10:31pm May 31 2011
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Love is all we need~
10:38pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 434
(( I'm glad this was revived o_o! And it's totally my post, fail. ))
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10:42pm May 31 2011
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((Wolfie has been waiting for Marshall to post...))
Love is all we need~
10:56pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 434
"I have.. I have an idea of the right way!" Ryland protested, frowning slightly at how pathetic his plea sounded. He struck out in a direction with more confidence, even though he seriously had zero idea of where he was supposed to be going. The streets were rapidly emptying out, the bustle of the city dying down as the sun sank below the horizon. He saw only two figures up ahead, a boy and a girl. The girl looked sort of upset, but he didn't notice too much about them. He was mre interested in trying to figure out where he was. He still couldn't recognize any of the buildings. The apartments here were much too upscale, not like the place where the refugee camp was at all. This was bad. He felt a chill wind start to blow, his wispy blond hair getting ruffled.
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11:14pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 11:15pm May 31 2011)
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"Dammit, boy," Alex said, getting aggrevated. "If you're looking for the refugee camp, it's further down the street. I can smell the blood all the way over here." She clenched her wound, which now had a good stream of blood dying her shirt a crimson color. She was feeling dizzy now, and she went limp. She had fainted.
Love is all we need~
12:17am Jun 1 2011
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Love is all we need~
2:06am Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 434
(( o3o I'm gunna wait until Pink posts to reply, because now they're all in the same place, so Ryland and Alex can't go off ahead. ))
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6:01pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 6:01pm Jun 1 2011)
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Posts: 375
((I'm here I'm here :D ))
When Stucka looked back one more time, he caught a glance at Azalie who was still partially zoned out, making him sigh, not liking to see her like that. In the corner of his eye, he then noticed two other people, one holding the other in their arms. Before he had a second to question anything else, his hightened sense of smell caught a scent way too familiar to him. Someone's bleeding. "Azalie, come with me for a second...." Stucka walked toward the other two, looking at the girl that seemed almost lifeless in the guy's arms, other then her chest moving lightly from her shallow breathing. He looked at the boy holding her, a scared/confused look on his own face as he asked a question. "What happened to her?" He checked her pulse, seeing that is was a little weaker then it should be.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:31pm Jun 1 2011
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Azalie was a bit taken back when Stucka just took off. She followed him, and saw a young boy with a sickly-looking girl with red hair in his arms. And then she noticed the bullet wound. "Stucka, let me handle this," she said, stepping forward. It took her a while to remember the spell, but she finally remembered it. She placed her hand over the girl's wound, and said, "Sendatu," calmly. Soon, the wound began to glow. When the glowing stopped, the wound was gone. However, using the spell had an effect on Azalie. Whenever she healed someone, it took a lot of energy out of her. She fell to her knees, but quickly got up, holding onto Stucka's arm for support. ~~~ Alex's breathing slowed significantly when the healing took place, but when it was finished, her breathing returned to normal, and her pulse picked up. Azalie had closed the wound, which stopped the blood from flowing out of the wound. Alex would wonder what happened later...
Love is all we need~
6:46pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 375
Stucka watched in aw as he witnessed Azalie using her powers, then nearly had a small heart attack when she fell, although she seemed alright, grabbing her hand that laid on his arm to steady her, glancing at the other girl as well, making sure she was alright. "Wow..." was all he could say, a mere wisper, barely audible.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:17pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 434
Ryland had recoiled when the two people sort of swarmed him a little, but hadn't actually done anything. Before he knew what to make of any of it, the girl was being healed by a warm glow. His eyes widened, and he just sort of gawked. "You're a witch..?" One day in this town and he'd found a witch and some girl who seemed.. maybe to be a shifter..? But the girl was still unconscious.. She wouldn't bleed to death now, but she'd still need somewhere to recuperate. If she had a home here he could deliver her there, maybe someone would be worried about her. But he hadn't asked.. that was brilliant.. Looked like they were heading out to the refugee camp. Unless.. He piped up again, looking back to the odd pair. "You don't.. know this girl, do you?" He asked, his spring green gaze flitting from one to the other.
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1:23am Jun 2 2011
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"Yes, I'm a witch, and I've seen the girl running around town for a while. I haven't seen her much, though." Azalie looked at the girl's face and said, "The police are after her a lot..." She sighed. "That's about all I know." ~~~ Almost as if on cue, Alex woke up. What she said wasn't goint to make any sense, but at least she was consious. "Ugghh..." She said, rubbing her head. "I feel like... truck... me..." She tried to say, 'I feel like a truck hit me,' but epically failed.
Love is all we need~
10:07pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 434
"I'm pretty sure she'd just escaped the police when I found her," Ryland replied with a curt little nod. Hearing that this girl was a local was good, but he was a bit disappointed that they didn't actually know her personally. He'd hoped that they were so willing to help because they were her friends or something. It would have been nice to be able to drop her off in the care of someone else. Someone else who he could trust to look out for her..
It couldn't be helped though. "She'll still have to rest, huh?" He asked, looking up at the witch as if she had some sort of medical knowledge. The girl's wound was closed, but she still seemed pale and worn out from the blood loss. It didn't seem like he could just let her go on her way yet.
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11:14pm Jun 3 2011
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Stucka shoved his hands in his pockets, feeling slightly lost, not sure what to do, surely the girl could also rest in his house until she was better, but would any of them mind, not to mention do they trust him enough to let her stay in a total strangers house. He sighed, looking at the girl that rested in the hand's of someone he never met before, so he went with it. "The name's Stucka.....if you want, or don't mind, you can always let her stay at my house until she's fully healed, and regains all her strength, or.....you know, you can always go somewhere close by...." Stucka attempted to smirk, but found it hard due to how hesitant he sounded. Suddenly, it was like something snapped in his head, his senses kicking back in as he was now out of his panicked mood, his eyes falling upon Alex once again. No way....she can't be... he squinted as he went into deep thought, the scent, even her look signalled a shifter, he knew it, but he didn't say anything, not yet.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:13pm Jun 4 2011
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Alex's eyes drifted to Stucka. She let out a deep growl. Her eyes turned to slits, and glowed an amber color. She didn't have the ability to shift yet, but she could rip someone's throat out if they didn't watch it. She could smell him... He was different, yet the same as her. She liked it, and hated it at the same time. ~~~ The hairs on Azalie's neck stood on end. She had never heard someone growl like that. It was scary. Her grip on Stucka's arm tightened, and she gulped. Jack moved forward, his top lips lifted up in a wolfy snarl. He was going to protect Azalie if this girl had the guts to attack her.
Love is all we need~
11:08pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 434
"I'm not from here, but if-.." Ryland's voice cut off when Alex growled, and almost had a minor heart attack. He'd almost forgotten that she hadn't seemed human, caught up in the moment like this. He had some urge to keep this girl from outing herself as.. whatever she was, but then again, Stucka's witch friend wasn't really human either. Maybe she'd be safer with these two..? They might be able to look after her better than he could at the refugee camp. Then again, she might be too much of a burden on them, and that refugee camp probably wouldn't mind another person.. although he'd have to lie to sneak her in. A slight pang of guilt hit him at the thought of ditching the weird non-human girl like this. But that was insane, how could he be taking responsibility for her like this? He didn't know any of these people. Why did he bother with this? Way too much had happened to him today. The conflicted blond boy glanced down at Alex with a grimmace, noticing that her eyes were all terrifying. He fought the urge to just drop her.
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11:25pm Jun 4 2011
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Stucka took a single step in front of Azalie, putting a hand on hers that rested on his arm, almost unintentionally. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you...." he was ready to attack if he had to, his muscle, let alone ability to shift would be a plus in the fighting department, although he didn't want to hurt anyone, let alone another shifter, he had never really met one before. Stucka glanced at Jack, then Azalie, making sure she was in safe distance from the girl, not wanting anyone to get hurt, especially her.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:15pm Jun 5 2011
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And then Alex's eyes returned to normal. Her growl faded into a sigh, and she looked up at Ryland, her eyes apologetic. She then looked at Stucka with the same eyes, too. She didn't know what had gotten a hold of herself. She shook her head and said, "I feel like I got hit by a truck." Azalie felt a bit better when Stucka took a defensive move for her. She eventually loosened her grip on his arm and let out a sigh of relief. "Um, hi." She said to Alex. "Who're you?" "I'm Alex."
Love is all we need~
11:05pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 434
He hadn't even asked for her name, and here he was dragging her around over half the city. Putting the cart before the horse indeed. Alex.. Ryland found that he had less and less time for considering other people's feelings. If Stucka and witchgirl didn't want to look after Alex, then Stucka wouldn't have volunteered. They would do a much better job of looking after her than he could. He'd drop by tomorrow to check up on everyone. He had a lot to worry about and they couldn't blame him for leaving.. right..? He looked back to Stucka, finally answering him. "I think it'd be best for Alex to stay with you. I'm from the refugee camp, and I.. don't know anyone around here or where anything is." He was really just worried about finding this gi- Alex- a proper place to stay. "As long as.. that's alright with everyone..?" He looked down to Alex, who he still had wrapped up in his arms, to make sure she was alright with this. He just felt so tired, even though he hadn't really been awake that long. And now he was going to head back to that deserted tent city, to lie awake on a cot for the night. Everyone was gone. It still didn't sink in. He was sure that whatever relief center could set him up with some things to get by, maybe even refer him to a job or a place to stay. But he really couldn't imagine what the point of going on was.
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3:33pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 375
Finally letting go if Azalie's hands, Stucka nodded slowly at what the guy said, glancing at Alex with a more relaxed ex pression, seeing that she wasn't growling at him anymore. "Only if Alex doesn't mind...." he placed his weight on one leg, making him stand on a slight slant, his eyes looking at all three people standing near him while his arms were crossed over his chest.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*