the matter with Stucka. Jack moved forward, feeling more at ease near Stucka. He decided that he wasn't half bad. Azalie looked down at her whistle around her neck. At least Iradon was safe from the Shadowkeepers.
Love is all we need~
8:23pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 375
Trying to put everything aside, Stuck looked up with a curious expressions on his face. "A griffon huh, that really cool." he looked up in the air to the sky for no real reson, then looked back at Azalie. "Where were you headed anyways?" He knew that she wasn't planning on bumping into him, so he was slightly curious as to where she was going. Stucka on the other hand knew that he was going no where, just taking a walk to get his mind straight. ((Is being a shifter, or even a witch a secret, or is it an open thing in the area?))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
11:04pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((It's not uncommon, but it's not something that is openly admitted on a normal basis. Azalie only tells those that she trusts that she is a witch.)) "I'm sort of a free floater. I go wherever Iradon takes me." Azalie glanced over at her wolf, Jack. He was always with her, no matter what. "I don't really have a home. I live alone." She wasn't going to tell Stucka that she had been kidnapped by her own brother who happened to be possessed by The Shadow. She wasn't about to tell him that she escaped using magic, either.
Love is all we need~
3:02pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka slightly srunched his eyebrows, feeling a little pity for her. "You don't have a home, well that sucks." he scratched is arm in thought. "Well if you ever need a night under a roof....you can always sleep in my guest room in my house. My dad.....well he wouldn't mind." He then remembered his father, and how he should check to see if there were any survivors. He had to have made it, he's strong. Stucka shut his eyes and opened them after a minute, looking back at Azalie. "It's not far from here, and, you can trust me, right?" Stucka smiled, trying to seem less creepy, but the smile probably didn't help. ((Alright, thanks :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:10pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Azalie gulped. "I'll think about it." Jack tilted his head to the side. There was something about this Stucka boy... "It's a bit hard to trust people after you've been through what I've been through," she mumbled to herself. She looked down at her shoes. Converse. The black knee-high kind. The laces were a rainbow color, but they had faded. She had been wearing those shoes for over a year now.
Love is all we need~
7:50pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 9:01pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 375
"I can only imagine." Stucka had no clue what she had been through, but he could tell that it wasn't something easy. He noticed her looking at her shoes and saw that they seemed a little worn out. "How about this. I can get you a few things, you know, clothing and stuff, my dad's nearly ritch, so it's no big deal. It's fine if you say no, I understand." He took a small step back, feeling like he was invading her privacy as they stood slightly close together.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*