5:18pm Apr 25 2011 (last edited on 4:30pm May 10 2011)
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Plot: We rp ThunderClan and SkyClan, (in this rp, Skyclan has returned to the forest.) All the other clans are NPCs. Ever since SkyClan- the fifth clan- returned to the forest, there has been an argument over what clans would have to split their territory with SkyClan. No one offered their territory, afraid that if leaf bare came and prey was scarce, some cats would die because there wouldn't be enough food. The cats argued, and then a war began during one of the gatherings. SkyClan is deciding where to go while the other clans fight. SkyClan has even joined the fight, trying to take over a clan so that they can have territory. The Clans havn't heard anything from StarClan, and some cats are saying that maybe StarClan never even existed. SkyClan is currently staying in what used to be RiverClan's territory and RiverClan has been driven out of the forest. Rules 1. No swearing. 2. No insta-mates 3.One important rank per person 4.semi-literate. 5.say 'chicken noodle soup' to join. 6.You can not join as a kit. If your cat finds a mate and has kits, then you can rp a kit. 7.No superpowers 8.No gay/bi/lesbian cats. no offense. 9. No unnaturally colored cats or weird markings. 10. Don't give your cat a name like 'voodoopaw or phoenixheart.' cats. dont. know. what. that. is. 11. no gary/mary sues. 12. be realistic. no tigers in the forest. 13. Even gender ratio. do. not. make. me. add. more. Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Clan: Rank: Looks: Personality: History: Crush: Other: My Bios: Name:Sunstrike Age: Young Adult Gender:Female Clan: SkyClan Rank:Warrior Looks: Personality:Sunstrike is kind most of the time, but if she gets angry she yells at cats and usually won't stop. She can't fight well, but she is good at hunting. Sunstrike likes to mess around. She pulls pranks on warriors with the apprentices, and usually someone tells her to act her age. History: Normal. Crush: Open. Other: None. Name:Ashfeather Age:Young Adult Gender:female Clan: SkyClan Rank: Warrior Looks:tle="Harriet -GA- by *SterlingRuinsFall337, Apr 19, 2011 in Digital Art > Drawings > Animals" class="thumb"> (without the accessories) Personality:Ashfeather is a good fighter. She fails at hunting, however, and talks back to the leader and other higher-ranked cats. Ashfeather often yells at Sunstrike, who she thinks is the most useless cat in SkyClan. History:Normal Crush: Open Other:none Name:Ivypaw (Ivycloud) Age:10 moons Gender:female Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Apprentice Looks:tle="Harriet -GA- by *SterlingRuinsFall337, Apr 19, 2011 in Digital Art > Drawings > Animals" class="thumb"> Personality: To be rped. History:Was originally a kittypet. Crush:Open Other: Name:Nightpatch Age:Young Adult Gender:male Clan: SkyClan Rank: Warrior Looks: Personality:To be rped History:to be rped Crush:Open Other:none Name:Dustsky Age:Young Adult Gender:Male Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Warrior Looks: Personality:To be rped History:To be rped Crush:Open Other:none Name:Smokeclaw Age:Young Adult Gender:Male Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Warrior Looks:tle="Lysander Audition 1 by =SitkaLeaf995, Apr 22, 2011 in Digital Art > Drawings > Animals" class="thumb"> Personality: To be rped History:normal Crush:Open Other:none Cats: ThunderClan: Leader: Deputy: Crowdance (Tld) Medicine Cat: Medicine Cat Apprentice: Warriors: Dustsky (Me) Dogtooth Apprentices: Ivypaw Mentored by: ?????(Me) Mudpaw Mentored By: ????(Tld) Frostpaw Mentored by: Dogtooth(Tld) Queens:------ Kits:------ Elders:------ SkyClan: Leader: Deputy: Tigerheart (Full) Medicine Cat: Silentstep (Bloodrose) Medicine Cat Apprentice: Warriors: Crowcall (Blood) Sunstrike (Me) Ashfeather (Me) Owlsong Sandburn (Tld) Skyslash (Tld) Nightpatch (Me) Apprentices: Coalpaw, Mentored by: Ashfeather (Tld) Rainpaw, mentored by: Crowcall (Dartmith) Queens:---- Kits:------- Elders:----- Cats Outside Clans: Rogues: Loners: Raven (Dartmith) Kittypets: Season: Greenleaf

7:49pm Apr 25 2011 (last edited on 7:49pm Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
[[ chicken noodle soup ]] Name: Skyslash Gender: Male Age: 25 moons Rank: Warrior Clan: SkyClan Appearance: Personality: Skyslash is a gruff and aloof tom. He doesn't like rule-breaking, and he sticks rigidly to the warrior code. He's a bit soft around she-cats and kits for some reason, but tends to love kits more. In the group , he's more of the peacemaker and the 'father'. He sometimes has a bit of a cold and stiff personality. Skyslash wants to be the Deputy, but he just can't find fault with their current one, perhaps because they're brothers. Skyslash usually takes responsibility of everything, including whatever mess-ups Crowdance had gotten them into when they were kits and apprentices. History: He was with the name Ashkit, Skyslash attained he ragged slash on his side from a gruesome fight with a badger when he was an apprentice, straying away from his mentor. The wound barely healed, leaving that scar. Skyslash left ThunderClan to help SkyClan. [sorry, I just couldn't figure out where to put who] Other: Brother of Crowdance. --- Name: Crowdance Gender: Male Age: 25 moons Rank: Deputy Clan: ThunderClan Appearance: Personality: Crowdance is a sly and conniving cat. He has a condescending personality, and doesn't like being ordered around, which is why he aspires to become the leader. He does listen, but rarely. Crowdance, despite his independent personality, relies on Skyslash. They are rather close, and Crowdance always feel like he's in debt to his brother for saving him countless times. He's calm, deadly calm, and is an excellent stalker in the night, as Crowdance enjoys taking a walk alone in the forest sometimes, just to be with his thoughts. Crush: Open Other: Brother of Skyslash --- Name: Coalpaw [Coalfire] Age: 10 moons Gender: Male Rank: Apprentice Clan: SkyClan Appearance: Personality: Coalpaw has a logical and calm personality. He tries to control his anger and is quiet most of the time, but he can get short-tempered and snappy on certain days. Coalpaw is always confident in his decisions, and is more of a thinker than a fighter, despite his strong build. Coalpaw loves being an apprentice, and the only time he's out of his calm state is during the battle, or when he's about to train with his mentor. Crush: Open Other: None. --- Name:Frostpaw [Frostflight] Age: 10 moons Gender: Female Clan: ThunderClan Appearance: Personality: Frostpaw seemed to have taken a lesson or two from Crowdance. Born with a pure white pelt, later developing the black marking of a bird on her back [yes, it is a bird], Frostpaw is extremely devious and impish. She's a trickster and doesn't like responsiblity, always pushing it away. Of course, she wants to become a warrior, like any other apprentice, and does sincerely try hard to not goof off. Frostpaw can lie without batting an eyelid, and has gained a bit of a reputation among the apprentices. She's confident in her actions, and for some reason, always assumes the leader position. Rank: Apprentice Mate: N/A Apprentice: None Kits: None Scent: Mainly a mixture of fresh river water and mint. Strengths: physically or mentally? o-o Weakneses:-optional- Other: None --- Name: Sandburn [bit masculine... naming help? xD]
Age: 18 moons
Gender: Female Clan: SkyClan Appearance: Personality: Sanburn trusts the leader and deputy 100%, no questions asked. She doesn't have any big goals, just to become the best warrior there ever was. She's incredibly dense, though. Sandburn follows orders to the smallest detail possible, and strives to do even better. She's also extremely competitive, and challenges any cat to dare say she was wrong. Sandburn, as an apprentice, spent many hours memorizing hunting and fighting techniques, much like how a Twoleg child would spend hours studying a textbook. Rank: Warrior
Mate: None [I prefer no insta-mates]
Apprentice: ...
Kits: None
Scent: Marigold and a bit of catmint, she loves rolling around in flowers when she's not busy
Strengths:-optional- Weakneses:-optional- Other: None --- Name: Mudpaw [Mudstream] [still shaky on this name too o-o]
Age: 9 moons
Gender: Female Clan: ThunderClan Appearance: Personality: Mudpaw is quite close to Frostpaw, for some reason. Mudpaw is quiet, and attentive. In a way, Frostpaw's sidekick. She listens to instructions, and is usually the one to deliver them to Frostpaw. Mudpaw is extremely sweet and patient, perhaps from being Frostpaw's friend for almost her entire life. She's a pushover, and even though Frostpaw sees that, she tries to not take advantage of her friend. Mudpaw is very peaceful, and doesn't like it when cats fight. But when she's forced into it, Mudpaw is much like a tornado, randomly scratching any cat near her. Frostpaw has tried to control her friend and teach her to slightly be more independent and... violent. In a way, Mudpaw helps Frostpaw mentally, while Frostpaw helps Mudpaw physically.
Rank: Apprentice
Mate: None [I prefer no insta-mates]
Apprentice: ...
Kits: None
Scent: A mixture of flowers, she often accompanies Frostpaw on her trips to the meadow Strengths:-optional- Weakneses:-optional- Other: Herp. Finallydone.

7:35am Apr 26 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(All accepted. For Sandburn and Mudstream, I can try to help with their names.)
8:26am Apr 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Actually, after some consideration, I am quite happy with their names. Thank you for the offer. And also, 10 moons is a tad bit too young for a warrior. Frostpaw is 10 moons, like Ashfeather. Unless you believe that apprentices become warriors at 10 moons, then I'll lower Frostpaw's age. And um, I kind of asked Crowdance to be the Deputy of ThunderClan. But if you have plans for that position/it's not open, I'm fine too ^_^'' ]]
1:01pm Apr 26 2011 (last edited on 1:04pm Apr 26 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Join as Skyclan deputy? He won't be named Chicken Noodle Soup. Frostpaw might still be apprentice because of her behaviour. Wouldn't the bird marking be clAssified as an 'odd' marking?))
4:33pm Apr 26 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Oh, I thought he was a warrior. I'll change that. And I will change the ages too, that was an accident. Moon: sure, and no, because it looks like it's just a spot on Frostpaw's back.)
5:46pm Apr 26 2011
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Name:Crowcall Age:Twenty moons Gender:Male Clan: Skyclan Rank: Warrior Looks: 
Personality:Crowcall is more of the strong, silent type. He prefers to be alone with his thoughts and rarely speaks. He mostly ignores the cats that reach out to him, making him seem like an outcast to most of the clan. He prefers it this way. History:Regular clan history. Born into the clan and has lived in the clan most of his life. Crush:Ashfeather? Other:CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP Name:Silentstep Age:Twenty moons Gender:Female Clan:Skyclan Rank: Med. Cat? Looks: 
Personality:Silentstep is a fiery young she cat. She hates others telling her what to do and almost always refuses to obey orders. She is also very wise though. This comes from a life-time of mistakes. History:Refer to Crowcall Crush:None. Other:She is partially blind in both eyes. She cant see colors and her vision is always blurry. Although her sense of smell and hearing is amazing. CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:10pm Apr 26 2011 (last edited on 9:04pm Apr 27 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Wait, looks like a spot on his back? So it doesn't look like a bird, it looks like a spot? You aren't being very clear to me.)) Name:Tigerheart. Age:Thirty-two moons. Gender:Male. Clan:SkyClan. Rank:Deputy. Looks:Up above. Personality:To be roleplayed out, though he loves a good joke and a sharp-tongue battle. History:Not much good enough to put down. Crush:None. Other:None.
9:46pm Apr 26 2011 (last edited on 9:49pm Apr 26 2011)
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Name:Raven Age:17moons Gender:she-cat Clan: I'm a Loner Rank: I don't have one Looks: http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Halloween/Monsters/Images/BlackCat3.jpg Personality: Raven is with drawn unless spoken too. She will help but only if asked. If threatned she will fight and she wont back down. She is a simple cat not hard to figure out and doesn't have many secrets, that she'll tell you about anyway. History:Ravens past was trubled but nothing out of the ordinary. Her parents were killed in a war against clans so she dicided that clan life wasn't for her. Crush:no one Other:chiken noodle soup Name: Rainpaw Age:8moons Gender:tom Clan: skyclan Rank: apprentice Looks: http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l47/cooldragonkid/Cats/9b7b6dfa.png Personality:Rainpaw is playfull boysterous tom. He loves to feel important and incharge. He likes to goof around but also knows that there is a time and a place for those kinds of things. He is loyal to his clan and will fight till the death for it if he has too History:Rainpaw has had the life of any normal clan cat. He was born and raised in Skyclan and hasn't even thought about running away or betraying his clan. Crush:no one Other:chiken noodel soup
4:33pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(full, you need to make a male. Otherwise, all accepted. And yeah, to me it just looks like a spot.)
6:16pm Apr 27 2011
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[[ Um, Kupa, I just noticed: Tigerheart is kind of a male o_o ]]
6:23pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
(('later developing the black marking of a bird on her back [yes, it is a bird]' isn't a bird marking strange? And rofl, Tigerheart is male. Do you want me to make a male?))
8:08pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I meant a female. Even gender ratio. Full needs to make a female. And sure, It's a bit stange, but so is this << mark that looks like a heart
so that marking would just be uncommon.)
8:13pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Thanks for accepting me!))
9:01pm Apr 27 2011
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[[ And a single cat taking down a deer is pretty 'strange' too, Full ^^' ]]
9:04pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I will change it then. ^^ ))
7:41am Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Should we start the rp?))
6:29pm Apr 28 2011
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Name:Minnowsteam Age:Twenty-six moons
Gender:Female Clan:ThunderClan Rank:Warrior Looks:A blue tabby with white tail-tip and paws. Personality:Sweet, sharing, but hides a lot of secrets.
History:Nothing. Crush:Nope. Other:Nope.
6:47am Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Kupa, I just noticed. All of my apprentices are mentored by your cats, and in turn, your apprentices (except for Rainpaw) are mentored by my warriors. Isn't this a little unfair? ^^' ]]
1:46pm Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as ThunderClan leader? And a few SkyClan Warriors? ouo; Maybe an apprentice or two?))