10:47pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 434
Okay. This was no big deal. He'd just grabbed a bleeding girl off of the street and now had no idea how to get back to the refugee camp. This was fantastic. "I'm just trying to help you," he said, through gritted teeth, as Alex struggled weakly against him. As soon as he stepped out into the street, he realized just how little he'd thought through. People were staring. Most of them hadn't been around to see the girl duck into the alley by now, but these new people were still fairly suspicious seeing a completely unfamiliar boy carry a bleeding girl out of an alley.
".. uh.." Ryland looked around, trying to figure out if he recognized anything. Nothing really stood out as terribly familiar. He wandered slowly in a random direction, passing by a little row of nice restaraunts without noticing much about them. It was getting late too.. Even if he could find another doctor for this girl, he would have to get back to the little tent city in order to have a bed to sleep in tonight.
[No sig right now, move alone.]
9:37pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Alex growled. "Do you even know where you're going, boy?" She was a bit frustrated now. He had picked her up, and she could tell that he had no clue of what to do. Luckily for Ryland, Alex weighed very little, due to her not eating every day. She could hardly get real food once every week. ~~~ Azalie looked at Stucka and nodded. "It was good." It was amazing how much the girl could eat. Of course, she never gained any weight, given how many times she had to run from Shadowkeepers, and her own brother. She rubbed her stomach, and sat up a bit straighter.
Love is all we need~
12:39am May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
9:46am May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Sorry's, I wont be able to post anymore today, or a little tomorrow cause I got a sleepover at my friends, also I was sick for a few days, so I stayed off the computer. I'll post now....)) Stucka looked down at his stomach, hoping it didn't get any bigger, even though the calories would most likely burn off when he shifted into an animal and started to run around like he always did, but it still bothered him when he ate too much. He made sure his slight abs and muscles were there before looking back up at Azalie, happy they were fine, and that she enjoyed her food. "Want anything else before we leave?" Stucka took out his wallet and made sure he had a few bills, not to mention tips for the waiter. Before paying though, he wanted to make sure Azalie was done. "You can always get something and bring it with you if you want....for later..?" he asked questionably, looking back at her with a curious ex pression.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
11:50am May 14 2011
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"I don't even want to think about food," Azalie said, letting a small laugh out. She had stifled her laughter when Stucka had looked at his stomach, making sure that his muscles were still there. Azalie had no stomach muscles, but her legs were toned with the muscles of a runner; that's what happens when you're constantly being chased by the Shadowkeepers, and your own brother.
Love is all we need~
12:00pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka raised his hand for the waiter and smiled. "Yeah, I understand completely." When he recieved the bill, he didn't cringe at the price at all, instead he payed it fully, giving the waiter a large tip as well, he was in a good mood today so far, why not share it. "Thank you." he said to the waiter once more before standing up and sighing as his stomach felt way fuller then before. Stucka only took a few steps to stand in front of Azalie, reaching out his hand toward her. "Coming?" he asked without taking the smile off of his face.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:04pm May 14 2011
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Azalie smiled back. "Yep," she said, grabbing Stucka's hand. She pulled herself up a bit too hard, so she bumped into Stucka, her forehead hitting him gently in the chest. Azalie lingered for a moment before getting up, and trying not to blush. Her attempts failed, and her cheeks turned as red as an apple.
Love is all we need~
12:11pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka lightly grabbed her hand, not expecting her to accidently bump into him, although the action made him smirk, especially because he managed to notice Azalie blush. "Are you alright?" he asked, placing his open hand on her forehead to make sure nothing was wrong. Surely he knew that she fine, but it didn't hurt to ask. "Your getting pretty hot, your not sick are ya?" he then lightly placed his hand on her cheek, noticing how red and harm they were. Stucka chuckled lightly, not wanting to stir up anything in the resturant, his words were spoken softly so that no one around could hear. He kept his other hand holding Azalie's, not really noticing that they were still interlocked.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:19pm May 14 2011
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Azalie blushed even more. She had a wild crush on Stucka, but she would never admit it. She squeezed Stucka's hand and said, "Come on." She sighed, her cheeks still red. "Let's go back to your place." She walked outside, taking Stucka along with her. Jack got up from his place at the door of the resteraunt, licking Azalie's free hand. He followed her to the corner of the street, but then Jack noticed that Azalie had forgotten the way to Stucka's house.
Love is all we need~
12:22pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka nodded in agreement, following her at first, wondering if she knew where he lived still. He figured that she didn't when she took the wrong turn, making him slighlty amused. "My house is back there you know?" he pointed behind himself, keeping an eye on Azalie, and sometimes glancing at Jack.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:31pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Azalie let go of Stucka's hand, and sighed. She walked up to him and hugged him. She pulled away and said, "Thanks for buying the food. That was kind of you." She brushed herself off and said, "You lead me to your house. You can see that I have no clue where it's at." Her cheeks were only slightly red now, but she refused to look at Stucka's eyes. That would only make her blush again.
Love is all we need~
12:38pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka looked down at his hand, slightly disapointed that she let it go, although the hug made up for it. "Yeah, no problem, come on Jack." he said, leaning toward the wolf and smiling as he walked back toward where his house was. "You almost got it right, althogh it's in this direction." he smiled, adjusting his bandana slightly that rested on his neck as it became some what more tight every second.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:44pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 12:45pm May 14 2011)
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Azalie followed behind Stucka, Jack behind her. She was debating on what to do. Should she take Stucka's hand again? What if he didn't want her to? What if he thought that she was just his friend or something? Azalie shook her head, going into another flashback. She stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes dazed over. ~~~~~ It was a hot summer day, and Azalie was only about six years old. Her and her big brother, River, who was ten at the time, were playing happily in the flower field. She caught a gra.sshopper, and went to show her big brother. However, when she got to him, he was being toted away by several Shadowkeepers. Azalie screamed, tears rolling down her face. She ran to her brother, but two other Shadowkeepers pulled her away, then she watched as her brother, along with the Shadowkeepers, disappeared into a shadowy mist. ~~~~~ Azalie had tears streaming down her face, but she sniffled, trying to stop. However, it only made her want to start crying even more when she thought of how Jack had tried to comfort her in those lonely first few weeks without River. She fell to the ground, sobbing now. Stucka was probably going to think that she was crazy.
Love is all we need~
1:02pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka knew that Azalie was slightly behind him, he kept his pace simple, not wanting to go to far ahead. His good hearing picked up a few things, first, the footsteps behind him died down, not long after he thought her heard her cry lightly. Stucka turned and slowly walked over to Azalie as he noticed her, his ex pression showing sighns of worry. "A-Azalie?" he knelt down and tried to look at her face, not sure what was wrong. Stucka ignored everyone around him and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder as he stayed kneeling on the ground. "Hey...it's alright, please don't cry, your okay..." he wispered, rubbing her back lightly, feeling bad for her, whatever was going on, it must have been something that bothered her greatly.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:07pm May 14 2011
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Azalie sobbed into Stucka's shoulder, balling her fists into his shirt, too. She was slowing down a bit on her crying, but she was still crying. She shook, her back quivering. Jack walked up to Azalie, and placed his head on her lap, trying to comfort her. Azalie didn't let go of Stucka. He was warm, and nice, and the only friend that she had in a long time. She let go of his shirt, and wrapped her arms around him, her hands quivering just like her back. She hated flashbacks. She wished that she could erase her own memories, but spells didn't work that way. Besides, if she erased her memories, she would have no proof that River was even a part of her life.
Love is all we need~
1:14pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka waited for her to calm down before he tried to stand her up, the action might result in her not being able to walk right away. "Azalie..?" he asked in a worried tone of voice, his words a mere wisper. "You should rest at my place.....have something to drink, or lay down." he left one of his arms around her, holding her as she lightly shook. Stucka lightly pet Jack's head, thinking that he was probably a little worried as well.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:20pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Azalie let in a shaky breath, and then let it out. She nodded into Stucka's shoulder and pulled back. She pet Jack's head, and he stood up, sighing in relief. She stood up, and stumbled, but she steadied herself. She put her hands in her pocket to keep them from shaking. She sniffled, and took one of her hands out of her pocket to wipe her tears away. She put it back into her pocket, and sighed. She was scared now. Why did the Shadowkeepers take just River, and not Azalie? She wondered that all the time.
Love is all we need~
1:31pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 375
(( -3- last post, gotta go now, I'll reply again tomorrow. Cyaa <3 )) "If you need any support, I'm always here." Stucka said, walking slowly forward, his house already in sight. He ment it more in the way that she was a little inseady, and that she could lean on him, but he also ment it in general, if anything were to happen, she can always go for him for help, especially because she had almost no friends, other then him. How is that possible, she's....so nice, and genuine, and.... he drifted off in his head for a moment, then he looked back at her, hoping she was alright.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:20pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 375
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:11pm May 30 2011
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Azalie kept a distance from Stucka, her eyes blank. She had this flashback a lot. She hated it, too. Where had the kindness in her big brother gone? He had destroyed Aneru. He had captured her, threatened to kill Jack, and tried to take control of the griffon population one year. Azalie began walking behind Stucka. She looked lost. She was lost. Nobody knew what was really bothering her. She thought if she told someone that they would reject her, and want to kill her brother.
Love is all we need~