5:10pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 375
((You know I can always make a female if you want, I only have one char after all. Whatever you want)) Stucka took his gaze from Terror to Azalie. "Yep, one of the biggest of the birds, but he's harmless, I assure you." he walked over to a small fridge that he had next to his bed, his pet still on his hand, and took out a container filled with mice. "But his appatite isen't very.....good." Terror opened his wings slightly, looking at his food with sharp eyes. "Yes, I know, I know." Stucka placed a few in his cage and waited a few seconds before placing him in his cage once more. He took off his gloves and put them in a basket that stayed in the hallway. "I can let him out after we eat, you must be hungry."
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:16pm May 1 2011
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Azalie observed as Stucka fed Terror. It was kinda cool. She sighed, and began to say, "Yes," but her stomach growled, interrupting her. She laughed and said, "Well, there's your answer." Jack looked at the bird through the cage bars before going to Azalie's side. ((Short post is short.))
Love is all we need~
5:28pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 434
(( Go for it! That'd be awesome xD. I would have to come up with a girl on the spot. My profile is forthcoming. ))
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5:29pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Wait? Who go for it? Me or Pink?))
Love is all we need~
5:30pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 375
"Well we should go then, I know just the place...I read a manual before I came here you know?" Stucka walked out of his room, waiting for Azalie. Even though he was a shifter, nothing in his room showed it thankfully, although the small library the was in his house held many books about shifter's, and who they are, and what they do. Stucka made his way out of his house, and scanned the streets to see where the place was.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:33pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Azalie nodded and followed Stucka. She hoped that no more Shadowkeepers would pay her a visit today. It would be hectic if they did. Jack slowly lumbered out of the house behind Stucka and Azalie. He sniffed the evening air, smelling some food.
Love is all we need~
5:41pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 375
"Ahh, yes, this way if I remember correctly." Stucka walked to the left, looking at every store and shop to make sure he didn't miss anything. After only a few mintes he stopped walking, and went toward a fancy resturant. "I heard this place has the best food..I wouldn't know because I'm new here, but I'm sure it does. Is this okay?" he asked, a bit of concern in his tone of voice.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:43pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 7:27pm May 1 2011)
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Posts: 434
Name: Ryland Yale Corrigan Age: 16 Gender: Male Species: Mostly human- but he has traces of air elemental blood in him. Looks:  Blond hair, very light, spring green eyes. Average height, and a slender build. Personality: He's sort of flighty, but generally kind. He can be sort of a jerk, but deep down he's pretty loyal. Ryland can be a little rough on himself, but he doesn't like to share especially deep thoughts or many feelings with others. History: He lived in Ricalzo his entire life, with his parents and younger sister. During the attack, he was just a trainride away in the next town over. Pets: None at all. Other: He has some faint powers to manipulate air flow, but he's never really tried to hone these, so they're fairly useless. They do stir up when his emotional or mental state become too chaotic for any reason, but such times are rare. He seems to have a gentle breeze following him all the time.
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5:45pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"To me, food is food," Azalie said, smiling. She hadn't had real food in a long time. The last thing that she ate was a grilled rat. She had eaten everything from rat-b-que to bird-on-a-stik. Just the smell of the food in the resteraunt was making her stomach growl. She inhaled deeply, then closed her eyes. Jack, however, was not allowed into the resteraunt, so he stayed outside, perched on a bench beside the door of the resteraunt.
Love is all we need~
6:11pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 375
"Well come on in then." Stucka held the door open for Azalie, and then walked to the front. "Reservations for Stucka...." the person at the stand looked at the list and smiled. "Ah, yes, and..your father?" He looked at Azalie in an odd way before looking back at Stucka. "No, he won't be able to come, so I brought someone else, is that okay?" The man nodded, "Right this way." he walked down past all the other tables, and ended up stopping at a window seat. "Here you go, a waiter will come shortly." Stucka nodded and picked up a menu, scanning it over. "Hmm, what shall I eat?"
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:14pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Azalie came in, and nodded at the person at the stand. She followed Stucka silently to the table. She sat down across from him and said, "Can you keep a secret?" She looked at her menu absentmindedly and sighed. She felt like telling him. Worse come to worse, if Stucka didn't take the fact that Azalie was a witch well, she could erase the memory of what she told him with a spell.
Love is all we need~
6:17pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 434
The trains had stopped running after Ricalzo was levelled, so Ryland had had to walk miles on foot to get home. It'd taken hours and hours, but he'd made it. There were already troops searching through the rubble, but the ragged boy easily gave them the slip and plunged deep into the city. The sun was nearly blotted out by the thick dust that rose through the streets, and swirled around him, caking his eyes and nose and mouth, choking him. But he kept going. He avoided the bodies littering the streets, climbing over a collapsed building to finally get to his street. He'd lived there all of his life, but he nearly walked past it, unable to recognize a thing. His house. All that was left was the net of metal from the foundation of reinforced concrete.
He picked up his pace, his heart pounding in his chest as he cleared the doorway. "Mom! Lee!?" The blond clutched a small package beneath his arm. A gift for his little sister. Yesterday was her birthday. He found his mother in the dining room, and turned her lifeless body over, wiping her face clean of dust. The whole world was swirling. He could barely see. "L-Lee! Lee!" His voice was choked by the dust, and he fell to his knees, coughing, gasping for air. There were shouts from out in the street from someone, but he didn't even notice. Willfully ignorant of his sister's sure demise; he dragged himself to his feet and continued staggering through the house. "Lee!" Sturdy arms were suddenly around him, a crowd of people, their faces covered by gas masks. He struggled weakly, having no idea how dizzy he was. "No- You don't understand!" Darkness was pressing in on him, the heavy air squeezing the life out of him. Something was clamped over his face, another mask, just as his body gave out and he went utterly limp. -- The refugees were being airlifted, to the nearby towns. There were medical tents and cots set up for the torrent of displaced, injured, homeless people that usually followed a disaster.. but there was nothing but a steady trickle, mostly of those who had been outside of Ricalzo at the time. Ryland woke up a few hours later, in a dim tent, an oxygen mask over his face. He'd been cleaned up somewhat, and was wearing a loose pair of white shorts and a tank top that he didn't recognize. A medical bracelet was on his wrist. He tugged his IV out, still feeling a little drowsy, and pulled the clear oxygen mask off of his face. A nurse soon appeared, explaining where he was- Venadrica- and told him they'd be providing dinner later. But he was free to leave until then. They wanted to make sure he hadn't severely poisoned himself or anything, but waking up like this was already a good sign. After a few simple tests, she let him leave, presumably to reunite with his family who clearly weren't among the smattering of refugees in the little tent city. He struck out into the streets, not knowing where he was supposed to go but refusing to stay in the camp for now. He'd return later.. He would, he was starving, but he couldn't sit still for now.. He was pale, with dark circles under his eyes, wandering around looking out of place and totally disoriented. He wanted to go home.. (( Lol, sorry, either of you can do it xD;. I had only seen Wolfie's offer. ))
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6:18pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Okay, I'll do it. If it's okay with Pink.))
Love is all we need~
6:26pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 6:28pm May 1 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Yeps, 100% fine with me )) Stucka took his attention from the menu, to Azalie. "Yeah, sure." he stopped looking at the menu, and only focused on her, curious as to what she was going to say. She seemed like a normal person, nothing out of the ordinary, but he was the same, although he could shift into a fox and a horse, something not all humans can do.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:31pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Name: Alex Marie Devonte Age: 15 Gender: Female Species: Shapeshifter, but she doesn't know it yet. Looks: 
Personality: Alex is stubborn, and sticks to what she believes. She has a fiery attitude, and will stand up for others. She hates seing people in pain. History: Grew up with a small family, just her mom and her dad. However, she ran away, seeking for answers as to what was happening to her. (In other words, she began to exhibit animal behavior, a sign of being a shifter.) Pet(s): None yet, but animals seem to flock to her. Other: Urm. No.
Love is all we need~
6:36pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Light footsteps mingled with the sounds of loud sirens. A girl who looked to be fifteen ran as fast as she could through the streets of Venadrica. People moved out of her way. She'd rather run someone over than be caught by the police. She ducked into an alley, and the sirens pa.ssed. The police had given up. Thank goodness. Alex breathed heavily. She had sprinted at least two miles. ~~~~ Azalie sighed. She closed her eyes and said, "I'm a witch." She hoped that Stucka would take it well. Nobody, except for her own brother, knew that Azalie was a witch. She clenched her fists and prepared to do the memory erasing spell that she had taught herself.
Love is all we need~
6:54pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka stared at her, not saying anything at first. He noticed how she seemed a bit nervous, making him feel almost bad. " A w-witch?" he wispered, not really beleiving it at first. He leaned back and looked down at the table, eventually smiling. "I'm suprised you told me, takes a lot of guts...I would know." Stucka sighed and leaned forward, still taking in the news. "I'm a....shifter, what a coincidence huh?" he chuckled, but kind of was worried himself, not telling anyone at all, only his father knew, and that was it.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:54pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka stared at her, not saying anything at first. He noticed how she seemed a bit nervous, making him feel almost bad. " A w-witch?" he wispered, not really beleiving it at first. He leaned back and looked down at the table, eventually smiling. "I'm suprised you told me, takes a lot of guts...I would know." Stucka sighed and leaned forward, still taking in the news. "I'm a....shifter, what a coincidence huh?" he chuckled, but kind of was worried himself, not telling anyone at all, only his father knew, and that was it.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:22pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 434
Sirens. Ryland turned his gaze up to see a girl sprinting towards him, and stumbled out of the way. He watched with mild interest as she ducked into an alleyway, greatful for the distraction from his thoughts. He wandered towards the opening to the alley, casually glancing into the alleyway as he neared. So casual. Nothing horribly obvious about his actions here, golly no. He stared into the gloom.
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7:25pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 434
(( Wooo, made a picture for Ryland xD. ))
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